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Studiju programmas nosaukums Elektronika un mobilie sakari
Nosaukums Frekvenču spectra plānošana 4G un 5G mobilo sakaru tīklos
Nosaukums angļu valodā Frequency Spectrum Planning in 4G and 5G Mobile Communications Networks
Struktūrvienība 13300 Mikroviļņu inženierijas un elektronikas institūts
Darba vadītājs Andis Supe
Recenzents Artūrs Āboltiņš
Anotācija Abstract Technology is progressing year after year in a high speed and the demand of users increase accordingly. High data rate, and broadband systems in the field of mobile communications is becoming more as urgent requirement for consumers. This high data rate and higher speed will require more spectrum to be available for these services. 5G comes useful in that aspect as it is supports higher data rates than the current rates supported by 4G. To achieve higher data rates then more bandwidth is in demand. For planning such an update technology makers also think about economic value with respect to the technological essence of this update. The optimal network planning will ensure this outcome to be achieved. However, the integration of engineering and cost features of the planning is not easy to tackle together. Hence, research is looking at each aspect independently. Looking for planning in the best way possible, then a proof of concept has to be proposed. The proof of concept of the planning could be a simulator showing the system performance for 5G modelling with cost in ultra-dense networks. While also assessing the 4G and 5G band coexistence. We will go over how simulators can be used to generate graphs that represents different scenarios. We will also demonstrate the usage of 5G simulator to detect the cost and planning viability in networks discussing the cost reduction effects extracted from graphs. Moreover, testing multi-operator radio access network and check correlation between them. “This thesis contains 43 pages, 29 figures and 45 references.”
Atslēgas vārdi 4G,5G,Frequency,Spectrum,Planning,Networks,Communications,Infrastructure,Sharing
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā 4G,5G,Frequency,Spectrum,Planning,Networks,Communications,Infrastructure,Sharing
Valoda eng
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