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Nosaukums Digitālās mācīšanās procesu ieviešana uzņēmumā “BOTC Training”
Nosaukums angļu valodā Implementation of Digital Learning Processes in the Company “BOTC Training”
Struktūrvienība 22000 Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Māris Millers
Recenzents Jans Jeļinskis
Anotācija ANNOTATION Author of Master Thesis: Mihails Kuzmičs Master Thesis Supervisor: Ph.D. Māris Millers Master Thesis Topic: "Implementation of Digital Learning Processes in Company ‘BOTC Training’" The master thesis is written in English. It includes an introduction, three main parts, conclusions, and proposals. The work is 87 pages long, with 13 figures and 31 tables. The bibliography has 51 sources in English. There are also 2 appendices. Master Thesis Problem Definition: BOTC Training, provider of technical and safety training, faces several challenges that hinder its ability to benefit from opportunities and maintain its competitive edge. These challenges include inconsistency among instructors, high infrastructure costs, a lack of effective training simulation of real-world scenarios, and limited potential for business scalability. Main Results of Master Thesis: The main result of the thesis is the development of an implementation plan for digital teaching methodologies at BOTC Training. The study is divided into three parts. The first part covers the theory of digital learning, explaining the importance of following standards from the Global Wind Organization (GWO), and discussing how digital innovation can help meet these standards. The second part evaluates BOTC Training’s current practices and reviewing specific training programs like "GWO BTT Electrical" and "GWO Slinger Signaller," and assessing internal processes such as planning, registration, and certification to identify areas for improvement. The third part provides practical steps for implementing digital learning at BOTC Training, including an implementation plan, risk assessment, and financial analysis, with recommendations focusing on using digital technologies to improve training quality, efficiency, and compliance. The conclusions and proposals highlight the importance of digital technologies in modernizing training methods and ensuring regulatory compliance, concluding that integrating digital learning at BOTC Training is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Bibliography of Master’s Thesis: Kuzmičs M. Implementation of Digital Learning Processes in Company “BOTC Training” Master Thesis// Kuzmičs M., Millers M.– Riga: RTU FEEM International Programs Division, Master's Professional Study Program “Innovation and Entrepreneurship,” 2024 - 87 pages.
Atslēgas vārdi adult education & training#VR Training#Hybrid training#regulated training
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā adult education & training#VR Training#Hybrid training#Regulated training
Valoda eng
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