Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Bachelor
Title of the study programm Engineering Technology , Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Title in original language Kuģu dzinēja savienojošā stieņa izstrāde un analīze.
Title in English Design and analysis of pattern connecting rod used in marine engines.
Department Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering
Scientific advisor Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs
Reviewer Juris Kalinka
Abstract The primary motive of the thesis is to make the engine oil more efficient by decreasing the heat obtained in the connecting rod using a novel designing. A huge increase in the temperature of the engine is controlled using the supply of engine oil. We are introducing a novel strategy in the connecting rod surface between the large and small end through which the heat could be decreased quickly compared to the current system. Designing of the connecting rod was made in Auto desk Inventor, and then exported to ANSYS software for analysis. Thermal and structural analysis of the connecting rod is conducted. The obtained results show the effectiveness of the new design over the conventional connecting rod in the dissipation of heat. This thesis consists of 51 pages. It is made of 38 figures and 4 tables. There are 12 sources in the bibliography.
Keywords Design and Analysis of pattern for connecting rod used in Marine Engine
Keywords in English Design and Analysis of pattern for connecting rod used in Marine Engine
Language eng
Year 2021
Date and time of uploading 18.01.2021 12:58:15