Graduate papers
# Title in original language Department Scientific advisor
1. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Vilnītis
2. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. T.Kidiks
3. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Noviks
4. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Noviks
5. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering E.Skuķis
6. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Korjakins
7. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering P.Kara
8. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
9. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Noviks
10. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. T.Kidiks
11. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Korjakins
12. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Vilnītis
13. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Vilnītis
14. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc.M.Vilnītis
15. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. L.Pakrastiņš
16. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Korjakins
17. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Korjakins
18. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. I.Mieriņš
19. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
20. Institute of Power Engineering S.Berjozkina
21. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics A.Mednis
22. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Sokolovs
23. Institute of Power Engineering K.Bērziņa
24. Institute of Power Engineering O.Borščevskis
25. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Štrauhmanis Jānis
26. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics prof. P.Misāns
27. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
28. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Roščinkina, AAS „Balva” grāmatvedes vietniece
29. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Gorobecs, A.Ļevčenkovs
30. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering L.Pakrastiņš
31. Dr. oec., asoc. prof. T. Survilo
32. Dr.oec.T.Survilo
33. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Survilo
34. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
35. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
36. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications T.Celmiņš
37. Institute of Power Engineering A.Dolgicers
38. Asoc. prof. Igors Pavelko
39. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc., Dr.oec. K.Kozlovskis
40. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
41. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Villers, VID Muitas kriminālpārv. vecākais eksperts
42. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Gode, TSI asoc. profesore
43. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management S.Višņakova, VID NP LNAD Daugavpils KAC
44. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Beinaroviča, VID MP Latgales MKP d.vecākā muitas uzraudze
45. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs
46. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
47. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
48. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering K.Vītols
49. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks A.Ozols
50. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
51. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. V.Vasiļjeva
52. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Profesore M.Šenfelde
53. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems S.Valtere
54. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Valeinis
55. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Juris Kalinka
56. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc., Dr.oec. I.Pucens
57. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
58. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
59. Asoc. prof.I.Voronova
60. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Raņķis
61. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ovčiņņikova
62. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems D.Blumberga
63. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications T.Celmiņš
64. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
65. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Kļaviņš, VID Muitas kriminālpārval. vec.eksperts
66. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
67. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management O.Živuhina, Daugavpils preču stacijas MKP
68. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. A.Pakalns
69. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. A.Pakalns
70. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. A.Pakalns
71. Institute of Power Engineering K.Bērziņa
72. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
73. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
74. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
75. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
76. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
77. Mg.oec. U.Kamols
78. Institute of Power Engineering T.Lomane
79. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA, S.Zelča
80. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA M.Ozoliņš
81. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) J.Mežiels
82. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
83. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
84. Institute of Power Engineering G.Orlovskis
85. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
86. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
87. Institute of Power Engineering M.Koņuhova
88. Institute of Power Engineering K.Ketners
89. Institute of Power Engineering S.Zimina
90. Institute of Power Engineering K.Ketners
91. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering pētnieks Guntis Kuļikovskis
92. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
93. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec, I.Voronova
94. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Čevers, RTU docents
95. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mesņājevs
96. Institute of Power Engineering R.Varfolomejeva
97. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems E.Vīgants
98. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems D.Blumberga
99. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
100. Institute of Power Engineering V.Maskaļonoks
101. Institute of Power Engineering S.Miesniece
102. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems R.Kašs
103. Institute of Power Engineering O.Linkevičs
104. Institute of Power Engineering I.Umbraško
105. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. V.Bobrovs
106. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. V.Bobrovs
107. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
108. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. J.Poriņš
109. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
110. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Prof. I.Slaidiņš
111. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Prof. P.Misāns
112. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Maģ. Nataļja Sidenko
113. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. V.Zagorskis
114. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V.Bobrovs
115. Institute of Power Engineering A.Dolgicers
116. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
117. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
118. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. zin. dokt. Ilmārs Ozoliņš
119. Institute of Power Engineering A.Sauhats
120. Institute of Power Engineering O.Sļiskis
121. Institute of Power Engineering D.Žalostība
122. Institute of Power Engineering A.Utāns
123. Institute of Power Engineering N.Breners
124. Institute of Power Engineering T.Lomane
125. lektors Jānis Rudzītis
126. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
127. Dr.oec.L.Ādamsone
128. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
129. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Jānis Kaņeps
130. Institute of Power Engineering Ņ.Kočanovs
131. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering asociētais profesors Vitālijs Beresņevičs
132. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Ķiploks
133. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Vladimirs Gonca
134. doc. Gundars Zalcmanis
135. doc.Ēriks Vonda
136. Institute of Power Engineering E.Vanzovičs
137. doc. Gundars Zalcmanis
138. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering B.Gaujēna
139. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
140. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
141. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Sokolovs
142. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
143. Institute of Power Engineering K.Timmermanis
144. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
145. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Jekaterīna Žukovska
146. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc. prof. Igors Pavelko
147. Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs
148. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Pjotrs Trifonovs-Bogdanovs
149. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. P. Trifonovs-Bogdanovs
150. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Dolotovs, VID MP Rīgas MKP daļas MKP 0240 vec.muitas uzrau
151. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
152. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
153. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
154. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
155. Institute of Power Engineering Oļeiņikova
156. Institute of Power Engineering T.Lomane
157. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
158. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
159. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
160. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Auziņš
161. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
162. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Šahmenko
163. Institute of Power Engineering V.Mališevs
164. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Kalmane, SIA „Global Blue Latvia „direktore
165. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Mg. sc. ing., asist. Dmitrijs Fetisovs
166. Institute of Power Engineering E.Vanzovičs
167. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering I.Raņķis
168. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
169. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
170. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Greitāns
171. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
172. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. T.Tambovceva
173. Institute of Power Engineering J.Rozenkrons
174. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering K.Bondars
175. Institute of Power Engineering I.Alksnis
176. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž. Z.Lazda
177. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA I.Suija-Markova
178. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA I.Suija-Markova
179. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
180. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult.O.Ozoliņš
181. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
182. Institute of Power Engineering O.Makreckis
183. Institute of Power Engineering L.Zemīte
184. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. M.Strauts
185. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
186. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems G.Bažbauers
187. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Šahmenko
188. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
189. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
190. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Vladimirs Gonca
191. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
192. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,asist. V.Šatrevičs
193. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
194. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
195. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. I.Ezera
196. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications T.Celmiņš
197. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Asoc.profesors T.Celmiņs
198. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Maģ. Māris Hauka
199. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Rošā
200. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Andreičiks
201. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. J.Poriņš ; Pētnieks I.Ļašuks
202. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Jakubāne, RTU docente
203. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
204. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
205. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Beinaroviča, VID MP Latgales MKP daļas Daugavpils preču st
206. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
207. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
208. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
209. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management F.Gaveiko, VID MP LMKP daļa Rēzekne 2 MKP 0742
210. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
211. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. I.Ezera
212. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
213. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne
214. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.psih., lekt.S.Gailīte
215. Mg. oec., prakt. doc. J. Mežiels
216. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Asoc. prof.T.Celmiņš
217. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
218. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
219. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Šahmenko
220. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Mitrofanovs
221. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
222. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics M.Greitāns
223. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Juris Kalinka
224. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mesņājevs
225. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Šliseris
226. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Mitrofanovs
227. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
228. Institute of Power Engineering O.Linkevičs
229. Dr. oec., asoc. prof. T. Survilo
230. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems F.Romangoli
231. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Gedrovičs
232. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn.V.Bobrovs
233. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R. Parts
234. Mg.oec.K.Gorbunova
235. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. N.Semjonova
236. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Guntis Tribis
237. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Pundurs
238. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
239. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
240. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics prof. J.Jankovskis
241. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. V.Bobrovs
242. Institute of Power Engineering L.Leite
243. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Krumpāns, VID MP Latgales MKP d. muitas maiņas vad.
244. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Dievapēds, VID MP Latgales MKP daļa Silenes MKP
245. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks; konsult. M.Ekmanis
246. L.Ādamsone
247. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mahņitko
248. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
249. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Beinaroviča, VID MP Latgales MKP daļas Daugavpils preču st
250. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs
251. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Ļevčenkovs, A.Potapovs
252. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering T.Juhna
253. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering K.Neilands
254. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems A.Žandeckis
255. Mg.oec. I.Judrupa
256. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. Ļ.Kohane
257. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
258. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
259. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn.V.Bobrovs
260. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications T.Celmiņš
261. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ. Ivanovs; kons.O.Ozoliņš
262. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA A.Balodis
263. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Dr.oec.J.Zvanītājs
264. Institute of Power Engineering I.Zicmane
265. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
266. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
267. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
268. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management M.Bukša, VID MP vecākā muitas eksperte
269. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management M.Bukša, VID MP vecākā muitas eksperte
270. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
271. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
272. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lektors U.Kamols
273. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering T.Kidiks
274. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
275. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Rēpele
276. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Guntis Tribis
277. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore
278. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult. lekt.O.Ozoliņš
279. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Galkins
280. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. J.Poriņš
281. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Hanzens, VID Latgales MKP daļas Muitas lietu Kontroles nod
282. Institute of Power Engineering K.Timmermanis
283. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems A.Blumberga
284. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Galkins
285. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Vladimirs Gonca
286. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
287. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy K.Vītols
288. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering I.Galkins
289. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kutjuns
290. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Galkins
291. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Bražis
292. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
293. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mesņajevs
294. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Pundurs
295. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce
296. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
297. Institute of Power Engineering A.Ļvovs
298. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics R. Šāvelis
299. Institute of Power Engineering I.Zicmane
300. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
301. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering A.Vītols
302. Institute of Power Engineering D.Žalostība
303. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce
304. Institute of Power Engineering J.Survilo
305. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mutule
306. Institute of Power Engineering L.Zemīte
307. Institute of Power Engineering I.Umbraško
308. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
309. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Asoc. prof. A.Gulbis
310. Institute of Power Engineering T.Lomane
311. Institute of Power Engineering A.Podgornovs
312. Institute of Power Engineering K.Bērziņa
313. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
314. Institute of Power Engineering A.Grants
315. Institute of Power Engineering K.Ketners
316. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
317. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
318. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems A.Blumberga
319. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. Ļ.Kohane
320. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Avotiņš
321. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy O.Krievs
322. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Galkins
323. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Rošā
324. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
325. Institute of Power Engineering O.Sļiskis
326. Institute of Power Engineering L.Leite
327. Institute of Power Engineering V.Čuvičins
328. Institute of Power Engineering E.Antonovs
329. Institute of Power Engineering J.Priedīte
330. Institute of Power Engineering V.Čuvičins
331. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems A.Kamenders
332. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems I.Veidenbergs, C.Rochas
333. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
334. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy L.Latkovskis
335. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Galkins
336. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering L.Pakrastiņš
337. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
338. Dr.oec.L.Ādamsone
339. Mg.oec.,lektors U.Kamols
340. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
341. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
342. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
343. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult. lekt. O.Ozoliņš
344. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Kavacis
345. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec. R.Alsiņa
346. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
347. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
348. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
349. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems G.Žogla
350. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Pumpurs
351. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Šahmenko
352. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
353. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
354. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lektors.N.Balabka
355. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
356. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K. Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
357. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Z.Blaževičs, VID MP Latgales MKP d. muitas maiņas vad.
358. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc., Dr.oec. K.Kozlovskis
359. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Raņķis
360. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
361. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I. Ābele, VID Latgales priekšpilsētas klientu apkalp. centrs
362. Prof. Vladimirs Šestakovs
363. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Oļegs Belavins
364. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Oļegs Belavins
365. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Docents, Igors Smirnovs
366. Institute of Power Engineering N.Breners
367. Institute of Power Engineering A.Utāns
368. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering P.Kara
369. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Krastiņš
370. Doc. Igors Smirnovs
371. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Jānis Balodis
372. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I. Ļašuks
373. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
374. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
375. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
376. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Žiravecka
377. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
378. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Asoc. prof. E.Beķeris
379. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Ščukins
380. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
381. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Vitālija Pavelko
382. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko
383. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
384. Institute of Power Engineering E.Antronovs
385. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Bražis
386. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy L.Latkovskis
387. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Valeinis
388. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
389. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Vība
390. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering A.Ļevčenkovs, M.Gorobecs
391. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
392. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
393. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
394. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Vinokurova, VID NP Latgales NAD Daugavpils KAC
395. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
396. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management S.Sarule, VID NP LNAD Daugavpils KAC
397. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Gurkovska, VID Nodokļu pārvaldes Latgales NAD vadītāja
398. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K. Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
399. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
400. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
401. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management L.Gromova, VID LNMA Ludzas nodaļas Nodokļu maksātāju konsult
402. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Strautmane, RTU Daugavpils filiāles lektore
403. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
404. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga RTU lektore
405. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
406. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
407. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
408. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I. Ābele, VID nodaļas vadītāja
409. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
410. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
411. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore
412. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
413. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
414. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mahņitko
415. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems A.Blumberga
416. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management P.Grigalis, VID MKP „Rēzekne-2” muitas maiņas vadītājs
417. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering R.Ozoliņš
418. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A. Gulbis, RTU praktiskais docents, Mg.oec.
419. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Hanzens, VID Latgales MKP daļas Muitas lietu Kontroles nod
420. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
421. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics prof. J.Jankovskis
422. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics prof. J.Jankovskis
423. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics G.Šūpols
424. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
425. Institute of Power Engineering K.Bērziņa
426. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering A.Ļevčenkovs, M.Gorobecs
427. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs, konsult.O.Ozoliņš
428. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
429. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents M.Usanovs
430. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis
431. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko
432. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. Dr.oec. V.Jurēnoks
433. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
434. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems G.Bažbauers
435. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
436. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Igors Smirnovs
437. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Iveta Mežinska
438. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics prof. G.Balodis
439. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks A. Āboliņš
440. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
441. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
442. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Auziņš
443. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
444. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Māris Kaļinka
445. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
446. Institute of Power Engineering J.Rozenkrons
447. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
448. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Z.Jepifanova, VID Latgales reģ. iestādes Daugavpils nod.
449. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt., Mg.oec.I.Ovčiņņikova
450. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ovčiņņikova
451. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications T.Celmiņš
452. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
453. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. Mg.oec.R.Greitāne
454. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
455. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
456. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Alsiņa
457. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
458. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
459. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
460. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
461. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
462. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
463. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Egons Lavendelis
464. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
465. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
466. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore
467. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Bražis
468. Institute of Power Engineering S.Rubcovs
469. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
470. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Šahmenko
471. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) J.Mežiels
472. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) J.Mežiels
473. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) J.Mežiels
474. lekt. Oskars Irbītis
475. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems D.Blumberga
476. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management G.Zambars, VID MP LMKP daļa Terehova Zilupe
477. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., M.oec Iveta Mežinska
478. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
479. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
480. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
481. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. A.Ozols
482. Institute of Power Engineering I.Umbraško
483. Institute of Power Engineering A.Dolgicers
484. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
485. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management S.Viničenko, A/S “C&B” valdes priekšsēdētājs
486. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Bikšis
487. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Gedrovičs
488. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
489. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. V.Bobrovs
490. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Rošā
491. Institute of Business Engineering and Management doc., G.Kozaka
492. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
493. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
494. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
495. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
496. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
497. Asoc. prof.I.Voronova
498. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc., G.Kozaka
499. Institute of Power Engineering E.Vanzovičs
500. Prof. Jurijs Paramonovs
501. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Barkanovs
502. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
503. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
504. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
505. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
506. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
507. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Krauze, ZVAB”Vidžus un partneri” zvērināts advokāts
508. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Jurka, VID MP vecākais muitas eksperts
509. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Ē.Gutbergs, SIA „Rīgas Centrālais termināls” muitas dep.dir.
510. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
511. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
512. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko
513. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management S.Kārkliņa- Ādmine, VID MP Inspekcijas daļas vadītāja
514. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
515. Institute of Power Engineering A.Dolgicers
516. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
517. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
518. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
519. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. N.Semjonova
520. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
521. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Asoc.profesors T.Celmiņš
522. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Rošā
523. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
524. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
525. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
526. Institute of Business Engineering and Management doc., G.Kozaka
527. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Mežinska
528. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA I.Suija-Markova
529. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
530. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
531. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Asoc.profesors T.Celmiņš
532. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Asoc.profesors T.Celmiņš
533. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics prof. J.Jankovskis
534. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
535. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications T.Celmiņš
536. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. M.Krastiņš
537. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
538. Mg. oec., dipl. oec. U. Kamols
539. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems G.Bažbauers
540. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mahņitko
541. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mahņitko
542. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kutjuns
543. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
544. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
545. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management S.Kārkliņa- Ādmine, VID MP Inspekcijas daļas vadītāja
546. Prof. V.Nešpors
547. Institute of Power Engineering A.Obuševs
548. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. I. Pucens
549. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce
550. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
551. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
552. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Čevers, RTU praktiskais docents, Mg.iur.
553. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Mogorite, RTU lektore
554. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
555. Mg.oec.K.Gorbunova
556. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems S.Valtere
557. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering K.Bondars
558. MBA., A. Vagulis
559. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.I.Voronova
560. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
561. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. Māris Hauka
562. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc. prof. Igors Pavelko
563. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Ilmārs Ozoliņš
564. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Priede, SIA „Norh Hub Services” virszemes apkalp.dispičers
565. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
566. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Šahmenko
567. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Vība
568. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
569. Institute of Power Engineering V.Strelkovs
570. Institute of Power Engineering V.Strelkovs
571. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering D.Serdjuks
572. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mutule
573. Institute of Power Engineering S.Guseva
574. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Vība
575. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Grabis
576. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
577. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering L.Pakrastiņš
578. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Zaviša, SIA „Refrans Logistics” komercdirektore
579. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
580. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
581. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
582. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I.Ļašuks
583. Institute of Power Engineering A.Dolgicers
584. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
585. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Noviks
586. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
587. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
588. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
589. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
590. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
591. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
592. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
593. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis
594. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
595. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone
596. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
597. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt.., Mg.oec. S.Polovko
598. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
599. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
600. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. V.Jurēnoks
601. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
602. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec, L.Vasiļjeva
603. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
604. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
605. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering asociētais profesors Vitālijs Beresņevičs
606. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. J.Semeņako
607. Institute of Power Engineering E.Kamoliņš
608. Institute of Power Engineering A.Zviedris
609. Institute of Power Engineering E.Kamoliņš
610. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
611. Institute of Power Engineering J.Rozenkrons
612. Institute of Power Engineering J.Survilo
613. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
614. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
615. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
616. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
617. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
618. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
619. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
620. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
621. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
622. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
623. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. J.Caune
624. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
625. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn.V.Bobrovs
626. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
627. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
628. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Noviks
629. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
630. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Survilo
631. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.S.Folster,
632. Institute of Power Engineering A.Utāns
633. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
634. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
635. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
636. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I.Ļašuks
637. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
638. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
639. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I.Ļašuks
640. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I.Ļašuks
641. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
642. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy L.Ribickis
643. Institute of Power Engineering K.Bērziņa
644. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
645. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering L.Gaile
646. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering L.Pakrastiņš
647. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
648. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. Dr.oec. J.Saulītis
649. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering asociētā profesore Olga Kononova
650. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Dr.oec.J.Zvanītājs
651. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) I.Ezera
652. lab.vad. Jānis Rudzītis
653. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs
654. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
655. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Auziņš
656. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Zukuls, VID Muitas audita pārvaldes direktora vietnieks
657. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Ģ.Pilāns, VID MP Muitas kontroles organizēšanas d.vad.vietn.
658. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Ģ.Pilāns, VID Muitas pārvaldes daļas vadītāja vietnieks
659. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Kalvīte, VID MP Latgales MKP d.Grebņevas MKP vec.muit.uzr.
660. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Hanzens, VID Latgales MKP daļas Muitas lietu Kontroles nod
661. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Lagons, VID MP nodaļas vadītājs
662. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Puters, VID MP Kurzemes MKP d. Liepājas ostas maiņas vad.
663. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management P.Brazevičs, VID Muitas parvaldes LMKPD MLKN
664. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Čevers, RTU docents
665. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Gulbis, RTU docents
666. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A. Čevers, RTU praktiskais docents, Mg.iur.
667. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Lagons, VID Muitas pārvaldes nodaļas vadītājs
668. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Lagons, VID MP nodaļas vadītājs
669. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Hanzens, VID Latgales MKP daļas Muitas lietu Kontroles nod
670. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Hanzens, VID Latgales MKP daļas Muitas lietu Kontroles nod
671. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Gulbis, RTU docents
672. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Čevers, RTU docents
673. Prakt. doc. A.Čevers
674. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management L.Ūlupe, VID MP Muitošanas metodikas d. vec. muitas eksperte
675. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management O.Iščuka, SIA „LDZ Cargo ” Rīgas Krasta kravu termināls
676. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management O.Živuhina, Daugavpils preču stacijas MKP
677. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Hanzens, VID Latgales MKP daļas Muitas lietu Kontroles nod
678. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management S.Ivulāne, VID Latgales MKP daļa MKP „Terehova”
679. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Kivkucāns VID MP LMKP Vientuļi MKP, muitas maiņas vadītājs
680. Institute of Power Engineering K.Timmermanis
681. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult. lekt.O.Ozoliņš
682. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering A.Purviņš, V.Novikovs
683. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering K.Nondars
684. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Maģ. Oļegs Zarjanskis
685. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
686. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Barkanovs
687. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems S.Valtere
688. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Veinbergs, RTU lektors
689. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Guna Čivčiša
690. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Šteinbergs, VID Administratīvās prakses galvenais jurists
691. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad. pētn.J.Poriņš
692. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
693. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H. Krogzeme, RTU lektore
694. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
695. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H. Krogzeme, RTU lektore
696. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) I.Ezera
697. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications vad.pētn. J.Poriņš
698. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Milliņa, VID nodaļas vadītāja
699. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof., Jānis Mazais
700. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
701. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering D.Kona
702. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems E.Dāce
703. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
704. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Andrejeva, VID Rēzeknes klientu apkalpošanas centrs
705. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
706. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
707. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec.J.Mežiels
708. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
709. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
710. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Gora, VID NP Latgales NAD Daugavpils KAC
711. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
712. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
713. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof.,Dr.oec. E.Gaile-Sarkane
714. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
715. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
716. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
717. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
718. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
719. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
720. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.V.Krastiņš, RTU Muitas un nodokļu katedras vad. profesors
721. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
722. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
723. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management B.Ozola, A/S „Citadele Banka” speciāliste
724. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
725. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
726. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
727. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Valērijs Ušakovs
728. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs
729. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Survilo
730. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Doc. M.Zeltiņš
731. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
732. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
733. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Silarājs
734. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks; konsult. M.Ekmanis
735. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V.Bobrovs
736. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V.Bobrovs
737. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V.Bobrovs
738. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vadošais speciālists V.Bobrovs
739. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; kons. lekt.O.Ozoliņš
740. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. J.Poriņš
741. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I.Ļašuks
742. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. V.Bobrovs
743. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V.Bobrovs
744. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vadošais pētnieks V.Bobrovs
745. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V.Bobrovs
746. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. V.Bobrovs
747. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad. pētn.J.Poriņš
748. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V.Bobrovs
749. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lektore, Svetlana Mjakuškina
750. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
751. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Goremikins
752. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
753. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
754. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems J.Porubova
755. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Krušanova, VID MP LMKP daļas Rēzeknes 2 MKP
756. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis
757. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
758. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
759. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
760. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne
761. Institute of Business Engineering and Management prof., Dr.oec. J. Zvanītājs
762. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
763. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
764. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne
765. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
766. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
767. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
768. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
769. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
770. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
771. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
772. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne
773. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec.J.Mežiels
774. doc. Vitolds Šneps-Šnepe
776. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. Mg.oec.R.Greitāne
777. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. J.Poriņš
778. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult.O.Ozoliņš
779. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs
780. Institute of Power Engineering J.Rozenkrons
781. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
782. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko
783. Institute of Power Engineering I.Stroganovs
784. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Biršs
785. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Gulbis, RTU praktiskais docents, Mg.oec.
786. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Brūkle, VID Pārdaugavas klientu apkalpošanas centrs
787. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ovčiņņikova
788. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
789. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
790. Institute of Power Engineering A.Podgornovs
791. doc. Gundars Zalcmanis
792. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lektors Māris Eiduks
793. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems S.Valtere
794. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt., Mg.oec.I.Ovčiņņikova
795. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
796. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
797. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
798. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Dievapēds, VID MP Latgales MKP daļa Silenes MKP
799. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Krušanova, VID MP LMKP daļas Rēzeknes 2 MKP vecākā muitas
800. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) I.Ezera
801. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
802. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
803. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
804. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
805. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Biršs
806. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Biršs
807. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering L.Pakrastiņš
808. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Barkanovs
809. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents M.Usanovs
810. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
811. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
812. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management S.Višņakova, VID NP LNAD Daugavpils KAC galvenā nodokļu insp
813. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
814. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore
815. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
816. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
817. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management L.Miļevska, VID Latgales priekšpilsētas klientu apk.centrs
818. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
819. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.V.Krastiņš, RTU Muitas un nodokļu katedras vad. profesors
820. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
821. Institute of Power Engineering K.Timmermanis
822. Institute of Power Engineering A.Podgornovs
823. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mutule
824. Institute of Power Engineering S.Guseva
825. Institute of Power Engineering V.Mališevs
826. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Māris Kaļinka
827. Institute of Power Engineering S.Guseva
828. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering D.Bajāre
829. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lektore L.Kamola
830. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec.J.Mežiels
831. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Bikšis
832. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks A.Ozols
833. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. A.Ozols
834. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn.J.Poriņš
835. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering S.Gaidukovs
836. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. Mg.oec. I.Andersone
837. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
838. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Selga, VID MP nodaļas vadītāja
839. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Pulks, VID MP Rīgas MKP daļas Valmieras MKP virsuzraugs
840. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Valeinis
841. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Guntis Tribis
842. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. A.Pakalns
843. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
844. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
845. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Dr.oec. J.Zvanītājs
846. Dr. oec., G. Ciemleja
847. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA M.Millers
848. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
849. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
850. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics prof. G.Balodis
851. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering M.Gorobecs
852. Institute of Power Engineering A.Utāns
853. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Asist. R Ruskuls
854. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
855. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering K.Kalniņš
856. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
857. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
858. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
859. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
860. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
861. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Ilmārs Ozoliņš
862. Institute of Power Engineering V.Čuvičins
863. Institute of Power Engineering E.Vanzovičs
864. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
865. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering T.Kidiks
866. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
867. Institute of Power Engineering J.Barkāns
868. Institute of Power Engineering D.Žalostība
869. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I.Ļašuks
870. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Ščukins
871. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs
872. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering pētnieks Edgars Kovals
873. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. S.Polovko
874. Institute of Power Engineering K.Bērziņa
875. Lektors N.Balabka
876. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Bražis
877. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
878. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
879. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
880. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
881. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
882. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
883. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
884. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
885. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
886. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
887. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Dr.oec.J.Zvanītājs
888. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
889. Institute of Power Engineering T.Lomane
890. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy O.Krievs
891. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Igors Smirnovs
892. Mg. oec., dipl. oec. U. Kamols
893. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
894. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
895. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
896. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
897. Institute of Power Engineering V.Šults
898. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Valeinis
899. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics V.Kondratjevs
900. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Dr.oec.J.Zvanītājs
901. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Mihails Zakrževskis
902. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof. Ģ.Ivanovs
903. Institute of Power Engineering A.Podgornovs
904. Institute of Power Engineering S.Guseva
905. Institute of Power Engineering N.Skobeļeva
906. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Grabis
907. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Bikšis
908. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems A.Bolonina
909. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
910. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
911. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Veinbergs, RTU lektors
912. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Veinbergs, RTU lektors
913. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Veinbergs, RTU lektors
914. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Beinaroviča, VID MP Latgales MKP vecākā muitas uzraudze
915. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
916. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Gorobecs
917. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering pētnieks Guntis Kuļikovskis
918. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Aleksandrs Januševskis
919. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Bražis
920. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Pundurs
921. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
922. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
923. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
924. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec, I.Voronova
925. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
926. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
927. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
928. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne
929. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
930. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Bražis
931. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems J.Pubule
932. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering K.Kalniņš
933. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
934. Institute of Power Engineering I.Zicmane
935. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems D.Blumberga
936. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems Dz.Jaunzems
937. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Doc.J.Poriņš
938. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
939. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I.Ļašuks; konsult. profesors Ģ.Ivanovs
940. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering D.Serdjuks
941. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Aleksandrs Januševskis
942. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
943. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Noviks
944. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Mitrofanovs
945. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
946. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
947. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. U.Cimdiņš
948. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
949. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
950. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
951. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Ē.Gutbergs, SIA „Rīgas Centrālais termināls”
952. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore
953. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA S.Zelča
954. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy L.Ribickis
955. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. Igors Smirnovs
956. Institute of Power Engineering J.Barkāns
957. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems D.Blumberga
958. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
959. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
960. Institute of Power Engineering G.Orlovskis
961. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
962. Institute of Power Engineering A.Zviedris
963. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Doc.O.Belmanis
964. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A. Kavacis
965. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry
966. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics U.Grunde
967. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
968. T.Survilo
969. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
970. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems I.Veidenbergs
971. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering D.Serdjuks
972. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
973. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
974. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
975. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
976. Dr. oec., lekt. Greitāne
977. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. Mg.oec.R.Greitāne
978. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis
979. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
980. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. A.Pakalns
981. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy L.Ribickis
982. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Prof. J.Jankovskis
983. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
984. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Žiravecka
985. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
986. Institute of Power Engineering I.Zicmane
987. Institute of Power Engineering I.Zicmane
988. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
989. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management J.Kuškins, RTU lektors
990. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
991. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
992. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
993. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Andrejs Krasņikovs
994. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Doc. J.Semeņako
995. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
996. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. Dr.oec. V.Jurēnoks
997. L.Ādamsone
998. Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering A.Stepanovs
999. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy L.Latkovskis
1000. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
1001. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems I.Veidenbergs
1002. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Doc. J.Semeņako
1003. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems G.Bažbauers
1004. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; kons.O.Ozoliņš
1005. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. J.Poriņš
1006. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
1007. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Kavacis
1008. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Docents Igors Smirnovs
1009. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
1010. Institute of Power Engineering J.Survilo
1011. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Gulbis, RTU docents
1012. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Gulbis, RTU docents
1013. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc., G.Kozaka
1014. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Kuzmins
1015. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Rošā
1016. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
1017. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering R.Ozoliņš
1018. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering I.Dimdiņa
1019. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks: konsult.M.Ekmanis
1020. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kutjuns
1021. Institute of Power Engineering Kutjuns
1022. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering B.Gaujēna
1023. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
1024. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Vilnītis
1025. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Šahmenko
1026. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Suzdaļenko
1027. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering B.Gaujēna
1028. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
1029. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
1030. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
1031. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
1032. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management R.Alsiņa
1033. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Andersone
1034. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
1035. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
1036. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
1037. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
1038. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
1039. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
1040. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
1041. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Sviķe, VID MP nodaļas vadītāja
1042. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. Mg.oec. I.Andersone
1043. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
1044. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
1045. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
1046. Institute of Power Engineering J.Jakovļeva
1047. Institute of Power Engineering S.Vītoliņa
1048. Institute of Power Engineering J.Rozenkrons
1049. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec., prof. A.Magidenko
1050. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec, L.Vasiļjeva
1051. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Gurkovska, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1052. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Hanzens, VID Latgales MKP daļas Muitas lietu Kontroles nod
1053. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management E.Kornelis, MKP „Terehova” MMV
1054. lekt. Oskars Irbītis
1055. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics E.Hermanis
1056. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Grecka, VID MP Latgales MKP daļas MKP Grebņeva
1057. lab.vad. Jānis Rudzītis
1058. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inese Janpaule
1059. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy P.Apse-Apsītis
1060. Institute of Power Engineering E.Kamoliņš
1061. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. Ernests Lejnieks
1062. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. R.Greitāne
1063. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,doc. K.Kozlovskis
1064. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko
1065. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
1066. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Kavacis
1067. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
1068. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., I.Voronova
1069. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics "Ultrastabīlais augsto frekvenču sintezators"
1070. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
1071. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. N.Lāce
1072. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec.J.Mežiels
1073. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1074. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. J.Caune
1075. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
1076. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
1077. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore
1078. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1079. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H. Krogzeme, RTU lektore
1080. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1081. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt., Mg.oec.I.Ovčiņņikova
1082. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Asist., Mg.oec. V.Šatrevičs
1083. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec, L.Vasiļjeva
1084. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1085. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
1086. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(prakt.) J.Jakubāne
1087. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
1088. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
1089. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,asist. V.Šatrevičs
1090. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt., Mg.oec.I.Ovčiņņikova
1091. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt., Mg.oec. L.Tīse
1092. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc., G.Kozaka
1093. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1094. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
1095. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Strautmane, RTU Daugavpils filiāles lektore
1096. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
1097. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. V.Jurēnoks
1098. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management H.Krogzeme, RTU lektore
1099. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
1100. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
1101. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
1102. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
1103. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
1104. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
1105. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., L.Vasiļjeva
1106. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. J.Jakubāne
1107. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
1108. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) N.Semjonova
1109. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. J.Zvanītājs
1110. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Jolanta Janauska
1111. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
1112. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
1113. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. I.Ezera
1114. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
1115. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Gurkovska, VID Nodokļu pārvaldes Latgales NAD vadītāja
1116. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1117. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
1118. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docente Tatjana Novohatska
1119. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko
1120. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Pundurs
1121. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) I.Ezera
1122. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Survilo
1123. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering B.Gaujēna
1124. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt.I.Andersone
1125. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Z.Sundukova
1126. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
1127. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Vība
1128. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. K.Marinska
1129. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec.,lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
1130. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
1131. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jevinga, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1132. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
1133. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management,doc. G.Kozaka
1134. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.biol.,doc.(prakt.) G.Maurāne
1135. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Jokste, VID LNAD Preiļu KAC, galvenā nodokļu inspektore
1136. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management V.Strautmane, RTU Daugavpils filiāles lektore
1137. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management I.Mogorite, RTU lektore
1138. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management N.Jezdakova, RTU praktiskā docente, Mg.oec.
1139. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,doc.(prakt.) I.Eriņš
1140. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Mihails Zakrževskis
1141. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA A.Balodis
1142. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents R.Parts
1143. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Noviks
1144. Institute of Power Engineering O.Linkevičs
1145. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
1146. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems D.Blumberga
1147. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
1148. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
1149. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Juris Kalinka
1150. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering D.Serdjuks
1151. Institute of Power Engineering A.Podgornovs
1152. Institute of Power Engineering I.Oļeiņikova
1153. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs
1154. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
1155. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
1156. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems F.Romangoli
1157. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems J.Gušča
1158. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems K.Valters
1159. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,prof. K.Didenko
1160. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētn. A.Ozols
1161. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems A.Bērziņa
1162. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Čevers, RTU praktiskais docents, Mg.iur.
1163. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, RTU profesors, Dr.oec.
1164. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management E.Mazuls, VID MP MKOD Muitošanas organnizācijas nodaļas vad.
1165. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Gedrovičs
1166. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Dr. sc. ing. Jekaterīna Žukovska
1167. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Raņķis
1168. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs
1169. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Pjotrs trifonovs-Bogdanovs
1170. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Mārtiņš Kleinhofs
1171. Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics M.Greitāns
1172. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents A.Pundurs
1173. 13100 Institute of Telecommunicationsņš
1174. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Mg.oec. I.Ezera
1175. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems D.Blumberga
1176. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems Silvija Nora Kalniņš
1177. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mutule
1178. Institute of Power Engineering K.Timmermanis
1179. Institute of Power Engineering J.Priedīte
1180. Dr.oec.T.Survilo
1181. Institute of Power Engineering E.Vanzovičs
1182. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics M. Šneps-Šnepe
1183. Institute of Power Engineering S.Berjozkina
1184. Institute of Power Engineering I.Zicmane
1185. Institute of Power Engineering A.Mutule
1186. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko
1187. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko
1188. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. Vitālijs Pavelko
1189. Institute of Power Engineering J.Rozenkrons
1190. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
1191. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management L.Zemīte, VID MP vecākā muitas eksperte
1192. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
1193. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.habil.oec.,prof. A.Magidenko
1194. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Korjakins
1195. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering pētnieks Aleksandrs Boiko
1196. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; kons. O.Ozoliņš
1197. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; kons.O.Ozoliņš
1198. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs; konsult. O.Ozoliņš
1199. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Vība
1200. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors Ģ.Ivanovs, konsult. O.Ozoliņš
1201. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Galkins
1202. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Docents O.Belmanis
1203. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Guntis Strautmanis
1204. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks V. Bobrovs
1205. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Pētnieks I. Ļašuks; kons.profesors Ģ.Ivanovs
1206. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Prof. Ģ.Ivanovs; kons. lekt.O.Ozoliņš
1207. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Gedrovičs
1208. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.A.Lapsa
1209. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Borodiņecs
1210. Institute of Power Engineering M.Kižlo
1211. Institute of Power Engineering E.Vanzovičs
1212. Institute of Power Engineering A.Staltmanis
1213. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management T.Vanaga, RTU lektore
1214. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
1215. Institute of Power Engineering J.Barkāns
1216. Institute of Power Engineering I.Jutkeviča
1217. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kanbergs
1218. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.paed. S.Gaile
1219. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems M.Gedrovičs
1220. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1221. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1222. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Zemītis
1223. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1224. Institute of Business Engineering and Management prof. K. Didenko
1225. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1226. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt.I.Andersone
1227. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1228. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. A. Radziņš
1229. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management G.Vīksne, VID MP Tranzīta kontroles daļas nodaļas vadītāja
1230. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. V. Jurēnoks
1231. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., I.Andersone
1232. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. T. Survilo
1233. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
1234. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Ainars Mazvērsītis
1235. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1236. Institute of Business Engineering and Management lekt. I. Ozoliņa-Ozola
1237. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova
1238. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž. M.Zaumanis
1239. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Haritonovs
1240. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1241. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1242. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1243. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1244. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.I. Dovladbekova
1245. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. O.Bogdanova
1246. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
1247. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1248. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1249. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1250. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1251. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1252. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1253. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt.P.Patļins
1254. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. T. Survilo
1255. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management asoc. prof. I. Voronova
1256. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec, lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
1257. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1258. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis
1259. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. Z.Lazda
1260. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. A.Paeglītis
1261. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž. I.Gorda
1262. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1263. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1264. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. L. Krilovs
1265. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1266. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. J. Saulītis
1267. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A.Auziņa
1268. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1269. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1270. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. N.Semjonova
1271. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Natālija Bolbāte
1272. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
1273. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1274. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Narimants Salenieks
1275. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž,V.Rautmanis
1276. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics D.Solovjovs
1277. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. O.Bogdanova
1278. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. O.Bogdanova
1279. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. I.Geipele
1280. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. A.Apaņuks
1281. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
1282. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A.Auziņa
1283. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. V.Ozoliņa
1284. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A.Auziņu
1285. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis
1286. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. J. Saulītis
1287. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. L. Krilovs
1288. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R.Naudžuns
1289. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics D.Solovjovs
1290. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1291. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1292. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A.Auziņa
1293. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., doc. K.Jarve
1294. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1295. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. A.Paeglītis
1296. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof.J. Smirnovs
1297. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1298. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce
1299. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Iveta Mežinska
1300. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Iveta Mežinska
1301. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr. doc., Maira Sapata
1302. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. R.Rusakovs
1303. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1304. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof. N. Lāce
1305. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. L. Ādamsone
1306. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, Dr.oec., RTU profesors
1307. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone
1308. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management asoc. prof. R. Alsiņa
1309. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., lekt.R.Greitāne
1310. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Ābele
1311. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Starčenko
1312. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,pr.doc. N.Semjonova
1313. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt.N.Balabka
1314. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt.J.Kuškins
1315. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. P.Patļins
1316. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1317. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
1318. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A. Starčenko
1319. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1320. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Starčenko
1321. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova
1322. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Asoc. prof., Jānis Miķelsons
1323. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Asoc. prof., Jānis Miķelsons
1324. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Andrejs Bladiko
1325. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Mežinska
1326. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Jolanta Janauska
1327. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Narimants Salenieks
1328. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Asoc. prof., Jānis Miķelsons
1329. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B. Jeļisejevs
1330. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. N.Rudzītis
1331. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics A.Orlovska
1332. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis
1333. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1334. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics A.Orlovska
1335. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.M. Šenfelde
1336. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. N.Rudzītis
1337. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce
1338. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. I.Pucens
1339. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. D.E.Sīle
1340. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners
1341. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
1342. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. J. Saulītis
1343. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka
1344. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. M. Šenfelde
1345. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. I.Pucens
1346. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics A.Orlovska
1347. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.J. Saulītis
1348. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof.V.Jurēnoks
1349. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R.Naudžuns
1350. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova
1351. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. J.Kuškins
1352. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
1353. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1354. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
1355. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1356. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
1357. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Starčenko
1358. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
1359. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1360. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1361. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. Z.Lazda
1362. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., J.Vanags
1363. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1364. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., doc. K.Kozlovskis
1365. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt.I.Andersone
1366. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. R.Greitāne
1367. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
1368. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka
1369. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Starčenko
1370. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. V.Ozoliņa
1371. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis
1372. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., doc. K.Jarve
1373. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof.K.Ketners
1374. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. I.Ezera
1375. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.psih., S.Gailīte
1376. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners
1377. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1378. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R. Naudžuns
1379. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R. Naudžuns
1380. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., lekt. Oksana Samuilova
1381. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.V.Nešpors
1382. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners
1383. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners
1384. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners
1385. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
1386. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1387. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
1388. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof. N.Sprancmanis
1389. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova
1390. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners
1391. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Guntis Tribis
1392. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Zemītis
1393. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R.Naudžuns
1394. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka
1395. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management lekt. R.Greitāne
1396. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone
1397. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. A.Paeglītis
1398. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone
1399. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1400. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1401. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1402. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Starčenko
1403. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1404. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Dr.oec. J.Komkova
1405. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte
1406. Institute of Business Engineering and Management lekt. S. Gailīte
1407. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R.Naudžuns
1408. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering pētn. V.Haritonovs
1409. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1410. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
1411. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1412. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis
1413. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Doc. M.Zemītis
1414. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management K.Ketners, Dr.oec., RTU profesors
1415. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
1416. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management asoc. prof. L. Vasiļjeva
1417. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. V.Haritonovs
1418. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone
1419. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Zemītis
1420. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova
1421. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Ketners
1422. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. R.Greitāne
1423. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Guntis Tribis
1424. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. sc. comp. Arkādijs Borisovs
1425. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. J.Jakubāne
1426. Institute of Business Engineering and Management lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
1427. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt.I.Andersone
1428. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt.I.Andersone
1429. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž. Z.Lazda
1430. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. Z.Lazda
1431. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec., lekt. S.Gailīte
1432. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. A.Zariņš
1433. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Doc. Kozlovskis
1434. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. J.Saulītis
1435. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., lekt. R.Greitāne
1436. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Ābele
1437. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1438. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1439. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž. J.Šarķis
1440. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1441. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. Z.Lazda
1442. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1443. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1444. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R.Naudžuns
1445. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., asoc. prof. R.Alsiņa
1446. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. J.Jakubāne
1447. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. V.Nešpors
1448. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec., lekt. S.Gailīte
1449. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka
1450. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., asoc. prof. R.Alsiņa
1451. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1452. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Pr.doc., Guntis Tribis
1453. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. L.Kamola
1454. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. P.Patļins
1455. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1456. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Iveta Mežinska
1457. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. I.Pucens
1458. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1459. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Prof. N.Sprancmanis
1460. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management D.Solovjovs
1461. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. J.Kuškins
1462. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Lekt. A.Starčenko
1463. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Lekt. D.E.Sīle
1464. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Natālija Bolbāte
1465. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1466. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.psih., lekt. S.Gailīte
1467. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Narimants Salenieks
1468. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1469. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management, Jānis Rudņevs
1470. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. N.Lāce
1471. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1472. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1473. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Zemītis
1474. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc. N.Semjonova
1475. Institute of Business Engineering and Management I. Ozoliņa-Ozola
1476. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. E.Gaile-Sarkane
1477. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. V.Skribans
1478. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Smirnovs
1479. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. O.Koemecs
1480. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc. V.Skribans
1481. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. D.Soldatenko
1482. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. A.Auziņa
1483. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.R.Naudžuns
1484. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Orlovska
1485. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt.L.Tumaņana
1486. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. L.Tumaņana
1487. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof., Narimants Salenieks
1488. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
1489. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Iveta Mežinska
1490. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. V.Nešpors
1491. Institute of Business Engineering and Management pr. doc. G. Maurāne
1492. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Doc. I.Pucens
1493. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management pr.doc., Iveta Mežinska
1494. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka
1495. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics Dr.oec. J.Komkova
1496. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. N.Balabka
1497. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management prof.,ānis Mazais
1498. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec., lekt. S.Gailīte
1499. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec., lekt. S.Gailīte
1500. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. L.Tumaņana
1501. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Paeglītis
1502. Institute of Business Engineering and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Ozoliņa-Ozola
1503. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lekt. B. Jeļisejevs
1504. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Zariņš
1505. Institute of Design Technologies Dr.arch., docente A.Ulme
1506. Institute of Design Technologies Dr.arch., docente A.Ulme
1507. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Inž. E.Zonbergs
1508. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering inž. O.Koemecs
1509. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. V.Nešpors
1510. 22314 Department of International Business, Transport Economics and Logistics D.Solovjovs
1511. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone
1512. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.chem. E.Ābele
1513. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
1514. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, lekt. J. Bule
1515. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Andrejs Ābele
1516. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Rībelis
1517. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
1518. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V. Jakovlevs
1519. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
1520. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
1521. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics V.Boicovs
1522. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc.profesors Aleksejs Kataševs
1523. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. M.Uhanova
1524. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, lekt. J. Bule
1525. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Juhņeviča, S.Gaidukovs
1526. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. V.Kugelevičs
1527. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Anohina-Naumeca, STP kat. lektore
1528. Docents Valerijs Muhins
1529. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1530. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Pavlovska, V.Mironovs
1531. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš
1532. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr.philol., prof. Larisa Iļjinska
1533. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Jevgenijs Dukendjiev
1534. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,, I.Voronova
1535. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., K.Didenko
1536. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,, I.Voronova
1537. Faculty of Architecture Arh. E.Bērziņš
1538. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts LDI doc. A. Ņikitenko
1539. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ziemele
1540. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Inga Dāboliņa
1541. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem.M.Jure, I.Mieriņa
1542. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.J.Briņķis
1543. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.J.Briņķis
1544. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Managementāja
1545. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Soročins
1546. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. A.Kundziņa
1547. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. V.Vrubļevskis
1548. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
1549. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA Silvija Rēvele
1550. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars
1551. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering asociētā profesore Olga Kononova
1552. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.I.Strautmanis
1553. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.paed., lekt. Antra Roskoša
1554. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.I.Strautmanis
1555. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., V.Jurēnoks
1556. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., N.Lāce
1557. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Haritonovs
1558. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Dzenis
1559. 12100 Institute of Information Technology MBA Zigmunds Zitmanis
1560. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, E.Latiševa
1561. Institute of Power Engineering O.Linkevičs
1562. Institute of Power Engineering A.Gavrilovs
1563. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
1564. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Aleksandra Cimbale
1565. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV prof. Z. Markovičs
1566. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
1567. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
1568. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
1569. Faculty of Architecture G.Asaris
1570. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. L. Zaiceva
1571. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
1572. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
1573. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
1574. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem.M.Jure, R.Seržane
1575. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Jure, M.Strēle
1576. Institute of Design Technologies, SIA LZKU „Klippan Saule” dizainers M.Maniņš
1577. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Bunga
1578. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., docente Svetlana Fjodorova
1579. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1580. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy G.Jēkabsons
1581. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1582. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
1583. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1584. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Prof. I.Raņķis
1585. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
1586. doc. J.Rudzītis
1587. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1588. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1589. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1590. Docents Valerijs Muhins
1591. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1592. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Turks, Ing. V.Kumpiņš
1593. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. V.Kokars, Mg. sc. K.Traskovskis
1594. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme
1595. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Inese Upīte
1596. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
1597. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
1598. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Gaļina Terļecka
1599. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. V.Kokars, Mg.chem. E.Zariņš
1600. Lektore Zoja Smorodova
1601. Profesors Anatolijs Kobcevs
1602. Asistents Igors Kurjanovičs
1603. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Ozoliņš
1604. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics doc. M.Kuļikovs
1605. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
1606. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. E.Pētersons
1607. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. G.Alksnis
1608. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Soročins
1609. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Reihmane, V.Tupureina
1610. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Cers
1611. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
1612. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Alla Anohina-Naumeca
1613. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc.profesors A.Kataševs
1614. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš
1615. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management, LR VARAM, Aivars Jurjāns
1616. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., lekt. Zane Seņko
1617. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1618. Docents Jurijs Boldirevs
1619. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.phys. A.Medvids
1620. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Reihmane
1621. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1622. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1623. Institute of Power Engineering K.Bērziņa
1624. 15100 Institute of Production Quality Pr.doc., Elita Jansone
1625. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Daniels Turlajs
1626. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. A.Jirgensons, L.Grigorjeva
1627. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J. Bule
1628. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
1629. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Turks, V.Rjabovs
1630. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.A.Riekstiņš
1631. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Managementāne
1632. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc.V.Ziemelis
1633. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc.J.Bērziņš
1634. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof.J.Ieviņš
1635. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
1636. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management LU prof.V.Kaļķis
1637. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Doc.J.Bērziņš
1638. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
1639. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
1640. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
1641. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V. Tomko
1642. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
1643. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
1644. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Andrejs Ābele
1645. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. J.Grundspeņķis
1646. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
1647. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
1648. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Sertificēta energoauditore, Nataļja Beļska
1649. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.Ļubova Kohane
1650. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Sertificēta energoauditore, Nataļja Beļska
1651. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. J.Vanags
1652. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme
1653. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Eiduks, STP kat. asoc. profesors
1654. Faculty of Architectureškins
1655. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Profesors G.Lauks
1656. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy MA, lekt. Nataļja Muračova
1657. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ločs, J.Ozoliņš
1658. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1659. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., docente Svetlana Fjodorova
1660. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Linda Rozenfelde
1661. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry
1662. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry M.Dzenis
1663. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme
1664. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars
1665. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering T.Juhna
1666. Faculty of Architecture
1667. Docente Diāna Santalova
1668. Faculty of Architecture Arh. V.Sarma.
1669. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
1670. 01B00 Riga Business School A.Pajuste
1671. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
1672. Faculty of Architecture Doc. A.Lapiņš
1673. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra, L.Sergejeva
1674. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1675. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Aldis Balodis
1676. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Natālija Prokofjeva
1677. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV prof. Z. Markovičs
1678. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. I.Platais
1679. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
1680. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
1681. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Mezītis
1682. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra, L.Sergejeva
1683. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics L.Sergejeva
1684. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra, M.Mezītis
1685. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Vēvers
1686. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Mezītis
1687. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1688. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Krastiņš
1689. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
1690. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.I.Miķelsone
1691. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., doc.(pr.) Irisa Simanoviča
1692. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. A.Kundziņa
1693. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. U.Osis
1694. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Aivars Jurjāns
1695. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ilze Baltiņa
1696. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Artis Ivanovs
1697. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, V.Šitikovs
1698. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Ģirts Vulfs
1699. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jana Bikovska
1700. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
1701. Institute of Design Technologies, docents J. Emsiņš,, asistents G.Upītis
1702. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,, R.Alsiņa
1703. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., asoc.profesors Jānis Vanags
1704. Institute of Design Technologies, profesore S.Kukle, G.Šahmenko
1705. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Kajaks
1706. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
1707. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Stepanovs
1708. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering T. Torims
1709. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1710. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Z.Lazda
1711. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
1712. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., Tatjana Tambovceva
1713. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Noviks
1714. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Daniels Turlajs
1715. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
1716. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
1717. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., lekt. Jūlija Kučerova
1718. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. sc. ing. Jurijs Merkurjevs
1719. Institute of Power Engineering Prof. J.Gerhards
1720. Institute of Power Engineering A.Dolgicers
1721. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1722. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
1723. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Genādijs Sagalovičs
1724. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc. prof. Tao Dong
1725. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1726. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Rudzītis
1727. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. J.Kreicberga
1728. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Pavlovska
1729. 01B00 Riga Business School M.Ozoliņš
1730. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Balodis
1731. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Artis Dreimanis
1732. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management VARAM, Aivars Jurjāns
1733. Institute of Power Engineering S.Kovaļenko
1734. Institute of Power Engineering R.Varfolomejevs
1735. 13200 Institute of Radioelectronics Jānis Jankovskis
1736. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš
1737. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Turks
1738. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
1739. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
1740. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.Ineta Geipele
1741. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.chem. E.Liepiņš
1742. Institute of Design Technologies, S.Deksne
1743. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs
1744. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Inese Upīte
1745. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, E.Latiševa
1746. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc.profesors Aleksejs Kataševs
1747. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering asociētā profesore Olga Kononova
1748. 01B00 Riga Business School A.Pajuste
1749. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Vītiņa
1750. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management A.Gulbis, RTU docents
1751. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
1752. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Jānis Liepiņš
1753. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Reihmane
1754. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1755. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs
1756. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, lektore I.Beikule
1757. Institute of Arhitecture and Designškins
1758. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. V.Krilova
1759. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch, doc. A.Ulme
1760. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. V.Liepiņš, Dr.chem. M.Turks
1761. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G. Bunga
1762. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
1763. Institute of Power Engineering Ļ.Petričenko
1764. Faculty of Architecture
1765. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1766. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Rudzītis
1767. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Bikšis
1768. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, prakt. docents J.Emsiņš, Dr.arch, doc. A.Ulme
1769. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1770. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Jure
1771. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AV kat. lekt. M. Alekseičevs
1772. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AV kat. lekt. M. Alekseičevs
1773. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
1774. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, E.Latiševa
1775. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Bunga
1776. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
1777. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
1778. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., K.Marinska
1779. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AV kat. doc. J. Salenieks
1780. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Krizbergs
1781. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1782. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1783. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
1784. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Raisa Smirnova
1785. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. Gaļina Merkurjeva
1786. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering profesors Jānis Vība
1787. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ločs
1788. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Kreicbergs, L.Plūduma
1789. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry A.Pūra
1790. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jans Šlihte
1791. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry A.Šutka
1792. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Kaņeps
1793. Lektore Zoja Smorodova
1794. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AV kat. doc. J. Salenieks
1795. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. pētnieks D. Bļizņuks
1796. Docente Diāna Santalova
1797. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
1798. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
1799. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asistente D. Šķiņķe
1800. Faculty of Architecture S.Treija
1801. Faculty of Architecture Arh. S.Levāne
1802. Faculty of Architecture Arh. S.Levāne
1803. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
1804. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Soročins
1805. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova
1806. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. sc. ing. Jurijs Merkurjevs
1807. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Liekna, STP kat. pētnieks
1808. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
1809. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš
1810. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy O.Krievs
1811. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. G.Klīve
1812. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Eiduks, STP kat. asoc. profesors
1813. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Kirikova, STP kat. profesore
1814. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns
1815. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
1816. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
1817. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., asoc.profesore Tatjana Tambovceva
1818. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy R.Strazdiņa, LDI vadošā pētniece
1819. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. V.Vrubļevskis
1820. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1821. Faculty of Architecture U.Bratuškins
1822. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr. gr. prof. A. Glazs
1823. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1824. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
1825. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
1826. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. L.Novickis
1827. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. Jānis Vanags
1828. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management SIA Latio, Mg.math. Māris Grīnbergs
1829. 01B00 Riga Business School A.Pajuste
1830. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
1831. 01B00 Riga Business School I.Jākobsone
1832. Institute of Power Engineering I.Zicmane
1833. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Arnis Kiršners
1834. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
1835. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ločs, Dr.chem. J.Zoldners
1836. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova
1837. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering K. Kravalis
1838. Institute of Power Engineering J.Priedīte
1839. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
1840. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Arnis Kiršners
1841. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
1842. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ivars Krieviņš
1843. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
1844. Docente Diāna Santalova
1845. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,, R.Alsiņa
1846. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof. K.Didenko
1847. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
1848. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
1849. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Pumpurs
1850. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs
1851. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. Ē.Bizdēna,ča
1852. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.chem. E.Ābele
1853. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
1854. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Anohina-Naumeca, STP kat. lektore
1855. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1856. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc.profesors Aleksejs Kataševs
1857. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1858. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1859. Faculty of Architecture U.Bratuškins
1860. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
1861. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, lektore I.Beikule
1862. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ločs
1863. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Mg.phys. N.Borodajenko
1864. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry D.Loča,
1865. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Veronika Fedotova
1866. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Veronika Fedotova
1867. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Reihmane
1868. Institute of Design Technologies Dr.arch., docente A.Ulme
1869. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc., J.Mežiels
1870. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Juris Lauznis
1871. Faculty of Architecture Prof. I.Strautmanis
1872. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Z.Irbe
1873. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
1874. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins
1875. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Sergejs Paršutins
1876. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Vladimirs Ņikuļšins
1877. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Andrejs Ābele
1878. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
1879. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
1880. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis
1881. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering N.Zeltiņš
1882. 13100 Institute of Telecommunications Vad.pētnieks J.Poriņš
1883. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks,,K.Kazāks
1884. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Korjakins
1885. Asistents Uldis Grāvītis
1886. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., RD PIP galv.ekon. Sanda Geipele
1887. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
1888. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
1889. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry N.Jeļinska
1890. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. , RPA "Rīgas Enerģētikas aģentūra" Irisa Simanoviča
1891. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. J.Grundspeņķis
1892. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
1893. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Igors Ščukins
1894. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Nicolas Pallikarakis
1895. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1896. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., K.Didenko
1897. Lektore Zoja Smorodova
1898. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. Jānis Vanags
1899. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Drille, M.Vaivada
1900. Faculty of Architecture
1901. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1902. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., as. prof. P. Rusakovs
1903. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Ozoliņš
1904. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. sc. ing.Merkurjevs
1905. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
1906. Institute of Arhitecture and Designškins
1907. Lektors Vladislavs Ņesterovskis
1908. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
1909. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Krastiņš
1910. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1911. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1912. 15100 Institute of Production Quality Pr.doc., M.oec. Iveta Mežinska
1913. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Briņķis
1914. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Briņķis
1915. Faculty of Architecture Lekt. I.Miķelsone
1916. Faculty of Architecture Arh. S.Levāne
1917. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.chem. V.Kampars, Mg.chem. K.Lazdoviča
1918. Lektore Zoja Smorodova
1919. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry L.Krāģe
1920. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš
1921. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš
1922. Docente Diāna Santalova
1923. Faculty of Architecture U.Bratuškins
1924. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ilze Baltiņa
1925. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Eiduks
1926. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1927. Institute of Power Engineering Prof. A.Mahņitko
1928. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. N.Lāce
1929. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Daniels Turlajs
1930. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.paed., lekt. Antra Roskoša
1931. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
1932. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Ludmila Aleksejeva
1933. Lektore Zoja Smorodova
1934. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Rižikovs, M.Dzenis
1935. Docents Jurijs Boldirevs
1936. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec. Jānis Vanags
1937. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy I.Ščukins
1938. Institute of Power Engineering E.Ketnere
1939. Faculty of Architecture S.Treija
1940. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
1941. Faculty of Architecture Doc. A.Lapiņš
1942. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Valpēteris
1943. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
1944. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
1945. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
1946. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Inese Šūpulniece
1947. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem.G.Šulga, S.Reihmane
1948. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. sc. comp. Arkādijs Borisovs
1949. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Reihmane
1950. Docente Diāna Santalova
1951. Docents Mihails Larins
1952. Docents Valerijs Muhins
1953. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
1954. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
1955. Asistents Uldis Grāvītis
1956. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis
1957. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering pētnieks Aleksandrs Boiko
1958. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
1959. Dr. inž., profesors P.Balckars
1960. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. M.Uhanova
1961. Institute of Power Engineering doc. A.Kanbergs
1962. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Juhņeviča
1963. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ivars Krieviņš
1964. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AV kat. doc. J. Salenieks
1965. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, prakt. docents J.Emsiņš
1966. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, E.Latiševa
1967. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Anohina-Naumeca, STP kat. lektore
1968. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
1969. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Andrejs Ābele
1970. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
1971. Faculty of Architecture U.Bratuškins
1972. Faculty of Architecture S.Treija
1973. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management MBA, Silvija Rēvele
1974. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ozoliņš, Dr.chem. J.jaunbergs
1975. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Zariņš
1976. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV asist. I. Karpičs
1977. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova
1978. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
1979. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
1980. Institute of Power Engineering T.Lomane
1981. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. V.Vrubļevskis
1982. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering docents Guntis Strautmanis
1983. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. Gaļina Merkurjeva
1984. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Profesore Gaļina Merkurjeva
1985. Asistents Uldis Grāvītis
1986. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme
1987. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Ludmila Aleksejeva
1988. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva
1989. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
1990. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Noviks
1991. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
1992. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. L.Mālers
1993. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. S.Grīnberga
1994. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV prof. Z. Markovičs
1995. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Vasīlijs Bankovskis
1996. Institute of Design Technologies Mg.phys., docents P.Kāpostiņš
1997. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry G.Mežinskis
1998. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry G.Mežinskis
1999. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
2000. Faculty of Architecture S.Treija
2001. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Anohina-Naumeca, STP kat. lektore
2002. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
2003. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asistente D. Šķiņķe
2004. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
2005. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
2006. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, lekt. J. Bule
2007. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A. Grocevs
2008. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Reihmane, J.Staško
2009. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry R.Merijs-Meri, J.Zicāns
2010. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry R.Merijs-Meri, J.Zicāns
2011. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
2012. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., as. prof. P. Rusakovs
2013. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, prakt. docents J.Emsiņš
2014. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, lektore I.Beikule
2015. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry N.Jeļinska
2016. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
2017. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Prof. I.Raņķis
2018. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
2019. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
2020. Institute of Design Technologies, docents J.Emsiņš
2021. Institute of Design Technologies Dr.arch., docente A.Ulme
2022. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Lekt.I.Bērziņa
2023. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V. Tomko
2024. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, lektors K.Kazāks
2025. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Roze
2026. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Plotniece, Dr.habil.chem. V.Kampars
2027. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asist.zin.d.G.Upītis
2028. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
2029. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
2030. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry A.Stunda
2031. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. P.Rusakovs
2032. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management SIA "Vides projekti", Mg.oec. Jurijs Grizāns
2033. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management DZĪKS Biķernieki, Larisa Avotiņa
2034. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.Anete Rebāne
2035. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Armands Auziņš
2036. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., asoc. profesore Tatjana Tambovceva
2037. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., I.Andersone
2038. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., profesors Jānis Vanags
2039. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts LDI doc. A. Ņikitenko
2040. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem.J.Kreicberga
2041. Docents Jurijs Boldirevs
2042. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, prakt. docents J.Emsiņš,
2043. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Aleksandra Cimbale
2044. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Turks
2045. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A. Fiļipovs
2046. Docents Mihails Larins
2047. Docente Diāna Santalova
2048. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
2049. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
2050. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
2051. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, as. prof. P.Rusakovs
2052. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Aleksandra Cimbale
2053. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
2054. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. I.Mutule
2055. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jekaterina Bule
2056. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. doc. A. Ozols
2057. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering prof. J.Noviks
2058. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Jānis Spīgulis
2059. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry M.Reimanis, J.Ozoliņš
2060. Faculty of Architecture Prof. I.Strautmanis
2061. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
2062. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering O.Liniņš
2063. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. I.Andersone
2064. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Noviks
2065. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. P.Rusakovs
2066. Institute of Power Engineering A.Kasparāns
2067. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.chem. V.Kampars, Mg.chem. Z.Šustere
2068. Institute of Power Engineering lekt. N.Breners
2069. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management SIA "RUUKKI Latvija", ing. Andrejs Tambovcevs
2070. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy O.Krievs
2071. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. V.Vrubļevskis
2072. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Kreicburgs
2073. Institute of Design Technologies, docents J.Emsiņš
2074. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
2075. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. T.Juhna
2076. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., profesore Ineta Geipele
2077. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Kampars
2078. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Vitālijs Boļšakovs
2079. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Madara Gasparoviča
2080. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
2081. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
2082. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering,prof. Mihails Zakrževskis
2083. Institute of Power Engineering Prof. J.Rozenkrons
2084. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Prof. I.Raņķis
2085. Institute of Power Engineering S.Guseva
2086. Faculty of Architecture Doc. A.Lapiņš
2087. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. E.Bērziņš
2088. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Jeršovs
2089. Institute of Design Technologies, docents J.Emsiņš
2090. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Bunga
2091. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry M.Kalniņš
2092. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry N.Jeļinska
2093. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova
2094. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G.Bunga
2095. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
2096. Institute of Environment and Energy Systems I.Veidenbergs
2097. Institute of Power Engineering Prof. V.Čuvičins
2098. Institute of Power Engineering Prof. V.Čuvičins
2099. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars
2100. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Krastiņš
2101. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Drille, Dr.chem. V.Žilinskis
2102. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Gaidukovs
2103. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy prof. I.Raņķis
2104. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry G.Šakale, Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite
2105. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite, K.Ozols
2106. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.habil.phys. L.Grigorjeva, Dr.habil.phys. M.Knite
2107. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ločs
2108. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. V.Krilova
2109. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry D.Loča
2110. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.phil. K.A.Gross
2111. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry G.Mežinskis
2112. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., I.Andersone
2113. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
2114. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering N. Mozga
2115. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ozoliņš, M.Daugavietis
2116. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme,, doktorante I.Gudro
2117. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, prakt. docents J.Emsiņš
2118. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, lektors K.Kazāks
2119. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Vilnītis
2120. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, V.Šitikovs
2121. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
2122. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
2123. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Šitikovs,
2124. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Māris Ziema
2125. Institute of Power Engineering A.Utāns
2126. Institute of Design Technologies, docents J. Emsiņš, Dr.arch., docente A. Ulme
2127. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
2128. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
2129. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
2130. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
2131. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
2132. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
2133. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
2134. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., asoc.profesore Tatjana Tambovceva
2135. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
2136. Faculty of Architecture Arh. S.Levāne
2137. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
2138. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
2139. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
2140. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Oksana Soško
2141. Faculty of Architecture U.Bratuškins
2142. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr.paed., Diāna Rumpīte
2143. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. A.Vītols
2144. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, lektore I.Beikule
2145. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., R.Greitāne
2146. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc., J.Mežiels
2147. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., V.Jurēnoks
2148. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., pr.doc., J.Mežiels
2149. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.J.Briņķis
2150. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy M.Mezītis
2151. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Grišins
2152. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management SIA Latio analītiķis, Mg.math. Māris Grīnbergs
2153. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
2154. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
2155. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
2156. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
2157. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova
2158. Faculty of Architecture S.Treija
2159. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Aivars Cers
2160. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management profesors Jānis Mazais
2161. Asistents Andrejs Kašurins
2162. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Turks
2163. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy lekt. A.Avotiņš
2164. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AV kat. lekt. M. Alekseičevs
2165. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme
2166. Institute of Arhitecture and Design ", prakt. docents J.Emsiņš, Dr.arch, doc. A.Ulme
2167. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Kamols
2168. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering M.Kumermanis I.Strazdiņa
2169. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
2170. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering I.Boiko
2171. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Daniels Turlajs
2172. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., as. prof. P. Rusakovs
2173. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
2174. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
2175. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Ludmila Aleksejeva
2176. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., profesors Jānis Vanags
2177. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
2178. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering S.Jaundālders
2179. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
2180. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, prakt. docents J.Emsiņš
2181. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, V.Kazāks,, doc.J.Emsiņš
2182. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Smirnovs
2183. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec,, docents (pr.) Armands Auziņš
2184. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Ābele, VIT kat. pētnieks
2185. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
2186. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Arnis Lektauers
2187. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., as. prof. P. Rusakovs
2188. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns
2189. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering N. Mozga
2190. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Graudiņa, LDI pētniece
2191. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG prof. A. Glazs
2192. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. P.Arsenjans
2193. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
2194. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy MA, lekt. Nataļja Muračova
2195. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry G.Mežinskis
2196. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
2197. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asistente D. Šķiņķe
2198. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asistente D. Šķiņķe
2199. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, S. Deksne
2200. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, S. Deksne
2201. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, S. Deksne
2202. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., V.Jurēnoks
2203. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., K.Marinska
2204. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., K.Marinska
2205. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. A.Kundziņa
2206. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jeļena Pečerska
2207. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. M.Vilnītis
2208. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Prof. I.Raņķis
2209. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova
2210. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra V.Boicovs
2211. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. J.Noviks
2212. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
2213. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
2214. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry S.Gaidukovs
2215. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ausma Viļumsone
2216. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Jūlija Petuhova
2217. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Prof.I.Strautmanis
2218. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management RD PĪP NIN galv.ekon., Mg.oec. Sanda Geipele
2219. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,, I.Voronova
2220. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, lekt. J. Bule
2221. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. A.Vītols
2222. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Briņķis
2223. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ziemele, Mečņika
2224. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Lektore Vineta Zemīte
2225. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., doc. Tatjana Smirnova
2226. Asistents Andrejs Kašurins
2227. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, E.Latiševa
2228. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Jurijs Dehtjars
2229. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Profesors Aldis Balodis
2230. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry A.Stunda
2231. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Pavlovska
2232. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Haritonovs
2233. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry K.Kalniņš
2234. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. J.Grundspeņķis
2235. Faculty of Architecture Prof. I.Strautmanis
2236. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
2237. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Dr.arch.,docente A.Ulme
2238. Institute of Arhitecture and Design ", prakt. docents J.Emsiņš
2239. Institute of Arhitecture and Design ", prakt. docents J.Emsiņš,
2240. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Inga Dāboliņa
2241. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
2242. Profesors Aleksandrs Urbahs
2243. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
2244. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., lekt. Diāna Rūpniece
2245. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, lekt. J. Bule
2246. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, lekt. J. Bule
2247. Institute of Design Technologies,Amatn.kam. prez.V.Kazāks,, lektK.Kazāks
2248. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry
2249. Institute of Design Technologies, profesore S.Kukle
2250. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr.philol., Mag.oec., doc. Marina Platonova
2251. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., doc. Tatjana Smirnova
2252. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy MA, lekt. Nataļja Muračova
2253. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova
2254. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra, L.Sergejeva
2255. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova
2256. Institute of Arhitecture and Design
2257. Institute of Arhitecture and Designškins
2258. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering asociētā profesore Olga Kononova
2259. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Haritonovs
2260. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Briņķis
2261. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., lekt. Oksana Samuilova
2262. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy MA, lekt. Nataļja Muračova
2263. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mag.philol., lekt. Jūlija Kučerova
2264. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry L.Bērziņa-Cimdiņa, Dr.phil. A.Gross
2265. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Rudzītis
2266. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry R.Merijs-Meri, V.Tupureina
2267. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Jevgenija Soļaņikova
2268. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
2269. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
2270. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
2271. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J.Ivanova
2272. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Morozovs , Datortīklu kat. asistents
2273. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. M.Uhanova
2274. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy E.Latiševa, IP kat. asoc. profesore
2275. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, E.Latiševa
2276. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. M.Uhanova
2277. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. L. Zaiceva
2278. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva
2279. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva
2280. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. M.Uhanova
2281. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
2282. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy doc. N. Prokofjeva,
2283. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva,
2284. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. M.Uhanova
2285. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
2286. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Ainars Mazvērsītis
2287. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
2288. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
2289. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Ainars Mazvērsītis
2290. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Antons Patļins
2291. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. M.Uhanova
2292. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
2293. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Ainars Mazvērsītis
2294. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
2295. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering, doc. S. Jaundālders un A. Krestins
2296. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec. I. Andersone
2297. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AV kat. lekt. M. Alekseičevs
2298. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry R.Seržāne
2299. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering G. Bunga
2300. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, doc. Ē.Asņina
2301. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, SIA "MS Solution" projektu vadītājs A.Resnis
2302. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks
2303. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, asoc.profesors V.Kazāks, Dr.arch., doc. A.Ulme
2304. Institute of Arhitecture and Design, prakt. docents J.Emsiņš
2305. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
2306. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
2307. Docente Diāna Santalova
2308. Docents Mihails Larins
2309. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra prof. A.Klūga
2310. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof.A.Klūga
2311. Asistents Uldis Grāvītis
2312. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra doc. M.Kuļikovs
2313. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., V.Jurēnoks
2314. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt. K.Marinska
2315. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec.,, Z.Sundukova
2316. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., K.Didenko
2317. Docente Diāna Santalova
2318. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem.J.Jaunbergs, Dr.chem.M.Jure
2319. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry D.Loča
2320. Institute of Arhitecture and Design Ausma Viļumsone
2321. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Ainars Mazvērsītis
2322. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
2323. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Pumpurs
2324. Faculty of Architecture Prakt.doc. A.Vītols
2325. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., K.Didenko
2326. Institute of Design Technologies, prof. S.Kukle,Dr. habil. chem.J.Grāvītis
2327. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Ozoliņš, M.Reimanis
2328. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering A.Zariņš
2329. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering I.Bekmanis
2330. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof.B.Gjunsburgs
2331. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Daniels Turlajs
2332. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof.V.Jemeļjanovs
2333. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Prof.V.Jemeļjanovs
2334. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Asoc.profesors A.Kataševs
2335. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics prof. A.Klūga
2336. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Marina Romanova
2337. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. O.Ņikiforova
2338. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy V.Nazaruks
2339. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
2340. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry L.Krāģe, G.Šahmenko
2341. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
2342. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy A.Anohina-Naumeca, STP kat. lektore
2343. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, prof. L.Novickis
2344. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec., lekt., I.Ovčiņņikova
2345. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
2346. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Bonders
2347. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing. Andrejs Romānovs
2348. Lektore Margarita Urbaha
2349. Docents Viktors Feofanovs
2350. Lektore Margarita Urbaha
2351. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Mg.oec.,lekt.R.Greitāne
2352. Lektore Margarita Urbaha
2353. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Grabis
2354. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. math. Vineta Minkēviča
2355. 12100 Institute of Information Technology Dr. sc. ing. Ģirts Vulfs
2356. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. habil. Gaļina Merkurjeva
2357. Docents Valerijs Muhins
2358. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, P.Rusakovs
2359. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy D.Buzdins
2360. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Rudzītis
2361. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
2362. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management, doc. (pr.) Aivars Jurjāns
2363. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Jurijs Čižovs
2364. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering doc. K.Gode
2365. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Dr.chem. M.Drille
2366. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Juhņeviča
2367. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering J. Krizbergs
2368. Faculty of Architecture
2369. Institute of Power Engineering J.Dirba
2370. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. A.Lešinskis
2371. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG lekt. K. Boločko
2372. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering lekt. B.Jeļisejevs
2373. Institute of Design Technologies Dr.arch., docente A.Ulme
2374. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ng. Arnis Lektauers
2375. Docents Jurijs Boldirevs
2376. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry V.Švinka
2377. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics M.Mezītis
2378. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry J.Sētiņa
2379. Faculty of Architecture S.Treija
2380. Faculty of Architecture Prof. J.Krastiņš
2381. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Dr. sc. ing., prof. O. Ņikiforova
2382. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy doc. B.Perniķis
2383. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics L.Sergejeva
2384. 13010 Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics L.Sergejeva
2385. Telemātikas un transporta elektronisko sistēmu katedra, M.Mezītis
2386. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV pr. gr. asist. I. Karpičs
2387. 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Dr.oec., prof., E.Gaile-Sarkane
2388. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts AADG pr.g. prof. A. Glazs
2389. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy, asoc. prof. N. Prokofjeva
2390. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DTST kat. prof. V. Zagurskis
2391. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Prof. L.Novickis,
2392. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy Mg. sc. ing. Solvita Bērziša
2393. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts xx
2394. Faculty of Architecture S.Treija
2395. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering V.Grišins
2396. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Aleksandra Cimbale
2397. Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering Prof. B.Gjunsburgs
2398. Viedo datortehnoloģiju institūts DV Z. Markovičs
2399. Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy J.Grundspeņķis, STP kat. profesors
2400. 14000 Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry I.Juhņeviča, S.Gaidukovs