Studiju veids |
bakalaura profesionālās studijas |
Studiju programmas nosaukums |
Tehniskā tulkošana |
Nosaukums |
Ekvivalence frāžu un teikumu līmenī tehnisko tekstu tulkošanā |
Nosaukums angļu valodā |
Equivalence above Word Level in Technical Text Translation |
Struktūrvienība |
33000 Datorzinātnes, informācijas tehnoloģijas un enerģētikas fakultāte |
Darba vadītājs |
Mag.soc., lekt. Jūlija Kuzņecova |
Recenzents |
Mag.paed., lekt. Marija Šulca |
Anotācija |
The author of this bachelor paper is Margarita Kerre, fourth-year student. The title of this bachelor paper is ‘Equivalence above Word Level in Technical Text Translation’. The text is from the book The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It, by Jonathan Zittrain and translated part is Part II: After the Stall . The author of the book explains how generativity affects the Internet and personal computers. Also, he explains what generativity is and gives examples of generative tools and appliances, as well as describes how people can improve different tools or appliances using generativity.
The problem under consideration is search of an appropriate equivalent for collocation, idiom or fixed expression translation. Sometimes the translator faces words or word collocations which could not be translated using dictionaries, so in such cases the translator should start his/her own research for appropriate translation. Using the theory of translation and taking into account opinions and advice of the leading theoreticians, the translator could manage to do his/her work properly. Despite of the formal and sometimes scientific language of technical texts, they also could be stylistically colourful.
The work consists of 100 pages which contain an introduction, theoretical part, practical part, conclusion and bibliography. Also, the work includes appendices where glossaries and the source text are placed. |
Atslēgas vārdi |
Ekvivalence frāžu un teikumu līmenī |
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā |
Equivalence above word level |
Valoda |
eng |
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2012 |
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14.06.2012 13:56:49 |