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Studiju programmas nosaukums Datorsistēmas
Nosaukums SysML balstītu sistēmu inženierijas rīku kopu salīdzinājums
Nosaukums angļu valodā A Comparison of SysML Based Systems Engineering Toolsets
Struktūrvienība 33000 Datorzinātnes, informācijas tehnoloģijas un enerģētikas fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Mārīte Kirikova
Recenzents Jānis Amoliņš
Anotācija This thesis compares the capabilities of various modeling tools that support SysML–based system engineering tasks and provides relevant comparisons with a focus on discussing the extensibility of SysML. The research study will review system engineering toolsets and identify key tools that support SysML. It aims to establish a proper evaluation of toolsets and focuses on the toolsets’ efficiency and suitability for various types of system engineering tasks. The research involved a comprehensive analysis of three selected SysML supporting toolsets: Visual Paradigm, MagicDraw, and Enterprise Architect. The evaluation was conducted through a practical application, en experiment, where each toolset was used to develop a model of Doorbell System and Graphical User Interface. This method permitted for an experimental evaluation of each toolset’s performance. The obtained results showed that Visual Paradigm is the most efficient for tasks requiring quick model development with nominal user interaction and MagicDraw displayed superiority in projects requiring complete simulation and validation. Such outcomes give valuable data for users, particularly system engineers in selecting the most fitted SysML toolset according to the specific demands on their projects. • All research tasks have been achieved. • There are 128 pages of the total thesis, and the thesis body is 53 pages. • There are 3 tables in the thesis body • The thesis contains 9 figures in body part and 116 figures in Appendixes • The thesis draws upon 22 sources of reference Keywords: SysML Toolsets, System Engineering, System Modeling Efficiency, User Interaction Metrics
Atslēgas vārdi SysML rīku kopas, sistēmu inženierija, sistēmas modelēšanas efektivitāte, lietotāju mijiedarbības metrika
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā SysML Toolsets, System Engineering, System Modeling Efficiency, User Interaction Metrics
Valoda eng
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