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Studiju programmas nosaukums Inovatīvie risinājumi ģeomātikā
Nosaukums Papildinātās realitātes risinājumi lietošanai BIM
Nosaukums angļu valodā Application of Augmented Reality to Use in BIM
Struktūrvienība 31000 Būvniecības un mašīnzinību fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Māris Kaļinka
Recenzents Jānis Zvirgzds
Anotācija The main objective of the master ‘s thesis was to analyze the AR (Augmented Reality) together with BIM (Building Information Modeling). Compare and find advantages and disadvantages of two created applications which are web-based AR application and Unity engine based AR application as well as application used in the industry GAMMA AR. Furthermore, another goal was to find how these different applications can be used. The web-based application was created using AR.js open-source code, and Unity engine was used to create a second application. The 3D model which was used in the AR application was created from the point cloud data of the floor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Riga Technical University. The whole process of creation of web-based application and Unity engine-based application was showcased and explained. The result of the master’s thesis was that the different AR applications has different uses as well as some applications like Unity engine based application require more knowledge to create or use. The created application have basic usage for viewing and analyzing but with required knowledge can have added functionality and features which will have the requirements for different uses in the field.
Atslēgas vārdi BIM, AR, APP, Augmented Reality application, Unity, Web-based app, registration, laser-scanning, photogrammetry, point cloud
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā BIM, AR, APP, Augmented Reality application, Unity, Web-based app, registration, laser-scanning, photogrammetry, point cloud
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