Studiju veids |
maģistra profesionālās studijas |
Studiju programmas nosaukums |
Būvuzņēmējdarbības un nekustamā īpašuma vadīšana |
Nosaukums |
Ilgtspējīgas atkritumu apsaimniekošanas sistēmas novērtēšana būvniecības atkritumiem |
Nosaukums angļu valodā |
Sustainable waste management system evaluation of construction waste |
Struktūrvienība |
22000 Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultāte |
Darba vadītājs |
Tatjana Tambovceva |
Recenzents |
IEVF doktorante, Regīna Gaynulina |
Anotācija |
This research is dedicated to the study of sustainable waste management systems within the construction industry. It has a main focus on identifying the existing sustainable management practices which help to reduce, reuse, and recycle wasted construction materials.The main purpose of the Master Thesis is to develop a framework and recommendations for the implementation of sustainable practices in the construction industry in Latvia, by analyzing international sustainable waste management practices in the construction industry. Therefore, practical research will be focused on identifying current waste management practices in the Latvian construction sphere; it will aim to identify the current environment within the construction waste management and get an insight into the obstacles and features faced by the practitioners. This research and analysis lead to a conclusion that construction waste management systems need to be an essential and attentive part of each construction project, as it has a significant impact on achieving sustainable development. |
Atslēgas vārdi |
būvgružu apsaimniekošana, ilgtspējīga būvniecība, zaļa ēka, ilgtspējīga būvgružu apsaimniekošana |
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā |
construction waste management, sustainable construction, green building, sustainable construction waste management |
Valoda |
eng |
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