Studiju veids |
bakalaura profesionālās studijas |
Studiju programmas nosaukums |
Tehniskā tulkošana |
Nosaukums |
Tulkošana kā mērķtiecīga darbība |
Nosaukums angļu valodā |
Translation as a Purposeful Activity |
Struktūrvienība |
33000 Datorzinātnes, informācijas tehnoloģijas un enerģētikas fakultāte |
Darba vadītājs |
Mag.philol., lektore Inese Kočote |
Recenzents |
Mag.philol., lektore Diāna Rūpniece |
Anotācija |
The Bachelor Paper Translation as a Purposeful Activity by Madara Miezīte consists of two main parts the theoretical and the practical parts. Both parts are interrelated. The practical part is represented by the translation of a part of the book by Bruce R.Elbert Introduction to Satellite Communication. Third Edition, more precisely, the author of this Bachelor Paper has translated the part of the book which deals with the fundamentals of satellite systems and the evolution of satellite communication. The translation is carried out from English into Latvian.
The theoretical part consists of literature review where the Skopos theory, the translation process, the role of the translator and the Loyalty Principle are described; it also provides examples from the source text (ST) and the target text (TT) with translation techniques applied to achieve the purpose of the source text and the target text.
The Bachelor Paper consists of an abstract, introduction, the theoretical part and the translation of the source text into Latvian, a conclusion, three appendices including the glossary of terms, the glossary of abbreviations and the original text (ST). The number of pages is 105, the glossary of terminology consists of 103 words and phrases, the glossary of abbreviations comprises 49 items, the bibliography consists of 36 items. |
Atslēgas vārdi |
Skopos theory, purposeful translation, Loyalty Principle |
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā |
Skopos theory, purposeful translation, Loyalty Principle |
Valoda |
eng |
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15.01.2013 15:01:17 |