Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Title in original language Taupīgās vadības konceptu lietošana mazos uzņēmumos
Title in English Application of Lean Management Concepts in Small Businesses
Department Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy
Scientific advisor Gaļina Merkurjeva
Reviewer Dr. sc. ing. Jurijs Merkurjevs
Abstract Main concepts of lean management are considered. Review of literature on the implementations of lean concepts in small businesses is given including applicable concepts, techniques and software. Questionnaire on lean aspects and feasibility of the concepts proved in SMEs are carried out, involving face-to-face interviews and their surveys. Value mapping technology is used to investigate the effects of lean application in the use case. The aim of the research is to study lean management and its implementation in SMEs and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of lean application in fast-food industries. In analytical part the author collects and examines theoretical materials about lean management. In this part, theories and formulas are given to understand the principles of lean to apply and shows the steps in the lean implementation. In practical part, the author makes case study of a fast-food restaurant in Latvia to apply lean concept. The final part of the thesis concludes and gives recommendations on possible ways to improve the efficiency and profits of the company. The thesis is comprised of 75 pages, containing 22 figures, 11 tables and 34 references.
Keywords taupīgās, vadības koncepti, MVU un mazā biznesā, ēdināšanas nozarē
Keywords in English concepts of lean management, lean concepts in small businesses, principles of lean
Language eng
Year 2019
Date and time of uploading 31.05.2019 13:26:46