Graduate papers
# Title in original language Department Scientific advisor
1. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Leo Seļāvo
2. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering A.Pumpurs
3. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Armands Auziņš
4. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Alsiņa
5. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ovčiņņikova
6. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Vad.pētn. Valērijs Skribans
7. Institute of Power Engineering A.Makuha
8. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mutule
9. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mutule
10. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. Nikolajs Sprancmanis
11. Institute of Power Engineering A.Gavrilovs
12. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof. G.Ivanovs
13. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Undeland
14. docents Ēriks Vonda
15. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Ķipsna
16. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
17. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs
18. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. I.Judrupa
19. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof.I.Slaidiņš
20. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Ķipsna
21. 15100 Institute of Production Quality Pr.doc., M.oec. Iveta Mežinska
22. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. L.Kamola
23. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
24. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Orlovska
25. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. N.Baranovskis
26. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof. G.Ivanovs
27. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
28. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Egils Dzelzītis
29. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. V.Zagorskis
30. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Doc. M.Zeltiņš
31. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications dkt. A.Āboltiņš
32. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. J.Saulītis
33. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. I.Judrupa
34. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,asist. U.Kamols
35. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
36. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Orlovska
37. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A.Auziņa
38. Institute of Power Engineering A.Podgornovs
39. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering L.Ribickis
40. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering L.Ribickis
41. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. M.Strauts
42. Institute of Power Engineering O.Borščevskis
43. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
44. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. Remigijs Počs
45. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Ivars Raņķis
46. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
47. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
48. Institute of Power Engineering A.Krūmiņš
49. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and ManagementĀdamsone
50. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering L.Bisenieks
51. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Dovladbekova
52. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Uldis Pelīte
53. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Uldis Pelīte
54. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Ķipsna
55. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Orlovska
56. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko
57. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Ivars Aleksejenko
58. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof.G.Lauks
59. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. V.Ozoliņa
60. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof. G.Lauks
61. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
62. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Māris Kaļinka
63. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics J.Jankovskis
64. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
65. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Madara Caunīte
66. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. Astra Auziņa
67. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,doc. J.Reiters
68. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. P.Romāns
69. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Orlovska
70. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
71. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
72. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems I.Dzene
73. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. I.Pucenu
74. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt.G.Blagova
75. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A.Auziņa
76. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Orlovska
77. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. I.Pucens
78. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems G.Bažbauers
79. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Vad.pētn. Valērijs Skribans
80. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. M.Šenfelde
81. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce
82. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
83. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. I.Pucens
84. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. I.Pucens
85. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
86. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. I.Pucens
87. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis
88. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. Ivars Pucens
89. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. I.Pucens
90. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. Astra Auziņa
91. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Vad.pētn. Valērijs Skribans
92. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Arvīds Ozols
93. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Avotiņš
94. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Survilo
95. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
96. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
97. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
98. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
99. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
100. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. N.Balabka
101. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
102. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Alsiņa
103. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Alsiņa
104. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ovčiņņikova
105. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
106. Institute of Power Engineering A.Podgornovs
107. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
108. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
109. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. K.Gorbunova
110. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) I.Ezera
111. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof.G.Lauks
112. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
113. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Armands Auziņš
114. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
115. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Ābele
116. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Māris Kaļinka
117. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
118. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
119. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. Nikolajs Sprancmanis
120. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
121. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska
122. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
123. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
124. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Ķipsna
125. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Burmeisters
126. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. Astra Auziņa
127. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
128. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Dovladbekova
129. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.J.Reiters
130. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,doc. J.Reiters
131. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Māris Kaļinka
132. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics M.Greitāns
133. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Abrazune, TNT Ekspress, muitas brokere
134. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
135. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Orlovska
136. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Prof. Nikolajs Sprancmanis
137. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Ķipsna
138. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Doc.J.Poriņš
139. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec, prof. K.Didenko
140. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc(prakt.) J.Mežiels
141. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
142. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
143. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy O.Krievs
144. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis
145. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
146. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž. I.Veļikanova
147. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics M.Greitāns
148. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
149. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Bražis
150. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,prakt.doc. I.Ezera
151. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
152. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
153. Institute of Power Engineering E.Antonovs
154. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
155. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. P.Romāns
156. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. K.Koroļova
157. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. K.Koroļova
158. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
159. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Dovladbekova
160. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Ķipsna
161. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Vad.pētn. V.Skribans
162. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems S.Valtere
163. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., prakt.doc. J.Mežiels
164. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
165. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
166. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. S.Fjodorova
167. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
168. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
169. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. L.Kamola
170. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
171. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.V.Vasiļjeva
172. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska
173. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
174. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Ķipsna
175. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Artūrs Lešinskis
176. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Dovladbekova
177. Institute of Power Engineering M.Koņuhova
178. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Kaspars Kojalovičs
179. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Andris Krēsliņš
180. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Zemītis
181. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. A. Magidenko
182. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
183. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. J. Ķipsna
184. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management asoc. prof. I. Voronova
185. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
186. Institute of Business Engineering and Management lekt. I. Ozoliņa-Ozola
187. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. I. Andersone
188. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
189. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. J.Bidzāns
190. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
191. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
192. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
193. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
194. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. Z.Lazda
195. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
196. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Haritonovs
197. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
198. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
199. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management asoc. prof. I. Voronova
200. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. K.Koroļova
201. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. U. Kamols
202. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc. N.Semjonova
203. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof.J.Saulītis
204. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. K. Marinska
205. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. I. Ovčiņņikova
206. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management doc.V.Vasiļjeva
207. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. I.Andersone
208. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
209. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. E. Gaile-Sarkane
210. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. E.Gaile - Sarkane
211. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc. I.Ezera
212. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof.I.Dovladbekova
213. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A. Auziņa
214. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Asoc. prof. A.Orlovska
215. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. V.Ozoliņa
216. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
217. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management doc. J. Reiters
218. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
219. Institute of Business Engineering and Management prof. K. Didenko
220. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. A. Magidenko
221. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R.Naudžuns
222. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management asoc. prof. L. Vasiļjeva
223. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. K. Didenko
224. Institute of Business Engineering and Management doc. J. Reiters
225. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. A.Zariņš
226. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. I.Andersone
227. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. R. Greitāne
228. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. I. Andersone
229. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
230. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
231. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
232. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. A. Magidenko
233. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management asoc. prof. Z. Sundukova
234. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. I.Andersone
235. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
236. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. L.Tumaņana
237. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. V.Ozoliņa
238. Institute of Business Engineering and Management lekt. I. Ozoliņa-Ozola
239. Institute of Business Engineering and Management lekt. I. Ozoliņa-Ozola
240. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. Z.Lazda
241. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Aleksandrs Čurkovs
242. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG asist. K. Krečetova
243. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
244. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. M.Alekseičevs
245. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
246. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. K.Marinska
247. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Kataševs
248. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Dehtjars
249. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts ITI pētnieks A. Patļins
250. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Kataševs
251. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Kataševs
252. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
253. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. M. Alekseičevs
254. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
255. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
256. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Balodis
257. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Rapoports
258. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Dehtjars
259. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics V.Boicovs
260. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG asist. K. Krečetova
261. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG asist. K. Krečetova
262. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore
263. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Balodis
264. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., doc. G. Alksnis
265. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
266. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
267. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
268. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
269. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Dehtjars
270. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Kataševs
271. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. asist. R. Safins
272. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV doc. A.Ozols
273. Faculty of Architecture
274. 14700 Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design Ivars Krieviņš
275. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
276. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
277. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore
278. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
279. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
280. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
281. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Jānis Vanags
282. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG asist. K. Krečetova
283. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Jeršovs
284. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs
285. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
286. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat .prof. V.Zagurskis
287. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics V.Boicovs
288. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
289. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prakt.doc.E.Bērziņš
290. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore
291. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering L. Bumbure
292. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. G.Alksnis
293. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis
294. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grigorjevs
295. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.D.Zemešs
296. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
297. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy E.Latiševa, IP katedras asoc. profesore
298. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
299. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Balodis
300. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs
301. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc.E.Bērziņš
302. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Dehtjars
303. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering S. Popovs
304. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Šitikovs LDP prof. grupas asoc. profesors
305. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra V.Boicovs
306. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. sc. ing. Gaļina Merkurjeva
307. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
308. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
309. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., doc. G. Alksnis
310. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management RUE katedras lektore, Mg.oec. K.Marinska
311. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis
312. Institute of Arhitecture and Designškins
313. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.I.Strautmanis
314. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs
315. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy G.Jēkabsons, LDI vad. pētnieks
316. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
317. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.I.Bērziņa
318. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.E.Suvorovs
319. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering S. Popovs
320. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
321. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Eiduks, STP kat. asoc. profesors
322. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Ansis Liepiņš
323. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Renāte Strazdiņa
324. 15100 Institute of Production Quality Pr.doc., M.oec. I.Mežinska
325. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
326. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
327. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. V.Karpuhins
328. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Jeršovs
329. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts LDI doc. N.Prokofjeva
330. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. M.Alekseičevs
331. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Inārs Paura
332. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore
333. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. Ē.Asņina
334. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy P.Semenčuks
335. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Dehtjars
336. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Frank Rattay
337. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prakt.doc.E.Bērziņš
338. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. J.Mežiels
339. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V. Vītiņš
340. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore
341. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis
342. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
343. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Nazaruks
344. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering S. Popovs
345. Faculty of Architecture Prof. I.Strautmanis
346. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
347. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra doc. S.Šarkovskis
348. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A. Ņikitenko, STP kat. docents
349. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Eiduks, STP kat. asoc. profesors
350. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. V.Jurēnoks
351. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
352. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. V.Popovs
353. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.I.Strautmanis
354. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts LDI prof. J.Grundspeņķis
355. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Doc. O.Belmanis
356. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. lekt. A. Riekstiņš
357. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
358. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Ņikuļšins
359. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
360. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
361. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. M. Alekseičevs
362. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
363. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
364. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
365. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.I.Bērziņa
366. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. M. Alekseičevs
367. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prakt.doc.E.Bērziņš
368. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV doc. A.Ozols
369. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Kataševs
370. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
371. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova
372. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG asist. K. Krečetova
373. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
374. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG asist. K. Krečetova
375. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
376. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Nazaruks
377. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Kataševs
378. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Prof.Dr.oec.Konstantīns Didenko
379. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc.A.Vītols
380. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prakt.doc.E.Bērziņš
381. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc.E.Bērziņš
382. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins
383. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
384. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg.oec. Z.Zitmanis
385. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prakt.doc.E.Bērziņš
386. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
387. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
388. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra doc. S.Šarkovskis
389. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
390. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
391. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.D.Zemešs
392. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
393. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. K.Marinska
394. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. K.Didenko
395. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. L.Sergejeva
396. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
397. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
398. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A. Ņikitenko, STP kat. docents
399. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Dehtjars
400. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs
401. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. E.Gaile-Sarkane
402. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
403. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.J.Briņķis
404. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. Z.Sundukova
405. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. P.Rusakovs
406. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
407. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
408. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV doc. A.Ozols
409. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
410. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Vinogradova, STP kat. lektore
411. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
412. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
413. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
414. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Prof. L. Zaiceva,
415. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. J.Osis
416. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG asist. K. Krečetova
417. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
418. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. prof. V.Zagurskis
419. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy doc. N. Prokofjeva,
420. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
421. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. M. Alekseičevs
422. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. V.Popovs
423. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
424. Faculty of Architecture Prof.J.Krastiņš
425. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Zabiņako
426. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Rapoports
427. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. Ē.Asņina
428. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. R.Alsiņa
429. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
430. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Inese Šūpulniece
431. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
432. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
433. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG prof. gr. prof. A. Glazs
434. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
435. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs
436. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. E.Pētersons
437. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.I.Miķelsone
438. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Zabiņako
439. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Andrejs Ābele
440. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. P.Rusakovs
441. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
442. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra V.Boicovs
443. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. asist. R. Taranovs
444. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Eiduks, STP kat. asoc. profesors
445. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors