1. |
Fursova Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2. |
" Ensuring effectiveness of physical persons’ income control in Latvia"
Asoc.prof.Z.Sundukova |
3. |
" Risk management for the value added tax revenue"
Asoc. prof. I.Voronova |
4. |
" Audit risk assessment and application in the auditor
Pr. doc. J.Mežiels |
5. |
" Providing risk management function in life insurance"
Asoc. prof. I.Voronova |
6. |
"Enhancement of risk management efficiency in a transport company"
Asoc. prof. I.Voronova |
7. |
" Risk management system for a ship management company"
Asoc. prof. I.Voronova |
8. |
" Functional process improvement of " Firma L4" ltd., using principles of quality management"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesors Jānis Mazais |
9. |
"Optimization of Preforming Rod Design"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Auziņš |
10. |
""Light-weight Encolosing Structures in Latvia""; Diploma Project ""Construction of Production Buildings""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Skuķis |
11. |
"Analysis and prevention of thermal bridges in different buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
B.Gaujēna |
12. |
""Character of Joints Between Concrete and Reinforcing Rods of Different Profile""; Diploma Project ""School Building in Smārdes Civil Parish""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Korjakins |
13. |
""Experience in Designing, Construction and maintenance of Paved Road""; Engineering Design Project ""Project for a Section of Tērauda Street from Dīķu Street to Sārnates Street in Ventspils""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asoc.prof. A.Zariņš |
14. |
""Methods of Cost Estimating and Measurements for Construction Works""; Diploma Project ""Hippodrome and Riders Centre in Riga, Kleistu Street""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kreicburgs |
15. |
"Numerical modeling and experimental validation of "DendroLight®"cullear wood material"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kalniņš, E.Labans |
16. |
""Ecological Heat Insulating Materials""; Diploma Project ""Warehouse - Production Building in Olaine Parish""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Korjakins |
17. |
""Wooden Frame Panel Constructions""; Diploma Project ""Reconstruction of Kindergarten Building in Madona, Raiņa 17""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kreicburgs |
18. |
""Efficiency of Fixing - in Pilings""; Diploma Project ""Storehouse Building in the Territory of Liepāja Port""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Noviks |
19. |
""Passive Houses""; Diploma Project ""Reconstruction of Saules Muiža in Skaistkalne Civil Parish""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Noviks |
20. |
""Problems of Riga Municipal Road Network and their Possible Solutions""; Engineering Design Project ""Reconstruction of Miera Street in Salaspils""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lekt. B.Jeļisejevs |
21. |
"Protection principles of 1 kV (distribution) network in Latvia and other countries"
Institute of Power Engineering |
G.Gaņģītis |
22. |
"Reconstruction of 10/0.4 kV Transformer Substation in the Area of Childrens Hospital"
Institute of Power Engineering |
M.Rudovics |
23. |
"Modernization of automatic load transfer (ALT) for switched busbar circuit-breaker in 110/10-20 kV substation"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Žiravecka |
24. |
"Reconstruction of 20 and 10 kV Switchgears in 110/20/10 kV Power Substation No.134 "Dzintari""
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Alksnis |
25. |
"16-storey office building in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Biršs |
26. |
"2 kW buck converter development with maximum power point tracking for wind generation"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Sokolovs |
27. |
"Implementation, technical-economic terms and performance analysis of 20/1/0.4 kV electrical grid, comparison of 20/0.4 kV grid"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Vanzovičs |
28. |
"The choice of 330 and 110 kV substations switchgear protection against overvoltage"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Rozenkrons |
29. |
"Analysis of the 330-110/20-10/0,4-0,23 kV transformer substations existing conditions and development tendencies in Riga city"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Borščevskis |
30. |
"3D GIS modeling for building interior"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
31. |
"4 Storey office building in Marupe"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
32. |
"5 storey dwelling house"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Kara |
33. |
"5-floor dwelling-house"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Kara |
34. |
"Five-storey timber frame residential building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
35. |
"Nine-storey dwelling building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
36. |
"Elaboration of Export Strategy for Production of A/S „Ķīmiskā rūpnīca Spodrība” in Danish Market"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. U.Cimdiņš |
37. |
"Advanced control system development on the basis of Festo training laboratory "Compact workstation""
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Pumpurs |
38. |
"Automation system modernization of coal loading terminal"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Galkins |
39. |
"Coal Bottom ash as microfiller in conventional concrete"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Bajāre |
40. |
"Influence of axial dispersion on drinking water quality changes in water supply networks"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Rubulis |
41. |
"Early Streamer Emission Air Terminals and Their Evaluation"
Institute of Power Engineering |
K.Timmermanis |
42. |
"Elaboration of the 2Q Transistor Pulse Regulator for Electrochemical Battery"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Raņķis |
43. |
"Perspectives of alternative energy sources usage in Latvia and in the world"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Zicmane |
44. |
"Establishment of altimetry calibration site in Latvia"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Reiniks |
45. |
"Analogue Multipliers Using Resistance Converter Circuits"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. A.Pakalns |
46. |
"The calculation of the relay defence setpoints of 110/20 kV substation and its consumers"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Rubcovs |
47. |
"Equipment for Targeted Impact on Nervous System"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Dr.med. J.Vandāns |
48. |
"Provision of insurance companies’ financial stability in project management"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. I.Voronova |
49. |
"LED Light Dimming"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Lekt. G.Dziļums |
50. |
"Serial multi-story apartment house heating system renovation"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O.Krastiņa |
51. |
"Processed clay for use in concrete"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
52. |
"Processing companies’ development strategy in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko |
53. |
"3D modelling of landscape"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
54. |
"Impact of the design and build procedure to the productivity of conctruction works on the conctruction site"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Noviks |
55. |
"Structure Analysis of Fabric Reinforced Polymer Composites and Concrete"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asociētā profesore Olga Kononova |
56. |
"Matched Filter for Chaotic Spreading Sequence"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Asoc. prof. E.Beķeris |
57. |
"Improvement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for the Health Care Organization"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., docente Iveta Mežinska |
58. |
"Improvement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for the Health Care Organization"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,docente Iveta Mežinska |
59. |
"Development of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for the Company in Construction Sector"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.sc.ing., docents Guntis Tribis |
60. |
"AS "RER" manufactory lightning systems development"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
61. |
"The Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Assessment Methods in "Saules Banka" JSC "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., profesors Jānis Mazais |
62. |
"Research on Deformation Characteristics Using Inderect Tensile Strenght Methood"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Braslas Street in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Haritonovs |
63. |
"Investigation of induction motor operation characteristics in MATLAB SIMULINK with unbalanced voltage"
Institute of Power Engineering |
G.Orlovskis |
64. |
"Induction motor mechanical torque fluctuations measurements with torque transducer SCAIME"
Institute of Power Engineering |
G.Orlovskis |
65. |
"Features of induction motors production"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
66. |
"Asynchronous drives features"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
67. |
"Emergency operation of induction motors and protection methods"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
68. |
"Asynchronous motors test after capital repair. Modeling of operating and mechanical characterictics"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
69. |
"Renewable energy sources and their use in transport"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mutule |
70. |
"Economical and technical effectiveness analysis of renewable resources by using the "HOMMER"software"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mutule |
71. |
"Network integration topology analysis for renewable energy sources, to assure the quality of energy"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
N.Kuņicina |
72. |
"Nuclear energy in Baltics: the situation and challenges"
Institute of Power Engineering |
K.Timmermanis |
73. |
"Nuclear energy ecological aspects"
Institute of Power Engineering |
K.Timmermanis |
74. |
"Leisure and sport complex - quest house in Daugmale"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
75. |
"Facilitate the construction design of high-strength concrete"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
76. |
"Self Noise of Audio Systems and their Prevention"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. M.Zeltiņš |
77. |
"High strength and ultra-high strength disperse-reinforced concretes"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.šahmenko |
78. |
"High voltage direct current transmission line simulation in PSS/E program"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Linkēvičs |
79. |
"Technologies of high-voltage direct current transmission"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Oļeiņikova |
80. |
"High tension power lines damage position determination"
Institute of Power Engineering |
G.Pašņins |
81. |
"Car Maintenance and Sales Center"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
82. |
"Automobile company dealer and service centre"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
83. |
"Autocentrum "Suzuki" in Aizpute, Jelgavas st.51"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Ūdris |
84. |
"Development trends in car leasing in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. L.Ādamsone |
85. |
"Motorways and Expressways Integration in the National Road Network"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asist. Z.Lazda |
86. |
"Automatic Gain Control in Microwave Frequency Band"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
D.Baribins (SAF Tehnika) |
87. |
"The Development ofAutomatic Landing Sustem"s Langitudinal Shannel with a Computing Unit."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Pjotrs trifonovs-Bogdanovs |
88. |
"Safety selection criteria for elements of automatic system"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
89. |
"Automatic systems of bridge deformation monitoring"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
90. |
"Analysis and improvement of automation card payment control system of Maxima commercial network"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Raņķis |
91. |
"Analysis and improvement of automation card payment control system of Maxima commercial network"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Raņķis |
92. |
"Approbation of carwash waste water reclamation technology"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Juhna |
93. |
"Car wash salon"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Biršs |
94. |
""Moskvich 408" Car Body Retrfitting Project"
MBA Ing. docents prakt. Juris Kreicbergs |
95. |
"Pickup "NISSAN Navara" Conversion Project to Electric Vehicle"
Dr.Sc.Ing. docents Vitolds Šneps Šnepe |
96. |
"Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Truck Equipping with Tipper Body"
Ing. lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
97. |
"Design and Calculation of Car Suspension System Elements"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Aleksandrs Januševskis |
98. |
"Autonomous Autopilots Side Chaunel with the Development of the Signal Giver."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Pjotrs Trifonovs-Bogdanovs |
99. |
"Autonomous cogeneration station model research"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
100. |
"Bus terminal in Talsi city"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
101. |
"Efficiency of road transportation in project planning in the international market"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko |
102. |
"Autosalon "Adam auto" in Jekabpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
103. |
"Auto parts store at Jurkalne street, Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Noviks |
104. |
"Project of Reconstuction of Workshop "Piektais ātrums"
M.Sc.Ing. docents prakt. Gundars Zalcmanis |
105. |
"Service station construction"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
U.Lencis |
106. |
"Service Workshop Project With Gearbox Installation Jack"
Ing. lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
107. |
"Designing of car sales building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
108. |
"Impact of Aviation Construction Resistance to Fire Concerning Passengers Survivor During Aviation Accident."
Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
109. |
"Effective application of balancing valves in water heating systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Škapare |
110. |
"Operation of Baltic energy market"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Oļeiņikova |
111. |
"Integration of Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan in Latvian Power System"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Survilo |
112. |
"The structure of operational management controllers of synchronized energetic systems in Belarus, Russia and united Baltic states"
Institute of Power Engineering |
R.Varfolomejeva |
113. |
"Feed Pushing Device on Farm"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Vība |
114. |
"Base Technical Device Analise and Development for Aircrafts."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
115. |
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
116. |
"Improvement of the Business Model for the Children Science Centre „Z(IN)OO”"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA I.Suija-Markova |
117. |
"Kindergarten for 60 children at Sunisi"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
118. |
"Behaviour analysis of non-metallic reinforced concrete elements"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
119. |
"Concrete Carbonization Influence on Lifetime of Reinforced Concrete Bridges"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Sc.ing. K.Gode |
120. |
"Optimal reinforcement of fiber reinforced concrete"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
121. |
"Effects of concrete aggregate crushing on reological properties of concrete and matrix"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
122. |
"Research and limitation of concrete alkali - aggregates reactions"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
123. |
"Experimental study of concrete creep deformations"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Sprince |
124. |
"Off-road vehicle with articulated chassis"
Ing. lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
125. |
“Impact of project for the support of unemployed persons on employment in Latvia”
Mg.oec., lektors U.Kamols |
126. |
"Brushless electrical machine with primary and secondary windings on stator"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Kamoliņš |
127. |
"Brushless DC motor with an external rotor"
Institute of Power Engineering |
L.Lavrinoviča |
128. |
"Research and Development of Generator-Starter Electronic System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Galkins |
129. |
"Unmaned Areal Vehicle Extended Project - Autogyro Propeller Lift and Applicability as Impro Vement to Conventional Airplane."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko |
130. |
"Reagent-free iron removal on a facilities with moderate productivity"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Juhna |
131. |
"Trackless electric transport with energy storage system"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
V.Bražis |
132. |
"Wireless Mesh Networks for Videoconferencing"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. I.Slaidiņš |
133. |
"Research of shift register and modern running line development"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Žiravecka |
134. |
"Former motor vihicle repair factory reconstruction to tehnological plant"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Ūdris |
135. |
"Biodiesel Fuel Separation Equipment Project"
Ing. lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
136. |
"Analysis of biogas purification methods"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Ikaunieks |
137. |
"Biogas reactors for wastewater treatment plants"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
R.Neilands |
138. |
"Biomass boilers"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Dzelzītis |
139. |
"Office building in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
140. |
"Office building in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Sprince |
141. |
"Office building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
142. |
"Office rental market development in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko |
143. |
"Office building and warehouse in Marupe"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
144. |
"The development of brush drive for snow cleaner wagon"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
L.Latkovskis |
145. |
"Analysis, Determination, Methodology and Further Action of Dangerous Road Sections"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asist. Z.Lazda |
146. |
"Honeycomb sandwich panel development and experimental validation"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kalniņš |
147. |
"Research of Bitumen Modification Technologies"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Sc.ing M.Zaumanis |
148. |
"Business Model Development for Beneficiary of Programme “Competence Centres”"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA I.Suija-Markova |
149. |
"The choice of line fault setting places in the 20 kV electrical network lines in the substation 71 "Smiltene"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mutule |
150. |
"Vibrodiagnostics of Damage and Defects in Engineering Structures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asociētais profesors Vitālijs Beresņevičs |
151. |
"Detection of Driving Conditions Using Image Processing"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
R.Kadiķis |
152. |
"Analysis of Speed Limit Increase Impact"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
153. |
"Wholesale center of building materials"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
U.Lencis |
154. |
"Most current cyclical construction machinery maintenance and repair, its overview and comparison"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Mironovs |
155. |
"Financial situation improvement project for a construction company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
156. |
"Annalysis of Factors Influencing the Quality of Road Surfacing"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Līgatnes Street in Cēsis"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Haritonovs |
157. |
"Horizontal Road Signs"("Reconstruction of Kalnciema Street in Riga")
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
doc. M.Zemītis |
158. |
"Road Surface Damage Detection Using Embedded Sensor System"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Ģ.Strazdiņš (EDI) |
159. |
"Analysis and Optimization of Road Direction Signs on Cities Street Network"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asist. Z.Lazda |
160. |
"Cement mortar and fiber-reinforced concrete with modified cellulose fibers"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
161. |
"Improvement of pricing policy in medical equipment industry"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
162. |
"Reconstruction of electric power supply for village "Razrivka""
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Greiškalns |
163. |
"Employment promotion project management for people with special needs in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko |
164. |
" The Analysis of Application of Units and Systems of Digital Electronics in Avionics and Development of Laboratory Equipment for Digital Units Studing."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. Igors Smirnovs |
165. |
"Design and Simulation of CNC Machine Tool"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Jānis Januševskis |
166. |
"Four-storey apartment house Limbazhi"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
167. |
"Possibilities pressure increasing distribution low-preassure gas pipelines"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N.Krūmiņš |
168. |
"Interpretation of the results of partial discharge measurements for power transformers"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Vītoliņa |
169. |
"Modeling of particle deposition/suspension in drinking water distribution networks"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Rubulis |
170. |
"Work safety in construction legislation and practice"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
171. |
"Improvement of Work Organization Processes in Company “CONSULTING”"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. J.Caune |
172. |
"Development of Work Environment Risk Assessment Method for "BIOf" Ltd Laboratory "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.sc.ing. Guntis Tribis |
173. |
"Motivation Models of Employees in a Trade Company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
174. |
"Possible Application of Computer Software for the Automation of Street and Square Designs"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Komunālā Street in Section from Sliežu Street to Dostojevska Street in Daugavpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asoc.prof. A.Zariņš |
175. |
"Apartment house in Riga, Kipsalas street 4"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
176. |
"Apartment house in Stirnu street, Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
177. |
"Apartment house in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
178. |
"Apartment house in Kocēni parish, Aveņu street"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
179. |
"Designing Light Multifunction Hydroplane."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. Vitālijs Pavelko |
180. |
"Statistical Properties of Multiple Access Interference in DC-CDMA Communication System Using Spreading Codes"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Asist. A.Litviņenko |
181. |
"Usage of QuickField Software for Mathematical Modelling of Magnetic Fields in the Multipolar Wind Generators"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Kamoliņš |
182. |
"Multi-storey reinforced concrete building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
183. |
"Office building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Kara |
184. |
"Multi-storey reinforced concrete building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
185. |
"Multi-storey dwelling in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
186. |
"Multi-storey residential building in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
187. |
"Apartment house"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
188. |
"Engineering design project "Apartment house""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kostjukovs |
189. |
"Behaviour analyze of multistory steel frameworks joints"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
190. |
"Multi-storey Frame Building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N.Tirāns |
191. |
"Lightning protection of electrical substations with different voltages"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Sļiskis |
192. |
"The techno-economic comparison of various combined heat sources"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Rozenkrons |
193. |
"Formation Analysis of Various Defects Development on Asphalt Pavement"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. V.Haritonovs |
194. |
"Lightning protection of different building objects"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Sļiskis |
195. |
"Development of Debtor Management Politics in Service Industry"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
196. |
"Streambed deformation in stratified soil near water intake structures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Govša |
197. |
"Production of biogas from wastes with lactose"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
S.Larsona |
198. |
"Fuel cell application options in electric transport"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
I.Steiks |
199. |
"DGNSS applications in transportation facilities"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Normand |
200. |
"Effect of bed roughness on Lagrangian properties of bed-load sediment transport"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
B.Gjunsburgs |
201. |
"Dorm in Gulbene"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
202. |
"Analysis of Dynamic Vibration Damper Application in Transport Systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docente Tatjana Novohatska |
203. |
"Diesel engine automobile conversion to run on gas fuel"
MBA Ing. docents prakt. Juris Kreicbergs |
204. |
"Diesel Engine Operation with Used Engine Oil"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Vība |
205. |
"Research of Wear in Diesel Engine Components"
Ing. docents prakt. Ēriks Vonda |
206. |
"Doppler Radar"
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
Prof. P.Misāns |
207. |
"Security systems service enterprise’s development in Latvia"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof.,Dr.oec. V.Jurēnoks |
208. |
"Development of locomotives safe remote control algorithms"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
M.Mezītis |
209. |
"Analysis of Safe Pedestrian Crossing Construction and Employment in Jurmala Town"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
210. |
"Efficiency Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Repair Materials"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Bridge over the Tebra River on Road Tebra-Kazdanga-Cilde"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
211. |
"Establishment of rail infrastructure management enterprise asset management system"
Dr. oec., profesors V. Nešpors |
212. |
"Rail-crossing management system with functions of self-diagnostics"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
M.Mezītis |
213. |
"Railway station building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Goremikins |
214. |
"Cracking analyse of reinforced columns with high eccentricity"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
215. |
"Strengthening in shear of reinforced concrete structures with fiber reinforced plastics"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
216. |
"Reinforcement of concrete structures with carbon fiber tapes"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
217. |
"Strenghtening of reinforced concrete constructions with fiber polimer"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Grabis |
218. |
"Analysis of Factors Affecting Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Bridges"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
219. |
"Reconstruction of a Reinforced Concrete Tower"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
220. |
"The comperision of methods of engines torque measuring"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
221. |
"The Modernizing of Turbines Rotor Connection Elements in PT6A Engine."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. Ilmārs Ozoliņš |
222. |
"Start of Engine TAD-350 Manufacture for Belaz 75770 Modernization"
Dr.Sc.Ing. profesors Gundars Liberts |
223. |
"Developing a Stand for Estemating Engine Noise Characteristics."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
224. |
"Residential and office building in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
225. |
"Residential home"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
226. |
"Dwelling house reconstruction in Riga, Jeruzalemes street"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Noviks |
227. |
"Reconstruction of appartment house in Paris. Cross laminated timber constructions "KLH""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Kidiks |
228. |
"Apartments electrical load characteristics"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
229. |
"The effective building systems for country houses"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Vrubļevskis |
230. |
"Obtaining and research of high performance insulation"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
231. |
"Effective primary heat sources for heat pumps in Latvia"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Vrubļevskis |
232. |
"Effective communication model in employment promotion projects"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce |
233. |
"Implementation of European regional development fund and social fund in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc.(prakt.) I.Eriņš |
234. |
"Using European Union structural funds in Latvia"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
asoc.prof. R.Alsiņa |
235. |
"Building for two tennis courts in Daugavpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
U.Lencis |
236. |
"Using E-commerce for the development of a retail company in Latvia"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
237. |
"Simulation of Real Time Systems in LabView Environment"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. G.Balodis |
238. |
"Model System Design of Electromagnetic Field Intensity Automatized Measurements"(stage 1)
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Asist. T.Solovjova |
239. |
"Optimization of insulation coating system of external walls of buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
240. |
"Evaluation of the energy efficient building renovation project implementation in Latvia"
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
A.Blumberga |
241. |
"Optimization of buildings energy efficiency measures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kundziņa |
242. |
"Characteristics of building envelope moisture - thermal conductivity of aerated concrete, depending on the weight of moisture"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Biršs |
243. |
"Justification of normative thermotechnical parameters of building envelopes by economic criteria"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Biršs |
244. |
"Building overvoltage protection with surge arresters"
Institute of Power Engineering |
K.Timmermanis |
245. |
"Optimization of installed capacity of building heat sources"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Vrubļevskis |
246. |
"Optimal Designing of Elastomeric Absorbers with Variable Stiffness Working at Medium-Strain Conditions"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Vladimirs Gonca |
247. |
"Optimal Design of Elastomeric Sealing Devices"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Vladimirs Gonca |
248. |
"Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Elastomer Durability"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Juris Kalinka |
249. |
"Voltaic arc formation stages in commutation (switch off) process"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
250. |
"Extra Electric Appliances for Bicycle"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Pumpurs |
251. |
"Electrically insulated high-frequency 1 kW power electronic converter research and development"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Sokolovs |
252. |
"Electric network - important of the power system"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kutjuns |
253. |
"Energy-saving methods in the testing of electrical machines"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
254. |
"Electrical coil heating and its calculation methods"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
255. |
"Features of planning of illumination of the electric stations and substations networks"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Moškins |
256. |
"Evaluation of power supply reliability "
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Ļvovs |
257. |
"Electric Motors in Domestic Appliances"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mesņajevs |
258. |
"Research and analysis of dynamic stability of power systems"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Zicmane |
259. |
"Electric energy from rain water drainage systems"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
J.Valeinis |
260. |
"Safety of electric power use in housecraft"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
261. |
"Energy production from renewable energy sources"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kutjuns |
262. |
"Research and Development of Electrical Energy Meter for Smart MicroGrid Application"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Avotiņš |
263. |
"Choice of the electricity meter and its connection scheme for reduction of power loss and prevention of illegal electricity"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kutjuns |
264. |
Comparison of the electrical power meter parameters"
Institute of Power Engineering |
N.Lavrinovičs |
265. |
"The structure of electric devices safety"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
266. |
"Development of automated freeze protection system of technological cooling pipes for continuous casting machine in electric arc steel melting shop"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
O.Vasiļevičs |
267. |
"Electromagnetic brakes and comparison of characteristics"
Institute of Power Engineering |
N.Lavrinovičs |
268. |
"Synthesis of electromagnetic clutches and brakes, using magnetic field numerical mathematical calculation methods"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
269. |
"Electric vehicles, development of electric charging points and network infrastructure"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Linkevičs |
270. |
"Application Possibilities of Electronic Transformer at Elaboration of Supply Sources"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
I.Raņķis |
271. |
"Suppression of Voltage Transients in Electronic Equipment"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. J.Jankovskis |
272. |
"Calibration and regulations for electronic geodesic measuring instruments"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Reiniks |
273. |
"Development and analysis of the transmission lines and power plants in Kurzeme"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Oļeiņikova |
274. |
"Electric technology and its usage in industry"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Zviedris |
275. |
"Research of electric transport energy storage system"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
V.Bražis |
276. |
"Electric transport with energy storage"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
V.Bražis |
277. |
"Application Possibilities of Electrical Train Automated Data Acquisition System and its Realization"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Raņķis |
278. |
"Improvement of locomotives energy efficiency"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
279. |
"Development of energy - efficient LED luminary for indoor lighting systems"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Avotiņš |
280. |
"Investigation and development of energy-efficient LED luminary control and visualization system for lighting systems"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Avotiņš |
281. |
"Energy efficient ventilation system for office buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Zemītis |
282. |
"Energy-efficient solutions of building systems of schoolhouses"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Vrubļevskis |
283. |
"Energy-skimp induction motors"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Zviedris |
284. |
"Research and elaboration of power electronic converter for hydrogen production in combined renewable power supplies"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
O.Krievs |
285. |
"Assessment of Electrical Equipment Labelling Usage"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Svetlana Mjakuškina |
286. |
"Life cycle analysis and SWOT method application for wood-based fuel"
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
D.Blumberga |
287. |
"Operation of energy equipment burning fiel gas with variable composition"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Ikaunieks |
288. |
"Energy Harvesters"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. J.Jankovskis |
289. |
"Energy storage systems in alternative power systems"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
V.Bražis |
290. |
"Reconstruction of an existing office building with construction of new above floors"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
291. |
"Optimization of EUPOS-Riga geometric locations of base stations"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Mitrofanovs |
292. |
„Development of pharmaceutical industry in Latvia”
Asoc.prof. L.Ādamsone |
293. |
"Product portfolio enhancement project for a pharmaceutical company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
294. |
"Projection and modelling of fiber concrete construction"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
295. |
"Financial products risk management improvement project"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. I.Voronova |
296. |
"Financial reporting enhancement in a state institution"
Mg. oec., prakt. doc. N. Semjonova |
297. |
"Design of Grid Interphase Converter for Photovoltaic with Bus Bars"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Galkins |
298. |
"Strength Analysis and Calculations of Elements of Electricity Transmission Overhead Lines"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Aleksandrs Januševskis |
299. |
"Emergency Situation Analysis on Air Controlled by Air Traffic Services."
Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
300. |
"Research of the Elevator Control Unit Using Optical Fiber Connection."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
301. |
"Aircraft Direct Current Emergency Power System."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Pjotrs Trifonovs-Bogdanovs |
302. |
"Emergency System of Alternating Current on the Aircraft."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Pjotrs Trifonovs-Bogadanovs |
303. |
"Optimisation of Information Flow to Aircraft Pilots."
Prof. Pjotrs Trifonovs-Bogdanovs |
304. |
"Development ot Grouncl Pronimity Warning System Computation Block for Aircraft."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Pjotrs Trifonovs-Bogdanovs |
305. |
"Real-Time Remote Management of Aircrafts Main Parameters."
Doc. Jekaterīna Žukovska |
306. |
"Aircraft Fleet Inspection Planning Methods in View of Aircraft Gradual Entry in Operation."
Prof. Jurijs Paramonovs |
307. |
"Analysis of Input Signal for Aircrafttradis Electronic System Indicators and Development of Laboratory Equipment for Input Signal Imitation."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. Igors Smirnovs |
308. |
"Integrity Analysis of Satellite Landing Approad Systems."
Doc. Igors Smirnovs |
309. |
"Computer software for design of overhead power lines"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Vanzovičs |
310. |
"Overhead lines monitoring systems"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Vanzovičs |
311. |
"Petrol pumping station automated control system"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Dolgicers |
312. |
"Evaluation of the effectiveness of pedestrian reflectors"
Dr.Sc.Ing. profesors Gundars Liberts |
313. |
"Benchmarks development for the engineering projects of gas supply systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Krastiņš |
314. |
"Cowshed with a milking parlour and manure storage"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
315. |
"Development project for accounting services company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova |
316. |
"Grain storage complex in Daugavpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
317. |
"Floor Finishing Materials (Laminate; Parquet Blocks; Parquet), their Properties and Advantages"; Diploma Project "Reconstruction of an Office Building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Skuķis |
318. |
"Utilization of Soil for Building Subgrade"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Transit Street in Valdemārpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Strežs |
319. |
"Methods of the generalization of topographic maps at scale 1:50 000"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Štrauhmanis |
320. |
"Personnel development project in the geodesic industry"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko |
321. |
"Gedetic network for railway control"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
322. |
"Geodetical works for gravimetrical mapping"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Aleksejenko |
323. |
"Role of geodetic works in states border demarcation proceses"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Ratkevičs |
324. |
"Geodetic data analysis with the CREDO_DAT software"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
325. |
"Transformation systems of geodetic coordinates"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Balodis |
326. |
"Geographic information systems in land use monitoring"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Auziņš |
327. |
"Methods of the creation and localisation of geographical names at topographic maps"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Štrauhmanis |
328. |
"Geomarketing opportunities for nongovernmental organizations"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
329. |
"Geopolymer material properties depending on the raw material preparation"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Bajāre |
330. |
"Opportunities Assesment of Geotextile Materials Use in the Reconstruction of Smilšu Street in Viesite" ("Reconstruction of Smilsu Street in Viesite")
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
doc. M.Zemītis |
331. |
"Application features of geothermal energy"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Kočukovs |
332. |
"Handball hall in Olaine"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
333. |
"Chaotic Oscillations in Bilinear Mechanical Systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs |
334. |
"Helicopter Tail Boom and it"s Buid in Structural Health Monitoring."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko |
335. |
"Investigation of electrical drive systems of hybrid vehicle"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
L.Ribickis |
336. |
"Hydronic optimization of buildings engineering systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Dzelzītis |
337. |
"Calculation of Dynamics and Strength of Hydraulic Cylinders"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asociētais profesors Vitālijs Beresņevičs |
338. |
"Hydroelectric power stations and their role in the load curve"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Zicmane |
339. |
"Mounting of loading crane on truck tractor chassis"
Ing. docents prakt. Ēriks Vonda |
340. |
"The hierarchies method in selection of water treatment technology"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Juhna |
341. |
"Chlorination effect on Escherichia coli viability in water supply networks"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Mežule |
342. |
"Management of Stakeholders for Increasing of a Company Competitiveness "
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) I.Ezera |
343. |
" Development of System for Hard Facing and Hard Alloy Spraying of Rotary Bodies"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
pētnieks Gatis Muižnieks |
344. |
"Upgrading Internal Combustion Engine"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Vība |
345. |
"Control options of indoor lighting"
Institute of Power Engineering |
K.Bērziņa |
346. |
"Street lighting automatized control systems implementation in Krāslava"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Avotiņš, O.Jerjomins |
347. |
"Ensuring of Sustainable Development in Small and Medium Companies of Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.prof.J. Zvanītājs |
348. |
"Project of Ilukstes geodetic network"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Reiniks |
349. |
"Elaboration and development of the winding machine for pulsemode transformers"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Galkins |
350. |
"Cascaded Circuit of Switch and Linear-mode Power Supply"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
prof. J.Jankovskis |
351. |
"Ultra-Wideband Impulse Radio Data Transmission"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
G.Šūpols |
352. |
"Personal Sound Monitor System"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. V.Zagorskis |
353. |
"Development of induction heating device"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
V.Bražis |
354. |
"Industrial Risk Assessment of "Latvija Statoil" Ltd Aviation Fuel Terminal "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.sc.ing.,Guntis Tribis |
355. |
"Evaluation of wood material flows applying the industrial symbiosis principles"
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
M.Rošā |
356. |
"Use of industrial automatics "
Institute of Power Engineering |
Ņ.Kočanovs |
357. |
"Development of industrial logger device"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Galkins |
358. |
"Inertial sensornetwork for surface shape detection"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
M.Greitāns |
359. |
"Info center Maskavas street 8,Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
360. |
"Infusion solution manufacturing and warehaouse building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
361. |
"Injection waterproofing"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
362. |
"Application of an innovative concept for residential fire sprinkler systems in drinking water installations"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Rubulis |
363. |
"Development of Positioning Strategy for an Innovative Product in Latvia"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof., Dr.oec. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
364. |
"Typical failure identification of installation elements"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
365. |
"Development of Integrated Management System in Telecommunication and Data Transmission Company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., docente Iveta Mežinska |
366. |
"Smart metering and monitoring system for use for energy efficiency"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
N.Kuņicina |
367. |
"Internet advertising development model"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
368. |
"Use of Internet advertising efficiency in entrepreneurship"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
369. |
"Evaluation of investments in Latvian forestry companies"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
370. |
"Investment portfolio hedging with options in the Baltic securities market"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis |
371. |
"Investment portfolio management in Baltic stock exchange"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis |
372. |
"Investment Project for Enlarging of Production Capacity in a Company"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
doc.(prakt.), Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne |
373. |
"Effectiveness Analysis of ITS in Traffic Management"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
374. |
"The use of distributed energy sources in power engineering"
Institute of Power Engineering |
V. Čuvičinu |
375. |
"Problems of cost management in service company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce |
376. |
"Cost management problems in a transport company"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof., Dr.oec. N.Lāce |
377. |
"Electrical machinery used in water transport propulsion and its selection criteria"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
378. |
Insulated conductors used in low-voltage network"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Survilo |
379. |
"Exhibition Hall"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
380. |
"Exibition Hall"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
381. |
"Exhibition Hall with Cable Roof"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Goremkins |
382. |
"Exhibition hall"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
383. |
"Exhibiton hall"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Goremikins |
384. |
"Power and energy losses in 20-10-0,4 kV electric networks and measures for reducing it"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Guseva |
385. |
"Methodology of New Product Development in Insurance Industry"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
386. |
"Elaboration of New Product „Building Climate Control System”"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
387. |
"Elaboration of New Product „Electronic Cookbook”"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA I.Suija-Markova |
388. |
"New Product Development at „Silviko” Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. U.Cimdiņš |
389. |
"New product introduction in the Latvian market"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
390. |
"Development opportunities of a new tourism company in Latgale"
Mg.oec., dipl.oec. U. Kamols |
391. |
"Project for establishing a new company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
392. |
"Development of New Type Propulsion Device for Underwater Vehicles"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Auziņš |
393. |
"Methods for Attraction of New Customers for a Service Company"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
doc.(prakt.), Mg.oec. I.Ezera |
394. |
"The new technologies use for increasing the effectiveness of high-voltage transmission lined"
Institute of Power Engineering |
T.Lomane |
395. |
"Management of Sewage Pump Electromotors"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Valeinis |
396. |
"Spatial data analyzis of the Djoser pyramids and Karnak temple"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
397. |
"Analysis of Hot Asphalt Strength Depending on Used Binder"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. V.Haritonovs |
398. |
"Kart project"
Dr.Sc.Ing. profesors Gundars Liberts |
399. |
"Reconstruction of Cinema Building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
400. |
"Customer Service Quality Improvement in "Apranga BPB LV" Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.sc.ing. Guna Čivčiša |
401. |
"Customer Service Quality Improvement in "Zvaigzne ABC" Ltd. Retail Network"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Maira Sapata |
402. |
"Improvement of Customer Relationship Management at Transport and Logistics Company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. U.Cimdiņš |
403. |
"Attraction of clients in a retail and service company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. R.Greitāne |
404. |
"Customer attraction project for a financial services company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. R.Greitāne |
405. |
"The latest technologies in wooden building constructions and directions of its development"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
406. |
"Behaviour analyze of timber structural joints strengthened by steel bars"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
407. |
"Optimization of Wooden Truss"; Diploma Project "Hall for Two Tennis Courts in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof.Aleksandrs Korjakins |
408. |
"Optimization of wooden truss using the full factor experiment"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
409. |
"Analysis of timber joints stiffness"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
410. |
"Operating efficiency enhancement project for a woodworking company"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof Z.Sundukova |
411. |
"Wood Dry-house"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Sprince |
412. |
"Wood and propane-butane co- firing"
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
M.Gedrovičs |
413. |
"Combined heat supply solutions"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Greķis |
414. |
"Problems of performance management of commercial banks in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce |
415. |
"Blended Wing Body Longitudinal Stability Features."
Asoc. prof. Igors Pavelko |
416. |
"Benavioral Analysis of Composite Material with Glue Capsule Fibers"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
417. |
"Ultra high-strength composite concrete with disperse reinforcement"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
418. |
"Application of composite materials in overhead lines conductors"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Obuševs |
419. |
"Design of Connecting Elements of Composite Structures (Screw-bolts, Rivets) by the Method of Finite Elements"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs |
420. |
"Perfection of Communication Process in an Organization"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
421. |
"Development of Communication Strategy for “Mežaparks” Department of „Rīgas meži” Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
422. |
"Conference hall with a dome roof"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
423. |
"Rising of Competitiveness of a Real Estate Company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc. G. Kozaka |
424. |
"Using competitive advantage for the company development"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof.,Dr.oec. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
425. |
"Coordinate Table with Multiple Degree of Freedom"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lektors Andrejs Grigorjevs |
426. |
"Corporate Social Responsibility project management in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. R.Greitāne |
427. |
"Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in "Swedbank" JSC"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., profesors Jānis Mazais |
428. |
"Encourage of Corporate Social Responsibility in Entrepreneurship of Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
429. |
"The Study of Movement of the Space Bodies on Base of the Method of Complete Bifurcation Groups"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs |
430. |
"Recycling of Truck Tires"
MBA Ing. docents prakt. Juris Kreicbergs |
431. |
"Truck Final Drive Dismantling Stand Project"
Ing. lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
432. |
"Elaboration of credit policy in food production companies in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. G.Ciemleja |
433. |
"Credit liability management in state institutions in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis |
434. |
"Comparison of Cryptographical Solutions"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. J.Šūmahers |
435. |
"The use of peat for thermal insulation slab manufacturing. Obtaining of activated peat binder and it"s using in peat-sawdust composite materials"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Kara |
436. |
"Development and use of peat insulation in construction"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
437. |
"Temperature and moisture regime of cult building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Borodiņecs |
438. |
"Reconstruction of Entertainment Centre in Cesis"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Kālis |
439. |
„Financial problems of culture sector in Latvia and possible solutions”
Prof. M.Šenfelde |
440. |
"Culture castle "Ziemeļblāzma""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
441. |
"Indoor climate control of historical cult buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Lešinskis |
442. |
"Fuel diversification of fuels container- type boiler plants"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Dzelzītis |
443. |
"Fuel diversification in medium power heat plants of district heating systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Dzelzītis |
444. |
"Improvement of Quality Management System in "Upes" Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Jānis Pildavs |
445. |
"Improvement of Quality Management System in "SAN Motors" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc. profesore Inga Lapiņa |
446. |
"Improvement of Quality Management System in "SAN Motors" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc. profesore Inga Lapiņa |
447. |
"Development of Quality Management System in the Non-formal Education Institution"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.sc.ing. Guna Čivčiša |
448. |
"Development of Quality Management System at Craft Food Company "Gardais komosiņš""
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., docente Iveta Mežinska |
449. |
"Development of Quality Management System in "Izdevniecība Santa" Ltd Advertising Department"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., docente Iveta Mežinska |
450. |
"Improvement of Quality Management System in "Olainfarm" JSC"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc. profesore Inga Lapiņa |
451. |
"Improvement of Quality Management System in "Auto SOS" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Māris Tjarve |
452. |
"Improvement of Quality Management System in "SAMC" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Ingars Pilmanis |
453. |
"Quality Management System Improvement in "Sistemserviss" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Svetlana Mjakuškina |
454. |
"Keguma HES 1 relay protection for generators"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Survilo |
455. |
"Improvement of Kekava municipality structure and work organization"
Dr. oec., asoc. prof. T. Survilo |
456. |
"Chemical anchor installation in hollow concrete plate"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
457. |
"Taking the Right turn at the Proscriptive Traffic Light Signal"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Dārza Street and Ezeru Street in Svitene"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Straume |
458. |
"Development of materials for laboratory work "Electrical protective devices of apartment" in the E-Studies course"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Vītoliņa |
459. |
"Research and development of charge level indicator of rechargeable battery"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Stepanovs |
460. |
"Effectiveness Analysis of Girder Bridge Strengthening Methods Used in Latvia"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asist. V.Straupe |
461. |
"Latvian high-voltage network analysis"
Institute of Power Engineering |
T.Lomane |
462. |
"Organic produce industry development in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko |
463. |
"Creation process of Latvian construction law and its impact on the construction regulations"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Ā.Lapsa |
464. |
"Latvian Road Present Status and Development Prospects"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Neretas Street in Vīpe"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. M.Zemītis |
465. |
"Development analysis of Latvian railway power supply"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mutule |
466. |
"Latvian railroad "A"park node of Šķirotava electric power supply reconstruction"
Institute of Power Engineering |
V.Skurihins |
467. |
"Electricity supply reliability in Latvia"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Gerhards |
468. |
"Latvian commercial bank’s credit risk assessment model development"
Asoc. prof. I.Voronova |
469. |
"Customer attraction strategy for Latvian commercial banks"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks |
470. |
"Development of Competitiveness of Small Companies of Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.prof.J. Zvanītājs |
471. |
„Inclusion of Latvia and Estonia into the European monetary union”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore I.Judrupa |
472. |
"Improvement of Latvian state social insurance system"
Dr. oec., prof., K. Ketners |
473. |
"Agricultural machinery repair shop"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Kidiks |
474. |
"Reconstruction Project of Agricultural Technics Workshop "MTZ Serviss"
Ing.lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
475. |
"Laser scanner surveying for railways"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Reiniks |
476. |
"Control of LED lighting intensity in greenhouses, based on bioimpedance measurements"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Galkins |
477. |
"Low speed wind energy power unit synchronous permanent magnet generators optimization using magnetic field numerical calculations methods"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
478. |
"Angle sensor on a magnetic liquid base"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Dolgicers |
479. |
"Turbojet Engine Aircraft Primary Control System Automated Elevator Design."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc. prof. Igors Pavelko |
480. |
"Aircraft Cessna 172 Engine Modification."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt. Māris Hauka |
481. |
"Airplane sur Viability and Inspection Program Development."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asistents Māris Hauka |
482. |
"Quality Assurance of Flight Safety Monitoring in "Air Baltic Corporation" JSC"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,profesors Jānis Mazais |
483. |
"Quality Assurance of Flight Safety Monitoring in "Air Baltic Corporation" JSC"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,profesors Jānis Mazais |
484. |
"Electrical machines of DC powered electric train"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mesņajevs |
485. |
"Prognosis of DC contactor resource"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
486. |
"Computer modelling of normal and emergency operational modes of power transformers"
Institute of Power Engineering |
V.Strelkovs |
487. |
"Methods for ageing determination of power transformers solid insulation"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Vītoliņa |
488. |
"Faults of power transformers and their identification methods"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Jakovļeva |
489. |
"The research of heating process of power transformers by using thermography method"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Vītoliņa |
490. |
"Cow shed for 190 dairy cows"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
491. |
"Steel frame supermarket"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Gaile |
492. |
"Development opportunities of Liepaja port"
Dr. oec., asoc. prof. T. Survilo |
493. |
"Competitiveness of Liepāja port in the Baltic Sea region"
Dr. oec., doc. I. Judrupa |
494. |
"Analysis of Traffic Saffety Level in the Streets of Liepāja"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of Atmodas Blvd. in Liepāja"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
495. |
"Linear electric motors"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Zviedris |
496. |
"Cadastral surveying of linear land parcels"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O.Metuma |
497. |
"Logistics building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
498. |
"Logistics center"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
499. |
"Impact of loyalty programs on payment cards turnover and financial indicators of a commercial bank"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce |
500. |
"Locomotive and railway crossing interaction system with parametric adaptation algorithm based on PLC"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Ļevčenkovs |
501. |
"Analysis of Roundabout Capacity and Traffic Safety Level"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
502. |
"Performance efficiency enhancement project for the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. R.Greitāne |
503. |
"Analysis of Motion Dynamics of Mattracks Design, Development of a Model and its Investigation in CAD Environment"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Vība |
504. |
"Determination of distribution of magnetic field by using different mathematical methods in axial - symmetrical magnetic systems"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Purviņš |
505. |
"Windings of alternating current machines"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
506. |
"The electricity consumption providing options in households by using autonomous wind energy facilities"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Kamoliņš |
507. |
"Solvency management in a retail company"
Asoc. prof. I.Voronova |
508. |
“Planning of marketing activities in a company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
509. |
"Using marketing activities in a pharmaceutical company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
510. |
"Marketing development project for a services and trading company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
511. |
"Planning marketing in the real estate market"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
512. |
"Improvement of Marketing Strategy for Investment Products in SEB Bank"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA K.Špakovska |
513. |
Material Recovery from Waste. The Development of the National Strategy"
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
J.Gušča |
514. |
"Development of matrix-type LED luminary for warehouse and manufacturing lighting"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Avotiņš |
515. |
"Perfection of a Small Enterprise Performance Latvia"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
doc., Dr.sc.ing. G.Kozaka |
516. |
"Investigation of the combustion process in small capacity pellet boilers"
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
I.Veidenbergs |
517. |
"Utilization of distributed generators for households"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Linkevičs |
518. |
"Small wind power units and their use- effectiveness analysis in Latvia"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Rozenkrons |
519. |
"Research of Small-power Brushless Direct Current Motors"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Dirba |
520. |
"Analysis of implementing small and average power brushless DC motors in electric transport"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Dirba |
521. |
"Potential of micro CHP implementation in Latvia"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Krēliņš,Thomas Hamacher Minhenē |
522. |
"Low Power Linear Supply with Optimized Transformer"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. J.Jankovskis |
523. |
"Influence of curing shedule on the properties of carbonate-free clay containing geopolymers"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Bajāre |
524. |
"Analysis of Small Roundabouts and Their Application in Latvia"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asist. Z.Lazda |
525. |
„Opportunities for SME development in Latvia”
Lektore K.Gorbunova |
526. |
"Project financing development for small and medium enterprises in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks |
527. |
"Low Jitter Pulse Generator"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
V.Vedins |
528. |
"Performance enhancement project for a retail company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
529. |
"Medical ware production block in Belarus, the Fanipol"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
530. |
"Medical trade company office and warehouse building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
531. |
"Improvement of Power Supply for Biomedical Device"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. J.Jankovskis |
532. |
"Technical Condition Analysis of Mercedes-Benz Tractors"
M.Sc.Ing. docents prakt. Gundars Zalcmanis |
533. |
"Measurement systems and measurement results processing"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Vītoliņa |
534. |
"Geodetic surveyings in the teritories of family houses"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O.Metuma |
535. |
"Scale Effect in Fiber Concrete Rheology"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
536. |
"Computer aided design and optimization of steel truss"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Skuķis |
537. |
"Welding generator external characteristic synthesis using compounding of excitation from energy of magnetic field upper harmonics"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
538. |
"Elaboration of methodology for automatic detection of poor electrical contact in power grid"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
O.Krievs |
539. |
"Development Strategy of a Forestry Enterprise"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
doc.(prakt.), Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne |
540. |
"Dynamic Analysis and Optimization of Single Hull Micro Class "PROTO" Division Sailboat "PRESTOL" "
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Auziņš |
541. |
"Microphone Array with Electronically Controlled Beamforming"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. M.Zeltiņš |
542. |
"Determination of microbial growth potential in water supply systems by flowcytometry"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Tihomirova |
543. |
"The Analysis of Application of Microprocessor Systems in Avionics and Development of Laboratory Equipment for Microprocessors Studing."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. Igors Smirnovs |
544. |
"Computation of Parameters of Microwave Horn Antena in Case of Inhomogeneous Near Field Filling"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Asist. T.Solovjova |
545. |
"Research and development of hybrid electrical drive for military transport"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Ķiploks |
546. |
"Digital Modulation Techniques for Mobile Communication"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
prof. G.Balodis |
547. |
"Mobile, selfsufficient and biodegradable power source"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Rozenkrons |
548. |
"7 storey house of reinforced monolithic concrete at Daugavpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
549. |
"Scooter electrical drive control with AC motor"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
J.Valeinis |
550. |
"Development of Motivation System in a Company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs |
551. |
"Motorcycle Chassis Dynamometer Project"
Dr.Sc.Ing. docents Vitolds Šneps Šnepe |
552. |
"Motorcycle Chassis Dynamometer Project"
Dr.Sc.Ing. docents Vitolds Šneps Šnepe |
553. |
"Rotor - Piston Engine for Motodeltaplan and it"s Maintenance."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
554. |
"Engine Oil Additives Test Equipment Project"
Ing. lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
555. |
"Engine Test Bench Project"
Ing. lektors Jānis Rudzītis |
556. |
"Analysis of customs broker activities"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.V.Krastiņš, RTU MNK vadītājs, Dr.oec. |
557. |
"Customs building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
558. |
"Multifunctional building in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
559. |
"Multipurpose education centre"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
560. |
"Nanoconcrete production technologies. Application of fluorescent waste glass suspension in concrete"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
561. |
"Research of shrinkage processes of ultra high performance concrete , using various additives"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
562. |
"Nanoconcrete. Its components, properties and application in construction"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
563. |
"Cash flow management for sustainable development of university"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce |
564. |
"Analysis of Navigation System Integration Algorithm."
Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
565. |
"Analysis of Inhomogeneous Fibroconcrete Structure with Fiber Insertion Technology"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
566. |
"Administration of real property tax in Kekava municipality"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Auziņš |
567. |
"Useful Application of Non-linear Dynamic Regimes in Vibration Engineering"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asociētais profesors Vitālijs Beresņevičs |
568. |
"Orientation of Asymmetric Shape Fibre in Viscid Liquid Torrent"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
569. |
"Transient Vibration Damping in Transport Systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Ilmārs Vjaters |
570. |
"Unconventional Solutions for Timber Constructions"; Diploma Project "Petrol Station in maskavas Street, Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kreicburgs |
571. |
"Modeling of indirect evaporative cooling under different air flow parameters"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Lešinskis |
572. |
"Traffic Safety Analysis of Unconventional Signalized At-Grade Intersections"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
573. |
"Heterogeneous fibroconcrete"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
574. |
"Cooperation between State Employment Agency and Employers"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
doc., Dr.sc.ing. G.Kozaka |
575. |
"Internal control mechanism for employment promotion projects"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce |
576. |
"Lagrangian analysis of bed-load particle motion"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
B.Gjunsburgs |
577. |
"Amount of sediments in water distribution system: measurements of resuspension potential method"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Rubulis |
578. |
"Impact of precipitation intensity on pollution concentration in combined sewer overflow"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
R.neilands |
579. |
"Warehouse "Avoti", Lizums municipality, district of Gulbene"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Bajāre |
580. |
"Warehouse with office complex"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Grabis |
581. |
"Warehouse in Jekabpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
582. |
"Warehouse in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
583. |
"Warenhouse with office premises"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
584. |
"Warehouse with administrative space in Salaspils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
585. |
"Steel frame warehouse building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Gaile |
586. |
"Technical project of warehouse in Liepaja, area 1300 m2"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
587. |
"Building warehouse in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
588. |
"Research of storehouse trolley automation possibilities and the development of experimental prototype"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Stepanovs |
589. |
"The influence of the external walls thermal inertia of the internal air temperature stability"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
B.Gaujēna |
590. |
"Line-stopping and tapping installations in natural gas supply systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N.Krūmiņš |
591. |
"Economic of exhaust air heat recovery implications"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Pļavenieks |
592. |
"Curing of the ready mixed concrete at the building site under the influence of weather conditions"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Bajāre |
593. |
"Usage of coal gasification in the cogeneration cycle"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Dolgicers |
594. |
"Opposite - Type Piston Engine Optimisation and Design."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt. Ilmārs Blumbergs |
595. |
"Reliability level of optimal power supply in distribution network"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Ļvovs |
596. |
"Optical current and voltage transformers"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Utāns |
597. |
"Oracle Spatial database projection for elements of telecommunication"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Stūrmanis |
598. |
"Concrete with Recycled Aggregates"; Diploma Project "Eight-storey Office Building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt.Patricija Kara |
599. |
"Otto engine control system simulator"
M.Sc.Ing. docents prakt. Gundars Zalcmanis |
600. |
„Project for improving business performance in a service company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., lekt.R.Greitāne |
601. |
"Marketing strategy development in a service company"
Dr. oec., doc. R. Greitāne |
602. |
"Quality Improvement of Services at "Baltic Logistic Solutions" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,profesors Jānis Mazais |
603. |
"Planning of Development Strategy for a Service Company"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) I.Ezera |
604. |
"Service company’s development project"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova |
605. |
"Development of performance evaluation system for a services company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce |
606. |
"Competitiveness development strategy for service companies"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof,.Dr.oec., K.Didenko |
607. |
"Start up process assessment of induction motor operating with soft starter"
Institute of Power Engineering |
G.Orlovskis |
608. |
"Lasting Deformations of Asphaltic Concrete with Metal Scrap Filler"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. V.Haritonovs |
609. |
"Efficiency of Setting Permanent Forms"; Diploma Project "Sports and Recreation Centre in Talsi Area"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Noviks |
610. |
"Analysis of piles experimental tests"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N.Tirāns |
611. |
"Analysis of Factors Influencing the Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundations"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Sc.ing. J.Ivanova |
612. |
"Sales promotion activities in a production company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
613. |
"Change Management at "Gulbenes auto apmācības centrs" Ltd for New Customers Attracting"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., docente Iveta Mežinska |
614. |
"Reinforcement optimization of concrete slab"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
615. |
"Improvement of Food Safety Assurance in "Green Garden" Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Maira Sapata |
616. |
"Improvement of Food Safety Assurance in "Green Garden" Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Maira Sapata |
617. |
"Food Safety Assurance and Quality Analysis in "BraDava" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Jānis Pildavs |
618. |
"Grocery store in Balvi"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
619. |
"Food product promotion in the Latvian market"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
620. |
"Food production and storage building in Carnikava, Klavu st.3"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
621. |
"Elaboration of Development Strategy for Food Processing Company "
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc. G.Kozaka |
622. |
"Effective heat supply of food production factory"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Vrubļevskis |
623. |
"Development of the concept for passenger traffic in the section Zasulauks-Bolderaja"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
M.Mezītis |
624. |
"Passive house roof"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Grabis |
625. |
"Improvement of Passive House Design Process Quality"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., profesors Jānis Mazais |
626. |
"Economic efficiency of passive houses"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Noviks |
627. |
"Self-balansed Robot Control"
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
prof. P.Misāns |
628. |
"Installation of self-consumption steam boilers in thermal powerplants"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Zviedris |
629. |
"Marketing strategy development for a municipal agency"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
lekt.,Dr.oec. R.Greitāne |
630. |
„ Role of self-governments in promoting entrepreneurial activities”
Asoc.prof. T.Survilo |
631. |
"Consumer market segmentation in the sphere of services"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
632. |
"Floating Vehicle Project"
Dr.Sc.Ing. docents Vitolds Šneps Šnepe |
633. |
"Floating Vehicle Project"
Dr.Sc.Ing. docents Vitolds Šneps Šnepe |
634. |
"Analysis of Motion Dynamics of Floating Objects"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Bruno Grasmanis |
635. |
"Alternative solutions of pension system"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis |
636. |
"Solutions for Minimizing Personnel Turnover in a Company"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola |
637. |
"Perspectives of wind energy"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
I.Steiks |
638. |
"Investigation Aimet at the Use of Geosynthetic Materials for Strengthening Road Stucture"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of the Road P36 Rēzekne-Gulbene from 79.750 to 84.750 km"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Francuzeviču |
639. |
"Development of PID - controller computer simulation model"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
V.Bražis |
640. |
"Five-floor dwelling house in Saldus"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Kara |
641. |
"Five-story residential house with underground car park"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kostjukovs |
642. |
"Selection of the most Appropriate Forest Certification Scheme for Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dipl.ing.,asoc.profesors Jānis Miķelsons |
643. |
"Supply air preheating and heat recovery in office buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Borodiņecs |
644. |
"Determination of the optimal operating range for air supply diffusers"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Zemītis |
645. |
"Analysis of the opportunity to make measurements of the touchinh voltage in the grounding devices"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Rozenkrons |
646. |
"Reconstruction of quays in the free port of Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Ļakmunds |
647. |
"Development of a Computer for Piloting Systems for an Aircraft Take off."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Pjotrs Trifonovs-Bogdanovs |
648. |
"Front Suspension Design for Urban Concept Vehicle"
M.Sc.Ing. lektors Oskars Irbītis |
649. |
"Options of Video Surveillance in City"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Lekt. L.Zeikats |
650. |
"Analysis of Crack Evolution in Constructions of Stressed Concrete Bridges"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
651. |
"Analysis of Planar Mechanisms Analysis, Considering Connection Wear"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Vība |
652. |
"Plastic and aluminium production unit"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
653. |
"Flow altering method against scour at water intake structures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
B.Gjunsburgs |
654. |
"Investigation of Modification Possibilities of Pneumatic Stepping Motors"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Jānis Kaņeps |
655. |
"Strength of polypropylene fiber concrete shear joints"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
656. |
"Technical and Economical Comparison of the Most Popular Roof Coverings"; Diploma Project "Construction of Apartment House in Valguma Street, Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asist. V.Lūsis |
657. |
"Verification of position sensor parameters"
Institute of Power Engineering |
L.Lavrinoviča |
658. |
"Optimization and Synthesis of Positioning Systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Bruno Grasmanis |
659. |
"Proposals for reconstruction of Ainazi wind power plant"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Linkevičs |
660. |
"Leading Edge Slat Sensor Test Unit Development."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. Igors Smirnovs |
661. |
"Primary energy resources and their sustainable use"
Institute of Power Engineering |
D.Žalostība |
662. |
"Safety Control Questions Process Approach in Aviation Industry."
Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs |
663. |
"Improvement of Processes to Increase Satisfaction of JSC "Emblemu Paklaju Serviss" Customers "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.sc.ing. Guna Čivčiša |
664. |
"Implementation of Process Management Approach at "Auces komunālie pakalpojumi" Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Anita Franckeviča |
665. |
"Improvement of Processes Management in the State Bank"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,profesors Jānis Mazais |
666. |
"Conformity Assessment Procedures Selection for the Product"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dipl.ing., asoc. profesors Jānis Miķelsons |
667. |
"Product placement problems in commercial space"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
668. |
"Improvement of Products Assortment Management at “Cido Grupa” Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA,doc.(prakt.) M.Ozoliņš |
669. |
"Programmable microcontrollers for train anti-collision adaptive device development"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Ļevčenkovs |
670. |
"Progressive Solutions for Damp-Proofing"; Diploma Project "Apartament House in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. M.Vilnītis |
671. |
"Project cost management in Latvian entrepreneurship"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
672. |
"Project management model elaboration for Latvian manufacturing companies"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
673. |
"Psychoneurological hospital in Akniste"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Ūdris |
674. |
"Accessibility analysis of public sector institutions"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O.Metuma |
675. |
"Research of Hydrodynamical Characteristics of Remote Controlled Robot-Fish"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Semjons Cifanskis |
676. |
"Radio Controlled Four-Prop Aircraft Called Quadcopter Design Calculations and Real Model."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs |
677. |
"Application of Creative Methods in New Service Development in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
678. |
"Most Characteristic Mistakes in Building Masonry Structures"; Diploma Project "Cattle-shed at Farmstead Suresone in Beļava Civil Parish"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. M.Vilnītis |
679. |
"Appropriate Characteristics and Elements of Rally Roads"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of the Existing Unpaved Road"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
doc. J.Bidzāns |
680. |
"Engineering design of industrial building in Aluksne"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
681. |
"Production Process Analysis and Improvement in "Baltic Rim" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lektore Raimonda Liepiņa |
682. |
"Financial viability management in manufacturing companies during economic recession"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. N.Koleda |
683. |
"Marketing development project for a production company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
684. |
"Elaboration of strategy for developing production companies in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. L.Vasiļjeva |
685. |
"Competitiveness model for manufacturing enterprises"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. I.Voronova |
686. |
"Strategic planning development models for manufacturing companies"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks |
687. |
"Reactive power and its compensation in electrical networks"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kutjuns |
688. |
"Electromechanical solution for reactive power compensation and their applicability to small and medium enterprises"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
689. |
"Reactive power compensation device and methods"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
690. |
"Real solutions" Business Development Strategy
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Dzedons |
691. |
"Analysis of Recycled Material Application in Road Pavement Structure"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. V.Haritonovs |
692. |
"Reflective insulation materials"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Kara |
693. |
"Advertising and its role in entrepreneurship"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
694. |
"Mathematical algorithms of terrain models"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
695. |
"Capacity optimization of renovated heat supply systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Vrubļevskis |
696. |
"Franchising Model Development for the Restaurant “TurKebab”"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA A.Balodis |
697. |
"Resource planning model in project management"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
698. |
"Audit services development in Latvia"
Pr. doc.J.Mežiels |
699. |
"Energy Supply for Passive Tag RFID"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. J.Jankovskis |
700. |
"Application of RFID in Orienteering"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
lekt. G.Dziļums |
701. |
"Tyre service reconstruction project"
Ing. docents prakt. Ēriks Vonda |
702. |
"Local ties at the astrogeodynamical station in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Salmiņš |
703. |
"The electricity consumption optimization analysis of Riga street lighting "
Institute of Power Engineering |
K.Bērziņa |
704. |
"Analysis and Assessment of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Implementation in Riga City"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.R.Naudžuns |
705. |
"Methods of thematic mapping of the Riga city"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Štrauhmanis |
706. |
"Risk management application for a forestry company’s development"
Asoc. prof. R.Alsiņa |
707. |
"Optimization of Robotfish Tail Shape"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Jānis Januševskis |
708. |
"Electric micromotors used in toys"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
709. |
"Rotor current and shaft voltage effect on the dynamics of induction motor"
Institute of Power Engineering |
G.Orlovskis |
710. |
"New housing construction of RTU University building located in Azenes street 12, Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Kidiks |
711. |
"Computerized management of public buildings"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Dolgicers |
712. |
"Distribution network overhead lines"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Gerhards |
713. |
"Distributed Energy Resources in Practice"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mutule |
714. |
"Historical depiction of Saldus city churches in 3D"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
715. |
"Prefabricated concrete multi-storey residential passive house"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kostjukovs |
716. |
"Precast reinforced concrete residental building in Malmō"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
717. |
"Possibilities to improve efficiency of straw boilers"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Šipkovs |
718. |
"Heating of sanitary spaces in multi-apartment buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Dimdiņa |
719. |
"Research of Tectonic Activity of the Vulcano of Santorini using Geodetic Data"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Janpaule |
720. |
"Introduction of liquefield natural gas system in Latvia"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Laube |
721. |
"Satellite image and it
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Pētersons |
722. |
"Analysis of the Traffic Safety Problems in Daugavpils"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
723. |
"Analysis of Traffic Safety Problems in Kuldiga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
724. |
"Analysis of Traffic Safety Problems in Madona"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
725. |
"Analysis of Traffic Safety Problems in Tukums Street Network"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
726. |
"Traffic Safety Problem Analysis of street Network in Ventspils
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
727. |
"Investigation of Traffic Safety Improvement Possibilities in Ludza"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
728. |
"Impact of Traffic Calming Structures on Traffic Regime and Safety"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
729. |
"Effectiveness Analysis of Traffic Calming Measures beyond Rural Areas"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asist. Z.Lazda |
730. |
"Application of the sun energy in district heating"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
U.Osis |
731. |
"Solar energy systems electronic hardware for off-grid applications"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
G.Ašmanis |
732. |
"Solar collector type technical and economical comparison and selection principles"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Rozenkrons |
733. |
"Technical project of dry mortar factory "DivO""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kostjukovs |
734. |
"Application of European standards of compulsory motor owners third party liability insurance in Latvia"
Dipl. oec., M. Krastiņš |
735. |
"Efficiency and Drawbacks of Combined Roof Constructions"; Diploma Project "Multi-purpose Gymnasium at 7 Ziedu Street in Aizpute"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Noviks |
736. |
"Old maps usage opportunities at the beginning of 21th century"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Štrauhmanis |
737. |
"Seven-storey residental building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
738. |
"Six-storey dwelling house at Stirnu Street 7a in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
739. |
"Improvement of Service Quality in "Tukuma Auto" Ltd "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.sc.ing. Guna Čivčiša |
740. |
"Elaboration of Development Strategy for „Dienas Bizness” Ltd Handbooks’ Business"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA K.Špakovska |
741. |
"Elaboration of Development Strategy for „Nordtext” Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA M.Millers |
742. |
"Improvement of Human Resource Management Strategy for „Rodl & Partner” Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.psych.,MBA G.Smirnova |
743. |
"Improvement of Process Management System in “Uzņēmējs” Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA A.Balodis |
744. |
"Implementation and Applacations of Signal Shape Resonance"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
prof. P.Misāns |
745. |
"Energy efficient engineering systems for renovated multi storey buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Vrubļevskis |
746. |
"Heat pumps in Latvia"
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
M.Gedrovičs |
747. |
"Influence of thermal insulation on solar heating systems efficiency"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Šipkovs |
748. |
"Heat insulation materials from hardwood fibers"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Bajāre |
749. |
"Heat insulation materials made of porous ceramics"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
750. |
"Greenhouse electrical lighting principles"
Institute of Power Engineering |
K.Bērziņa |
751. |
"Heat pump system - the cost-effective heating equipment"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kundziņa |
752. |
"Heat pumps in low temperature heating systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Pšeņičnaja |
753. |
"Use of heat pumps in nursery schools"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Zemītis |
754. |
"Heat engineering measurements of renovated building envelopes"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
755. |
"Synchronous generators excitation system"
Institute of Power Engineering |
R.Petričenko |
756. |
"Low-power synchronous wind generator with excitation from permanent magnets"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Kamoliņš |
757. |
"Synchronization mode simulation using functional model created with FORTRAN progmammig language"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
758. |
"Design of wood briquettes automated production lines in production and emergency mode"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
N.Kuņicina |
759. |
"Electricity meter types and methods of reading techniques"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
760. |
"Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Based Touch-Surface"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. V.Zagorskis |
761. |
"Secondary school in Valmiera"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
U.Lencis |
762. |
"School building with sports complex in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
763. |
"Technical project of school building in Jurmala for 360 places"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Biršs |
764. |
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
765. |
"Sculptures documentation"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
766. |
"Development and infrastructure improvements of Skulte harbour"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Auziņš |
767. |
"Layered Fiberconcretes - Production Technology and Mechanical Properties"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
768. |
"Progressive construction with sandwich panels"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kreicburgs |
769. |
"Design of Sliding-Rolling Sledge"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Aleksandrs Januševskis |
770. |
"New check-in building for a hospital"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
771. |
"Elaboration Principle of Sustainable Power Supply Automated System for Blocks of Hospital and its Realisation"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Raņķis |
772. |
"Social multi-apartment house in Riga, Lomonosova street"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
773. |
"Further improvement of social security and insurance system in Latvia"
Dr. oec., prof. K. Ketners |
774. |
"Planning of social environment development in Latvian enterprises"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko |
775. |
"Socially responsible project planning and management"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko |
776. |
"Social responsible entrepreneurship project development in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. I.Eriņš |
777. |
"The use of solar heat pump in cottage type buildings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Šipkovs |
778. |
"Stepper motor usage for control of mechatronic systems"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
N.Kuņicina |
779. |
"The Designing of Three - Seats Moto - Hang - Glider for Special Purposes."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. zin. maģistrs Dmitrijs Titovs |
780. |
"Provision of special medical services programme in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
781. |
"Special purpose machines"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E. Ketnere |
782. |
"Analysis of Force Development in White and Red Muscles"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asociētais profesors Igors Tipāns |
783. |
"Force Development Analysis Indifferent Muscle Types by Using Pneumatic Muscle Model"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asociētais profesors Igors Tipāns |
784. |
"Protection of power transformer"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Dolgicers |
785. |
"Sports hall in Madona"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
786. |
"Fitness center"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Kidiks |
787. |
"Sports hall in Galen"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
788. |
"Sports hall"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
789. |
"Sports Complex in Timber"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Ģ.Bērziņš |
790. |
"Sports hall at Saldus"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Vilnītis |
791. |
"Sports centre in Jaunolaine city"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Noviks |
792. |
"Sports hall with auxiliary building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
793. |
"Sport hall in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
794. |
"Gym in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kovaļovs |
795. |
"Gym hall"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kovaļovs |
796. |
"Sports hall construction design in Adamova"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
797. |
"Voltage instability and its consequences"
Institute of Power Engineering |
D.Žalostība |
798. |
"Research of voltage collapse characteristics"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Barkāns |
799. |
"Voltage regulation and stabilization system"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
800. |
"Advantages of radiant heating systems"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Zemītis |
801. |
“Project for enhancing staff recruitment and selection process in an international tourism enterprise"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
802. |
"Research and Elaboration of a Static Synchronous Reactive Power Compensator"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
O.Krievs |
803. |
"Development of the Test Bench for the Control of Technical Parameters of an Airplane Transponder."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. Igors Smirnovs |
804. |
"Punching shear analysis of reinforced concrete slabs by finite element method"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
805. |
"Comparison of Reinforced Plastic Beams With Wood and Steel Span Structures" ("Reconstruction of Lauces Bridge on Road P87 Bauska-Aizkraukle 76.20km")
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
806. |
"Parameter analyze of tensioned composite load-bearing element"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
807. |
"Glass products trends and innovations in construction"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
808. |
"Evaluation of glass in design of load bearing structures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kalniņš |
809. |
"Calculations of Strength of Glass Fibre Composite Structures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
810. |
"Development of optimum design procedure for design of GFRP reservoir"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Kalniņš |
811. |
"Research works of the Struve geodetical arc"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
812. |
"Study of Dynamics of Firearm Bullet at Different Stages of Flight"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Vība |
813. |
"Energy efficiency improvement of wood-chip heating boiler house"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
P.Šipkovs |
814. |
"Woodchip position in Latvian energy balance"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Priedīte |
815. |
"Fibre Orientation in Fibroconcrete. Technologies and Mechanical Properties"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
816. |
"The reconstruction of power supply park "J" in Šķirotavas station"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Mileišo |
817. |
"Comparative Analysis of Honeycomb and Dome-Shaped Sandwich Structures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Aleksandrs Januševskis |
818. |
"Technical Hangar Construction Project"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. S.Fjodorova |
819. |
"Study of Technological Processes of Oil Product Transshipping with Discharge Rack"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Vība |
820. |
"Alternatives of Textile Industry Development in Latvia"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc. G.Kozaka |
821. |
"Telecommunications company’s development model"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof.,Dr.habil.oec. A.Magidenko |
822. |
"Development model for a telecommunications company in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. L.Vasiļjeva |
823. |
"Spatial data visialization in ArcGIS software"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Rutkovska |
824. |
"Sustainable maintenance of indoor air quality"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Brahmanis |
825. |
"Tennis court in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
826. |
"Structural steel componentsproduction workshop"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
827. |
"Analysis and comparison of calculation methods for concrete filled steel columns"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
828. |
"Electromagnetic Compatibility Enhacement of Mains Powered Electronics Equipment"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. J.Jankovskis |
829. |
"Analuse of bridges supports protection method from Vessel"s Strike"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
830. |
"Concrete for Bridge Structures and Concreting"; Engineering Design Project "Bridge over the River Indrica on Road A6"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
831. |
"Monitoring of Bridge Technical Condition and its Economical Efficiency"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
832. |
"Construction of the trade centre"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Noviks |
833. |
"Shopping center in "Zolitude""
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
834. |
"Shopping centre in Tukums, Pasta street 14"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Grabis |
835. |
"Trade centre"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Rocēns |
836. |
"Shopping center"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
837. |
"Trade center"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
U.Lencis |
838. |
"Commercial building with offices, located in Riga, Lacplesa street 41"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Korjakins |
839. |
"Office building with shopping hall in Dobele, Uzvaras street 6"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
V.Lūsis |
840. |
"Business Development Strategy in a Trading Company"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko |
841. |
"Competitiveness modelling for commercial enterprises in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks |
842. |
"Market Hall with Combined Roof"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
843. |
"Market Hall with Combined Roof"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
844. |
"Market Hall"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Serdjuks |
845. |
"Marketing strategy development for a trading company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
846. |
"Thyristor impulse regulators in electric drive"
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
J.Valeinis |
847. |
"Analysis of the Load on Tower Crane Elements"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Juris Kalinka |
848. |
"Tram overhead network renovation with stationary energy storage system"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
V.Bražis |
849. |
"Transformator differential protection research and development to the PCM600 base"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Valeinis |
850. |
"Efficient use of low potential heat from cooling system of transformers and electrical generators"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Linkevičs |
851. |
"Transformer substation T-2495 and T-2380 reconstruction due to the introduction of 1 kV voltage"
Institute of Power Engineering |
V.Kaliksons |
852. |
"Transformer equipments condition analysis in Latvian power system"
Institute of Power Engineering |
N.Breners |
853. |
"A System of a Plane Refueling with a Fuel on the Wing Including its Individual Elements."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc. prof. Igors Pavelko |
854. |
"Development of service provision model for transport and logistics companies"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof.,Dr.oec. K.Didenko |
855. |
"Transport company
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof.,Dr.habil.oec. A.Magidenko |
856. |
"Project for enhancing business performance of a transport company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks |
857. |
"Resgarch of Noise Supprgssion Grricigncy in Aviation Communication Systems."
Doc. Igors Smirnovs |
858. |
"Three-storey Residential Building with Car Parking and Storehouse"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
859. |
"Development of Commercialization Strategy for Three-dimensional Blackboard"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. U.Cimdiņš |
860. |
"Three-phase AC/AC converter test bench"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
V.Bražis |
861. |
"Traction asynchronous motor engineering for a trolleybus"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Kamoliņš |
862. |
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Šahmenko |
863. |
"Principles of Tunnel Infrastructure Electrical Equipment Automated Management and their Application"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
I.Raņķis |
864. |
"Short Distance Airplane Parameters Analization and Modernization with Modern Materials and Technologies."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs |
865. |
"Structure of water flow in pipe fittings"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Rubulis |
866. |
"Drinking water treatment plants for villages of 2500 inhabitants"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Neilands |
867. |
"Water Skiing Cable System"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lektors Māris Eiduks |
868. |
"Usage of Water/Alcohol Mixture in Petrol Engines"
Dr.Sc.Ing. docents Vitolds Šneps Šnepe |
869. |
"Development of fire safety system in nacional armed forces medical support centre"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Avotiņš |
870. |
"Analysis of Inertial Parameters of Fire Detectors"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. A.Jemeļjanovs |
871. |
"Ultra Wide Band Impulse Modulation and Detection Techniques for Data Transmission"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
G.Šūpols |
872. |
"Ultrasonic Transducters for Directional Sound"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. M.Zeltiņš |
873. |
"Research of Ultrasound Wave Interaction with Fatigue Cracks."
Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko |
874. |
"Universal hall in Liepaja"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Grabis |
875. |
"Universal postal service development"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
876. |
"Activity based budgeting in a logistic company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc. N.Fiļipoviča |
877. |
"Enterprise risk management in an outsourcing company"
Asoc. prof. I.Voronova |
878. |
"Preparation of a company"s development strategy in the Latvian market"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof.,Dr.oec. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
879. |
"Company’s performance efficiency enhancement project"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska |
880. |
"Optimization of a Logistic Company Costs"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
doc.(prakt.), Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne |
881. |
"Company’s marketing activity development project"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone |
882. |
"Company’s economic activity expansion project"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova |
883. |
"Protocol Analysis for Controllers"
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
doc. A.Pundurs |
884. |
"Preparation of wholesale business development strategy"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
prof.,Dr.oec. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
885. |
"Preparation of a wholesale company’s strategy"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
lekt.,Dr.oec. R.Greitāne |
886. |
"Receivables management model for wholesale companies"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. I.Voronova |
887. |
"Wholesale business efficiency management model in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
888. |
"Ensuring the competitiveness of wholesale companies in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
889. |
"Bearing capacity and compressibility improvement possibilities of weak soils (peat)"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
890. |
"Improvement of Service Quality in Department of "The National Rehabilitation Center Vaivari" State Ltd"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Maira Sapata |
891. |
"Creation of national geoportal"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I.Lukss |
892. |
"Store reconstruction in Kuldiga, Dzintaru Street 14"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Bajāre |
893. |
"Wavelet Analysis for Point Processes"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
A.Ribakovs (EDI) |
894. |
"Wind power stations atmospheric overvoltage protection"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Sļiskis |
895. |
"Wind generator with permanent magnets with magnetization oriented tangetially"
Institute of Power Engineering |
N.Levins |
896. |
"Wind Turbine Tower and Foundation Design"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
K.Bondars |
897. |
"Coordination of working windstations, hydrostations and thermostations in the grid"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Linkevičs |
898. |
"Development Prospects for Bicycle Track in Kurzeme Area"; Engineering Design Project "Reconstruction of a Section of Bieķensalas Street in Riga"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
doc. J.Bidzāns |
899. |
"Air Unit Automation"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Bikšis |
900. |
"Automatic smoke ventilation system in multifunctional centre in eastern Latvia"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Pumpurs |
901. |
"Possibilities of the ventilation systeem control and its realization"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Žiravecka |
902. |
"Ventspils surroundings seaside changes"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Reiniks |
903. |
"Synthesis of Vibro-Shock Conveyor"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Bruno Grasmanis |
904. |
"Mid-Range Helicopter with Hydraulic System Design and its Maintenance Technology Development."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs |
905. |
"Middle - Range Turboprop Aircraft with Development of Landing Gear Maintenance."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs |
906. |
"Middle Range Jet Engine Airplane Design, its Body Detection and Maintenance."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs |
907. |
"Environment Management System Improvement in State Blood Donor Center"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Natālija Bolbate |
908. |
"Environmental Management System Improvement in Amsverv Motors Ltd."
Dr. oec., asoc. prof. I. Lapiņa |
909. |
"Development capabilities of environmental remote sensing"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Normand |
910. |
"Cognitive Radio System Model Development"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. I.Slaidiņš |
911. |
"Smart Grid and it Development in Latvia"
Institute of Power Engineering |
J.Gerhards |
912. |
"Implementation of Smart Card Interface for Biometric Data Flow"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
R.Ruskulis (EDI) |
913. |
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Valeinis |
914. |
"Smart Grid development in liberalized markets"
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Oļeiņikova |
915. |
"Influence of Smart Grid Technology to Development of Latvian Power System"
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Bieļa |
916. |
"Construction of Light Multi - Purpose Single - Engine Airplane."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lekt. Māris Hauka |
917. |
"Light duty transport workshop building"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
U.Lencis |
918. |
"Analysis of Car Taxes in Latvia"
Dr.Sc.Ing. profesors Gundars Liberts |
919. |
"Car electrical devices"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Mesņajevs |
920. |
"Analysis of Dynamics of Single-Axle Vehicle Trailer"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lektors Māris Eiduks |
921. |
"Dynamics of a Fiber in a Viscous Flow"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs |
922. |
"Development of single phase Ac/Ac converter test bench"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
V.Bražis |
923. |
"Development of Controllable Single Phase Rectifier Test Bench"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
V.Bražis |
924. |
"Cast-in-place Concrete Guesthouse"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
L.Pakrastiņš |
925. |
"Prediction of local scour at complex engineering structures"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
B.Gjunsburgs |
926. |
"Okuma lathe LU 15-M programming for production of tool-holder workpiece"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Pumpurs |
927. |
"Analysis of Amine-Based Surfactants Impacts on the Asphalt Properties"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. V.Haritonovs |
928. |
"Rudder Control Boost System with Automatic Control unit Development."
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc. Prof. Igors Pavelko |
929. |
"Defects of piston group in otto and diesel engines"
Ing. docents prakt. Ēriks Vonda |
930. |
"Computerized determination of land use for purposes of cadastral valuation"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kaļinka |
931. |
"Earth tides and its influence on DGNSS positioning results"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Balodis |
932. |
"Modeling and Optimization of Ground Source Heat Pump"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
docents Jānis Januševskis |
933. |
"New Product “Safari Park” Development for „Zemitani” Farm"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA I.Suija-Markova |
934. |
"Nowadays solutions of low voltage squirrel cage asynchronous motor protection devices"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
935. |
"Low-voltage circuit galvanic separation"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
936. |
"Lightning caused accidents prevention methods in power transmission lines"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Sļiskis |
937. |
"Classification of lightning protection systems"
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Sļiskis |
938. |
"Zigbee Protocol - Specifications and Usage"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. V.Zagorskis |
939. |
"Brand development strategy in trading companies in Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko |
940. |
"Scientific Equipment GRID"
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Prof. I.Slaidiņš |
941. |
"Applications of fish bio-monitors for continuous water quality monitoring"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
R.Neilands |
942. |
"Challenges and prospects of dental industry in Latvia"
Mg. oec., lekt. L. Kamola |
943. |
"Power transformers technical condition assessment of thermal power unit in Riga TEC-2 power station"
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Vītoliņa |
944. |
Web Application Development Using .NET Technology
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. M.Uhanova |
945. |
Simulation and Analysis of Queuing System Using AnyLogic Pedestrian Library
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs |
946. |
„Enhancement of residential building management process in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore S.Jansone |
947. |
„Impact of the EU structural funds on economic development of Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektors U.Kamols |
948. |
„Impact of EU structural funds on the development of Vecumnieki municipality”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektors U.Kamols |
949. |
„Impact of economic changes on the Latvian real estate market”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore S.Jansone |
950. |
„Mortgage market impact on the Latvian real estate market”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. I. Dovladbekova |
951. |
„Development of leasing services in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. I. Dovladbekova |
952. |
Evaluation of No SQL Database
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Andrejs Ābele |
953. |
Application of Ruby on Rails Web Framework in Logistics Information Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
954. |
„Integration of Traffic Calming Technical Means in the Street Infrastructure” („Reconstruction of Road P124 Ventspils-Kolka Section km 67,30-74,80”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
955. |
Word Game Realization by Using Industrial Robot IRB 1600
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. asist. I. Karpičs |
956. |
„Economic cycle effects and alignment options”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. I.Judrupa |
957. |
“Administration of Property Taxation in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors |
958. |
“Customs Role in the Restricted and Prohibited Goods Control”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Dolotovs, VID MP MKP 0240 vecākais muitas uzraugs |
959. |
“Customs Risk Management for Air Cargo”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
L.Šķēle, A/S „Air Baltic Cooperation” kravu pārvad. aģents |
960. |
“Administration of Real Estate Taxes in Riga City”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
961. |
“Factor Impact Analysis of the Enterprise Profit”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente |
962. |
Improvement of the Export of “JSC “Dzintars” Biocosmetics and Perfume”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Dergunova, A/S „Dzintars” Eksporta nodaļas vadītāja |
963. |
“Financial Data Improvement Possibilities in Holding Company “Rīgas piena kombināts””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
964. |
“Strategy of International Development in JSC “Rīgas Piena kombināts””
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Asoc.prof. D.Solovjovs |
965. |
“Research of Import and Export in the Holding Company “Siera nams””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
966. |
“Effects on Government Revenue Income by the Changes of Beer Excise Duty Rate”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
L. Krastiņa, A/s „Aldaris” komunikāciju direktore |
967. |
"Organization of Excise Tax Control”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
968. |
“Effects on Government Revenue Income by the Change of Excise Duty Rate”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
969. |
“Excise Tax Application in European Union Member States”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
970. |
“Excise Products Illegal Market Trends and it Impact on Measures of Customs Control”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
971. |
“Development of Actual Tendency in Regular Legislation on Origin of Goods”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Kantāne, VID MP nodaļas vadītāja |
972. |
“Comparative Analysis of Payroll Taxes in Latvia and Germany”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
973. |
“Accommodation of Wages and Wages Taxes Accommodation at the Food and Veterinary service"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
974. |
“Risk Analysis for Insurance Companies of Customs Guarantees”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents |
975. |
„Project for increasing current asset efficiency in a company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. I.Voronova |
976. |
„Effeciency Research of Fiber-Reinforced Material Application in Bridge Secondary Structures” („Bridge over the River Bebrupite on Road V1435”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Sc.V.Straupe |
977. |
“Impact of Foreign Investments on the Development of Forest Sector in Latvia”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Ozoliņa |
978. |
“Attraction of Foreign Direct Investment to Latvian Enterprises”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Ozoliņa |
979. |
„Promotional measures for attracting foreign direct investments in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. I. Dovladbekova |
980. |
„Project for increasing the product volume of jsc „SEB banka””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
981. |
„Project for improving customer services in the jsc “Aldaris”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. K.Kozlovskis |
982. |
“Change of the Brand Name of JSC “DNB banka” and its Impact on Customers Activities”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Lekt. N.Rudzītis |
983. |
“Evaluation of financial performance of JSC "Grindeks "”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
984. |
„Prevention Opportunity Analysis of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Deformation”
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
985. |
“Support Measures for Latvian Exporters and Evaluation of their Availability and Effectiveness”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. A.Auziņa |
986. |
“Procedure and Terms for Granting the Status of Authorized Economic Operator”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
987. |
„Problems and prospects of higher education in Latvia in the context of human resource development”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt L.Kamola |
988. |
„High-Performance Concrete Application Methods and its Effectiveness Analysis in Bridge Constructions” („Reconstruction of Road Overpass on A3 0,3 km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
989. |
„Optimal Solutions of High Bridge Pier Structures” („Bridge over The River Rezekne in Rezekne in Atbrivosanas Avenue”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
990. |
„Road Maintenance Methods and Traffic Safety Improvement within them” („Reconstruction of Romas Street Section in Jelgava”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
991. |
“Automotive Transportation Development and Organization in the Baltic States”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
992. |
“Opportunities for Fleet Optimization in Cargo Transportation Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
993. |
“Analysis of Usefulness of Authorised Economic Operator Status Acquisition”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
994. |
“Topicality of Road Traffic Flow Control in Customs control Point “Terehova””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
995. |
“Taxation of Gambling Problems and Solutions in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, Dr.oec., RTU profesors |
996. |
„Problems of Baldone County Road Network and their Potential Solutions” („The Pedestrian Bridge Project over the Viestura Avenue in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt B.Jeļisejevs |
997. |
”The Bank Role in Tax Debts Collection”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
998. |
“Promoting Bank Payment Card Usage Abroad”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
999. |
„Opportunities for improving the availability of banking facilities in Latvian regions "
Mg.oec., Prakt. docente N.Semjonova |
1000. |
„Project for enhancing personnel recruitment and selection in a custody court”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Reinfelde |
1001. |
„Concrete Surface Quality and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors” („Reconstruction of the Bridge over Ziemeļsusēja on P76 Jekabpils-Aizkraukle”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1002. |
„Experience and prospects of business incubation in creative industries"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore A.Vītola |
1003. |
“Free Zones and State Aid Regulation in European Union and Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1004. |
„Project for enhancing business performance efficiency in a construction company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc. J.Mežiels |
1005. |
„Road Construction Solutions in Case of High Groundwater Level and Low Bearing Soil Capacity “ („Reconstruction of Lacplesa Street Section from Jaunceltnes Street to Berzu Street in Aizkraukle“)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1006. |
„Maintenance of Road Artifical Constructions” („Reconstruction Project of Atbrīvotāju Street in Sigulda”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. M.Zemītis |
1007. |
„Evalution of Road Sections with High Risk Level in Latvia” („Reconstruction of Road A7 section from Junction with V1 to Kekava”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
1008. |
„Influence of Road Surface Quality on Traffic Safety” („ Reconstruction of Beates, Limbazu, Rubenes, Matisu un Malu Street Intersection in Valmiera”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
1009. |
„Restraint Systems of Road Vehicles” („Project of the Road Section from A35 to B34 ”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
1010. |
Research of Road Water Drainage System, Its Problems and Solutions” („Reconstruction of Ceres Street Section from Kurmenes Street to Kurmales Street in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.R.Naudžuns |
1011. |
„Construction Analysis of Two-Level Road Junctions ” („Reconstruction Project of the Overpass on Road A5 over A9”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1012. |
„Road Infrastructure Development Opportunities for Motorcycle Traffic Safety Improvement” („Solutions of Lielgabala-Dundagas Junction in Talsi”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
inž. Z.Lazda |
1013. |
„Effectiveness Analysis of Road Traffic Safety Technical Devices” („Junction Solutions of Kaivas Street and Lubanas Street”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
1014. |
„Comparison and Analysis of Road Specifications 2010 and Estonian Road Specifications”(„Northern Bypass of Horsen ”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
as.prof. A.Zariņš |
1015. |
„Road Direction Indicator System of Urban Areas” („Reconstruction Project of Road P4 Riga – Ergli Section from 95.00km to 99.10 km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
1016. |
„Construction Urgency and Prospects of Cement Concrete Surfacing Usage in Latvia” („Reconstruction of Ganibu Dam, Tvaika Street, Duntes Street Junction in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1017. |
“Analysis of Revenue Use on Natural Resources Tax”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1018. |
“Analysis of Natural Recourses Tax Payment”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1019. |
„Economic aspects for development and implementation of labour protection system in a construction company“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.darb.aizs., lekt. J.Bartušauskis |
1020. |
“Employer’s Allowances Taxation”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
1021. |
„Job performance assessment development project"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1022. |
“Tax System Efficiency for Employees in Latvia and Foreign Countries”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Prof. K.Ketners |
1023. |
„Latvian labour market problems”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore L.Kamola |
1024. |
„Development prospects for labour market in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.J. Saulītis |
1025. |
„Ergonomics risk assessment project for promotion of work abilities”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.med., asoc.prof. Ž.Roja |
1026. |
„Analysis of the River Daugava Northern Crossing Variants” („Underwater Parking Lot in the River Daugava between the Stone Bridge and the Rail Bridge in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1027. |
„Estimation of Personnel Policy at Customs Control Point 0816 in Daugavpils Freight Station”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Račinska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1028. |
„Demographic situation and its possible solutions in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. I.Judrupa |
1029. |
“Tax Regulations of Companies with Dual Residency”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, RTU lektore |
1030. |
„Research of Construction Solutions of Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridges with Carriageway by Above” („ Reconstruction of the Bridge over Abava in Sabile”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1031. |
„Life insurance market prospects in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., M.Krastiņš |
1032. |
„Effectiveness Analysis of Animals’ Artificial Constructions” („Reconstruction of Ganibu Street Section from Jauna Street to Salmu Street in Liepaja”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1033. |
„Project for introducing e-training in an international company”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
1034. |
„Functioning of the European monetary system and its development prospects”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof., Dr.oec. I.Dovladbekova |
1035. |
“European Union Support for the Effectiveness of the Latvian Health Care System”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Ozoliņa |
1036. |
” Impact of EU funding on the development of agriculture in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. U.Kamols |
1037. |
“European Union Common Agricultural Policy and its Role in the Latvian Economy”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Lekt. O.Bogdanova |
1038. |
„Attraction of EU cofinancing for the development of Riebini district”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt.U.Kamols |
1039. |
“European Union Co-Financed Projects in Latvia within the Framework of European Territorial Cooperation Programme”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. A.Auziņa |
1040. |
„Implementation of EU cofinanced project for developing water management system in Ventspils”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. U.Kamols |
1041. |
“Assessment of Effective Implementation of the European Union Structural Funds in Latvia”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Prof. R.Počs |
1042. |
“Influence of European Structural Fund on Development of Tourism in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, Dr.oec., RTU profesors |
1043. |
„ Possibilitie Analysis to Use the Ecoducts in Latvia” („Reconstruction of Zilupes Street in Rēzekne”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
1044. |
„Impact of economic risks on the development of Latvian retail industry”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.I. Voronova |
1045. |
“Development Tendencies of Export in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1046. |
„Role of export in overcoming the economic crisis”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. L. Krilovs |
1047. |
“Organization of Export in a Wholesale Company of Goods Manufactured in Latvia”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. A.Auziņa - Emsiņa |
1048. |
“Export Management in Latvian Toy and Game Manufacturing Companies”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Skribans |
1049. |
“E-Customs Data Processing System Performance Analysis”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Abrazune, SIA TNT Ekspress muitas brokere |
1050. |
“Influence of Problematic Sectors of Shadow Economy to Latvian National Economy”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Gode, TSI asoc.profesore |
1051. |
„Impact of the EU funds on Latvian energy sector”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., Doc. I.Judrupa |
1052. |
“Factors Affecting the Illegal Movement of Cigarettes in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1053. |
„Opportunities of raising finances for the development of plant breeding institute”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt. U.Kamols |
1054. |
„Application of fiscal rules in medium-term financial planning”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.M.Šenfelde |
1055. |
“Problems and Solutions for Natural Persons Tax Evasion”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1056. |
”Problems of state funded pension scheme in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Nešpors |
1057. |
“Development of a Franchise Model for a Hotel in Latvia and Abroad”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1058. |
“Development of Franchise System in a Fast Food Restaurant in Latvia and Abroad”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1059. |
“Improvement of Gas Equipment Sales Company`s International Operations”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1060. |
„Distribution of Gravel in the Territory of Latvia, its Characteristics and Usage Criteria in Road Construction” („Reconstruction of Zemnieku Street in Rezekne)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1061. |
“Development of Organisation of Customs Activities at Gulbene’s Customs Control Point”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Račinska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1062. |
“Organization and Improvement of General Cargo Processing and Storage in “RIGA CONTAINER TERMINAL” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. D.Solovjovs |
1063. |
“General Cargo Transportation Between Europe and Afghanistan as Transit Through Latvia,Using Multi-Modal Transport Solutions”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc. prof. D.Solovjovs |
1064. |
„Hydrological Calculations in Artificial Constructions Design” („Reconstruction of the Road Section Vilaka-Borisova”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1065. |
“Analysis of Activities on Personal Annual Income Declarations”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1066. |
“Personal Income Tax in the European Union and its Improvement Possibilities in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1067. |
“Personal Income Tax and it’s Development Possibilities in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1068. |
“The Shortcomings of Personal Income Tax Administration in Relation to the Application of Tax Incentives in the Latvian State Revenue Service”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
L.Gabranova, VID NP Rīgas nodaļas vadītāja |
1069. |
“Personal Income Tax Administration Improvement”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1070. |
“Provisions of Personal Income Tax Calculation and Contribution of Payment in the Budget”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1071. |
“Development of Personal Income Tax in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1072. |
“Development of Personal Income Tax in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1073. |
“Analysis of Accommodation of Personal Income Tax Declaration in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
1074. |
“Analysis of Personal Income Tax Revenue in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1075. |
„Role of individual income tax in state and local government budget formation”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. I.Judrupa |
1076. |
“Comparative Analysis of Personal Income Tax System in the Latvia and Italy”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
1077. |
“Comparative Analysis of Personal Income Tax Systems in Latvia and Great Britain”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1078. |
“Problems and Solutions of Personal Income Tax Social Insurance Contributions”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1079. |
“Problems with Personal Income Tax and Social Payments”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1080. |
“Comparative Analysis of Personal Income Tax Systems in Latvia and Sweden”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1081. |
„Population migration: causes, benefits and problems (on the example of United Kingdom)“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis |
1082. |
“Improving Procurement Processes in International Corporations”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1083. |
„Depreciation of long-term assets and business performance results“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
1084. |
“Impact of Long-Term Investments on the Enterprise Tax Payments”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente |
1085. |
“Analysis of the System of Tax Payments by Individual Entrepreneurs”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1086. |
“Enhancement of Information Flow in an International Transportation Company”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Lekt. D.E.Sīle |
1087. |
“The importance of innovation in today"s economy"
Dr.oec., profesors J.Saulītis |
1088. |
“Intellectual Property Protection in Customs Offices”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Lagons, Muitas pārvaldes nodaļas vadītājs |
1089. |
“Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Latvian Customs”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1090. |
“Measures Assessment of Intellectual Property Authority Protection in Latvian Customs”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1091. |
“International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Electronic Environment”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Lekt. U.Čuma - Zvirbulis |
1092. |
„Intelligent Traffic Lights Control Systems” („Reconstruction of Road P119 Kuldiga-Alsunga-Jurkalne Section from 34,3km to 40,3km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
1093. |
„Project for assessing personnel selection and performance in a publishing company”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola |
1094. |
„Problems and development prospects of educational system in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore L.Kamola |
1095. |
„Interaction of education and labour market”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore L.Kamola |
1096. |
“Cost Reduction Opportunities for International Road Transport”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1097. |
“Qualification problems of the Tax Evasion”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I. Savčenko, LR Prokuratūra, Prokurora amata kandidāts |
1098. |
„Opportunities for launching a new product in Latvian market”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. T. Survilo |
1099. |
„Project for improving soldier"s equipment procurement process management”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. U.Kamols |
1100. |
“Customer Satisfaction Rates in the Baltic Countries as one of the Competition Contributing Factors”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Lekt. N.Rudzītis |
1101. |
„Project for attracting clients in VSIA NRC „Vaivari””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
1102. |
“Customer confidence criteria in selecting commercial banks”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce |
1103. |
„Methods Providing Timber Bridge Structures Durability ” („Construction Project of the Bridge over the River Lobe”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1104. |
“Development of Collective Purchasing Portals in the Baltic Countries”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Lekt. N.Rudzītis |
1105. |
“Classification of Coffee and Products Containing Coffee in the Combined Nomenclature”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
G.Skadmanis, RTU lektors |
1106. |
„Assessment of credit policy of a commercial bank”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
1107. |
„Assessment of competitiveness of commercial bank products”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
1108. |
„Project for increasing the competitiveness of the business performance of a commercial bank”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1109. |
„Impact of commercial banks on the economic growth of Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. I.Judrupa |
1110. |
„Credit market development problems in commercial banks“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
1111. |
“Organization of Container Transportation and Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Company “CMA CGM LATVIA” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. D.Solovjovs |
1112. |
“Improvements in Container Equipment for Short-Distance Sea Freight Transportations in the Company “Containerships” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. D.Solovjovs |
1113. |
“Economic Feasibility of Technological Solutions Development for Labour Organisation in Container Terminals in Latvian ports”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1114. |
„Impact of corruption on economic growth”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. J. Saulītis |
1115. |
“Opportunities for Improving Inventory Movement in the Company “NP Logistics” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1116. |
“Enhancing Stock Control in Retail Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1117. |
“Improvement of Inventory Management in the Company “FUTURUS FOOD” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1118. |
“Improvement of Inventory Management in Retail Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1119. |
“Improvement of Freight Transportation Organization in the Company “ELME TRANS L” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1120. |
“Opportunities for Cost Reduction of Cargo Transportations in the International Company “Cytec Latvia” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1121. |
„Evaluation of credit and leasing proposals for purchasing motor vehicles“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
1122. |
“The Role of the Labour Force Quality for Ensuring the Operation in the State Revenue Service”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Račinska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1123. |
„Opportunities for developing Latgale region”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesore M.Šenfelde |
1124. |
“Possibilities of Exporting Latvian Wool Products to Russia and Belarus”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1125. |
“Promotion of Latvian Craftsmen`s Production in the International Market”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1126. |
“Main Trends and Reasons of Labour Migration in Latvia”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Asoc.prof. A.Orlovska |
1127. |
“Development Trends of Latvian Rail Transport”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. A.Auziņa-Emsiņa |
1128. |
„Development and problems of Latvian export in the 21st century”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis |
1129. |
“Assessment of Latvian Export Policy Effectiveness”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Ozoliņa |
1130. |
“Analysis of Export and Import of Latvia for 2006 - 2011”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Krasņakovs SIA „DEPO DIY” konsultants darbā ar lielajiem k |
1131. |
“Competitiveness Assessment of Latvian Air Freight in Global Market”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. A.Auziņa |
1132. |
„Latvian accession into the European Union: gains and losses”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., Prof. J.Saulītis |
1133. |
“Financial Position Optimization Possibilities at the Latvian Maritime Medicine Centre”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1134. |
“Development Prospects for Latvian Shipping Companies in the Mediterranean Region”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. D.Solovjovs |
1135. |
“Latvian Timber Industry Development and Export Opportunities in the European Union”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Ozoliņa |
1136. |
“Solutions for Latvian Customs Strategic Development”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, Dr.oec., RTU profesors |
1137. |
“Solutions for Latvian Customs Strategic Development”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, Dr.oec., RTU profesors |
1138. |
“Latvian Customs Strategy in the Context of the World”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.V.Krastiņš, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1139. |
“Cooperation between Latvian Customs and Border Guard”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1140. |
„Improvement of Latvian Tax Policy in Context of European Union”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1141. |
“Analysis of Latvian Tax Policy Problems for 2004 - 2011”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1142. |
“Export by Latvian Services Sector to the European Union”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Prof. R.Počs |
1143. |
„Latvian debt management and options for its reduction”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. I. Dovladbekova |
1144. |
“Latvian pension system developments and challenges”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis |
1145. |
„Assessment of sustainability of public finances in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. M. Šenfelde, zin. konsultants J. Kekļa |
1146. |
„Current issues regarding lending to Latvian economy”
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. T.Survilo |
1147. |
„Current problems and possible solutions of national economy of Latvia"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesore M. Šenfelde |
1148. |
“Export Promotion of Latvian Textile Industry Products by Launching New Production Technologies”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Skribans |
1149. |
“Organization of International Transportation Operations of Latvian Transport -Freight Forwarding Company and Increase of its Competitiveness”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc. prof. D.Solovjovs |
1150. |
„Problems of Rainwater Management and their Solutions” („Reconstruction of Saulgriežu Street in Baloži”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.R.Naudžuns |
1151. |
„Research of Glued Wood Elements in Bridge Construction ” („The Pedestrian Bridge over the K.Ulmana Avenue near Grencu Street in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
1152. |
“Optimization of Logistics Costs in Food Manufacturing Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. O.Priede |
1153. |
“Optimization of Logistics Costs in Trading Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1154. |
“Planning of Logistics Costs in “Lieldzirstiņi” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1155. |
“Improvement of Logistics Process in the State Fire and Rescue Service”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1156. |
“Optimization of Logistics Processes in International Transport Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1157. |
“Improvement of Logistics Processes in the Company “dob Latvia” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1158. |
“Opportunities for Enhancing Logistics Processes in an International Freight Transportation Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc. prof. D. Solovjovs |
1159. |
“Logistics System Cost Optimization in the Company “KORIN” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1160. |
“Improvement of Logistics System in the Transport Company “UAB “Unipaka” Latvian Branch””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1161. |
“Opportunities for Enhancing Business Performance of a Logistics Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. V.Skribans |
1162. |
„Development of company loyalty programme”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt I.Andersone |
1163. |
„Development and Realization Principles of Local Traffic Safety Programs” („Construction of Bikeway in Pernavas Street in Salacgriva”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
1164. |
„Possibilities of Traffic Lights Control System Development in Riga, Benefits, Technologies” („Reconstruction of Vejupes Street in Adazi”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.R.Naudžuns |
1165. |
„Current housing policy issues in Latvia”
Mg.oec., lektors U.Kamols |
1166. |
„Project for improving macroergonomics of healthy, safe and fair job organization for health care employees”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.med., asoc.prof. Ž.Roja |
1167. |
„Planning of marketing activities in a trading company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
1168. |
„Marketing communication system in a company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt I.Andersone |
1169. |
„Project for improving marketing activities in SIA „Graudus””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1170. |
“Organization and Improvement of Material Flows in a Woodworking Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. D.Solovjovs |
1171. |
„Possibilities of Vulnerable Road Users Behaviour Influence to Prevent Accidents” („Reconstruction Project of Road P85 Section from 0,0km to 4,6km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.sc.ing. Z.Lazda |
1172. |
„Development project of a retail company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce |
1173. |
„Project for improving business performance of a retail company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., lekt.R.Greitāne |
1174. |
“Retail Company Product Promotion in the International Market”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1175. |
“Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Micro Enterprise Tax Implementation”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1176. |
“Microenterprise Tax Application Problems in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
1177. |
„Positive and negative aspects of the microenterprise tax“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners |
1178. |
“Microenterprise Tax in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1179. |
“Problems and Solutions of Application of Microenterprise Tax”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1180. |
„Development prospects of mobile operators market in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore L.Kamola |
1181. |
“Models of Customs Administration, their Advantages and Disadvantages”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1182. |
“Analysis of Customs Broker Professional Activities”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1183. |
“Analysis of Customs Broker’s Performance”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents |
1184. |
“Analysis of Customs Formalities Application of CCP Rezekne-2”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Ļeščinska, VID MP LMKP vecākā muitas uzraudze |
1185. |
“The Importance of Customs Authorities for the Radiation Safety”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1186. |
“Customs Authorities Officers Decisions, their Enforce Provisions and Controvert”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1187. |
“Customs Information System Changes in Accordance with the European Union Modernized Customs Code”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
D.Vilciņa MP E-muitas daļas nodaļas vadītāja |
1188. |
“Measures of Customs Control in Free Zones”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1189. |
“Measures of Customs Control within the Framework of CITES”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1190. |
“Analysis of Customs Control Measures on Traffic in TIR Regime”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1191. |
“Analysis of Performance in the Customs Control Point “Skirotava””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU Muitas un nodokļu katedras docents (prakt.) |
1192. |
“The Role of Customs Criminal Board in the Disclosure of the Illegal Cigarettes Transportation Offence”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1193. |
“The Role of Customs Laboratory in Realisation Measures of Customs Control”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
D.Blūma, SIA „VS skola” saimniecības daļas vadītāja |
1194. |
“Customs Role in Society Protection”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU Muitas un nodokļu katedras docents (prakt.) |
1195. |
“Customs role in international crime prevention”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1196. |
“Analysis of Customs Duties Collection in Latvian Customs”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1197. |
“Analysis of Customs Fees Collection at Customs Control Point “Terehova””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1198. |
“Control of Customs Duties in Transactions with Third Countries”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1199. |
“Customs Duty Preferential Use Assessment”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1200. |
“Development of Customs Warehouses Activities in the Republic of Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1201. |
“The Impact of Customs Warehouses Services on Keeping and Attracting New Customers”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1202. |
“Analysis of Holding Authorization Process in Customs Warehouses”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1203. |
"Customs Violation Detection and Prevention at the International Airport „Riga” in Customs Control Point”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1204. |
“The Outcome Analysis of Customs Board Permit Issue Terms and Conditions Inspection”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1205. |
„Analysis of the Customs Strategy”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
S.Kārkliņa- Ādmine, VID MP direktora vietniece |
1206. |
“Customs Technical Means and their Role in the Detection of Violations of Customs Regulations”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1207. |
“Analysis of Education Programme “Administration of Customs and Taxes””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors |
1208. |
“Historical Development of Customs in Connection with Combatting Smuggling”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents |
1209. |
„Problem of poverty in the Baltic countries under conditions of economic downturn”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore G.Blagova |
1210. |
“Further Effectiveness Improvement Measures of Customs Control in Illegal Circulation of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents |
1211. |
“Narcotic Drugs Smuggling Detection and Prevention in Customs Authorities on the Republic of Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1212. |
“Movement Problems of Undeclared Goods Across the Border”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1213. |
“Risk Assessment for the Violator of Unfair Commercial Practices Prohibition Directive in the European Union”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. A. Auziņa –Emsiņa |
1214. |
„Real estate insurance market in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. L.Ādamsone |
1215. |
“Analysis and Improvement Opportunities for Real Estate Tax in European Union and Republic of Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1216. |
„Real Property Tax Administration in Riga”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore S.Jansone |
1217. |
“Assessment of Administration of Real Estate Tax in the Naujenes Rural Municipality District”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1218. |
“Improvement of Real Estate Tax Administration in Malpils Territory”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1219. |
”Practice of Real Estate Tax Accommodation in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Gode, TSI asoc.profesore |
1220. |
„Basic principles of property tax administration and its economic evaluation”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof., Dr.oec. I.Dovladbekova |
1221. |
“Investigation of Unfinished Transit Procedures and Recovery of Customs Debt”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1222. |
„Employment and employment policy in the EU and Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof., J.Saulītis |
1223. |
“Improvement of Tax Expenditures System”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1224. |
“Problems of Tax Collection in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Ozoliņa, VID Nodokļu parādu piedziņas, RVPN vad. vietn. |
1225. |
“Factors of Influencing Tax Collection for Budget Incomes Execution in Latgales Region”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1226. |
“Tax Impact on Entrepreneurship”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1227. |
“Tax Impact on Economic Activity of “Bukkipers SB” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1228. |
“Role of Taxes in Budget Revenue of Latvian Municipalities”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1229. |
“Influence of Tax Payment to Enterprise "Liepājas Metalurgs" Economic Activity”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1230. |
“Tax Impact on the Cosmetic Business”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente |
1231. |
“Taxpayers Services at State Revenue Service”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Jezdakova, LR Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta ģenerāldirektore |
1232. |
“Tax Payment in Emergency Crediting System”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Strautmane RTU DF lektore |
1233. |
“Optimization Facilities of Tax in the Ironwork Enterprise”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1234. |
“Problems of Tax Debt Administration”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1235. |
“Tax Debt Collection and Related Issues in State Revenue Service”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Ozoliņa, VID Nodokļu parādu piedziņas, RVPN vad.vietn. |
1236. |
“Tax Application in the Antiquarian Business”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente |
1237. |
“Accommodation of Tax for Small Enterprises”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1238. |
“Transport Companies Tax Application”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1239. |
“Tax Planning for Trading Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors |
1240. |
“Ensuring Tax Policy Effectiveness in Latvia and the European Union”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Prof. K.Ketners |
1241. |
“Analysis of Tax System Influence to Local Governments Function Performance”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
J.Križanovska, Krāslavas novada domes galvenā grāmatvede |
1242. |
“Tax Systems Analysis in Finland and Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Gode, TSI asoc. profesore |
1243. |
“Tax Weight Reduction Facilities in Entrepreneurship”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1244. |
„Constructive Solutions of Slope Stability Provision and Calculation ” („Construction Project of the Road Dzirkali-Sogi”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1245. |
“Improvement of Warehouse Operations in “Officeday Latvia” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1246. |
“Improvement of Warehouse Operations in Clothing Wholesale Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1247. |
“Improvement of Warehousing Operations in Wholesaling Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1248. |
“Improvement of Warehousing Operations and Transport Processes in Retail Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1249. |
“Further Improvement of Warehouse Operations in the Company “Krassky” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1250. |
“Improvement of Warehousing Operations in SCAN - CARGO Intern. Speditionsservice GmbH”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1251. |
„The Use of Recycled Materials in Road Construction” („Reconstruction Project of Daugavpils Street in Preili”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
1252. |
„Economic justification for diversification of services in „Olimpiskais centrs „Ventspils”Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1253. |
„Project for improving services in the hotel „Grand Palace””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1254. |
„Development project for a service company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. L.Vasiļjeva |
1255. |
„Analysis of Remaining Formwork in Bridge Construction” („Project of Pedestrian Bridge in Liela Avenue In Ventspils ”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
1256. |
„Pile Design Techniques , Their Usage and Analysis” („Animals’ Crossing Project over the Road A2”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt. A.Paeglītis |
1257. |
„Foundation Soil Strengthening by Lime. Technology Review and Solution Analysis” („ Construction Project of Road Aglonas stacija -Smani ”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1258. |
“Role of perfume and cosmetics industry in the Latvian economy”
Dr.oec., profesore M.Šenfelde |
1259. |
„Food product promotion methods in a wholesale company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. R.Greitāne |
1260. |
“Transportation Optimization in Transport Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1261. |
“Transportation Organization in Retail Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1262. |
“Organization of Transportations in an International Cargo Transport Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1263. |
“Improvement of Transportation Organization in a Road Transport Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P. Patļins |
1264. |
“Improvement of Transportation Organization in a Transport Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1265. |
“Transportation Improvement in International Shipment Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1266. |
“Improvement of International Air Passenger Services”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1267. |
“Development of Passenger Air Transportation in the Baltic Countries”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. A.Auziņa |
1268. |
“Passenger and Freight Transport Improvement among Baltic Sea Region Countries”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1269. |
Technical and Economical Concepts of “Passive” Houses
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. Sigurds Jaundālders |
1270. |
„Project for developing mail services”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
1271. |
“Tax Applications on Permanent Establishments”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1272. |
„Local government functions and their fulfillment in Iecava municipality”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. T.Survilo |
1273. |
„Teachers" professional performance assessment project”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. L.Kamola |
1274. |
“Taxation of Pension Income”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, RTU lektore |
1275. |
„Project for assessing personnel performance”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola |
1276. |
„Project for reducing personnel turnover”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1277. |
„Determination Methods of Perspective Traffic Intensity” („Reconstruction Project of Road A10 Riga – Ventspils Section from 40.240km to 42.650km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
1278. |
„Investigation on Improvement Possibilities of Road Safety in Latvia” („Reconstruction of Dzelzcelnieku Street Section from Stacijas Street to Rigas Street”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
inž. M.Pebo |
1279. |
“Opportunities for Improving Delivery Process in Auto Transport Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1280. |
“Supply Optimization in Fuel Trading Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1281. |
“Improvements in Organizing Supplies in the JSC “SEVERSTAĻLAT””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1282. |
“Opportunities for Enhancing Administration of VAT, Checking Data Creditability and Drawback of Taxes in SRS TAX Board Riga Northern Customers Service Centre”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors |
1283. |
“Development of Value Added Tax in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1284. |
“Development of Value Added Tax in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1285. |
„Value added tax fraud scheme detection and prevention methods in the Republic of Latvia”
Dr.oec., profesors V.Nešpors |
1286. |
“Analysis of Value Added Tax Evasion Possibilities”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1287. |
“Influence of Value Added Tax Rates Change to the Entrepreneurship”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Magrina, SIA „Regula Baltija” finanšu analītiķe |
1288. |
„Application of value added tax for building services”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof., K.Ketners |
1289. |
"Analysis of Application of Value Added Tax in Different European Union Countries"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1290. |
“Analysis of Value Added Tax Application on Trade in Conditions of Economic Crisis”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Mogorite, RTU lektore |
1291. |
“Value Added Tax Policy Improvement and Further Harmonization in European Union”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1292. |
“Comparative Analysis of Value Added Tax Systems in the European Union Countries”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1293. |
“Analysis of Value Added Tax Rates Changes in Books”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1294. |
“Comparative Analysis of Value Added Tax Systems in the Baltic Countries”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1295. |
“Comparative Analysis of Value Added Tax Systems in European Union countries and Republic of Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1296. |
“Optimization of Urban Transportation Travel Time Planning and Improvement of Delivery Accuracy in Transport Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1297. |
„Constructive Solutions Analysis of City Underpasses” („Underpass Project at Liepajas Street ”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
1298. |
„Prospects for development of insurance for pre-school age children in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., M.Krastiņš |
1299. |
„Improvement of the funding system in pre-school education institutions in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore L.Kamola |
1300. |
„Cracks in Concrete Bridges, Their Development and Impact on Service Life” („Reconstruction Project of Road “Riciki-Kivdolova” ”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. K.Gode |
1301. |
“Declaration of Goods at SRS Liepaja Port in Customs Control Point”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1302. |
“Improvement Measures for Determination of Goods Customs Value”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Selga, VID Muitas pārvaldes nodaļas vadītāja |
1303. |
“Analysis of Clearance Arrangement of Goods in the Supply of Ships”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
D.Sadovenko, SIA „Unimars” jurists |
1304. |
“Research of Problems with Delivery Dates of Goods and Costs in a Trading Company and their Improvement”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc. prof. D. Solovjovs |
1305. |
“Evaluation of the Flow of Goods in Customs Control Point 0742”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1306. |
“Management of the Flow of Goods in “HM RĪGA” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. A.Starčenko |
1307. |
„Design Solutions and Application Analysis of the Noise Barriers” („Reconstruction of Road P32 Ligatne – Skriveri Section from 18.34km to 27.40km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
inž. I. Pāss |
1308. |
“Development of Private Advisory Services International Trade”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1309. |
„Financial investment opportunities for private persons in Latvian market conditions today”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof., N.Lāce |
1310. |
"Project for increasing sales of the product „Herceptin””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1311. |
„Professional development opportunities for the unemployed in Talsi region”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. L.Kamola |
1312. |
“Enforcement of Progressive Tax in the Republic of Latvia and it’s Analysis of Influence”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1313. |
“Bird Islands” on the Lake Engure
Faculty of Architecture |
Asoc.prof. G. Asaris |
1314. |
“Analysis of Value Added Tax Payment on Freight Traffic Services”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
1315. |
„Planning and organization of production processes in the company„Prometal Group”Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
1316. |
„Project for business performance development of a production company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
1317. |
„Marketing communications project in a production company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E. Gaile-Sarkane |
1318. |
„Use of Recycling in Road Building” („ Reconstruction of Road P4 (Riga-Ergli) Section from 81.00km to 90.80km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
inž. D.Bautris |
1319. |
„Comparison of Methods of Recycled Asphalt, its Use in Practice” („ Reconstruction Project of the Access Road of Road Kuldiga-Saldus”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. E. Naglis |
1320. |
„Analysis of Controlled Intersection Capacity ” („Reconstruction Project of Kronvalda Street from Izstades Street to Olaines Street in Jelgava”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
1321. |
„Impact of Promotional Objects Installation along Highways and Streets on Traffic Safety” („Construction of Road in the Section from Road V13(Tiraine-Jaunolaine) to Olaine”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
1322. |
„Planning of advertising in a retail company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt I.Andersone |
1323. |
„Impact of reputational risk on bank liquidity”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. A.Berķe -Berga |
1324. |
“Organisation and Improvement of Labour at Rēzekne Customs Control Point 0742”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Račinska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1325. |
„Activities for Pedestrian’s Safety Improvement in Riga” („Reconstruction of Varšavas Street Section from 18.novembra Street to Smilšu Street in Daugavpils”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt. Z.Lazda |
1326. |
“Assessment of Riga Freeport Competitiveness and Prospects for its Development in the Baltic Sea Region”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. V.Ozoliņa |
1327. |
„Closed Water System Analysis and Evaluation of Riga Streets ” („Technical Project of Road Sieksate-Rudbarzi”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt. A.Paeglītis |
1328. |
„Riga’s Street Network Suitability for Cycling Traffic and Its Development Potencial” („Ezermalas Street Reconstruction in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
1329. |
„Optimization and improvement of efficiency of financial accounting processes in Riga municipality institutions”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc. J.Mežiels |
1330. |
“The Risk of Criterion Evaluation at Customs Control Point 0210”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Kadiķis,VID MP MKP 0210 muitas maiņas vadītājs |
1331. |
“Border Crossing Information for Analysis in Customs Matters”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Dreimane, VID MP Juridiskās daļas Konsultāciju nodaļas vad |
1332. |
„Application Experience of Roundabouts in Europe. Development Directions and Prospects” („Solution Version of Vairoga and Gaujas Street Junction with Roundabout”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1333. |
“Implementation of Customs Function to Public Protection in the Border Frontier to the European Unions External Frontier”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Račinska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1334. |
“Improvement of Public Transport Performance in the City of Riga”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1335. |
„Role and improvement opportunities for a catering business in Riga"
Mg.oec., lektors U.Kamols |
1336. |
„Cooperation models for the implementation of brownfield regeneration”
Dr.arch., profesore S.Treija |
1337. |
“Improvement of Business Operations in the Warehouse of the Production Company “MELNĀ KAFIJA” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1338. |
“Organization and Optimization of Combined Sea-Freight Transportations in “Kuehne+Nagel” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. D.Solovjovs |
1339. |
“Organization of Combined Cargo Transportation through Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1340. |
„ Construction Technology of Non-Freezing Layer, Materials and their Property Analysis” („Reconstruction of Neretas Street in Jekabpils”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lekt. B.Jeļisejevs |
1341. |
„Analysis of Presstresed Reinforcement in Curved Concrete Spans”
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
1342. |
„Analysis of Traffic Safety Level Improvement Possibilities in Junctions” („Reconstruction of the Road A4 Baltezers-Saulkalne in the Section from Road A2 to P2”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
1343. |
„Assessment of Traffic Quality and Measures for Safety Impfovement in Riga City” („Reconstruction of Kooperativa Street Section from Progresa Street to Imanta Street in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
1344. |
„Characteristics, Application Possibilities and Selection Criteria of Traffic Organization Equipment” („Reconstruction Project of Eksporta Street Section from Vanšu Bridge to Elizabetes Street”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Zariņš |
1345. |
„Traffic Organization Optimization at Brivibas Street Section in Riga” („Reconstruction of the Overpass over the Railroad at Brivibas Street in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Mr.sc.ing. J.Barkāns |
1346. |
“Development Prospects of Road Transit Cargo Transport to the CIS Customs Union Region”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc. prof. D.Solovjovs |
1347. |
„Project for increasing sales in SIA ""Agera""”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1348. |
„Project for reducing employee turnover at "Asigne"Ltd"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Reinfelde |
1349. |
„Development of marketing strategy in „AA Kosmētika”Ltd” for the sale of products in the Baltic countries”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. R.Greitāne |
1350. |
„Project for enhancing performance efficiency in SIA „Atlaižu klubs.lv””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
1351. |
“Development and Organization of “Baltmarine Terminal” Ltd. Working Process”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU Muitas un nodokļu katedras docents, Mg.iur. |
1352. |
“Analysis of Export Production in “CIDO Group” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Derjabo, SIA „CIDO Grupa” eksporta projektu vadītāja |
1353. |
„Project for improving the personnel management system in the company “DDT Ltd"”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1354. |
“Analysis of Financial Position in ”Demvar” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1355. |
„Project for increasing competitiveness of SIA „Dives Reklāma””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1356. |
„Development project for the company „KEBABS FIX” Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1357. |
"Solvency improvement project in the company „Krauklītis” Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
1358. |
„Development project at the company „Kurzemes sēklas” Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1359. |
"Recruitment improvement project at the company „Latvijas Tālrunis” Ltd”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1360. |
„Development project of SIA „LieData””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
1361. |
„Project for developing e-store of SIA „Mājas siltums”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
1362. |
„Project for enhancing the effectivity of business performance at the company „Namu apsaimniekošana” Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
1363. |
„Project for enhancing business performance efficiency of „Ošukalns”Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
1364. |
„Project for enhancing marketing communications in the company „RIMI LATVIA” Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1365. |
„Project for increasing personnel motivation in SIA „Rimi Latvia””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., S.Gailīte |
1366. |
„Strategic development project in SIA „SELDIJS””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1367. |
“Analysis of Annual Report in "Shlokenbeka” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1368. |
„Project for attracting clients in IZZI Ltd”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec, prof. V.Jurēnoks |
1369. |
„Project for enhancing the remuneration system in ZS „Veģi” Ltd”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. I.Ezera |
1370. |
“Optimization of Tax Payment in “X” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1371. |
„Heavy and Nonstandard Load Transport Securing Through Roads” („Local Road Section Reconstruction of Aizputes Territory”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Sc.ing. I.Peks |
1372. |
„Structural Solutions Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Segmental Bridges” („Reconstruction of the Bridge over the River Gauja on Road A3 1,5 km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1373. |
„Project for enhancing business performance of intermediary companies in cargo transportations in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. J.Kuškins |
1374. |
“International Air Transport Association Project “E- FREIGHT” Implementation Possibilities in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Azarēviča, SIA „SCHENKER”Gaisa transporta attīstības vadīt |
1375. |
“Analysis of Economic Activities of International Airport “Riga””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Andrējeva, RTU profesore |
1376. |
“Cost Reduction Opportunities for International Road Transport”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. V.Skribans |
1377. |
“Evaluation of International Business Development Perspectives in a Plastic Products Manufacturing Company”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Doc. I.Pucens |
1378. |
“Optimization of International Freight Transportation in Transport Companies of Latvia Today”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1379. |
“Improvement of Business Activities of International Freight Transport Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1380. |
“Improvement of International Transportation in Road Transport Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1381. |
„ Effectiveness Analysis of Reinforcement Corrosion Protection” („The Pedestrian Bridge over the City Canal Section at 13. Janvara Street”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1382. |
„Use of Reinforced Plastic in Bridge Construction” („Bridge over Indrica on Road Daugavpils- Kraslava 290,06 km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
1383. |
„Strategy selection and implementation in a postal service company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt.I.Andersone |
1384. |
“Control of Strategic Goods in the Republic of Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU Muitas un nodokļu katedras docents (prakt.) |
1385. |
„Role of structural changes of national economy for economic growth”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. J. Saulītis |
1386. |
„Development project for technology park”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. L.Vasiļjeva |
1387. |
„Opportunities for creating telework centres in business incubators”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lektore A.Vītola |
1388. |
„Efficiency Improvement of Steel Bridges Carriageway Pavement”
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. Edeltraud Straube |
1389. |
“Improvement of Terminal and Warehousing Operations in the Logistics Company “DSV Transport” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prakt.doc. A.Ābele |
1390. |
„Foreign direct investment and its impact on the US economy”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. I. Dovladbekova |
1391. |
“Analysis of Direct Tax Policy in Latvia and European Union”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
T.Vanaga, Audita firmas SIA „Tilders” valdes locekle |
1392. |
„Analysis of Extradosed Bridges” („Design of the New Bridge over the River Venta in Venspils”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1393. |
„Influencing Factors ‘Analysis of the Bridge Bearing Capacity” („The Pedestrian Bridge over the City Canal at Bastejkalns in Riga”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
1394. |
„Research on Application of Bridge Distribution Coefficients Calculations Methods”
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. A.Paeglītis |
1395. |
„Personnel selection and integration project in a trading company”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola |
1396. |
„Opportunities for enhancing profitability in a trading company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
1397. |
“Planning of marketing in a company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
lekt. I.Andersone |
1398. |
“Importance of Transfer Prices in the Application of the Corporate Income Tax”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Vilcāne, SIA „Jeld-Wen” finanšu |
1399. |
“Optimization of Economic Activities of the Transport Expedition Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof. V.Skribans |
1400. |
“Vehicle Performance Optimization in an International Transport Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1401. |
“Solutions for Transport Logistics in a Bakery and Confectionery Manufacturing Company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1402. |
“Analysis of the Influential Factors of the Traffic Flow in Customs Control Point “Terehova””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Račinska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1403. |
“Opportunities for Improving Transport Processes in Beverage Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1404. |
„Transport Noise and Its Prevention Possibilities” („Reconstruction of the Road P85 Section Riga HES-Jaunjelgava ”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
prof. J.Smirnovs |
1405. |
“Prospects for Development of Transport and Logistics Industry in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prakt.doc. K.Griķe |
1406. |
“Improvement of Planning Transport and Warehouse Operations in Logistics Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1407. |
„Improvement of financial state of a transport company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc. N.Semjonova |
1408. |
“Supply Process Improvement in the Transport Company “Freeway Logistics” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1409. |
“Opportunities for Transport Cost Optimization in Building Service Companies”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt. J.Kuškins |
1410. |
“Development of Physical Control Means of Transport at the Latgales Customs Control Posts”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1411. |
“Organization of Vehicle Delivery in Retail Enterprises”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
J.Kuškins, RTU lektors, Mg.oec. |
1412. |
“Development of Vehicular and Road Tax System in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1413. |
„Transit Traffic Volume Impact to Customs Posts Works Organization in the Latgales Region”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1414. |
“Analysis of Transit Procedure in Latgales Customs Posts”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1415. |
„Tourism development problems in coastal municipalities”
Mg.oec., Prakt. docente N.Semjonova |
1416. |
„Project for enhancing business performance in IT company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. J.Kuškins |
1417. |
„Project for improving business performance in a wholesale company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. J.Kuškins |
1418. |
„Project for enhancing staff presentation art at the company “AD Hunters Latvia””
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1419. |
„Development project for the company „Delta koks””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1420. |
“Assessment of Financial Position in Enterprise ”EK-Systems””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1421. |
“Analysis of Financial Position in Enterprise “ELBI””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1422. |
“Improvement Possibilities of the Financial Position Facility in Enterprise “Izoterms””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1423. |
„Personnel selection and training project in the company "X"”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1424. |
"Company Wage System and Wage Related Tax Payment Optimization"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1425. |
"The company"s business development project”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
1426. |
“The company"s performance improvement project”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
1427. |
„Business financing options in today’s economy”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.G. Ciemleja |
1428. |
“Analysis and Development Perspectives of Enterprise Financial Position”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1429. |
“Analysis of Enterprise Financial Position and Tax Impact to Entrepreneurship”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1430. |
“Enterprise Financial Analysis and Evaluation of Risk”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1431. |
“Corporate Income Tax Policy in Latvia and the European Union”
22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics |
Prof. K.Ketners |
1432. |
„Project for enhancing company’s competitiveness”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1433. |
“Analysis of Company Credit Rating”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1434. |
„Methods and problems for forecasting corporate insolvency”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. J.Mežiels |
1435. |
„Project for enhancing marketing activities of a company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
1436. |
„Project for company"s service sales development "
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
1437. |
„Project for improving service in a company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
1438. |
“Procedures of Control in the Company for Acquiring the Status of Authorised Economic Operator”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Čevers, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.iur. |
1439. |
„Project for increasing company profit”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
1440. |
„Project for enhancing personnel selection and adaptation in a company”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1441. |
„Project for improvement of personnel selection and adaptation in a company”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola |
1442. |
„Project for promoting employee selection and adaptation at a company”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola |
1443. |
„Project for increasing personnel motivation in a company”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec., D.Ščeulovs |
1444. |
„Project for improving company personnel records”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte |
1445. |
„Project for increasing product sales volumes of the company"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1446. |
“Analysis of Tax Payment in “Daugavpils Children Health Center” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1447. |
„Project for reducing employee turnover at the company „GAMMA-A” Ltd”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Reinfelde |
1448. |
“Improvement of Business Performance of the Logistics Division in the Company “TRANSOCEAN RIX” Ltd.”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
1449. |
„Project for improving recruitment and training at the company ”VP Apsardze” Ltd”
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psih., lekt. S.Reinfelde |
1450. |
“Financial Position Improvement Possibilities at the Enterprise “X””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1451. |
“Increase of Corporate Income Tax Effectiveness in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1452. |
“The Corporate Income Tax Impact on Entrepreneurship in Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Ozoliņa, VID Nodokļu parādu piedziņas, RVPN vadītājas viet |
1453. |
“Corporate Income Tax impact on Company Economic Activity”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1454. |
“Influence of Corporate Income Tax Rates to State Budget Revenues and Entrepreneurship”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
S.Sarule, VID NP LNAD Daugavpils KAC galvenā nodokļu inspekt |
1455. |
“Analysis of Corporate Income Tax Payments Data on the Telecommunication Level in the Baltic Countries”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Mogorite, RTU lektore |
1456. |
“Comparative Analysis of Corporate Income Tax System in the EU and Latvia”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec. |
1457. |
“Analysis of Administration of Corporate Tax Debts”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Gurkovska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1458. |
„The wholesale business improvement project"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
1459. |
„Project for enhancing competitiveness in a wholesale company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
1460. |
„Typology of least developed countries“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., Doc. I.Judrupa |
1461. |
„Project for improving personnel management in a state agency”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane |
1462. |
“State Budget Financing and Administration”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Andrējeva, RTU profesore |
1463. |
“State Revenue Service Customs Departments Employee Motivation in Conditions of Restricted Resources”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Račinska, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1464. |
“Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Mandatory Social Insurance Contributions in the Latvian Budget”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
N.Rudzītis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1465. |
„Problems of state social insurance special budget formation”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., Doc. I.Judrupa |
1466. |
“Improvement Problems of Financial Position at Joint Stock Company ”Latvijas Dzelzceļš””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Jevinga, RTU docente (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1467. |
“Analysis of Financial Position at Joint Stock Company “Latvijas Dzelzceļš”’
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore |
1468. |
“Improving Efficiency of Using Half Wagons in SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš””
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Doc. P.Patļins |
1469. |
„Development and Characteristics of Bikeways in Ventspils Town” („Construction of Bikeway in Zvaigznu Street and Reconstruction of Kuldigas Street in Ventspils”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Sc.ing. E.Šuvarikova |
1470. |
„The Integration Options of Cycling in the Cities Junction Zones ” („The Reconstruction of Harbour Area in Horsens-the Planning of Streets and Infrastructure”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Inž. Z.Lazda |
1471. |
“The Role of SRS Customs Criminal Board in Revelling of Smuggling of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Gulbis, RTU docents (prakt.), Mg.oec. |
1472. |
„Project for improving personnel training and motivation in SRS”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., S.Gailīte |
1473. |
„Environment Impact Analysis on Roads with Asphalt Pavement in Latvia” („Reconstruction of Smiltenes Street in Daugavpils”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs |
1474. |
„Assessment of Environment Availability in Riga” („Reconstruction of Pilskalna Street in Bauska”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.R.Naudžuns |
1475. |
„Lightweight Concrete Use Analysis in Bridge Structures” („Construction Project of Pelites Bridge in Road P76 Aizkraukle-Jekabpils 41.83km”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
1476. |
„Planning of promotion activities in a company”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt I.Andersone |
1477. |
„Brands and efficiency of company performance“
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka |
1478. |
Single phase induction motor for 110 V/60 Hz network adaptation to the European 230V/50 Hz network
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Kanbergs |
1479. |
Protective relaying development of 110/6 kV substation "CEMEX"
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Dolgicers |
1480. |
Basic Steps in the General Overhaul of 110kV Power Transformers
Institute of Power Engineering |
G.Gavrilovs |
1481. |
Synthesis and reactions of 2,6-ditriazolylpurine ribonucleosides
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. Ē.Bizdēna, Mg.sc.ing. I.Novosjolova |
1482. |
Basic Construction Principles of 20-10/0.4kV Electrical Networks and Transformer Substation
Institute of Power Engineering |
O.Borščevskis |
1483. |
The Development of 3D graphics Engine for Computer Game Using OpenGL
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
1484. |
3D Graphics Application on the Websites Development
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
1485. |
3D Model Constuction Based on 2D Images
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr. gr. prof. A. Glazs |
1486. |
3D Model Reconstruction from 2D Images using Mobile Device Sensor Data
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr. gr. prof. A. Glazs |
1487. |
3D Object Creation
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
1488. |
Development of 3D Game Model
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs |
1489. |
3D Character Modeling and Animation in Autodesk Maya
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
1490. |
Possibility of chromatographic determination of optical purity of 3-quinuclidinol enandiomers
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. J.Millers, Mg. chem. D. Ruskovs |
1491. |
Synthesis of 6,7-dichloropyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazole-8,9-dione and its 4-azaanalogues and their reactions with nucleophilic reagents
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. R. Valters, Dr. chem. N.Batenko |
1492. |
Synthesis of 6-oxo-1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-pyridine-3-carboxylic acid derivatives
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. E.Loža |
1493. |
Sutability of 8N glass for dental restoration
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. L.Bērziņa-Cimdiņa, Mg.sc.ing.A.Stunda-Zujeva |
1494. |
Preparation and properties of 9a-substituted-1H-fluoren-9-ones
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. V.Lūsis |
1495. |
Project of succession and motivation of employees of JSC "Rīgas dzirnavnieks"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psych., lekt.S.Reinfelde |
1496. |
JSC “B.L.B. Baltic Terminal” Work Technology on Access Tracks of Mangali Station
Ļ.Kirillova, Dipl.inž., lektore |
1497. |
Production efficiency enhancement in JSC “Liepājas metalurgs”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
1498. |
JSC "Liepājas papīrs" performance efficiency enhancement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
1499. |
Design of an Adjustable Towing Mechanism for Industrial Application
Docents Valerijs Muhins |
1500. |
Adaptive Filtering Methods for Robot Self Localization
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Ņikitenko |
1501. |
Classification of Adaptive Systems in Computer Science
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Inese Šūpulniece |
1502. |
Addressing in Next Generation IP Network
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1503. |
ADSL Signal Spectrum Changes Under Noise Impact
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
R.Parts |
1504. |
Performance Research of ADSL Technology
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
R.Parts |
1505. |
Air Navigation Simulator
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1506. |
The Use of Heat Potential of Waste Flue Gases
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing., Dmitrijs Rusovs |
1507. |
Assessment of Defence Attenuation in Data Transmission Lines
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1508. |
Ajax Technology Integration in Web Cartographic Applications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
1509. |
Technologies, Trends and Perspectives in Modern Web Design
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Vladimirs Tomko |
1510. |
Possibilities to Detect Alpha Particles Tracks in Glass and Silicon Using Kelvin Probe
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
1511. |
The Traffic Optimization Slokas and Kalnciema Street Intersection
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1512. |
„Green Wave” Algorithm Development for Implementing to Brivibas Street
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1513. |
Characterization of Amyloid β-42 Fibrillation by Atomic Force Microscopy
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
1514. |
Research of the Android Applications Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. Ē.Asņina |
1515. |
Animation and Modeling in 3DS Max with the Help of Plugins
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
1516. |
Building Complex in Marupe
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. J. Briņķis |
1517. |
Evaluation of the Effect of Finishing Material on the Comfort of the Tenants of the House
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Korjakins |
1518. |
Improvement of lamination line for surface decoration panels production
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I. Boiko |
1519. |
Development of the Insurance Management Information System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. G.Alksnis |
1520. |
Performance improvement project for an insurance company’s affiliate
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. I.Voronova |
1521. |
Project for optimizing the working capital volume of JSC "Trikātas siers"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
1522. |
Encumbered Areas and their Determination in Gulbene Area
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lekt. O.Metuma |
1523. |
Pattern Grading
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., Gaļina Terļecka |
1524. |
Clothing Logistic
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., Inese Ziemele |
1525. |
Types of heating in single-family houses
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Aldis Greķis |
1526. |
Analysis of Application Development for Mobile Devices
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Kavacis |
1527. |
Use of Learning Methods to Improve Kinematic Models
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Ņikitenko |
1528. |
Analysis of Security Alarms Transmission System over Radio Network
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
T.Celmiņš |
1529. |
Optimization of a Consolidated Cargo Delivery Network and Design of a Distribution Centre
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
1530. |
Green Structures in Sustainable Urban Development
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. U.Bratuškins |
1531. |
Development of the Web Application Configuration Tool According to “Siebel Tools” Design Principles
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
1532. |
Electron and Gamma Photon Irradiated Bones Surface Electrical Potential
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
1533. |
The Electron Beam Irradiated ZrO2:PbS Nanostructure Dosimetric Characteristics
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars |
1534. |
Dosimetric Characteristics of ZrO2:PbS Nanostructures Irradiated with Photon Beam
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars |
1535. |
Methods for the synthesis of 1,4-quinones fused with heterocycles
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. R. Valters, Dr. chem. N.Batenko |
1536. |
Optical and electrical properties of Si and Ge p-n junctions and nanostructures obtained by laser radiation
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.habil.phys. A.Medvids |
1537. |
Preparation of magnesium-substituted hydroxyapatite by wet chemical precipitation method
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. K.Šalma-Ancāne |
1538. |
Developing Concept of a Billing System for Problems Related of Payment Services for Railway Transport
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Spunītis |
1539. |
Synthesis and characterization of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles coated with silica
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Abdusalam Uheida |
1540. |
Radio Navigation Facilities of Civil and Military Airfield Equipped with ILS System
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1541. |
Radio Navigation Facilities of Civil and Military Airfield Equipped with MLS System
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1542. |
Radio Navigation Facilities of Civil and Military Airfield Equipped with VORTAC System
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1543. |
Voltage Controlled Operational Amplifiers Circuits with Inductive Input Impedance
13200 Institute of Radioelectronics |
Doc. A.Pakalns |
1544. |
The evaluation of catalytic properties of porous ceramics coated with TiO<sub>2</sub>
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. I.Zaķe |
1545. |
Ecological Heat Insulating Materials for External and Internal Use; Diploma Project Gym in Rēzekne
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Korjakins |
1546. |
Research of Influence of an External Energy Source on Mechanical Metal Proporties
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N.Mozga |
1547. |
Architecture as Space of Communication
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš |
1548. |
Architecture Development for the Computer Reservation System in Riga Central Library
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
1549. |
Architectural Model Creation in 3D Modeling Package
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
1550. |
Outsourcing company’s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
1551. |
Location Free work – Implementation Criteria and Employee Motivation in The Companies in Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
G.Mathers |
1552. |
Study of drug polymorphism and development of new multicomponent pharmaceutical solids
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. phys. A.Mišņovs, Dr.chem. M.Jure |
1553. |
Performance development opportunities for the representative of foreign merchant "KRKA, DD, Novo Mesto"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., lekt. R.Greitāne |
1554. |
Optimization of the Schemes of Foreign Suppliers’ Production Delivery to a Latvian Trade Enterprise
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
1555. |
Project for increasing competitiveness of JSC "Balticovo"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.V.Jurēnoks |
1556. |
Performance enhancement project for JSC "Saldus mežrūpniecība"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
1557. |
Development project for JSC "Liepājas autobusu parks"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
1558. |
The Reconstruction of the Laboratory Cooling System at JSC SIDRABE
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. D.Rusovs |
1559. |
Asymmetry Research in Symmetrical Cable Lines
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1560. |
Analysis of Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithms
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
1561. |
Asynchronous capacitor motors mechanical characteristic simulation and research
Institute of Power Engineering |
E.Ketnere |
1562. |
Asynchronous Technologies and Web Services in the Distributed System Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. P.Rusakovs |
1563. |
Associative Meaning and Context
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Oksana Samuilova |
1564. |
Comparison of Open Source Transportation and Urban Microsimulation Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
1565. |
Open Source and Commercial Enterprise Resource Planning System Selection for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
1566. |
Influence of deicing salts on porous silicate materials
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. J.Grāve |
1567. |
Development Tendencies of Nuclear Power Engineering in baltic Region
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Gavrilovs |
1568. |
Observation System Moving Mechanism of Atomic Force Microscope Modernisation
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
1569. |
Leisure Base in Mangalsala
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. U. Bratuškins |
1570. |
Recreation centre development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
1571. |
Recreation Center in Carnikava.
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. A. Vītols |
1572. |
Location Based Technologies
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
T.Celmiņš |
1573. |
Improvement of Technology for International Transportation of Perishable Goods
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
1574. |
Technology of Separate Wagons Flows Processing Using Railway Infrastructure of Tornakalns Park of Riga Station
Jeļena Stepanova M.sc., lektore |
1575. |
Image Quality Improving Noise Purify
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
1576. |
Development Strategy for The Company „Le Sorelle” SIA
01B00 Riga Business School |
I.Jākobsone |
1577. |
Development of Spatial Infrastructure Based on Open Source Geographical Information System
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
1578. |
Conclusion on the compliance of building project to fire security requirements
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.Ziemelis, Dr.sc.ing. |
1579. |
High performance concrete
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Sētiņa |
1580. |
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission lines
Institute of Power Engineering |
doc. D.Žalostība |
1581. |
Development and Usage of Eastern European Bond Market Index
01B00 Riga Business School |
T.Siliņš |
1582. |
Research and Modernization of the Engineering Processes of Solaris Urbino Buses Braking System Operation
Asistents Igors Kurjanovičs |
1583. |
Modernization of the Control System of Fuel Pump Drive at Tank-Truk Filling Terminal
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Doc. I.Buņina |
1584. |
Automobile Engine Control System Research
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof. A.Klūga |
1585. |
Automatic pelagic small fish infeeding machine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O. Liniņš |
1586. |
Methods of Automatic Memory Management
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.cs.ing. A.Grocevs |
1587. |
Technical maintenance procedures for automatic fire protection systems
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
R.Šorubalko, VUGD |
1588. |
Automatic tincan washing machine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kaņeps |
1589. |
Automatized Tracking System of Wagons and Cargo Passing Through the Station
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Spunītis |
1590. |
Analysis and Optimization of Track Tracking System Functions to Improve a Company’s Performance
Docents Aloizs Lešinskis |
1591. |
Design of a Vehicle Repair Station with the Aim of Improving the Operational Efficiency of a Transport Enterprise
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
1592. |
Development of a Methodology for Ultrasonic Testing of Airlift Objects
Lektore Zoja Smorodova |
1593. |
Optimization of Airline Operation in Order to Increase Efficiency of Passenger Transportation
Docents Valerijs Muhins |
1594. |
Design of automatic badminton balls dispensing machine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J. Krizbergs |
1595. |
Baggage X-ray Unit Modernization
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Genādijs Sagalovičs |
1596. |
Voice Telephony Quality of Service Assessment
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
P.Gavars; konsult. A.Lipenbergs |
1597. |
Emulsifying properties of the grey alder hemicelluloses
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. J.Zoldners, Mg. sc.V. Tupureina |
1598. |
Project for improving a bank"s operating efficiency
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.Z.Sundukova |
1599. |
Project for improving a bank"s marketing activities in the period of global economic changes
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
1600. |
Operating efficiency improvement project for a bank branch
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.K.Didenko |
1601. |
Project for improvement of a bank"s services quality
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.I.Voronova |
1602. |
Bankruptcy prediction models and their application possibilities in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Mežiels |
1603. |
Improvements of Power Supply Filters
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
prof. J.Jankovskis |
1604. |
The scope of benzoisothiazolones synthesis from 2-brombenzamide and sulfur under copper catalysis conditions
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Katkevičs |
1605. |
Development of the Methods for the Analysis and Design of Basic Units of a Vertical Conveyor for Transporting Bulk Cargoes by Using Solid Works
Lektore Zoja Smorodova |
1606. |
Children"s Clothing Collection for Company "Hebe"
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing. Inese Parkova |
1607. |
Kindergarten in Upesciems, Garkalne Region
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt.. A. Vītols |
1608. |
Technical solutions for kindergarden buildings envelopes
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Aldis Greķis |
1609. |
Extension Perspectives of Dovetail Joints Use in Woodwork Manufacturing
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dipl.ing., docents J.Emsiņš, Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
1610. |
Wireless Mesh Network Monitoring Tool Realisation with MANGO
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Jelinskis |
1611. |
Wireless Sensor Network with low Power Consumption Development
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs |
1612. |
Wireless Network Learning System Development and Research
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. V.Boicovs |
1613. |
Analysis of BGP Route Optimization Methods
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1614. |
Analysis of BGP Protocol Operation
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1615. |
Interaction of BGP and OSPF Protocols
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1616. |
Biekengravis – the Aquatecture Scape on the Left Bank of the River Daugava, Riga
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. E. Bērziņš |
1617. |
Characteristics of winter diesel fuel containing biodiesel
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. V.Kampars, Mg. chem. L.Laipniece |
1618. |
Production of Biogas in Small Power Digesters
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc.Prof. R.Neilands |
1619. |
Biogas production and use potential in Latvian agriculture
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
D.Blumberga |
1620. |
Bioclimatic Strategies in Architecture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prof. I.Strautmanis |
1621. |
Modeling of Biological Object Dynamics in Cinema 4D
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
1622. |
Design and Analysis of Operation of Biomass Cogeneration Plant
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
S.Jaundālders |
1623. |
Biodegradable polymer matrices for reinforced eco-composites
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg. sc.V. Tupureina |
1624. |
Integration of Cloud Based Office Productivity Tools into Corporate IT Infrastructure
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jans Šlihte |
1625. |
Analysis of Dangerous Road Sections
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. J.Smirnovs |
1626. |
Design of a Distribution Network for the Supply of Dangerous Goods in the Territory of Latvia
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
1627. |
Construction of a Dangerous Cargo Terminal for Improving the Operational Efficiency of an Enterprise
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
1628. |
Analysis of Bit Error Estimation Methods in Transmission Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
P.Gavars; konsult. O.Ozoliņš |
1629. |
Real-time Evaluation of Bit Error Rate in WDM Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš |
1630. |
Strategy for Business Development for Atlas Services Group in the Norway
01B00 Riga Business School |
I.Eglīte |
1631. |
Trends in Development of User Interfaces of Business Intelligence Tools
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča |
1632. |
Integration of Business Rules and Model Driven Development
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Stirna |
1633. |
Project of Development of a Business Plan
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.V.Šatrevičs |
1634. |
Business Strategy Development for Draugiem TV
01B00 Riga Business School |
Ē.Dobelis |
1635. |
The Business Start-up Project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.V.Šatrevičs |
1636. |
Fault Location Determination in Copper Cable Lines
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1637. |
Building information modeling impact analysis on Consolis Latvija Ltd. projects key performance indicators
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesors Jurijs Merkurjevs |
1638. |
Insurance of the risk in construction and their impact on construction industry
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
VZD, Mg.math. Māris Grīnbergs |
1639. |
Construction company’s operating efficiency improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
1640. |
Construction company"s efficiency improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
1641. |
Construction design company’s development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. I.Voronova |
1642. |
Construction company` s SIA "RBSSKALS Buvsabiedriba" management efficiency evalution and its improvement opportunities
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. , zvērināts revidents Jānis Mežiels |
1643. |
Calculation and Increasing of Throughput of Daugavpils-Krustpils Railway Section
Ļ.Kirillova, Dipl.inž., lektore |
1644. |
Investigating the Operability of a Vertical Belt Conveyor for Transporting Construction and Chemical Cargoes and Defining Its Rational Operating Parameters
Lektore Zoja Smorodova |
1645. |
"Studies of Dynamic Stability of Cranes"
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Bruno Grasmanis |
1646. |
Development and Evaluation of Solution for Centralized Administration of Access Rights
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
1647. |
Reconstruction of Centralized Thermal Energy Networks
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. I.Bekmanis |
1648. |
Pricing Policy Development for Scientific Institute „BIOR” Services
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Pajuste |
1649. |
The effect of water hardness on water electrolysis using titanium oxide ceramic electrodes
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Ozoliņš, Mg.sc.chem. M.Reimanis |
1650. |
Analysis of Digital Filters in Signal Processing
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Pundurs |
1651. |
Analysis of Digital Device Diagnostics Results
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
T.Celmiņš |
1652. |
Digital Radiorelay Systems in Transport
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof. V.Popovs |
1653. |
Analysis of Digital Signal Processing Mathematical Methods
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Pundurs |
1654. |
Analysis of Cisco Express Forwarding Operation
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1655. |
CISCO Network Structure of the Radio Relay Lines Based on PDM
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
1656. |
Use of Public Data Communication Networks for Performing Military Tasks
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Asars |
1657. |
Radio Communications Assessment of Civilian and Military Air Traffic in Territory of Latvia
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Mg.sc.ing., lekt. J.Jansons |
1658. |
Comparative Analysis of CMS for Administration of Web Projects
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
1659. |
Improvement of liquidation processes of natural disaster consequences
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Ozoliņš, VUGD |
1660. |
Partial Discharge Testing and Monitoring to Forecast Insulation Failures in Electrical Equipment
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
Mareks Zviedrītis |
1661. |
Checkers min-max Algorithm use in Robotics
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr. gr. prof. Z. Markovičs |
1662. |
Implementation of Checkers Game with Industrial Robot
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. prof. Z. Markovičs |
1663. |
Improvement of internal monitoring of labour protection in road maintenance companies
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
prof. J.Ieviņš |
1664. |
Development of labor protection system for self-employed and for small businesses
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
prof. J.Ieviņš |
1665. |
Project of development of performance appraisal system
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.biol., pr.doc.G.Maurāne |
1666. |
Impact of work environment and psycho-emotional risks on the welfare sector employees’ work abilities and means for their improvement
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
doc. J.Bērziņš |
1667. |
Main directions of the workplace monitoring methodology improvement in the electricity distribution company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
doc. J.Bērziņš |
1668. |
Research and Optimization of Employment of Workers in Riga Node Stations
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1669. |
Evaluation of Workflow Development Tools
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders |
1670. |
Principles and Technologies for Development of Rich Internet Applications
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
1671. |
Designing of packing machine for vegetables
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A. Kamols |
1672. |
Creating additional business value through the use of data mining techniques
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesore Gaļina Merkurjeva |
1673. |
Evaluation of Computer Information Protection Methods
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
M.Usanovs; konsult. T.Celmiņš |
1674. |
Development Technologies of Computer-aided Knowledge Control Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. N. Prokofjeva |
1675. |
Network Based Management and Control Systems (HPOPEN VIEW, ZABIX)
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
1676. |
Computer Network Design in Simulink Environment
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. S.Šarkovskis |
1677. |
Traffic Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs |
1678. |
Design of Upgrade Process of Database Management System in the Context of Software Configuration and Release Management
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
1679. |
Database Development in Microsoft .NET Environment
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. M.Uhanova |
1680. |
Database Structures Comparing and Merging Online Tool
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. N. Prokofjeva |
1681. |
Stomach Disease Data Analysis with Data Mining Methods
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins |
1682. |
Evaluation of Data Integration Solution
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars |
1683. |
Research of the Data Integrity Constraints in the Data Definition Languages
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.sc.ing., IS inž. V.Nazaruks |
1684. |
Data Warehouse and Report Building Principles and Techniques for Financial Analysis
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Ludmila Aleksejeva |
1685. |
Comparison of Data Transmission Line Connectors
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1686. |
Evaluation of Data Synhronization Solutions
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders |
1687. |
Analysis of Multidimensional Data Modeling, Extracting, and Storage Methods
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. J.Eiduks |
1688. |
Multidimensionality in Architecture
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. S.Treija |
1689. |
Technical-economic assesment of management`s form of apartment house
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof., Dr.oec. J.Vanags |
1690. |
The common problems in the real estate management in apartment houses in Riga and their solutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., profesore Ineta Geipele |
1691. |
Apartment of dwelling house available thermal energy efficient use necessity
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA RBSSkals, Duipl.ing.O.Caune |
1692. |
Apartment house management of the economic aspects
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA RBSSkals, Dipl.ing.O.Caune |
1693. |
Economical substantiation of renovation project for dwelling houses to increase energy efficiency
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Asoc.prof., Dr.oec. T.Tambovceva |
1694. |
Tehnical and economial solutions to increase energy efficiency of apasrment house in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. Tatjana Tambovceva |
1695. |
Rational improving feasibilities of energy efficiency for multistory houses
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Anatolijs Borodiņecs |
1696. |
Apartment building maintance costs management possibilities in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., doc. Kristīne Fedotova |
1697. |
Technical economical solutions of apartment buildings heating systems reequipment
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof., Dr.oec. Ineta Geipele |
1698. |
Development of Multi-echelon Supply Chain Simulation Model
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško |
1699. |
Analysis of Multi Echelon Supply Chains Inventory Contol Algorithms
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško |
1700. |
Multifunctional Modular Furniture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., asistents G.Upītis |
1701. |
Multilegged Robot Locomotion on Rough Terrain
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. prof. Z. Markovičs |
1702. |
Multimode Optical Fiber Use Perspectives in LANs
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1703. |
Implementing a Cross-platform Network Monitoring System
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
1704. |
Production and investigation of exploitation properties of multilayers polyolefine films
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. J. Kajaks |
1705. |
Interaction Between Multi - storey and Low-rise Buildings in Area of One Block
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Lekt. D.Zemešs |
1706. |
The Spatial Coexistance of Daugava River Scape and Trafic Infrastructure
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. U.Bratuškins |
1707. |
Creative Conservation of Engineers’ Arsenal of Daugavpils Fortress
Faculty of Architecture |
Asoc.prof. G. Asaris |
1708. |
The Analysis of the Work of the DHP-1 in Daugavpils and the Development of Proposals on the Raising the Efficiency of Heat Power Utilization at the Cogeneration Plan
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Strautmanis |
1709. |
Wireless Transmission of Binary Signals of Different Pulse Lengths
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
R.Šāvelis |
1710. |
Variety of Technical Styles: Style Analysis
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova |
1711. |
Application and Research of Different Modulation Formats in WDM Transmission Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
1712. |
Architecture and Performance Comparison of Different Vendor Routers
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis; konsult. A.Skrastiņš |
1713. |
Research of Different Noise Spectrum
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
R.Parts |
1714. |
Chemical and thermal activation of some clays of Latvia
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. I.Šperberga |
1715. |
Project for improving receivables management
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.Z.Sundukova |
1716. |
Receivables management efficiency project for a leasing company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.K.Kozlovskis |
1717. |
Organization of Fuel Supplies in the Retail Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prakt.doc. A.Ābele |
1718. |
Decorative Luminaires
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektore G.Zommere |
1719. |
Determining the Threshold of Radiotherapy Delivery Error Detection Using Delta
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Michael Thomas |
1720. |
Dendrolight Furniture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dipl.ing., docents J.Emsiņš |
1721. |
Modernization of the Dental X-ray Machines Arm
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
1722. |
Investigation of deteriorated archaeological wood fragment
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. M.Dzenis |
1723. |
Comparison of DFB Laser Parameters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1724. |
Daylight as a Design Tool for the Block Development, Riga Historical Centre
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. I. Strautmanis |
1725. |
Daylight as a Design Tool for the Black Box Theatre in Riga Historical Centre
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. I. Strautmanis |
1726. |
Conceptual Content in Digital Architecture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Lekt. A.Riekstiņš |
1727. |
Quality Control Method for Digital X-ray Equipment
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars |
1728. |
Dynamic Control of Asynchronous Motor via PROFIBUS Subnet
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr. gr. doc. A. Ozols |
1729. |
Development of Training System for Dynamic Web Site Development
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
1730. |
Current Tendencies in Dispatcher Centralization
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. M.Mezītis |
1731. |
The Development of a Computer Prototype for Railway Dispatcher
Mareks Mezītis , Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors |
1732. |
Optimization of Dispatching Laps
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. M.Mezītis |
1733. |
Research of Dispersion Compensation Methods in WDM FOTS
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
1734. |
Development of a Anti-surge System for a Turbofan Engine
Profesors Sergejs Doroško |
1735. |
The Construction of Heat Insulation and Heating System for Two-Storey Building with the Status of Historical Monument
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. S.Jaundālders Dipl.ing. T. Zariņa |
1736. |
Two Voltmeter Method for Assessment of Wave Resistance in Communication Cables
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1737. |
Design Development Through Education
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme |
1738. |
Analysis of 1A-5D49 Diesel Engine Exhaust Valve Reconstruction
Dijs Sergejevs Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors |
1739. |
Operation Principles and Modernization Opportunities of Brake System of 2M62 Series Diesel Locomotives
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1740. |
Analysis of Registered Parameters of Diesel-Generator Monitoring System TRASSA-2 Functions for 2TE10 Diesel Locomotives
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1741. |
Development and Organisation of Work of Repair Depot of Diesel Locomotives
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1742. |
Specific Fuel Consumption Description and Analysis of 2M62 and 2TE10 Series Diesel Locomotives
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1743. |
Development and Organisation of Work of Exploitation Depot of Diesel Locomotives
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1744. |
Development and Organisation of Work of Repair Depot of Diesel Locomotives
J.Eiduks, Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1745. |
Documentation Package Defining for Software Project Support
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
1746. |
Quantum chemical simulations of doped titanium dioxide nanotubes for photocatalytic hydrogen generation
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Ozoliņš, Dr.Rer.Nat. S.Piskunovs |
1747. |
Development of Competitive Advantage on B2C Shipment Market of Latvia for DPD Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Dzedons |
1748. |
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc.Prof. R.Neilands |
1749. |
Development of Secure Business Management Information System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
1750. |
Analysis of Security in Ajax Applications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
1751. |
Security Methods in PHP Project Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. N. Prokofjeva |
1752. |
Representation and Analysis of Security Requirements in Business Processes
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
1753. |
Rail Transport Safety Improvement
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. M.Mezītis |
1754. |
Typing Robot Realization
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. prof. Z. Markovičs |
1755. |
Dosing of crumbled cacao beans
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kamols |
1756. |
DVOR Error Modelling
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1757. |
The Optimization of Signaling Functioning of Railway Crossing
Mareks Mezītis , Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors |
1758. |
The Development of Simulation Model for Railway Track
Mareks Mezītis , Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors |
1759. |
Design of Automation System for a Railway Marshalling Yard
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
1760. |
Railroad Transport Passengers Information Systems Improvement
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. M.Mezītis |
1761. |
Modernizing the Infrastructure of a Railway Enterprise with the Aim of Improving Its Operational Efficiency
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
1762. |
Iron (II) catalysed synthesis of arylphosphonic acid esters
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Katkevičs, Dr.chem. J.Millers |
1763. |
Synthesis, properties and applications of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. I.Juhņeviča |
1764. |
Modelling of stress-strain state reinforced concrete structures under the joint action chloride corrosion and carbonization
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Korjakins Aleksandrs |
1765. |
Drinking water treatment station sludge recycling options
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. I. Rozenštrauha |
1766. |
Design and Development of the System for Producing CV Versions
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., lektore A.Anohina-Naumeca |
1767. |
Modelling Life Insurance Processes Using Business Process Modelling Notation
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča |
1768. |
Timber Housing Block in Grizinkalns, Riga
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. A. Lapiņš |
1769. |
The Project of Heat Supply of a Dwelling House
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
S.Jaundālders |
1770. |
Economic base of dwelling house management options
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA RUUKI Latvia, A.Tambovcevs |
1771. |
The planning of energy efficiency measures of residential house
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. Tatjana Tambovceva |
1772. |
Sustainable Development Tendencies of Housing Area
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. S.Treija |
1773. |
Residential building energy efficiency increase project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Latvijas Dzīvokļu īpašnieku savienība, Mg.oec. Ī.Simanoviča |
1774. |
Residential building energy efficiency project in Rezekne
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Latvijas Dzīvokļu īpašnieku savienība, Mg.oec. Ī.Simanoviča |
1775. |
Residential housing construction procurement organization
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA RBSSkals, Dipl.ing. O.Caune |
1776. |
Economic justification of apartment house renovation
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.ing. Oskars Caune |
1777. |
Economical verification of residential building renovation
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA Vides projekti, Mg.oec. J.Grizāns |
1778. |
The economic justificationof residental house renovation
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. Tatjana Tambovceva |
1779. |
Residential buildings renovation economic problems and possible solutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. Tatjana Tambovceva |
1780. |
Apartment appraisal features, problems and solutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt., dipl.ing., Mg.oec. S.Barvika |
1781. |
Differences between cadastral and individual valuation for residential property in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
RD PIP, galv.ekon. Sanda Geipele |
1782. |
Supply Chain Modelling with ECLIPS Simulation Game
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Jana Bikovska. |
1783. |
Improving the competitiveness of a catering company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
1784. |
EEG Signal Studies for Detection of Different Events
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Kaspars Ozols |
1785. |
Creation of Business Model for The Latvian Association of Teachers of Italian Organization
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Jakobsons |
1786. |
Analysis of the Efficiency of Alternative Environmentally Friendly Energy Sources for Small Consumers
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
1787. |
Efficiency increase in the Master Data department of Rimi Baltic
01B00 Riga Business School |
J.Grēviņš |
1788. |
Solutions for effective and fireproof flue pipe constructions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
O.Poskrjobiševs, VUGD |
1789. |
The Connection of the Building in Dzelzavas Street 120 with the Existing Heating Grid
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. Viktors Grišins |
1790. |
Diversity of Terms Used in the Studies of Economics
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.paed., asoc.prof. Diāna Rumpīte |
1791. |
Approaches to Translating Informative Texts in the Sphere of Economics
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., doc. Irina Liokumoviča |
1792. |
Approaches to Translating Informative Texts in the Sphere of Economics
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Diāna Rūpniece |
1793. |
Research and Development of Economical Ultrasonic Distance Meter on Microcontroller Base
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
prakt.doc. A.Pumpurs |
1794. |
Comparison of 6th and 7th Category Shielded Cable Parameters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1795. |
Addition of Emission Spectrometer with an Optical System Providing Infrared Radiation
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
1796. |
Experimental Housing in Riga
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. S. Treija |
1797. |
Time-critical Business Process Automation with Expert System
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. doc. I. Markoviča |
1798. |
Investigation of extractive-pyrolytic method possibilities to produce nano-sized particles of noble metals on different carriers
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. V. Serga, Dr. chem. S.Čornaja |
1799. |
Electric Heating of Buildings
Institute of Power Engineering |
doc. K.Timmermanis |
1800. |
Building Renovation in Residential Quarter
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. G.Asaris |
1801. |
Equivalence above Word Level in Technical Text Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova |
1802. |
Equivalence and Non-Equivalence in the Translation of Technical Texts
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., prof. Larisa Iļjinska |
1803. |
Investigation and Evaluation of Distributed Capacitive Storing System of Recuperated Energy of Electrical Transport
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Prof. I.Raņķis |
1804. |
Influence of electrode material and samples surface processing on measurements of dielectric properties of PLZT ceramics
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.habil.phys. V.Dimza, Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite |
1805. |
Electricity traders choice technical-economically substantiation for commercial property management
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA, doc.(pr.) Georgs Mote |
1806. |
Automated Electricity Accounting Systems
Institute of Power Engineering |
S.Leščenko |
1807. |
Elaboration of electric energy efficient „LM” EAF heat conditions
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.h.inž.prof. A.Jegorovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fe |
1808. |
Elaboration of power efficient „LM” EAF heat conditions
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.h.inž.prof. A.Jegorovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fe |
1809. |
Recucling of EAF slag and non-waste technology. Utilization of white slag and use of the separated ferrous fraction in manufacture.
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.inž.docents A.Frolovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fer |
1810. |
Improvement of steelmaking practice in EAF by using scrap preheating shaft
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.inž.docents G.Koteļņikovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un |
1811. |
Electromagnetic Pulse Effect on Coaxial Cable
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Semeņako |
1812. |
Electromechanical Energy Harvesting Technologies
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
prof. J.Jankovskis |
1813. |
E-Commerce Methods and Internet Shop Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.cs.ing., prof. L.Novickis |
1814. |
Improvement of Electronic Microclimate Control System in Clothing
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
lekt. J.Šīrs |
1815. |
Influence of Electron Radiation on Electron Emission Properties of P(VDF-TrFE)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
1816. |
Electron Emission from Semiconductor with Additional Infrared Radiation
Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars |
1817. |
Influence of Electron and Gamma Radiation on Photoemission Properties of ZrO2:PbS Film
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Marina Romanova |
1818. |
Influence of Electron and Gamma Radiation on ZrO2:PbS Film Surface Electrical Potential and Piezoresponse
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Marina Romanova |
1819. |
Electric control for Fonons feat pump Siemens Poly Cool RWR 470,10 controller
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.Kumermanis |
1820. |
Integration of Electronic Components into Textiles
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing. Ilze Baltiņa, Mg.sc.ing. Ingrīda Šahta |
1821. |
Conductive System"s Integration in Showdance Costume
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing. Ilze Baltiņa, Mg.sc.ing. Ingrīda Šahta |
1822. |
EB Fashion Group Elina Berzina Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
1823. |
Theorethical and practical aspects of implementation of energy efficient street lighting
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
LR VARAM, Dr.sc.ing., A. Jurjāns |
1824. |
The Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Building of Daugavpils RTU Branch
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Strautmanis |
1825. |
Energy efficiency measures and financial justification
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Latvijas Dzīvokļu īpašnieku savienība, Mg.oec. Ī.Simanoviča |
1826. |
Economical justification for selecting energy efficiency efforts for residential buildings in Gulbene
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Latvijas Dzīvokļu īpašnieku savienība, Mg.oec. Ī.Simanoviča |
1827. |
Control of Power System Frequency and Active Power
Institute of Power Engineering |
Prof. V.Čuvičins |
1828. |
Power System Management and Risks Pertaining to it
Institute of Power Engineering |
Dm.Antonovs |
1829. |
Impact of Quality of Energetic Wood Chip on Performance Index of Heating Plant and Alternative Possibilities to Supply Wood Chips for Heating Plant
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr. habil.sc.ing. Daniels Turlajs; Dipl. ing. Aldis Jēgeris |
1830. |
Energy Generation in Nuclear Stations
Institute of Power Engineering |
Prof. J.Barkāns |
1831. |
Energy Production in Condensation Power Stations
Institute of Power Engineering |
Prof. J.Barkāns |
1832. |
Energy Production in Combined Heat-Electric Generating Plants
Institute of Power Engineering |
Prof. J.Barkāns |
1833. |
E-Services Quality Assessment and Assurance
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
M.Ziema, DTST kat. profesors |
1834. |
E-services company"s development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
1835. |
Assessment of Epoxy Fiber-optic Connectors Termination Technologies
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1836. |
Development of Repair Shop of ER2 Series Electric Train Accumulator Batteries
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
1837. |
Web Portal Development for Goods Searching Based on e-Resource Integration
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.cs.ing., prof. L.Novickis |
1838. |
Ergonomics in Web Systems Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. N. Prokofjeva |
1839. |
Test of ethanol vapour sensitivity of polyvinylacatate-nanostructured carbon composites
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. G.Šakale, Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite |
1840. |
Ethernet in Next Generation Network
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1841. |
Comparison of Ethernet and Gigabit Passive Optical Transmission Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
1842. |
Evaluation of Functionality and Security of Online Store
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins |
1843. |
Security Analysis of Files and Web Distributed Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Kavacis |
1844. |
Phantom for Isocenter Positionation Accuracy Determination
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
1845. |
Development and application of a pharmacophore model to OCTN2 inhibitor design
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. E. Liepiņš |
1846. |
Development and validation of high perfomance liquid chromatography method for determination of phenibut hydrochloride related substances
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc. K.Kuprevičs |
1847. |
FFT Optimal Design
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
Prof. G.Balodis |
1848. |
Plywood board sorter with industrial robot
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kaņeps |
1849. |
Games Development for Social Networks Using Flash
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. M.Uhanova |
1850. |
Flash in Game Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
prof. L. Zaiceva, Dr.sc.ing. |
1851. |
Flocculants in water treatment
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. D.Kalniņa |
1852. |
Analysis of Formal Specification Language "Alloy"
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. G.Alksnis |
1853. |
Height Photogrammetric Measurement Method Using Wide Angle Camera Lens
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Aleksejs Kataševs |
1854. |
Photoluminescent Materials and Their Application in Furniture Design
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dipl.ing., docents J.Emsiņš |
1855. |
Modeling a Fotorealistic Object in Autodesk Maya
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
1856. |
Synthesis and spectroscopic characteristics of 2-benzyliden-1,3-indandione derivatives containing two alkyl substituents in the phthaloyl cycle
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. hab. chem. V. Kampars, Dr. chem. M.Plotniece |
1857. |
Functional Cube
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks, Mg.sc.ing., doktorante F.Freivalde |
1858. |
Formation of Random Number Generator and Assessment of Its Parameters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
T.Celmiņš |
1859. |
The Design and Efficiency of an Air Heating System
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.habil.sc.ing. D.Turlajs |
1860. |
The Most Influencing Parameter of the Gait Deviation Index for Different Age Groups
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc.prof. Aleksejs Kataševs |
1861. |
Pedestrian Environment Conditions in Āgenskalns
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. U.Bratuškins |
1862. |
"Crystal" Table
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., doktorante A.Stikute |
1863. |
Influence of Gamma Radiation on Electron Emission Properties of P(VDF-TrFE)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
1864. |
On Usability of Gamma Criteria Distribution for Evaluation of Field in field Treatment Plans in Conformal Radiotherapy
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc.prof. Aleksejs Kataševs |
1865. |
Development of Automated Electric Drive of the Longitudinal Planer Machine Tool Moving Mechanism
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Doc.I.Buņina |
1866. |
Optimization of a Warehouse System for Storage and Distribution of Ready Goods
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
1867. |
Analysis of GPON Application
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1868. |
Research and Analysis of Gigabit Passive Optical Transmission System Technology
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
1869. |
Rescue works in smoke-screen environment of multistoreyed buildings
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
A.Ozoliņš, VUGD |
1870. |
Rescue works performed using mountain climbing equipment
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
K.Eklons, VUGD |
1871. |
Methods of performing rescue works in areas influenced by landslides
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
M.Griguts, VUGD |
1872. |
Glycerol oxidation by molecular oxygen in the presence of novel supported platinum catalysts
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. S. Čornaja, Mg. sc. ing. K.Dubencovs |
1873. |
Production of glyceric, lactic and ketomalonic acids from catalytic oxidation processes of glycerol.
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. S. Čornaja |
1874. |
Assessment of Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins |
1875. |
Corrosion and restoration of Gotland sandstone
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. L.Krāģe |
1876. |
Cow Mover Device Projection for deep Cowshed
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N.Mozga |
1877. |
GPS Device Accuracy Detection under Various Operating Conditions
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof. A.Klūga |
1878. |
Development of Application for Recording GPS Route
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
as.prof. V.Šitikovs, Dr.sc.ing. |
1879. |
GPS System Use for Military Aircraft Navigation
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1880. |
Creation of Graphical Image in Design Process
Institute of Design Technologies |
Mg.sc.ing., lektore G.Zommere |
1881. |
Analysis of Options of Using Graphical Information in Information Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Eiduks, STP kat. asoc. profesors |
1882. |
Analysis of Graphics Capabilities in the Python Programming Language
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
1883. |
Development of Graphic Editor for 3D Parametric Surface Modeling
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr. gr. prof. A. Glazs |
1884. |
Grammatical and Lexical Equivalence between the Source and Target Texts
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., doc. Tatjana Smirnova |
1885. |
Bookcase with Variable Shelf Placement
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
1886. |
Accounting outsourcing services company’s operating efficiency improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. J.Mežiels |
1887. |
Accounting company"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.K.Didenko |
1888. |
Financial accounting features for apartment buildings` servicing: prblems and solutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. Jānis Vanags |
1889. |
Design and Analysis of Combined Wooden Pellets and Solar Heat Supply System
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. S.Vostrikovs |
1890. |
Grain cleaning machines development
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M. Kumermanis |
1891. |
Administration problems of Grobina`s historical centre
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
RD PIP, Mg.oec. S.Geipele |
1892. |
Analysis of GSM Communication Systems Parameters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
1893. |
Development of Smart House System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing.Igors Ščukins |
1894. |
Log-type Beehive
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks |
1895. |
Application of Genetic Programming to the Control of Autonomous Agent in a Discrete Environment
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins |
1896. |
Application of Genetic Programming in Symbolic Regression
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs |
1897. |
Algorithmization of Processing Geodetic Measurements
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
asist. J.Ancāns |
1898. |
Family Gardens in Contemporary Cities
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. U.Bratuškins |
1899. |
The Structure of Family Home Heating Control System
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AV kat. doc. J. Salenieks |
1900. |
Chaotic Carrier Signal Application Facilities in Data Communications
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
E.Beķeris |
1901. |
Dosimetric Properties of Electron Emission from Hydroxyapatite upon Electron Irradiation
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
1902. |
Analysis of Hibernate Library in the Context of Java Application Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
1903. |
Hybrid Car Management Systems Development
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
1904. |
Hybrid Buildings
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. S.Treija |
1905. |
Increase of efficiency of abrasive water jet cutting process
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A. Kamols |
1906. |
Preparation and characterization of hydroxyapatite/dexamethasone composites
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. D.Loča, Mg.sc.chem. A.Dubņika |
1907. |
Hierarchical Temporal Memory Model Research and Implementation for Text Recognition
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
LDI prof. J. Grundspeņķis |
1908. |
Synthesis and transformations of 4-aminotetrahydroindazoles
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Turks, Dr.chem. I.Strakova |
1909. |
Coherent Self-Enhancement of Hologramms in WFI Geometry
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Ozols |
1910. |
Protein Homology Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins |
1911. |
Comparison of HTML Versions 4.1 and 5.0
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.sc.ing. D.Buzdins |
1912. |
Analysis of HTML5 Rich Internet Application Capabilities for Development of Mobile Online Solutions
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
1913. |
Comparison of HTML5 and Native Mobile Devices Technologies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.sc.ing. D.Buzdins |
1914. |
Investment fund management efficiency evaluation
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.I.Voronova |
1915. |
Development of Business Strategy for Investment Management Company “Finasta Asset Management”
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Dzedons |
1916. |
Design of a Technical Support System for Cargo Handling Operations at Sea Ports
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
1917. |
The internal water supply system in public building
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Gints Jaudzems |
1918. |
Internal engineering networks modernization problems in the context of sustainable management
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
LR VARAM, Dr.sc.ing., Aivars Jurjāns |
1919. |
Revenue-bearing object evaluation
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., doc.(pr.) Jānis Mežiels |
1920. |
Valuation of income - bearing real estate
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., SIA "Rīgas audits", Jānis Mežiels |
1921. |
Possibilities and Limitations in Technical Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Anna Mēbele |
1922. |
Analysis of Django Framework for Python Application Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
1923. |
Analysis of Usage of Groovy and Grails Framework for Web Application Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
1924. |
City Entering Freeways and The Archetonic Image of the City
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prof. J.Briņķis |
1925. |
Sole proprietorship Felicity fashion
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., docente D.Beļakova |
1926. |
Sustainable Management of Landfill Gas Production and Explotation Systems
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. , Dr.Tehn. Aleksandrs Cars |
1927. |
The sustainable management of real estate development in Latvian
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. Ineta Geipele |
1928. |
Analysis and Development of Simulation-based Supply Chain Management Training Tools
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. habil. sc. ing. Jurijs Merkurjevs |
1929. |
Application of Simulation in the Field of Information and Communication Technology
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. habil. sc. ing. Jurijs Merkurjevs |
1930. |
Simulation-based Business Process Design
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova |
1931. |
Study and Comparison of Possible Kinds of Electric Supply to Individual Dwelling Houses
Institute of Power Engineering |
Prof. E.Vanzovičs |
1932. |
Using Inductive Learning Methods in Data Classification
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Madara Gasparoviča |
1933. |
Comparison of Inductive Classification Trees and Genetic Programming Performance in Classification Tasks
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. habil. sc. comp. Arkādijs Borisovs |
1934. |
Industrial Robot IRB1600 Self-learning for Checkers Game
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. asist. I. Karpičs |
1935. |
Industrial Actuator Visualisation in SCADA Systems
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. asist. I. Karpičs |
1936. |
Estimation of Information Transmission Capacity in Case of Pink and Quasi-white Noise
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
P.Gavars |
1937. |
Enterprise Network Information Security Management
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Pjotrs Dorogovs |
1938. |
Development of Information Retrieval System from Heterogeneous Information Sources with AJAX and Ruby-on-Rails Technologies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
lekt. J. Bule, Dr.sc.ing. |
1939. |
Development of Information System for Waste Removal Optimization
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., as. prof. P.Rusakovs |
1940. |
Information system development for increasing business
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.K.Kozlovskis |
1941. |
Information Systems Project Management Bureaucracy Impact on Project Quality
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. J.Eiduks |
1942. |
Analysis of Information Technology Applications in Logistics
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško |
1943. |
Development of Information Technology System for Service Companies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
1944. |
Information Technology Enterprise Risk Management Model Development
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča |
1945. |
Problem Analysis of Information Technology Infrastructure in Municipalities
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
1946. |
Analysis of Information and Data Protection Solutions
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
1947. |
Project of Development of an Informative Product
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.V.Šatrevičs |
1948. |
Evaluation of Infrastructure Virtualization Technologies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders |
1949. |
Innovation implementation support system at Riga Technical University
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dipl.oec. M.Ozoliņš |
1950. |
Innovative, nature friendly adhesives for wood bonding
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. J. Kajaks |
1951. |
Development of innovative activities within the enterprise Kurzemes Business Incubator Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
1952. |
Research and Develop Integrated Architecture for Body Networks
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
1953. |
Intellectual Robot Behaviour Modeling
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. prof. A. Glazs |
1954. |
Development of Interactive and Configurable Study Object for Computer Engineering
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
1955. |
Evaluation of Interactive WebTechnologies Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars |
1956. |
Implementation of on Interface Translator in Embedded Linux
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs |
1957. |
Internationalization as an Aspect of the Standardization of Technical Terms
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., prof. Larisa Iļjinska |
1958. |
Strategic planning of an Internet business development
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.prof.V.Jurēnoks |
1959. |
Expansion project for an online store
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
1960. |
Analytical assessment of investing in real estate transactions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. Jānis Vanags |
1961. |
Investment evaluation project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ovčiņņikova |
1962. |
Investment attraction problems and solutions in real-estate management companies
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
LR VARAM, Dr.sc.ing., A. Jurjāns |
1963. |
Project of Attraction of Investments in a Manufacturing Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.V.Šatrevičs |
1964. |
Investment project assessment
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Mežiels |
1965. |
Special Meaning Representation in Technical Texts (in the Field of Civil Engineering)
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova |
1966. |
Property managament solutions for comercial facilities
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA RUUKI Latvia, Mg.oec. A.Tambovcevs |
1967. |
IP-Television Quality of Service Assessment
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
P.Gavars |
1968. |
Cooperation Strategy for IT Company A and Company B
01B00 Riga Business School |
Ē.Dobelis |
1969. |
IT Solutions for Business Analytics
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore |
1970. |
Optimization of Picking System in Warehouse
01B00 Riga Business School |
J.Grēviņš |
1971. |
The raw materials for production of E-type glass fibre
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Sētiņa |
1972. |
Educational Centre"s development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof.A.Magidenko |
1973. |
Evaluation and Comparison of Optical Fiber Releasable Connections
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
1974. |
Application of Distributed Energy Sources in Power System
Institute of Power Engineering |
Prof. V.Čuvičins |
1975. |
Application of the Sample Average Approximation Method in Inventory Management
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško |
1976. |
Influence of Bending Radius on Signal Losses in Multimode Optical Fibers
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs; konsult. A.Udaļcovs |
1977. |
Cost reduction opportunities in a hospital
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.I.Ovčinņikova |
1978. |
Cost-reduction project for an accounting firm
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
1979. |
Fuzzy Logic Application for Robotic Systems Control
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Ņikitenko |
1980. |
Fuzzy Ontologies and their Applications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Pētniece V.Graudiņa |
1981. |
Modification of a Yacht Hull with Account of Aerodynamic Parameters
Lektors Vladislavs Ņesterovskis |
1982. |
Loss of Power and Electric Energy in Distribution Networks and Measures for Decreasing it
Institute of Power Engineering |
asoc.prof. S.Guseva |
1983. |
The development and investigation of properties of new finishing material composition for window opening
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. I.Juhņeviča, Mg.sc.ing. B.Migliniece |
1984. |
Launching a new service in the Latvian market
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone |
1985. |
Project for establishing a new services company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asist.L.Budņiks |
1986. |
Project for new product introduction in a woodworking company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
1987. |
New company"s establishment project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asist.L.Budņiks |
1988. |
Development of New Technology for the Re-equipment of a Car Steering Mechanism
Profesors Jurijs Martinovs |
1989. |
New chromophores and luminophores based on 2-acetyl-1,3-indandione
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. V.Kampars, Dr.chem. M.Plotniece |
1990. |
The synthesis of new 1-(indan-1,3-dion-2-yl)pyridinium betaine analogues
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. V.Kampars, Dr. chem. M.Plotniece |
1991. |
Synthesis of novel 1,2,3-triazolyl glycohybrids
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Turks |
1992. |
New Decorative Cosmetics Brand Product Entry Strategy Development in Market of Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
M.Ešmits |
1993. |
Development of Information Systems for Latvian Forest Tree Genetic Characteristics Using Java Tehnologies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Eiduks |
1994. |
Coffee Table "Time for Magic"
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., doktorante A.Stikute |
1995. |
Changes of calcium hydroxide particles during hydroxyapatite synthesis
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. I.Kreicbergs |
1996. |
Scheduling Software Investigation and Analysis in the Preactor Environment
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. habil. Gaļina Merkurjeva |
1997. |
Camera Signal Processing for Autonomous Platform Control
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
1998. |
Project of Timber Drying Chamber
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. S.Jaundālders |
1999. |
Hemp Fibre Properties and Usage in Nonwovens
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing. Ilze Baltiņa |
2000. |
Hemp Fiber Thermo Mechanical Properties
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
A Lūsis, Dr.sc.ing.Ilze Baltiņa |
2001. |
Hemp Fibres Properties and Use Feasibility in Polymer Composites
Institute of Design Technologies |
Polimērmat.inst. Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof.J.Kajaks, Dr.habil.sc.ing., profesore S.Kukle |
2002. |
Company"s operating efficiency assessment
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Mežiels |
2003. |
Capital company’s competitiveness enhancement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. J.Mežiels |
2004. |
Competitiveness enhancement project for a capital company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Mežiels |
2005. |
Synthesis of carbazoles from diarylamines in the homolytic aromatic substitution reactions
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Katkevičs |
2006. |
Geopolymerisation possibilities of carbonates containing clays of Latvia
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. A.Cimmers, Dr.sc.ing. I.Šperberga |
2007. |
Frame manufacturing automation tehnologies
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Ozoliņš |
2008. |
Preparation of Hot Water Using Heat Pump and Recuperation.
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. Sigurds Jaundālders M.sc.ing. Artis Dreimanis |
2009. |
Project for improving card products and services in the bank Swedbank
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.N.Lāce |
2010. |
Catalytic reduction of rapeseed oil to hydrocarbons
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr .hab. chem. V. Kampars |
2011. |
Development of the Technical Specification for the Combat Gloves System
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., Igors Šitvjenkins doktorants |
2012. |
Use of Cavitation in Preparing High Efficiency Concrete
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
doc. G.Šahmenko |
2013. |
Camping Tents
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektore G.Zommere |
2014. |
Estimation of Kerr Optical Effect Impact in WDM Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš |
2015. |
A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Demand Forecasting
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc .ing. Sergejs Paršutins |
2016. |
Implementing Gatenay in Clusterized Wireless Sensor Network
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
2017. |
Customer attraction project for a service company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.R.Greitāne |
2018. |
Customer service improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.K.Kozlovskis |
2019. |
Evaluation of Bug Tracking and Announcement Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders |
2020. |
Research and Analysis of Coaxial Pair Tramsmission Parameters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult. O.Ozoliņš |
2021. |
Analysis of the Code Generation of the Java Programming Language in the Sparx Enterprise Architect Tool
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2022. |
Code Generation from CPN Models
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
G.Lauks |
2023. |
The Solution of the Problem of High Inner Temperatures in CHP Container
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. S.Jaundālders |
2024. |
Revitalization of Wooden Architecture as a Method of Historical Heritage Preservation
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Arh. J.Jākobsone |
2025. |
The Use of Wood in Environmentally Friendly Architecture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Arh. E.Suvorovs |
2026. |
Wooden Stairs in Urban Space
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dipl.ing., docents J.Emsiņš |
2027. |
Application of Wood Panelling Technology in the Construction and Reconstruction of Buildings; Diploma Project Production Line of Wood Panel Houses
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asist. V.Lūsis |
2028. |
Design of Timber Warehouse Complex Mechanization
Asistents Igors Kurjanovičs |
2029. |
Plywood in Bike
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., SIA "MS Solution" projektu vadītājs A.Resnis |
2030. |
An Elaboration of Calculus Methods of Wood Gasificators
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
S.Jaundālders |
2031. |
Reduction of Combustibility of Wooden Materials; Diploma Project Construction of Gym in Kalēti School of kalēti Civil Parish
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Korjakins |
2032. |
Revitalization of Cape Kolka
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. E. Bērziņš |
2033. |
Commercial bank"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof.A.Magidenko |
2034. |
Commercial bank"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.N.Lāce |
2035. |
Credit policy improvement project for a commercial bank
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.N.Lāce |
2036. |
Project for developing relationships between a commercial bank and its customers
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.N.Lāce |
2037. |
Problems and solutions of real estate`s business valuation
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. Svetlana Fjodorova |
2038. |
Granulometry and mineral composition of commercial cosmetic clays
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. A.Stunda-Zujeva |
2039. |
Export Strategy for Dental Services of The Company Dental Art
01B00 Riga Business School |
K.Apkalns |
2040. |
Improving the Process of Machining Attachments Manufacturing for the Production of Goods Made of Composite Materials
Lektors Aleksandrs Smirnovs |
2041. |
Analysis of Switching Processes in Packet Networks
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2042. |
Analysis of Switches Operation in Routers
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2043. |
Concept in Architecture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prof. I.Strautmanis |
2044. |
Improvement of Concept Map Based Knowledge Assessment Methods
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.sc.ing., prof. J.Grundspeņķis |
2045. |
Preparation and reactions of annelated dihydroindeno [1,2-b]pyridine analogues
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. D.Muceniece |
2046. |
Opportunities for increasing competitiveness in a wholesale scrap metal company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
2047. |
Trading company"s competitiveness enhancement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2048. |
Competitiveness enhancement project for a service and trading company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
2049. |
Project of Increasing of the Competitiveness of a Service Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2050. |
Project of increasing of the Competitiveness of a Service Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.I.Ezera |
2051. |
Project of increasing of the Competitiveness of a Service Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.I.Ezera |
2052. |
Project of Increasing of the Competitiveness of a Trade Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
2053. |
Development of the Competitive Advantage for Advertising Agency
01B00 Riga Business School |
M.Ešmits |
2054. |
Optimization of Container Transportation Technology in Intermodal Transportation
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
2055. |
Forecasting and Optimization of Container Flow in Intermodal Transportation
Docents Mihails Larins |
2056. |
Optimization in Supply Chain of Container Flows Processing in Latvian Railway
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
2057. |
Optimization of Container Terminal Intermodal Process
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
2058. |
The construction of central line
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Spriņģis |
2059. |
Plastic bottle labeling conveyo
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O. Liniņš |
2060. |
Correction Corset for Scoliosis Patients with Feedback (Bio Feedback)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Juris Lauznis |
2061. |
Stock improvement system project for a retail company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.I.Voronova |
2062. |
Enhancement of inventory management system in Biosan company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesors Jurijs Merkurjevs |
2063. |
Development of Krasta Neighborhood in Riga
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. U. Bratuškins |
2064. |
The Effect of Colours in the Development of City Environment
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prof. I.Strautmanis |
2065. |
Investigation of Dynamic and Motion Models in Cargo Transport
Profesors Anatolijs Kobcevs |
2066. |
Optimization of a Cargo Delivery System by Using GIS Technologies
Docente Margarita Urbaha |
2067. |
Development of Cargo Transportation Information System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.cs.ing., prof. L.Novickis |
2068. |
Increasing the Operational Efficiency of an International Express Transportation Company by Modernizing Its Cargo Terminal
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2069. |
Personnel management improvement project for a credit institution’s affiliate
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
2070. |
Heritage evaluation features, problems and solutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA, LR VZD projektu vadītāja Sarmīte Barvika |
2071. |
Heritage value measurement solutions in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec. Sarmīte Barvika |
2072. |
Culture and Education Centre in Dubulti
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. I. Strautmanis |
2073. |
Cultural and Architectural Heritage Depletion in the Historic Centre of Riga
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Lekt. A.Eniņa |
2074. |
Synthesis and properties of derivatives of coumarin-3-carboxylic acid
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Jure, Mg.sc.ing. I.Mieriņa |
2075. |
The aspects of fuel choice for heating of buildings
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Antra Kundziņa |
2076. |
The Solution in MS Access Environment of Record Keeping of Proof of Delivery Documents of Express Mail Deliveries to Pick-up/Drop-off Points
Asistents Sergejs Bratarčuks |
2077. |
Optimization of Customer Service Process for the Improvement of Courier Company
Docents Aloizs Lešinskis |
2078. |
Design of an Express Post Company’s Delivery Network in the Baltic States
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
2079. |
Quality management system development in real estate management
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. Ineta Geipele |
2080. |
Thermochemical characterization of wheat straw
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. V. Kampars, Mg. chem. K.Lazdoviča |
2081. |
The Evolution of Brick Architecture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Lekt. D.Kalvāne |
2082. |
Repeated Usage of Bricks in Building; Diploma Project Sports Palace in Daugavpils
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Korjakins |
2083. |
Wedge Exploitation in Constructions
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
2084. |
Laboratory Course with Atmel Microcontroller ATmega8515 Design
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof. A.Klūga |
2085. |
Designing Methodical Instructions for Laboratory Works in Course „Digital Signal Processing”
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. S.Šarkovskis |
2086. |
Designing Methodical Instructions for Laboratory Works in Study Course „Basic of Signal Theory”
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. S.Šarkovskis |
2087. |
Laboratory Sensor Network Testbed Design
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
2088. |
Contemporary Culture Workshop in Teika
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. A. Lapiņš |
2089. |
Development of Online Newspaper Website for Mobile Devices
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing., doc. G. Alksnis |
2090. |
LAN Application in Enterprise Network
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2091. |
Analysis of LAN Topologies and Performance
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis; konsult. A.Skrastiņš |
2092. |
Laparoscopic Surgery Camera Holder with Mechanical Drive
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars |
2093. |
Changes in the deciduous wood properties after hydrothermal treatment
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. B.Andersons, Dr. chem. I. Andersone |
2094. |
Latvian Folk Costume Women Upper Body Patterns" Adjusment to the Individual Pecularities
Institute of Design Technologies |
Mg.art. S.Deksne |
2095. |
Development of Latvian Machine Typed Character Recognition Method Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Wavelet Transform
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
dr.sc.ing., S.Šarkovskis |
2096. |
Latvian Airspace Radio Surveillance System Structure and Evaluation
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Mg.sc.ing., lekt. I.Siņuks |
2097. |
Latvian Company "Astra Logistic Ltd." Business Expansion in Republic of Kazahstan
01B00 Riga Business School |
I.Eglīte |
2098. |
Problems and solutions of Latvian Lutheran pastor manor house management
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. Aivars Jurjāns |
2099. |
Treatment of Latvian clays with organic acids
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.chem. I.Dušenkova |
2100. |
Exploitation of Latvian clay for recycling of sewage sludge
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. I. Rozenštrauha |
2101. |
Modifying of Latvian clays with alkali and their properties
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. V.Lakevičs, Dr.sc.ing. J.Mālers |
2102. |
Transformation of Pension Model in Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Jakobsons |
2103. |
Energy Efficiency Action Policy of Latvia Republic Analysis and Proposals for its Improvement
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.habil.sc.ing. Namejs Zeltiņš |
2104. |
Quality Improvement of Load Bearing/Armour/Riot Control Systems of the National Armed Forces Republic of Latvia
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., Igors Šitvjenkins, Dr.sc.ing., Ausma Viļumsone |
2105. |
Latvian Tourism Marketing Strategy for the Swedish Market
01B00 Riga Business School |
K.Apkalns |
2106. |
Latvia Company Product Distribution Network Design
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2107. |
The necessity of Latvian valuation standart development
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., profesors Jānis Vanags |
2108. |
The Usage of Latvian Ethnographic Signs in Furniture Design
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks |
2109. |
Project for improving agriculture financing
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2110. |
Improvement of Technology for Fluid Cargo Transportation by Tankers in International Communication
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
2111. |
Lexical Meaning: Connotation and Denotation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Oksana Samuilova |
2112. |
Decision Analysis Methods for Sequential Design of Computer
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Ludmila Aleksejeva |
2113. |
Decision Making in the Process of Translation. Choice of Words: Topicality and Fashion
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova |
2114. |
Aerodrome Service Communication Ensurance Research
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Mg.sc.ing., lekt. J.Jansons |
2115. |
Design of an Airport Catering Truck in SolidWorks
Lektore Zoja Smorodova |
2116. |
Optimization of Technological Process at an Airport Cargo Terminal
Docents Valerijs Muhins |
2117. |
Airport service quality improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
2118. |
Technically economical features and solutions for panel apartment buildings energy efficiency improvement in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. Tatjana Tambovceva |
2119. |
Re-use of Former Treatment Plants in the Lielupe Estuary
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. E. Bērziņš |
2120. |
Reconstruction Project for Car Service Station of Lielvārde Air Base
doc. Ē.Vonda |
2121. |
Performance improvement at Development department of Liepāja City Council
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2122. |
Development project for Liepāja Special Economic Zone
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2123. |
The sorption properties of ceramics made from Liepa and Laza deposits’ clay ceramics
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. R.Švinka, Dr.sc.ing. V.Švinka |
2124. |
Network-centric Logic of the Interactive Control of Applied Non-linear Dynamics Project
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Raisa Smirnova |
2125. |
Development of Application for Operating System Android
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. L. Zaiceva |
2126. |
Software Applications Virtualisation Technologies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders |
2127. |
User Involvement in the Process of Inductive Learning
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Pētniece I.Birzniece |
2128. |
Impact of User’s Spatial Vizualization Ability on Human-Computer Interaction
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Inese Šūpulniece |
2129. |
„Methods Investigation of Glued Timber Beams Production” („Reconstruction of Junction A9-P99”)
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Paeglītis |
2130. |
The influence of chemical modification on linen fabric dyeing quality
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. S.Reihmane |
2131. |
Influence of flax reinforcement on the properties of biocomposites
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg. sc.V. Tupureina |
2132. |
The Problems and Solutions of Lyophilisation Units.
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.sc.ing. Aleksandra Cimbale |
2133. |
Synthesis of lysine derivatives
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. D.Loļa |
2134. |
Sorptive immobilization of lysozyme and its enzymatic activity
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. V.Krilova |
2135. |
Analysis of Functionality of Logistics Information Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško |
2136. |
Analysis of Logistics Management Information Systems Modeling Approaches
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
2137. |
Creation of a Logistics Chain and Design of a Distribution Centre for International Road Transport Operations
Docents Mihails Larins |
2138. |
Further Improvement of Logistics Processes in the Peat Production Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof. N.Sprancmanis |
2139. |
Optimization of Logistic Systems Inventory Control at a Retail Enterprise
Docents Valerijs Muhins |
2140. |
Modelling Logistics Company Business Processes
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško |
2141. |
Pricing project for a logistics company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.K.Marinska |
2142. |
Technical Modernization of a Logistics Company’s Warehouse for Improving its Performance
Asistents Yevhen Harbuz |
2143. |
Optimization of Logistics and Technological Processes of a Logistics Company
Docents Mihails Larins |
2144. |
Analysis of the Local and Centralized Security Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
M.Usanovs |
2145. |
Wireless Local Area Networks Coverage Research and Analysis
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
2146. |
Locomotive Technical Parameters Intelligent Diagnostic System
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. M.Mezītis |
2147. |
Work Organization of the Principal Locomotives’depot Accumulator Batteries Repair Shop
J.Eiduks, Dr.sc.ing., docents |
2148. |
Sheet metal tile extrusion press development
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kaņeps |
2149. |
Ring Heat Pump System in Fashion and Entertainment Center „Riga Plaza”
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Namejs Zeltiņš |
2150. |
Long Term Evolution Broadband Mobile Technology Implementation Strategy in LMT
01B00 Riga Business School |
Ē.Dobelis |
2151. |
Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
Mareks Zviedrītis |
2152. |
Performance development project for LSEZ JSC "Liepājas Osta LM"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2153. |
Performance Analysis of M/G/1 Systems Using Coloured Petri Nets
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
G.Lauks |
2154. |
The geomarketing of Madona region
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Aigars Laizāns |
2155. |
Magnetic Tiles
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme |
2156. |
The effect of mixing conditions on synthesis of hydroxyapatite
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. I.Kreicbergs, Bc.sc.ing. M.Sokolova |
2157. |
House cladding panels manufacturing
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O. Liniņš |
2158. |
Utilization of Cloud Computing for Management of Personal Workstations and Mobile Devices at Enterprises
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jans Šlihte |
2159. |
Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Access Network
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2160. |
Cloud Computing Technologies for Enterprise Information Processing
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
2161. |
A Study and Research of Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition Tasks
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins |
2162. |
Stylistic Devices in Technical Text Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Oksana Samuilova |
2163. |
Clay processing rollers grinding machine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J. Krizbergs |
2164. |
Technology of Mangali Station Work
Ļ.Kirillova, Dipl.inž., lektore |
2165. |
Reconstruction of Mangali Station
Ļ.Kirillova, dipl.inž., lektore |
2166. |
Manipulation in the Translation of Technical Texts
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.paed., asoc.prof. Diāna Rumpīte |
2167. |
Marketing mix in a trading company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
2168. |
Application of marketing communications in a services company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone |
2169. |
Marketing communications management in trading companies
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2170. |
Marketing strategy development in a company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone |
2171. |
Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
I.Slaidiņš; konsult. L.Cikovskis |
2172. |
Analysis of Routing Protocols Facilities
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2173. |
Complex Automation of District Heating Plant in Mārupe
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Doc.A.Pumpurs |
2174. |
Research and Development of Mast Disconnector Control Scheme
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing.Asoc.prof.Mareks Mezītis |
2175. |
Modernization of the Materials Testing Machine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
2176. |
Establishing a small trading company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2177. |
Business Development Project of a Small Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.J.Zvanītājs |
2178. |
Small Scale Pavilions in Urban Space of Riga
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Lekt. A.Antenišķe |
2179. |
Development of Integrated IT Solutions for Small Banking Institutions
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore |
2180. |
Identification of Process Control Parameters in MBBR Reactors
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asoc.Prof. R.Neilands |
2181. |
Furniture from Laths
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
2182. |
Furniture Designing and Production in Latvia from the Beginning of Twenty Century to the WorldWar II
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dipl.ing., docents J.Emsiņš |
2183. |
Medical syringe assembly machine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A. Kamols |
2184. |
Synthesis and crystal structure of meldonium and gamma-butyrobetaine pharmaceutical salts
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. phys. A. Mišņevs, Dr. chem. M.Plotniece |
2185. |
Solution Development in Business Intellect System for Oriented Information Presentation
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
2186. |
Application of Metaheuristical Methods in Vehicle Routing
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs |
2187. |
Development of steelmaking practice in EAF with the purpose of lowering non-metallic inclusion content and improvement of the cast billet quality
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.inž.docents A.Frolovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fer |
2188. |
Development Prospects Metal Structures for Assembly; Diploma Project Biomass Cogeneration Station
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. M.Vilnītis |
2189. |
Study of influence of scrap quality on the technical and economic results of steelmaking, and reconstruction of the scrap-yard
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.h.inž.prof. A.Sjomins Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fer |
2190. |
Metamaterials in Telecommunications
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Ozols |
2191. |
"Calculation of Stability of Single Hull Micro Class "Proto" Division Sailboat "Prestol" "
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
profesors Jānis Auziņš |
2192. |
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
D.Rusovs |
2193. |
The influence of pozzolana micro and nano admixtures on structure and properties of concrete
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Sētiņa |
2194. |
Micro- nad Nano-crack Electric Potential of Bone
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
2195. |
Microcontract Printing - First Steps Towards the Production of Bacterial Arrays
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
2196. |
Comparison of i8086 and i8080 Microprocessors
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Kavacis |
2197. |
Influence of microstructure on glass-ceramic properties
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. A.Stunda-Zujeva |
2198. |
Yanis Microenterprise
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., doktorante A.Putniņa |
2199. |
AMD Microenterprise
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2200. |
Wolfberry Microenterprise
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., doktorante A.Putniņa |
2201. |
Evaluation of Microwave Antennas Parameters in K Band
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2202. |
Research of Microwave Radio Strenght
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O. Liniņš |
2203. |
Microwave Communication System Parameters Assessment
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2204. |
Mobile Installations for the Urban Environment
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks; Mg.sc.ing., pilsētvides dizaina pārvaldes vadītāja Arta Goldbe |
2205. |
Impact of Mobility on QoS in Sensor Networks
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Prof. G.Lauks |
2206. |
Mobile Data Network Infrastructure Expansion (4G Packet Core Network Development Working Out)
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
2207. |
Mobile Data Network Expansion Implementing 4th Generation Base Station
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
2208. |
The Influence of Mobile Communications Exposure on the Human Blood Cells
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Vineta Zemīte |
2209. |
Subjective Assessment of Mobile Communications
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
M.Usanovs |
2210. |
Mobile Phone Access Facilities to Wireless Internet
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
M.Usanovs |
2211. |
Portable Craft Table
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektore G.Zommere |
2212. |
Research of the Implementation of the Model Interchange in System Modeling Tools
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2213. |
Research of Implementation Methods for Model Transformations
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2214. |
Analytical Review of Model Transformation Tools
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2215. |
Analysis of Support of Model Driven Software Development Principles in the IBM Software Architect Tool
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2216. |
Modern Web-Oriented Systems
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Spunītis |
2217. |
Modern Kinds of Concrete and their Classification; Diploma Project Sports Centre
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc.Genādjs Šahmenko |
2218. |
Analysis of Reliability of Modernized Electric Trains
J.Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
2219. |
Analysis of Modern Simulation Technologies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova |
2220. |
Modular Furniture - Shelf
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
2221. |
Module Shelf
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks |
2222. |
Synthesis of monosaccharide - spirooxazolidinone derivatives
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Turks |
2223. |
MPLS Technology in VPN
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2224. |
Implementation of Virtual Private Networks with MPLS Technology
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2225. |
MSQL Queries Tuning and Optimization
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
L.Novickis, LDP prof. grupas prof., Dr.hab.cs.ing. |
2226. |
Multifunctional Business and Residential Building Complex, Viestura Street 22, Jurmala
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. A. Vītols |
2227. |
Multifunctional Modular Furniture System
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks, konsultante - Interjera dizaina studijas "lolot design" radošā |
2228. |
Multifunctional Table
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., SIA "MS Solution" projektu vadītājs A.Resnis |
2229. |
Analysis of Multimedia Usage in Web Pages
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.sc.ing. V.Nazaruks |
2230. |
Optimizing the Location and Arrangement of Municipal Chargeable On-street Parking Areas
Docents Valerijs Muhins |
2231. |
Current Trends in Technical Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.paed., asoc.prof. Diāna Rumpīte |
2232. |
Contemporary Tendencies of Compiling Dictionaries of Technical Terms in the Field of Telecommunications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Oksana Samuilova |
2233. |
Evaluation of Audio Editing Software
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. M. Ziema |
2234. |
Competitiveness development project for a musician"s association
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
2235. |
Design of an Acoustic Emission Monitoring System for an Oil Pipeline
Asistente Kristīne Carjova |
2236. |
Analysis of NGN Access Level
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2237. |
Research on Nano-Concrete Waterproofing
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc.Genādijs Šahmenko |
2238. |
Improvment of Nanocoating Vakuum Technological Process
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
T.Torims |
2239. |
Use of the cash flow methods in transaction with immovable goods
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., profesors Jānis Vanags |
2240. |
Navigation and Landing System Development Perspective Analysis of the Airport „Lielvārde”
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
2241. |
Chemical and structural changes of untreated and hydrothermally modified wood after artificial weathering process
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. I. Andersone |
2242. |
Real Estate development project management strategy improvement aspects in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. Jānis Vanags |
2243. |
Opportunities for Reducing Real Estate Tax in Urban Area
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
lekt. O.Metuma |
2244. |
Economic justification of the improvement of the real estate management
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt., Mg.oec. K.Fedotova |
2245. |
Real estate forced sale valuation problems and their solutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA Rīgas audits, Mg.oec., J.Mežiels |
2246. |
Options for strategic management of real estate portfolio in organisation.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof., Dr.oec. Ineta Geipele |
2247. |
Features, problems and solutions of real estate market development in Latvian
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
RD PIP, Mg.oec., Sanda Geipele |
2248. |
The most significant trends of real estate market development in the Baltic States
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. Tatjana Tambovceva |
2249. |
Real estate valuation methods used for application of the different markets of the business cycle phases
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.sc.ing., doc.(pr.) Armands Auziņš |
2250. |
Application features of methods used to evaluate real estate at different stages of market development process
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
"Rīgas Audits", Mg.oec. Jānis Mežiels |
2251. |
The Improvement of the Property Management Process in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt., Dipl.ing., Mg.oec. S.Barvika |
2252. |
Real estate appraisal in international markets
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
MBA, LR VZD projektu vadītāja Sarmīte Barvika |
2253. |
Calculation and Design of a Continuous Conveyor for Small Size Cargo by Using CAD / CAE Technology
Lektore Zoja Smorodova |
2254. |
NET Technologies for Web Site Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins |
2255. |
Use of NetLogo Modelling Environment for Competition Simulation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors |
2256. |
The Opportunities to Improve Energy Efficiency in Nīcas Village
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing. S.Vostrikovs |
2257. |
Nīca Youth Centre’s development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., asoc.prof. R.Alsiņa |
2258. |
End to End Quality of Service in Packet Switched Networks
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
G.Lauks; konsult. A.Skrastiņš |
2259. |
HAP Nanoscale Electric Surface Potential Stability Dependence on Time, Light, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Morphology
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
2260. |
VLP Nanoparticle Complex Stability Depending on Time, Temperature, Light and pH
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
2261. |
Development of the Class Attendance Control System for School Social Network “Mykoob”
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., as. prof. P.Rusakovs |
2262. |
Impact of taxes on a commercial company"s activities
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Mežiels |
2263. |
Impact of taxes on a micro-enterprise"s activities
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2264. |
Optimization of Warehouse Goods Movement in a Logistics Company
Docents Mihails Larins |
2265. |
Improvement of Inventory Management Processes and Their Integration into Enterprise Resources Planning Systems
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
2266. |
Design of a Mobile Workshop for Repairing Warehouse Equipment
Profesors Anatolijs Kobcevs |
2267. |
Nortel Passport 44xx Series Multiservice Access Switches Usage and Control
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
2268. |
Landing Radar Utilization Options
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
2269. |
Replacement of well-based shut-off devices in gas distribution pipelines
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Māris Krastiņš |
2270. |
NoSQL Database Technologies Systematization, Analysis and Usage in Information Systems Creation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. J.Eiduks |
2271. |
Sewage sludge recycling possibilities in dense ceramic
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. I. Rozenštrauha |
2272. |
Sewage sludge testing potential and their applications
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. M.Drille |
2273. |
Using Real Time Analysis of Log Data to Improve Security Management
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Ģirts Vulfs |
2274. |
Meaning and Context
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova |
2275. |
Meaning and Context
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova |
2276. |
Addition of nucleophiles to nitromethylene derivatives of carbohydrates
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. M.Turks |
2277. |
Object"s Recognition in 3D Scene
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs |
2278. |
Object Oriented Programming in Mobile Phones Games Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.cs.ing., prof. L.Novickis |
2279. |
Official Electronic Publication Solutions and Analysis
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Natālija Prokofjeva |
2280. |
Egg box sorting and palletizing system development; box placement subsystem
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kamols, A.Avišāne |
2281. |
Egg box sorting and palletizing system development; pallet movement subsystem
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kamols, A.Avišāne |
2282. |
Development of Ontologies-Based Competency Assessment Framework and Agent
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.sc.ing., prof. J.Grundspeņķis |
2283. |
Analysis of Ontologies in Tutoring e-learning systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Pētniece V.Graudiņa |
2284. |
OpenGL Library Usage in 3D Game Creation
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs |
2285. |
OpenGL for Games Software Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., lekt. J.Bule |
2286. |
System of Detection Location of Employee
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
a/s Latvenergo IS arhitekts J. Salenieks |
2287. |
Operating Synergies. Case of Pan-Baltic Merger of Life Insurance Companies
01B00 Riga Business School |
K.Apkalns |
2288. |
A Study and Analysis of Paradiseo Optimization Tool
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs |
2289. |
Four Wave Mixing Optical Effect Usage in PON Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2290. |
A non-invasive Optical Device for Evaluating Skin Damage
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
2291. |
Optical Illusion Bookshelf
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme |
2292. |
Optical Line Power Budget Calculation and Analysis
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Ģ.Ivanovs |
2293. |
Application of Optical Reflectometry in Access Transmission Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2294. |
Evaluation of Optical Fibre Manufacturing Process
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2295. |
Influence of Fusion Splicer`s Parameters on Slice Losses
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2296. |
Evaluation of Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing Process and Realization
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2297. |
Research of Optical Fiber Connectors Insertion Losses
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs; konsult. S.Spolītis |
2298. |
Research and Evaluation of Optical Fiber Connectors
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs; konsult. S.Spolītis |
2299. |
Optical Fiber Types and Utilization in Transmission Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2300. |
Research of Optical Add-drop Multipleksor in Systems with Wavelenght Division Multiplexing
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Ģ.Ivanovs |
2301. |
Estimation of Optical Communication Lines Reliability Parameters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš |
2302. |
Investigation of Optical Signal Amplification Methods in WDM Communication Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2303. |
Analysis of Macrobending Impact in Optical Fibers
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
2304. |
Research and Estimation of Optical Fiber Coupling Loss Mechanism
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Ģ.Ivanovs |
2305. |
Application of OptQuest Software to Optimisation of Material Handling Operations at Goldmine
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova |
2306. |
ORC–Cycle Use in Landfill
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dipl.ing. M.Valpēteris |
2307. |
Destruction of the organic substances in solution by electrolysis method
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Mālers, Mg.sc.chem. M.Reimanis |
2308. |
Marketing activities assessment and social network improvement project for Organization Challenge: Futurure
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
2309. |
Applications of Orthogonal Polarization Shift Keying in WDM Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2310. |
Analysis of OSPF Protocol Operation
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2311. |
Interaction of Industrial Environment and Public Space in Port of Ventspils
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. U. Bratuškins |
2312. |
Development of Cost Model for Osteoporosis and Hip Fracture in Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Koliškins |
2313. |
Manufacturing and mechanical properties of the composites based on secondary polyesters
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. R.Merijs Meri, Dr. sc. ing. J. Zicāns |
2314. |
Ozonation as a tool for improving enviromental quality
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. D.Kalniņa |
2315. |
Project of a Service Company Development
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc.G.Kozaka |
2316. |
Project of a Service Company Development
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2317. |
Service company’s performance development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., pr.doc. J.Mežiels |
2318. |
Project of Perfection of Operations of a Manufacturing Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc.G.Kozaka |
2319. |
Service company’s operating efficiency improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
2320. |
Project of Attraction of Customers for a Service Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2321. |
Project for improving marketing activities in a services company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone |
2322. |
Profitability increase project for a services company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2323. |
Project of reduction of personnel turnover in the service company "Working Day Latvia" Ltd
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec.D.Ščeulovs |
2324. |
Service structure and its improvement in a company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2325. |
Service and trading company"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
2326. |
Services company"s performance development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.I.Voronova |
2327. |
Service company’s operating efficiency enhancement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
2328. |
Service company"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
2329. |
Service company"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2330. |
Services company"s business performance efficiency
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2331. |
Choice of Foundation Strengthening; Diploma Project Fish Cold-Storage at 21a Vānes Street, Liepāja
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof.J.Noviks |
2332. |
Development of Expansion Strategy for Manufacturer of Textile Products.
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Dzedons |
2333. |
Debt recovery optimization of real estate management process
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.juir. D.Ose |
2334. |
Applications of Parallel Computing and MPI Technology for Searching of Large Graphs on Systems with Distributed Memory
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Ņikitenko |
2335. |
Temperature of the Sample in Dependence on Contact Surface, its Forcing, Positioning and Rate of Heating for Eksoemission Measurements
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
2336. |
Investigation and Analysis of Covering-Based Classification Algorithms
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Ludmila Aleksejeva |
2337. |
Analysis of Browser Games User Interface and Determination of Guidelines on Successful Realisation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.cs.ing. V.Tomko |
2338. |
Analysis of Implementation and Application of Point Control with Flat Mark Frog
J.Eiduks, Dr.sc.ing., docents |
2339. |
Food Production Warehouse Control System Modernization
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr. gr. doc. A. Ozols |
2340. |
Project of Perfection of Operations of a Food Manufacturing Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc.G.Kozaka |
2341. |
The process of enforcing the contract of management in apartment houses
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof., Dr.oec. I.Geipele |
2342. |
The optimization of collection of payments for utilities and management of houses and debt collection in Ventspils
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
LNPĢ, Mg.oec. B.Pļaviņa |
2343. |
Modernization of Passenger Bus Body Structure
Profesors Anatolijs Kobcevs |
2344. |
Design and Development of a Portable Belt Conveyor for an Airport Passenger Terminal by Using SolidWorks
Lektore Zoja Smorodova |
2345. |
Development of Passenger Harbour in Riga City Scape
Faculty of Architecture |
Lekt. D. Kalvāne |
2346. |
Management of Work Organization of Passenger Terminal, Transportation and Suburban Passenger Traffic Characteristics
Ļ.Kirillova, dipl.inž., lektore |
2347. |
Evaluation and Analysis of Time Division Multiplexed - Passive Optical Communication Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2348. |
Use of permanent magnets in electrified transport electrical machines
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Podgornovs |
2349. |
Local government performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.K.Marinska |
2350. |
Project of improvement of personnel management in a company of municipality
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.psych., lekt.S.Gailīte |
2351. |
Consumer Problems in Rural Territory with 0.4kV Networks
Institute of Power Engineering |
asoc.prof. J.Priedīte |
2352. |
Patrol Algorithm
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. A.Nikitenko |
2353. |
Floating Harbour – Public Space on the River Daugava
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. E. Bērziņš |
2354. |
A Bath House in Jurmala Park, Liepaja
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. J. Briņķis |
2355. |
Services company"s profit increase project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2356. |
Profit management in a company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2357. |
Peripherial Interface Controller in Local Telephone Exchange
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Pundurs |
2358. |
Personnel management eficiency increase in construction company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., docente Svetlana Fjodorova |
2359. |
Personnel management features, problems and solutions in the construction industry
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. Svetlana Fjodorova |
2360. |
Personnel management in a hospital
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.I.Ovčinņikova |
2361. |
Studies of sorption properties of hydroxyapatite ceramics
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. V.Lakevičs, Mg. sc.ing. V.Stepanova |
2362. |
Latvian clays ion exchange capacity studies
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. V.Lakevičs |
2363. |
Studies of thixotropic properties of Latvian clays
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. V.Lakevičs, Dr.sc.ing. J.Mālers |
2364. |
Project for enhancing business activities of Liepaja Cemetery Administration
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt., Mg.oec., K. Marinska |
2365. |
Coastal Living Space in Jurmalciems
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. S. Treija |
2366. |
The Appropriate Data Warehouse Data Integration Process Selection
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. M. Ziema |
2367. |
Dairy company "ELPA" Ltd. performance development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2368. |
Milk powder packing line modernization
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
I. Boiko |
2369. |
Management of Work Organization of Passenger Terminal, Transportation and Suburban Passenger Traffic Characteristics
Ļ.Kirillova, dipl.inž., lektore |
2370. |
Determination of Major and Trace Constituent Concentrations in Foodstuffs using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. hab. chem. M.Kļaviņš, Dr.chem. M.Drille |
2371. |
Analysis of Fails in Complete Dentures Manufacturing Technology
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Genādijs Sagalovičs |
2372. |
Landscape Urbanism
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. U.Bratuškins |
2373. |
Sustainable Aspects of Urban Planning
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prof. J.Briņķis |
2374. |
Town Geographical Information Systems
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
E.Rutkovska |
2375. |
Development of Cities Paradigms
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. S.Treija |
2376. |
Financing development project for pre-school educational establishments
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2377. |
Preparation and X-ray diffraction study of new piroxicam crystal forms
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.phys. A.Mišņevs |
2378. |
The investigation of relaxation processes of piezoresistivity in polyisoprene–nanostructured carbon composites
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.phys. J.Zavickis, Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite |
2379. |
Evaluation of Thin Film Filters Efficient Bandwidth in DWDM Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Ģ.Ivanovs |
2380. |
Investigation of Thin-Film Filters in Wawelenght Division Multiplexing Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Prof. Ģ.Ivanovs |
2381. |
Quality of Broadband Service and its Measurement Methods
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Doc. P.Gavars |
2382. |
Shelf - shelf
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks |
2383. |
Improvement of an Engineering Process for Plasma Cutting of Parts to Ensure the High Quality of Their Surface
Docents Jurijs Boldirevs |
2384. |
Evaluation of flood hazard for the Daugava in Jekabpils-Plavinas area and its preventive measures
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
J.Sulojeva, RTU, Dr.oec. |
2385. |
Flow Control in X.25 and TCP/IP Technologies
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
profesors A.Kavacis |
2386. |
Regulation Possibilities of PMMA Surface Wettability
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Linda Lancere |
2387. |
Evaluation of Polarization Mode Dispersion in WDM Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš |
2388. |
Application of Polyethylene Pipes in Water Mains
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc.R.Neilands |
2389. |
Printing Equipment Service Solutions in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing. Aigars Laizāns |
2390. |
Printing company"s development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
2391. |
Influence of polymer binder crosslinking conditions on properties of composite material from recycled tires
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. L. Mālers |
2392. |
Response of polymer-nanostructured carbon composites to chemical vapour
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.ing. G.Šakale, Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite |
2393. |
Biomimetic Indication of Mechanical Damges in Polymer Composites
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Vadošais pētnieks Andrejs Aņiskevičs |
2394. |
Properties of poly(vinylalcohol) and polyhydroxybutyrate systems
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. S. Reihmane, Mg. sc. V. Tupureina |
2395. |
Project for improving placement of goods in a retail company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
2396. |
Optimization of Goods Supply Routes in a Logistic`s Company
Docents Mihails Larins |
2397. |
Mold production for electric switch plastic part production
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J. Krizbergs |
2398. |
Preventive Risk Reduction Methods in Power System
Institute of Power Engineering |
D.Antonovs |
2399. |
Private Space. Partition Constructions
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks, Mg.sc.ing., asistents G.Upītis |
2400. |
Interaction and Development of Private-Public Space in City Environment
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. G.Asaris |
2401. |
Utilization of Wind Power to Supply Private House with Electricity
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Doc. L.Bisenieks |
2402. |
Analysis of Process Approach to Supply Chain Management
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško |
2403. |
Production improvement project for "Ventbetons" Ltd
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.V.Jurēnoks |
2404. |
Project for increasing product sales
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
2405. |
Methods for Evaluation of Software Training Materials and Improvement Recommendations
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Ģirts Vulfs |
2406. |
Analysis of Software Automatic Testing Alternatives
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša |
2407. |
Methods of Software Reliability Assessment and Improvement
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. L. Zaiceva |
2408. |
Analysis of Software Functional Testing Methods and Their Applications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša |
2409. |
Software Quality Assurance in Agile Projects
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Mg. sc. ing. Māris Veide |
2410. |
Design Software Testing Methodology for SCRUM Development
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns |
2411. |
Evaluation of Tools for Software testing Management
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša |
2412. |
Analysis of Softswitch Collaboration with Channel Switching Node
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2413. |
Analysis of Methods and Tools for Project Effort Estimation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša |
2414. |
Evaluation of Tools Supporting Project Planning
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša |
2415. |
Evaluation of Project Risk Analysis Software Applications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča |
2416. |
Analysis of Software for Project Web Site Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša |
2417. |
Project management in a telemarketing company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
2418. |
Configuration of the Project Management Information System
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
2419. |
Project management in the rising of apartment buildings energy efficiency in the city of Ventspils
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
RD PIP, Mg.oec. S.Geipele |
2420. |
Project management of real estate leader ship development
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
RD PIP, Mg.oec. S.Geipele |
2421. |
Project management peculiarities during implementation of water and sewerage networks rehabilitation project, location: city of Saldus
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
SIA RUKKI Latvia, Mg.oec. A.Tambovcevs |
2422. |
Interaction of Public Space and Public Behavior
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Lekt. A.Antenišķe |
2423. |
Integration of City Beaches in Urban City
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš |
2424. |
Synthesis and reactions of 1,2,3-triazolyl-substituted purine nucleosides
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. Ē.Bizdēna |
2425. |
Semi-transparent Materials" Data Base
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme |
2426. |
QR Code Furniture System Application in Communication Process of Ltd. Papirfabrika Ligatne
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks, Dr.sc.ing., docente A.Ulme, konsultante - Latvijas Mākslas akad |
2427. |
Organization of the Effective and Efficient Testing Process in Information Technology Projects
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča |
2428. |
Noise Immunity of Radars and Communications
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Mg.sc.ing., zin. assist. E.Grabs |
2429. |
Establishment and Evaluation of Radio Relay Line in Ka Band
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs; konsult. A.Udaļcovs |
2430. |
Radio Chromic Film X-ray Dosimetry in the Range of 5-40 Gy
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Aleksejs Kataševs |
2431. |
Methodic Errors of Radionuclide I-131 Therapy Patient Radioactivity Monitoring System Measurements
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars |
2432. |
Creative Aspects of Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Anna Mēbele |
2433. |
Esterification and transesterification of rapeseed oil and fatty acid mixtures with methanol in the presence of sulphuric acid
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. V. Kampars, Mg. sc. ing. K. Māliņš |
2434. |
Reaction of rapeseed oil with glycerol in the presence of homogeneous basic catalyst
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.habil.chem. V. Kampars, Mg. chem. Z. Šustere |
2435. |
Yeast Cell Adhesion Adjustment on Locally Charched Glass Surface
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
2436. |
Business Development Strategy for Production Company “Rikom"
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Dzedons |
2437. |
Development strategy elaboration project for a manufacturing company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
2438. |
Manufacturing company"s operating efficiency improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.K.Marinska |
2439. |
Manufacturing company’s operating efficiency enhancement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2440. |
Manufacturing company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
2441. |
Project of Perfection of Operations of a Manufacturing Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.J.Zvanītājs |
2442. |
Manufacturing company’s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. Z.Sundukova |
2443. |
Project of Perfection of a Company Performance
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2444. |
Manufacturing companys performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
2445. |
Project of Perfection of Operations of a Manufacturing Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc.G.Kozaka |
2446. |
Project of Perfection of Operations of a Manufacturing Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc.G.Kozaka |
2447. |
Project for improving a manufacturing company"s financial situation
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.Z.Sundukova |
2448. |
Competitiveness enhancement project for a manufacturing company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone |
2449. |
Optimization of the Logistics Activity of Manufacturing Enterprise
Docents Valerijs Muhins |
2450. |
Production company"s earnings and profitability
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2451. |
Operating efficiency enhancement project in the manufacturing company “Lauma Fabrics” Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2452. |
Reactive Power Compensation in Electrical Systems
Institute of Power Engineering |
asoc.prof. T.Lomane |
2453. |
Real Time 3D Passive Computer Vision
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
M.Greitāns |
2454. |
Testing of Real-time System
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča |
2455. |
Advertising and its application in entrepreneurship
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
2456. |
Advertising and Its Importance in Entrepreneurship
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
P. Mensahs |
2457. |
Planning advertising in a services company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.prof.V.Jurēnoks |
2458. |
Development of promotional activities in aretail company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.A.Magidenko |
2459. |
Planning promotional activities in a manufacturing enterprise
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone |
2460. |
Development of Advertising Videoclips
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.sc.ing., prof. A.Glazs |
2461. |
Rayleigh Scattering Use Abilities in Optical Communication Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs; konsult. S.Spolītis |
2462. |
Profitability increase project for "Nordea Finance Latvia" Ltd
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2463. |
Modernisation of X-ray dosimeters calibration etalon system
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
2464. |
Distressed Sale of Business Assets as a Corporate Restructuring Strategy
01B00 Riga Business School |
R.Lucijanovs |
2465. |
Development of Laboratory Project for RFID Training
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
2466. |
Reed - Solomon Code Realization on Microcontroller Base
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Mg.sc.ing., lekt. E.Grabs |
2467. |
Riga Aviation Museum
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. U. Bratuškins |
2468. |
Design of Riga Multi-purpose Passenger Terminal
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2469. |
Improving the Structure and Performance of Riga Airport with the Aim of Increasing Its Passenger Turnover
Lektors Vladislavs Ņesterovskis |
2470. |
Development Vision of the Territory of Riga City Hospital No.1
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. A. Vītols |
2471. |
Analysis and Optimization of Riga’s Urban Transport System
Docents Valerijs Muhins |
2472. |
Development of Simulation Model for Riga Public Transport
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins |
2473. |
The Concept of New Water Feeding and Preparatory Unit for Riga Thermal Power Station-2
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.sc.ing., Dmitrijs Rusovs |
2474. |
Development of Non-state Income Sources for Riga Technical University
01B00 Riga Business School |
V.Innus |
2475. |
Development of Riga Technical University Records Management System"s Database with Access Mechanism Subsystem
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
as. prof. N. Prokofjeva, Dr.sc.ing. |
2476. |
Breast Cancer Diagnostics Data Analysis with Microsoft SQL Server Data Mining
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins |
2477. |
Development of Students Testing Tool in SQL
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Lektore V. Vinogradova |
2478. |
Comparison of Queue Management Algorithms
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
G.Lauks |
2479. |
Comparison of RIP and OSPF Protocols Operation
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis; konsult. A.Skrastiņš |
2480. |
Risk Factors in Power System and Methods of their Reduction
Institute of Power Engineering |
D.Antonovs |
2481. |
Risk reduction options in road construction taking into account equipment, work environment and human factor
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
prof. V.Urbāne |
2482. |
Organization of Risk Management Process in Information Technology Project
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča |
2483. |
Improving risk management for the financial services company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.I.Voronova |
2484. |
Risk Management of real estate
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt., Mg.oec. K.Fedotova |
2485. |
Risk management economical base of real estate
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
VZD, Mg.math. M.Grīnbergs |
2486. |
Risk management optimisation in real estete management.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Zin.pētn., Dr.oec. S.Fjodorova |
2487. |
Improvement of Cyclist"s Suit with Light Emissive and Retroreflective Elements
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing. Ausma Viļumsone, Dr.Phys Juris Blūms |
2488. |
Power Supply Reliability of Border Guard Complex
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.Nikolajs Breners |
2489. |
Robot Remote Control
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr.prof. Z. Markovičs |
2490. |
Robot - Graver
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr.prof. Z. Markovičs |
2491. |
Robot Modeling and Animation in 3D Maya
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
2492. |
Hand Luggage Size Suitcases
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks |
2493. |
Development of Electronic Document Management System for RTU
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
L.Novickis, LDP prof. grupas profesors |
2494. |
Development of the RTU Student Scientific and Technical Conference Support System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2495. |
Concept Development for the RTU Conference Management System and Implementation of User Registration
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2496. |
Roller КЭ-1 assembly device
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Kaņeps |
2497. |
Industrial Collection "Fall/Winter 2012"
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., Dana Beļakova |
2498. |
Optimization of Public Transport Network Based on the Passenger Flows
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs |
2499. |
Catering company’s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
2500. |
Distribution centre operations tactical planning and cluster analysis
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesore Gaļina Merkurjeva |
2501. |
Development Prospects for Distribution Networks - Implementation of Smart Technologies
Institute of Power Engineering |
I.Jutkeviča |
2502. |
Design of a Distribution Network with the Aim of Increasing the Efficiency of Latvian Express Delivery
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2503. |
Research of Distributed Raman Amplifiers in WDM Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Vad pētn. J.Poriņš |
2504. |
Development of the Air Traffic Collision Avoidance System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., as. prof. P.Rusakovs |
2505. |
Preform Automated Loading and Unloading on CNC (Computer Numeric Control) Machinery
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Bunga |
2506. |
Comparative Analysis of PIC, AVR, PLC Microcontrollers
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DF doc. I. Ščuhins |
2507. |
Prospects for Using Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures; Diploma Project Production and Storehouse Building in Daugavpils
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Prof. A.Korjakins |
2508. |
Foldable Chair from Wooden Laths
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks, Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks |
2509. |
Development of Remuneration System of Sanistal Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
G.Mathers |
2510. |
Development of Remuneration System of Sanistal Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
G.Mathers |
2511. |
Development of Guidelines for Adopting the SAP Implementation Methodology
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
2512. |
Slag formation in EAF, influence of the slag components on the durability of EAF lining. Prolongation of the furnace operation period.
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.inž.docents G.Koteļņikovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un |
2513. |
Matched Filters in Telecommunications and Fourier Optics
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Ozols |
2514. |
Slat furniture based on screwing system (table- "Chameleon")
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
2515. |
Satellite Devices Accuracy Increase Using a Complex Signal Processing
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof. A.Klūga |
2516. |
Evaluation of Content Management Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders |
2517. |
Solar Bateries and Automatic Control
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr.prof. Z. Markovičs |
2518. |
An Investigation of Solar Energy Accumulation Panels Walls
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
S.Jaundālders |
2519. |
Analysis and Rational Construction of the Solar Power Station Solarpark Dinaburg Project
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing.A.Stepanovs |
2520. |
The Project of Solar Panel Use in Energy Supply of a Family House
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
M.sc.ing. A.Cimbale |
2521. |
Technical Solutions for Combined Roof Reconstruction; Diploma Project Production and Warehouse Complex in Riga
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. M.Vilnītis |
2522. |
Split Ratio Assessment in Optical Splitters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
2523. |
Realtime Data Processing SCADA Software
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs |
2524. |
Scene Creation and Character Animation Using Autodesk Maya
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
2525. |
Design and Implementation of Reasoning Procedures for Structural Modelling Purposes
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Grundspeņķis, Dr. habil. sc. ing., STP katedras profesors |
2526. |
Secondary Radar Operating Principles and Data Processing
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
2527. |
The Analysis of Meaning Formation Patterns in Technical Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., doc. Tatjana Smirnova |
2528. |
Use of the Semantic Web Technologies in Development of Social Network Software
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.sc.ing., pētn. A.Lesovskis |
2529. |
Retirement Home in Ventspils
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. A. Vītols |
2530. |
Serial Data Transfer Over TCP/IP Based Networks (CISCO)
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
2531. |
Evaluation of standard apartment buildings of Limbaži
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Lekt., dipl.ing., Mg.oec. S.Barvika |
2532. |
Evaluation of Total Life-cycle Costs of Service-oriented Solutions
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
2533. |
SHDSL Technology Analysis on Different Line Parameters
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
R.Parts |
2534. |
AiR Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., doktorante A.Putniņa |
2535. |
AK7 Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2536. |
Arita Rone Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art. S.Deksne |
2537. |
LDesign Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art. S.Deksne |
2538. |
Liiva Diiva Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2539. |
Oak Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art. S.Deksne |
2540. |
Strategy development for "Cargo Prolog" Ltd
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2541. |
Development project for "F-air Media" Ltd
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2542. |
Project for improving marketing activities at "Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre" Ltd
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof.A.Magidenko |
2543. |
Performance improvement project for "Overseas Baltic" Ltd
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.V.Jurēnoks |
2544. |
Competitiveness ensuring projec for "Transcom Worldwide Latvia" Ltd
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.habil.oec.,prof.A.Magidenko |
2545. |
Ageko Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2546. |
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2547. |
Partare Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2548. |
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art.lektore D.Šķiņķe |
2549. |
Creative Design Ltd.
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art. S.Deksne |
2550. |
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art. S.Deksne |
2551. |
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.art. S.Deksne |
2552. |
Ltd „DISA” Temporal Database Development and Research
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. V.Boicovs |
2553. |
Operating efficiency enhancement project for “Evija” Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
2554. |
Performance development of "Lauma Fabrics" Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2555. |
Performance improvement project at “Lauma Fabrics” Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2556. |
Performance improvement Project for „Liepājas Jūras birojs” ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec. prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2557. |
Expansion of “Liepājas tramvajs” Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., asoc.prof. R.Alsiņa |
2558. |
Development of Strategy for SIA “Mondolini”
01B00 Riga Business School |
I.Jākobsone |
2559. |
Operating efficiency enhancement project for “RED SUN” Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska |
2560. |
Ltd „Rosinter Restaurants” Warehouse Database Development and Research
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc. prof. V.Boicovs |
2561. |
Silicon Electron Emission for Gas Control
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars |
2562. |
Heat Object Positioning by Means of Motion Sensor Network
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
2563. |
The Complex Solutions of Heat and Electricity Supply Using Heat Source Diversification for Ltd Sabiedriba Marupe
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.habil.sc.ing. D.Turlajs, Dipl.ing. H.Lediņš |
2564. |
The Calculus of Heat Losses and Energy Source Management for a Hangar Type Building. Engineering Project
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Cimbale |
2565. |
Development of a Simulation-based Control System for Logistics Conveyor Bench Model
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
2566. |
SiO2 Nanoparticles and Ascorbic Acid “Complex” Influence on Flax kallus culture
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Jurijs Dehtjars |
2567. |
Development of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Implementation Methodology for a Manufacturing Company
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
2568. |
Reducing Functional Malfunction Risk of System Integration by Implementing Service Oriented Architecture
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
2569. |
Development of System for Automation of Server Virtualization Solutions
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing., doc. G. Alksnis |
2570. |
Analysis of System Management Software
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jans Šlihte |
2571. |
Scalar and Vectorial Wave Front Inversion in Telecommunications
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Ozols |
2572. |
Project for using product development policy of Scandinavian power companies in "Latvenergo" JSC
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.K.Marinska |
2573. |
Functional Bedside Cabinet
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme |
2574. |
Assessment of Skin-effect in Metallic Cables
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
2575. |
Functionally and Economically Effective Heating and Ventilation of School Buildings
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Doc. V.Vrubļevskis |
2576. |
Screw compressor manufacturing technology - SK-CE55RW
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J. Krizbergs |
2577. |
Synthesis of phthalocyanine containing nitrogen heterocycles
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem.. M. Roze |
2578. |
Analysis of nitrogen oxide reduction technologies in AceGasAps waste incineration plant
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
I.Veidenbergs |
2579. |
The Analysis of Track Circuit Operation Modes by Multiuse
Mareks Mezītis , Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors |
2580. |
Development Technologies of Portals of Advertisements
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. N. Prokofjeva |
2581. |
Development of Advertisement System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2582. |
Truck chassis towing member assembly fixture development and production
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N. Mozga |
2583. |
SNMP Protocol Application Capabilities on Network Management
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2584. |
Social enterprise"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.prof.K.Didenko |
2585. |
Social media use for sports services company"s performance development
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.R.Greitāne |
2586. |
Synthesis and properties of S-oxidized thieno[2,3-b]pyridines
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. L.Krasnova |
2587. |
Development and implementation of HPLC analytical method for control of Solifenacin stereoisomers
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Ozoliņš, Mg.sc.chem. D.Ruskovs |
2588. |
Stool with Shuffle Mechanism
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks, Mg.sc.ing., lektore G.Zommere, SIA "VĒRSIS RO" koka izstrādājum |
2589. |
Dynamic Control System Creation of a Stepper Motor
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr. gr. doc. A. Ozols |
2590. |
Designing of Stepping Motor Drive for Polyethylene Film Packaging Equipment
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Doc. I.Buņina |
2591. |
Analysis of Spec# Programming System for High Quality Software Development and Maintenance
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. G.Alksnis |
2592. |
Improving Video Animation with Special Effects
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
2593. |
Specialized Furniture for Anglers "Safe Harbor"
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., doktorante A.Stikute |
2594. |
Spectral Imaging Used in an Uninvasive Skin Irritation and Damage Assessment
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dainis Jakovels |
2595. |
Investigation of Spectrum Slicing Technology in WDM-PON Systems
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs |
2596. |
Bandwidth-Limited Pulses
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Ozols |
2597. |
Game Development for Android Platform
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., as. prof. P.Rusakovs |
2598. |
Game Development for Mobile Devices with iOS Operating System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., as. prof. P.Rusakovs |
2599. |
Influence of alcohol structure on the properties of rapeseed oil fatty acid esters
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. habil. chem. V. Kampars, Mg. sc. ing. K. Māliņš |
2600. |
Criterias for defining explosion hazard, fire hazard and specially important objects, their estimation, substantiation and analysis
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
J.Ļabis, Mg.iur., Mg.sc.ing. |
2601. |
Technical investigation of explosions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
G.Kiseļovs, Mg.sc.ing. |
2602. |
Plug-inTehnnology Usage in Information Systems Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Eiduks |
2603. |
Voltage Drop Compensation System in 20kV Grid
Institute of Power Engineering |
asoc.prof. I.Zicmane |
2604. |
Analysis of Spring Framework for Java Application Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. P.Rusakovs |
2605. |
Radio Technical Equipment Planning and Management of Stationary and Mobile Air Control Tower
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Mg.sc.ing., lekt. I.Siņuks |
2606. |
Design Adaptation of Stationary X-ray Equipment for Equine Examination
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Aldis Balodis |
2607. |
Standard vessel automatic welding machine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O.Liniņš |
2608. |
Design of an International Air Cargo Terminal
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
2609. |
Improvement of the Operating Efficiency of an International Logistics Company’s Warehouse System by Optimizing the Technological Areas of the Warehouse
Docente Margarita Urbaha |
2610. |
The business development project of the international service company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
2611. |
Reinforced biocomposites from renewable resources
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg. sc. V. Tupureina |
2612. |
Glass fiber cloth winder construction improvement
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
N. Mozga |
2613. |
Glass fiber thread rip line improvement
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
O. Liniņš |
2614. |
Glass fiber welding machine design
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J. Kaņeps |
2615. |
Research and Design of Transport Technological Equipment for Glass Facade Constructions
Lektore Zoja Smorodova |
2616. |
Design a strategy for Development of A class Office Building
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Koliškins |
2617. |
Strategy Development for Bank X
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Koliškins |
2618. |
Strategy Development for the Company “Halis” Ltd.
01B00 Riga Business School |
I.Jākobsone |
2619. |
Strategic development directions in the road building industry
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
RD PIP, Mg.oec. Sanda Geipele |
2620. |
Analysis of Tools Supporting Student Mobility
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg.sc.ing., pētniece I.Birzniece |
2621. |
Development of the Study Workshop Support System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. Ē.Asņina |
2622. |
Sudoku Playing Industrial Robot IRB1600
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. asist. I. Karpičs |
2623. |
Synthesis of 1,2,3-triazolyl derivatives of sulfamoylthiophene
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. R.Žalubovskis, B.Sc. A.Grandāne |
2624. |
Elaboration and investigation of hyper-elastic polyisoprene-nanostructured carbon black pressure sensor systems
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.phys. J.Zavickis, Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite |
2625. |
Role of SuperplasticiringAdmix in High Strength Concrete Technology; Diploma Project Multi-Story Dwelling House in Riga
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Lekt. T.Kidiks |
2626. |
Analysis and Production Quality Improvement for Svenska Kullagerfabriken (SKF) bearings Production Using SPC Method
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Rudzītis |
2627. |
Comparative Analysis of Fibres Flax Candidate Varieties
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dr.habil.sc.ing., profesore S.Kukle |
2628. |
Evaluation of Fiber Optic Transmission Line Power Budget
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs; konsult. S.Spolītis |
2629. |
Organisation of Sorting Station and Access Railway
Ļ.Kirillova, Dipl.inž., lektore |
2630. |
Modernization of Infrastructure and Optimization of Technological Process at a Railway Marshalling Yard with the Aim of Increasing Its Traffic Capacity
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2631. |
Analysis of Skrirotava Station Receiving Park Work
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
2632. |
Evaluation of Photodetectors Parameters Used in FOTS
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
V.Bobrovs; konsult. S.Spolītis |
2633. |
Manufacture tehnique of parts (matrix, punch) for the stamp on the CNC
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
J.Vilcāns |
2634. |
Rocking Horse
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks |
2635. |
Quantitative analysis of fatty acids in heart tissues and mitochondria samples using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. chem. S. Grīnberga |
2636. |
Comparison of TCP Versions
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2637. |
Comparison of TCP and UDP Protocols Facilities
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
O.Belmanis |
2638. |
Estimation of TDR Parameters for Cable Fault Type Detection
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult. O.Ozoliņš |
2639. |
Technical Translation: New Term Standardization
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Zane Seņko |
2640. |
Pragmatic Aspects of Technical Translation (Target-Oriented Translation)
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., doc. Tatjana Smirnova |
2641. |
Strategies of Technical Text Translation: Sense-for-Sense or Word-for-Word Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova |
2642. |
Strategies of Technical Text Translation: Sense-for-Sense or Word-for-Word Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Diāna Rūpniece |
2643. |
Technical and economic grounding for efficiency of intensification of „LM” EAF process using alternative heat energy sources
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.h.inž.prof. A.Jegorovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fe |
2644. |
A Series of Technical Measures for the Organization of Traffic Flow at an Intersection with Account of Traffic and Pedestrian Flow Intensity
Docents Mihails Larins |
2645. |
Improvement of the steelmaking practice for manufacture of structural-grade steel with specified nitrogen content
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.h.inž.prof. A.Sjomins Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fer |
2646. |
Technology and Science Center in Kliversala
Faculty of Architecture |
Prof. S. Treija |
2647. |
The effect of Technological Process Steps on Complete Dentures Quality
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Genādijs Sagalovičs |
2648. |
Influence of technological parameters on side reactions of pemetrexed synthesis
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. J.Jaunbergs |
2649. |
Optimization of technological parameters of the electrolysis process using TinO<sub>2n-1</sub> electrodes
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Mālers, Mg.sc.chem. M.Reimanis |
2650. |
Approaches to Text Analysis in Technical Translation: Standards of Textuality
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova |
2651. |
Text and writing paper destruction at accelerated ageing
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. M.Dzenis |
2652. |
Textile Antenna for Protective Clothing
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
Doc.J.Semeņako |
2653. |
Control and Monitoring System Development for Heat Supply Network at a Textile Company
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr.gr. asist. I. Karpičs |
2654. |
Text Types and Decision Making in Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Oksana Samuilova |
2655. |
Text Types and Translation Strategies
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., doc. Tatjana Smirnova |
2656. |
Textual Equivalence: Cohesion
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., doc. Irina Liokumoviča |
2657. |
Analysis of the Telecommunications Node`s Programming Concepts
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
A.Kavacis |
2658. |
Selection of Telecommunication Platform for Electric Meter Reading and Control
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof., E.Pētersons |
2659. |
Simulation of Telecommunications Systems Using GPenSim
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
G.Lauks |
2660. |
Approaches to Translating Informative Texts in the Sphere of Telecommunications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Jūlija Kučerova |
2661. |
Modernization of a Tent Platform in an Isotherm or Refrigerated Semi-trailer
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2662. |
Steel manufacture in „LM” EAF using direct-process steelmaking
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.h.inž.prof. A.Sjomins Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un fer |
2663. |
Thermal insulation mortars for steelmaking. Study of mortar content with the purpose of increasing the durability of tundish and improvement of the billet quality
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Dr.inž.docents G.Koteļņikovs Nacionālā pētnieciski tehnoloģiskā universitāte Tērauda metalurģijas un |
2664. |
Design of a Terminal System for the Optimization of Transport Company’s Logistics Network
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
2665. |
Terminology Coinage and Alignment in the Field of Sustainable Construction
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., doc. Tatjana Smirnova |
2666. |
Translation of Terminology in the Field of Economics
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Alla Žučenko |
2667. |
Translation of Terminology in the Field of Telecommunications
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova |
2668. |
Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Engineering with Thermal Analysis
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Ramesh Shanbhag, Rui Dinis |
2669. |
Application and Development of Thermochromic Materials
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
2670. |
Types of Thermohardening Composite Press Mould Parts Manufacturing
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
G.Bunga |
2671. |
Thermal Underwear for Children’s
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing.Ilze Baltiņa |
2672. |
Forth Generation’s System Testbed Development and Performance Meaning
13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
2673. |
Using an Online GPS Tracking System for the Optimization of Transport Company’s Cargo Transport Process
Asistents Sergejs Bratarčuks |
2674. |
Comparative Analysis of Network Algorithms
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
T.Celmiņš |
2675. |
Network Management System Based on Security Means
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis |
2676. |
Testing Procedures of Network Simulators
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
G.Lauks |
2677. |
Upgrading the Control System of Bridge Crane
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
doktorants Igors Ščukins |
2678. |
Bridges in the Urban Space
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš |
2679. |
Applicability Analysis of Web 3.0 Technologies in E-commerce Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers |
2680. |
Development of Web Information System for School
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
as. prof. N. Prokofjeva, Dr.sc.ing. |
2681. |
Technologies of Web User Interface
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. L. Zaiceva |
2682. |
Web Portals Optimization Methods for Searching Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.cs.ing., prof. L.Novickis |
2683. |
Evaluation of Web Software Usability
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. L. Zaiceva |
2684. |
Developing a Web-based Tool for Latvian Companies to Assess their Approximate Value
01B00 Riga Business School |
R.Lucijanovs |
2685. |
Development of Web Game Homepage
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.prof. N. Prokofjeva |
2686. |
Web Technologies for Insurance Information Systems Development
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.cs.ing., prof. L.Novickis |
2687. |
Web Page Design Creating and its Implementation Using Java Applet
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
2688. |
Web-page Design, Progress and Development
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
2689. |
Web-page Development in Adobe Dreamweaver
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
2690. |
Web Site Design for Adobe Photoshop Training
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
2691. |
The Implementation of Web-page Based on Adobe Software
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
2692. |
Web Site Optimization and Modernization Using CMS Tools
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
2693. |
Shopping centre"s development strategy project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.prof.K.Didenko |
2694. |
Trading Software Managing and Maintainance
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.habil.cs.ing., prof. L.Novickis |
2695. |
Trading company"s development project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
2696. |
Project of Operation Development of a Trade Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc.G.Kozaka |
2697. |
Trading company"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.K.Marinska |
2698. |
Trading company"s competitiveness enhancement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.V.Jurēnoks |
2699. |
Improvement of the Operating Efficiency of a Commercial Enterprise’s Warehouse by Introducing a New System of Goods Inventory
Docente Margarita Urbaha |
2700. |
Revitalization of Flea Market Area in Riga
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. A. Lapiņš |
2701. |
Choise of marketing strategy for Ltd. "Livland" development
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof. Tatjana Tambovceva |
2702. |
Investigations of structure and properties of titanium oxide ceramics
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Ozoliņš |
2703. |
The Analysis of Topological Functioning Model and Model-View-Controller Pattern Integration
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., doc. Ē.Asņina |
2704. |
Traffic Engineering with MPLS in Core Network
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
G.Lauks |
2705. |
A Model for Trajectory Prediction for Usage in Vehicle Driver Assistance Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
A.Ņikitenko, STP kat. docents |
2706. |
Concept Development of Tramcar Specialized for Watering Tram Railway
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof. A.Klūga |
2707. |
Research of the Basic Principles of the Model-To-Code Transformation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2708. |
Transformable Chairs System
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., asistents G.Upītis |
2709. |
Vehicular Wireless Network Performance Evaluation Depending from the Traffic Flow Parameters in NCTUns
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. E.Pētersons |
2710. |
Computer Modelling of Transport Electronic Systems in Multisim Environment
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
2711. |
Vehicle for transporting phantom and dosimetry equipment in hospital
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Profesors Aldis Balodis |
2712. |
Analysis of Vehicles Positioning Methods
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. A.Klūga |
2713. |
Design of a Vehicle Maintenance Section with the Aim of Improving the Operational Efficiency of an International Express Delivery Company
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2714. |
Modernization of Transport and Logistics Company’s Cargo Terminal for Storing Mixed Cargo
Docents Viktors Feofanovs |
2715. |
"Possible Ways to Increase Traffic Flow Capacity at Roundabouts"
Dr.Sc.Ing. profesors Gundars Liberts |
2716. |
Optimization of Vehicle Fleet Structure and Maintenance Expenses of a Transport Company
Asistente Kristīne Carjova |
2717. |
Improvement of the Supply Chain Efficiency of a Transport Company with the Help of GIS Technologies
Docente Margarita Urbaha |
2718. |
Development of the Vehicle Insurance System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., as. prof. P.Rusakovs |
2719. |
Design of Equipment for Cleaning and Washing Vehicle Parts
Profesors Jurijs Martinovs |
2720. |
Vehicular Mobility Models and Simulation Programs
Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra |
prof., E.Pētersons |
2721. |
Transport company"s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.asoc.prof.L.Vasiļjeva |
2722. |
Modeling and Animation of 3D Object Using Autodesk Maya Software
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. lab. M. Kovaļovs |
2723. |
Elaboration of Voltage Adjustment System for Three-Phase Generator
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Doc. I.Buņina |
2724. |
Noise and Interference Reduction Techniques in Audio Amplifiers
Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics |
Prof. J.Jankovskis |
2725. |
Sterilization Vacuum Cycle Optimization for Hollow Medical Instruments
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Gints Cīrulis |
2726. |
Strategic Aspects of Tukums Town Development
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. U.Bratuškins |
2727. |
Pragmatic Aspects of Translation: Technical Term Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Alla Žučenko |
2728. |
Translation Theory and Translator’s Competence
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova |
2729. |
Steam boiler plant in industrial enterprise
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Reinis Ziemeļnieks |
2730. |
Research and Balancing Optimization of Dynamics of Piston Machines of Steam Locomotive
Jānis Eiduks Dr.sc.ing., docents |
2731. |
Disinfection of water by electrolysis using titanium oxide electrodes
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.chem. M.Reimanis |
2732. |
Studies of water electrolysis technological parameters in a dynamic mode
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Mg.sc.chem. M.Reimanis |
2733. |
Production of microbiological water pollution in electrolysis cell with separated cathode and anode
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. J.Ozoliņš, Mg.sc.chem. M.Reimanis |
2734. |
Development of Methodology for Water Resources Monitoring by Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs |
2735. |
Activation possibility of Ugale clay at the process of geopolymer synthesis
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.sc.ing. I.Šperberga |
2736. |
Fire security in multistoreyed buildings, problems and solutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
P.Tretjakovs, VUGD |
2737. |
Protective Garment for Firemen
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.habil.sc.ing. G.Strazds |
2738. |
Using fire extinguishing gases in fire protection of closed rooms
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
I.Kačanovs, VUGD, UCA koledža |
2739. |
Evaluation of fire hazard in educational institutions
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Jemeļjanovs, RTU, prof., Dr.sc.ing. |
2740. |
Methods of evaluating fire hazard
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
V.Jemeļjanovs, RTU, prof., Dr.sc.ing. |
2741. |
Development of the Flame Retard Combat Individual Protection System of the National Armed Forces Republic of Latvia
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing. Ausma Viļumsone, Mg.sc.ing.Igors Šitvjenkins |
2742. |
Possibilities of using Ultrathin Liquid Ceramic Heat-reflecting Material in Construction; Diploma Project Construction of Supermarket Building in Olaine
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
Asist. V.Lūsis |
2743. |
Analysis of the Evolution of the UML Class Diagram Versions
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2744. |
Research of the Problems and Solutions for the Layout of the UML Sequence Diagram
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.sc.ing., prof. O.Ņikiforova |
2745. |
All Purpose Hallway Furniture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Mg.sc.ing., lektors K.Kazāks, Mg.sc.ing., lektors G.Zommere |
2746. |
Precision Analysis of Explutacion Parameters of Universal Reducer &#1044;&#1048;&#1044; - 1
Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering |
A.Kamols |
2747. |
Universal Dovetail Joints Furniture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Dr.sc.ing., asoc.profesors V.Kazāks |
2748. |
Universal Design in the Riga Hotels Spatial Environment
Institute of Design Technologies |
Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme |
2749. |
Portal Design and Development for University Structural Unit
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
J.Eiduks, Dr.sc.ing., STP katedras asoc. profesors |
2750. |
Business case-based integration of quantitative forecasting models for Latvian solid fuel SME
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesore Gaļina Merkurjeva |
2751. |
Using Service Oriented Architecture During Development of Shopping Website
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
AADG pr.gr. asist. A. Sisojevs |
2752. |
Use of Intrusion Detection System Based on Network Behavior Analysis in SCADA Networks
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Pjotrs Dorogovs |
2753. |
Opportunities to attract funding for entrepreneurship
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,asoc.prof.I.Voronova |
2754. |
Entrepreneurship financing sources and their use
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Mežiels |
2755. |
Business cost optimization project for "Liepiņš" Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asoc.prof.R.Alsiņa |
2756. |
Project of Perfection of a Company Performance
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
2757. |
Project of reduction of personnel turnover in company "Baltic Restaurants Latvia"
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.biol., pr.doc.G.Maurāne |
2758. |
Performance improvement project for the company “CTB”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks |
2759. |
Development of Business Strategy for Company “IMPRO Travel”
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Dzedons |
2760. |
Human resources management improvement in the company “Liepājas metalurgs”
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
2761. |
Strategic Options of CEMEX to Facilitate Concrete Road Construction in Latvia
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Jakobsons |
2762. |
Analysis of a Company Performance and Perfection of Development Strategy
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.S.Polovko |
2763. |
Company"s operating efficiency improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,asist.L.Budņiks |
2764. |
Project of Rising of a Company Performance Effectiveness
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2765. |
Project of Rising of a Company Performance Effectiveness
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.I.Ezera |
2766. |
Company"s operating efficiency improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Mežiels |
2767. |
Project of Rising of a Company Performance Effectiveness
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2768. |
The Project of Ensuring Financial Stability of a Company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.sc.ing.,doc.G.Kozaka |
2769. |
Creation of an Enterprise Information Security System
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
2770. |
Analysis and Identification of Open Source Solutions for Enterprise Information Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Andrejs Ābele |
2771. |
Inventory management at KCS company Baltic region supply chain
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesors Jurijs Merkurjevs |
2772. |
Using XML Configuration File for Calculation of the Enterprise Key Performance Indicators
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
2773. |
Increasing efficiency of a company"s asset utilization
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,doc.K.Kozlovskis |
2774. |
Efficient use of a company"s assets
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2775. |
Project of personnel selection and perfection of training in a company
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.E.Gaile-Sarkane |
2776. |
Project of improvement of personnel management organization in a company
Institute of Business Engineering and Management |
Mg.oec.D.Ščeulovs |
2777. |
Personnel management improvement project for a company
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Prof., Dr.oec., K. Didenko |
2778. |
Project for increasing a company"s profitability
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec.,prof.N.Lāce |
2779. |
The Concept and Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mg. sc. ing. Antons Mislēvičs |
2780. |
Sockets Production Line Improvement in the Company SIA "Lexel Fabrika"
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Profesors Jānis Mazais |
2781. |
Valuatuon of SIA Scantest, Improvement and optimization of Business Process
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Pajuste |
2782. |
Valuatuon of SIA Scantest, Improvement and optimization of Business Process
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Pajuste |
2783. |
Business management during modernization period
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko |
2784. |
Company performance assessment
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Ovčiņņikova |
2785. |
Evaluation of Solutions for Providing High Level Application Availability
12100 Institute of Information Technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis |
2786. |
Features and solution of real estate valuation in Germany
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., SIA "Rīgas audits" Jānis Mežiels |
2787. |
Selection of Management System for Small and Medium Enterprises
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs |
2788. |
Management and Control System Development for the Production of Pharmaceutical Substance
Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts |
DV pr. gr. doc. A. Ozols |
2789. |
Investigation of tandem Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement – trichloroacetimidate cyclization reaction
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
Dr.chem. A.Jirgensons, M.Sc. L.Grigorjeva |
2790. |
Application of Multiple Antennas in WiMax Base Stations
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
T.Celmiņš |
2791. |
Organization of Logistics and Management of a Warehouse at Wholesale and Retail Enterprises
Docents Mihails Larins |
2792. |
Wholesale company’s performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., doc. R.Greitāne |
2793. |
The Project of Rising of Competitiveness of the Wholesale Company „Aviro” Ltd.
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,pr.doc.J.Jakubāne |
2794. |
Suggestions to Policies Related to State Aid Programs for Support Innovation in Business of Latvia.
01B00 Riga Business School |
A.Jakobsons |
2795. |
Government support for entrepreneurship and innovations in Latvia
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone |
2796. |
Specific features, problems and solutions of determination of the national real estate value
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Dr.oec., profesors Jānis Vanags |
2797. |
Country Pavilion in the Context of World Expo Architecture
Institute of Arhitecture and Design |
Asoc.prof. U.Bratuškins |
2798. |
The development methodology for national-level and local government-level energy strategies
Institute of Environment and Energy Systems |
D.Blumberga |
2799. |
Copper ferrite as catalyst for Sonogashira reaction
14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry |
M.sc.ing. T.Kukoša |
2800. |
Copper Cable Non-refusal Probability Evaluation
13100 Institute of Telecommunications |
J.Poriņš; konsult. A.Supe |
2801. |
Word Formation Patterns in the Contemporary Texts on Architecture
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Dr.philol., prof. Larisa Iļjinska |
2802. |
The Analysis of Word Formation Patterns in Technical Translation
Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy |
Mag.philol., lekt. Zane Seņko |
2803. |
Seppälä stores network performance improvement project
22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management |
Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone |
2804. |
Wind Lighthouse in Cape Kolka
Faculty of Architecture |
Doc.prakt. E. Bērziņš |
2805. |
Development of Wind-Power Engineering in Latvia
Institute of Power Engineering |
A.Obuševs |