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Studiju veids maģistra profesionālās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Tehniskā tulkošana
Nosaukums Nozīme un konteksts hibrīdos tekstos: tulkošanas pragmatiskie aspekti
Nosaukums angļu valodā Meaning and Context in Hybrid Texts: Pragmatic Aspects of Translation
Struktūrvienība 33000 Datorzinātnes, informācijas tehnoloģijas un enerģētikas fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Tatjana Smirnova
Recenzents Dr.philol., Mag.oec., Marina Platonova
Anotācija The author of this Master Paper is Veronika Astahova, the second-year student of the Professional Master Study Programme Technical Translation. The title of the paper is Meaning and Context in Hybrid Texts: Pragmatic Aspects of Translation. The text translated in the practical part of the paper is taken from the book False Economy: A Surprising Economic History of the World by Alan Beattie. The author translated Chapter 1: Making Choices, Chapter 2: Cities, and Chapter 3: Trade. The author of the source text explains how different countries develop their economies through industrialization, export, and import, and why some of them succeed and some fail. He describes the decisions that have been made by the governments and how these decisions influence the countries nowadays. The problem under consideration of the Master Paper may be stated as follows: whether text hybridity is a problem for a translator in terms of acquiring the correct meaning and transferring it from one language to another keeping the same function, stylistic colouring and the implied effect. The author of the paper puts forward the following research questions: Can the translation problems, caused by extralinguistic context, be solved considering the context of the source text? There are many possibilities for a translator to produce an accurate translation and avoid meaning ambiguity, hence a translator must be able to use his/her knowledge along with various translation strategies and methods. The paper comprises 128 pages, and consists of the introduction, theoretical part, analytical part, practical part, conclusion, and bibliography (28 printed sources; 6 internet sources; 4 printed dictionaries; 5 electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias). The paper also includes three appendices: Glossary of Specific Terms, Glossary of the General Language Words with Contextual Meaning, and the Source Text.
Atslēgas vārdi nozīme, konteksts, hibriditāte, pragmatika
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā meaning, context, hybridity, pragmatics
Valoda eng
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