Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids maģistra akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Inženiertehnika, mehānika un mašīnbūve
Nosaukums Motocikla aizmugurējo riteņu šūpšķirbas formas optimizācija.
Nosaukums angļu valodā Shape optimizations of rear wheel swing arm in motorcycle.
Struktūrvienība 31000 Būvniecības un mašīnzinību fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Oļegs Jakovļevs
Recenzents Jānis Auziņš
Anotācija The aim of this research is to create a compact structure and light weight swingarm for a motorcycle application. The report's aim is to develop the original swingarm model and address its drawbacks. The objective is to maximize the swingarm's strength and rigidity, particularly under severe driving circumstances. The second objective is to minimize the weight limit of the swingarm while not losing too many efficiency parameters. The Numerical simulation of the actual design was analyzed by following a sequence of algorithmic geometric improvements and evaluation. Two different styles were held in mind for materials and those are Aluminum alloy 6061 T6 and AISI 4340 steel were used during this model design respectively. The latest designs were reported to have higher safety factor than those of the previous one. The latest iteration had a significantly lower mass loss than the previous design. In terms of production, the new version is comparatively simple and inexpensive to produce, particularly as contrasted to the original model with a smaller number of units. It must either be machined, or 3D printed.
Atslēgas vārdi Galvenie vārdi:Topoloģijas optimizācija, materiālais īpašums, ģeneratīvais dizains, drošības faktors, masas samazināšana, robežnosacījumi
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Topology Optimizations, Material Property, Generative Design, Factor of Safety, Mass Reductions, Boundary Condition.
Valoda eng
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