Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
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Studiju programmas nosaukums Uzņēmējdarbība un vadīšana
Nosaukums Finanšu ilgtspējības novērtējums biržas sarakstā iekļautajām bankām Indijā
Nosaukums angļu valodā Assessment of Financial Sustainability of Banks Listed on the Stock Exchange in India
Struktūrvienība 22000 Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Irina Voronova
Recenzents A. Greitāns
Anotācija The concept of financial sustainability is all about making investment decisions that not only considers financial returns but at the same time other factors are also undertaken such as governance, environmental and social. In the banking industry more role of sustainable finance is to introduce new services keeping in view the requirement of the target market and this supports a lot in enhancing performance of the overall organization in the long run. The financial sector of the economy in India has a vital role that helps the nation to develop its economy more, and the banking sector, as an important part of the financial system or procedure of India, plays a larger role in the sustainable development of the country. Several benefits are present that can be obtained by the firms through the adoption of the concept of sustainable finance. Sustainability forms the main objective of the collective approach and uttermost examining the shareholders that ultimately leads to increase the perception of society towards the banks. The value of Altman Z score represents that in case of all the banks their value is below 1.8 and this represents that the chance of bankruptcy is high in case of all the banks operating in the Indian market. In case if value is higher than 3 then chance of bankruptcy is low. financial sustainability strategy will support a lot in grabbing growth opportunities present in the market and it will act as development tool for the banks. At present, it has been witnessed that banks are not at all focusing on formation of the business plan and this is the main area which is lacking behind. Moreover, the area of sampling is also part of the current study. Sample size in the research is 10 managers and top officials of 10 different Indian banks. Technique of non-probability sampling method has been adopted where convenience sampling technique has been adopted. This states that all the respondents in the research have been selected or approached on the basis of their convenience. It is a fact that approaching managers working in the banks is not an easy task and, in this case, nonrandom technique is fruitful where through the convenience sampling method managers have been approached keeping in view their convenience.
Atslēgas vārdi Finance, Sustainability, Indian Banks, Financial Sustainability
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Finance, Sustainability, Indian Banks, Financial Sustainability
Valoda eng
Gads 2022
Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 20.01.2022 11:05:26