Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids maģistra akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Inženiertehnika, mehānika un mašīnbūve
Nosaukums Cilindru bloku ar dzesēšanas ribām siltuma pārneses skaitliskā analīze.
Nosaukums angļu valodā Numerical analysis of heat transfer of cylinder blocks with fins.
Struktūrvienība 25600 Mehānikas un mašīnbūves institūts
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Anotācija The Engine cylinder is one of the essential engine components, that is subjected to inordinate temperature variations and thermal stresses. Fins are put on the surface of the cylinder to upgrade the rate of heat exchange by convection. The present investigation explains the reviews on heat dissipation augment and the comparable pressure drop over a plane surface, surface of fins distinctive molded area wise (circular holes, rectangular cut, V shaped notches, plain fins) fitted with cylindrical cross-sectional in order to enhance the change in the heat exchange rate. This examination gives the investigation of heat exchange between engine cylinder with rectangular form fins and engine cylinder with fins formed in Circular area. Engine cylinder formed in two forms sensible area (circular, rectangular) fitted with tube-shaped cross-sectional so as to determine better heat dissipation rate change. I also optimised the heat dissipation rate and optimized the higher heat exchange rate for both viewpoints. In this research, we modelled an engine cylinder model with fins, i.e. a cylinder with plate fins, fins with circular holes, V-shaped fins on the tip of the nice, and rectangular holes fins. We picked two engineering materials for the first is aluminum alloy for the construction of engine cylinder and the second is grey cast iron. Ansys thermal analyses performed to refine the behavior of the cylinder form. Optimized the results of geometric constraints, fine length, fine field, and fine material with base temperature to ambient temperature variance on fine array heat transfer efficiency and the perfectly fine separation value. The temperature differences in different areas of the engine cylinder with changes in the surface region of the fins are measured by FEM and the engine cylinder is contrasted with the substance wise and the fins wise which are collected by Ansys experimentally.
Atslēgas vārdi Cilindru bloku ar dzesēšanas ribām siltuma pārneses skaitliskā analīze.
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Numerical analysis of heat transfer of cylinder blocks with fins.
Valoda eng
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Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 16.01.2022 11:08:14