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Studiju darba apraksts
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Studiju programmas nosaukums Tehniskā tulkošana
Nosaukums Terminoloģijas tulkošana ekonomikas nozarē
Nosaukums angļu valodā Translation of Terminology in the Field of Economics
Struktūrvienība 33000 Datorzinātnes, informācijas tehnoloģijas un enerģētikas fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Mag.philol., lekt. Alla Žučenko
Recenzents Mag.philol., lekt. Anna Mēbele
Anotācija The author of the Bachelor Paper has translated the fragment of the book Marketing in Travel and Tourism written by Victor T.C. Middleton, Alan Fyall and Michael Morgan. It has been a great challenge for the author of the Bachelor Paper as translation of the two chapters covers important economic aspects: the market segmentation and the evolving marketing mix for tourism services. The chosen text focuses on the market segmentation and the evolving marketing mix for the tourism services. The author of the Bachelor Paper focuses the discussion on the problem of the terms translation as economics is a very wide branch, and the text contains a diversity of the terms from the different economic subfields such as applied economics, marketing, travel and tourism, religion.
Atslēgas vārdi translation of terminology in economics
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā translation of terminology in economics
Valoda lv
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Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 16.01.2012 09:16:02