Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids bakalaura akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Datorsistēmas
Nosaukums Computer-Based Hotel Management System for UYI Grand Hotel, Benin
Nosaukums angļu valodā Datorizētā viesnīcas pārvaldības sistēma UYI Grand viesnīcā Beninā
Struktūrvienība 12300 Lietišķo datorsistēmu institūts
Darba vadītājs J. Bule
Anotācija Bachelor work was made with idea to computerize hotel management by designing and implementing hotel management computer-based program. The program is made according to hotel management main activities and information hotel management use. This information is room type and cost, customer data, etc. Every activity implemented in the project has its own entire logic, so it has its own flowchart. Every activity in program is made according to hotel management needs and has the same actions and information needed as actions in ordinary live (without system). So staff can work in the same way it was working and the only differences are that staff put all information into database and every action which can be made automatically goes automatically (as bill generating). First chapter represents why this subject is actual, as well as represents that this works results can be used at real hotel. Second chapter represents hotel functions and actions it uses. Third chapter represents designed programs entire logic via flowcharts and informs about designed programs requirements. Chapter four shows IT products are used in this work and what requirements they need to be used. Chapter five is conclusions and recommendations chapter which shows that designed computer-based program can be changed and fulfilled according hotel future needs. The work contains 60 pages, 6 diagrams, and 8 screenshots of created program.
Atslēgas vārdi Hotel Management System
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Hotel Management System
Valoda eng
Gads 2011
Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 29.06.2011 18:33:39