Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids maģistra akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Inženiertehnika, mehānika un mašīnbūve
Nosaukums Pārstrādātas plastmasas granulu mehāniskās un termiskās īpašības ilgtspējīgai bruģa ķieģeļu nomaiņai
Nosaukums angļu valodā Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Recycled Plastic Pellets for Sustainable Pavement Brick Replacement
Struktūrvienība 31000 Būvniecības un mašīnzinību fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Inga Ļašenko
Recenzents Andrejs Pupurs
Anotācija The pervasive issue of plastic waste has prompted an urgent need for sustainable solutions. This study explores innovative methods for transforming plastic waste into valuable products, addressing both environmental and economic concerns. By examining advanced recycling techniques and upcycling processes, we aim to highlight the potential of converting discarded plastics into useful materials such as construction components, textiles, and energy sources. These approaches not only mitigate the detrimental effects of plastic pollution but also promote a circular economy, demonstrating that waste can be a resource rather than a burden. This research underscores the feasibility and benefits of repurposing plastic waste into diverse, practical applications. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) plays a crucial role in modern recycling efforts due to its robustness, versatility, and recyclability. Widely used in products like containers, pipes, and plastic lumber, HDPE is easily collected and processed through established recycling programs. Its chemical stability and resistance to wear make it ideal for creating durable recycled goods, reducing the demand for virgin plastics. Furthermore, recycling HDPE conserves energy and resources, lowering carbon emissions compared to producing new plastics. As global plastic pollution intensifies, HDPE's recyclability offers a practical solution to managing waste and promoting sustainable materials in various industries. This study investigates the suitability of recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for manufacturing pavement bricks, focusing on its mechanical and thermal properties. The objective is to evaluate whether recycled HDPE can effectively replace conventional materials in pavement brick production, contributing to sustainable construction practices. Samples were prepared in the form of recycled HDPE pellets and films. To assess the material's potential, tensile testing and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were conducted. These tests provided critical insights into the mechanical strength and thermal behaviour of recycled HDPE. To complement the empirical data, numerical models were developed, enabling a comprehensive comparison with the experimental results. This dual approach of empirical testing and numerical modelling ensures a robust analysis of recycled HDPE's performance. The study aims to demonstrate that recycled HDPE not only meets the required standards for pavement bricks but also offers a viable, environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional materials. By integrating recycled plastics into construction, this research supports efforts to reduce plastic waste and promote a circular economy, highlighting the broader implications for sustainable development and waste management. The results of this study highlighted the substantial influence of recycled HDPE pellets on the production of pavement bricks, representing a significant advancement in the field. This thesis comprises an extensive report, encompassing 71 pages with 27 figures, 3 tables, and references to 65 scholarly sources, offering a detailed examination of the topic.
Atslēgas vārdi Plastic waste, Sustainable solutions, Recycling techniques, Upcycling processes, High-density polyethylene (HDPE), Circular economy, Mechanical properties, Thermal properties, Pavement bricks, Sustainable development
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Plastmasas atkritumi, Ilgtspējīgi risinājumi, Pārstrādes tehnoloģijas, Pārveidošanas procesi, Augsta blīvuma polietilēns (HDPE), Aprites ekonomika, Mehāniskās īpašības,Termiskās īpašības, Bruģakmeņi, Ilgtspējīga attīstība
Valoda eng
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