Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids bakalaura akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Datorsistēmas
Nosaukums Koda ģenerēšanas iespēju izpēte PHP programmēšanas valodai
Nosaukums angļu valodā Research On Code Generation Abilities For PHP Programming Language
Struktūrvienība 33000 Datorzinātnes, informācijas tehnoloģijas un enerģētikas fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Oksana Ņikiforova
Recenzents Natālija Prokofjeva
Anotācija The Bachelor thesis examines abilities of code implementation for PHP programming languages. The thesis contains structured information regarding the components, architecture and benefits, of theoretical research of domain field, as well as it pay attention on practical usage on developed example. The bachelor thesis describes research in code generation abilities for PHP programming language. Based on theoretical research of the field, was carried a practical example was developed by the author of the thesis. The domain field was researching by using UML modelling language and tools to create/generate source code for PHP (MVC) framework. Taking into account results of the research and practical example, the bachelor thesis offers applicable way for implementing of code generation abilities for php programming language and web-based applications. Bachelor thesis contains 50 pages, 35 figures, 0 tables, 0 appendixes. Bibliography includes 6 sources.
Atslēgas vārdi php,code_generation,abilities, research
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā php,code_generation,abilities, research
Valoda eng
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Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 26.05.2015 20:34:12