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Studiju programmas nosaukums Elektrotehnoloģiju datorvadība
Nosaukums Enerģijas elektronikas pārveidotāju pielietojums hibrīdās atjaunojamās enerģijas sistēmās
Nosaukums angļu valodā Power Electronics Converter Applications to Hybrid Renewable Energy
Struktūrvienība 27100 Industriālās elektronikas un elektrotehnikas institūts
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Anotācija Hybrid renewable energy systems are growing rapidly nowadays and it would become a new learning opportunity for the future generation because of environmental friendly effects and nature. Solar, as well as wind energy resources, are connected to each other which would have the real potential to complete the power demand. But the only wind energy system sometimes not be technically efficient in all aspects because of low wind speeds and being more unpredictable compare to solar energy. The main objective and the primary reason to make a combined utilization of the renewable system and that are being widely used as an option of nonrenewable sources and it is called a hybrid renewable system. Basically, this thesis presents the basic application of advanced power electronics in hybrid renewable generating systems. There will be a design of a multi-input dc to dc converter which can be used in a hybrid renewable energy system. Here mainly rectifier and dc to dc boost converter play a major role and rectifier can be received output voltage of generator through dc-link voltage. The output voltage of the dc to dc converter is controlled by the current regulated PWM voltage source inverter at a constant value by balancing the dc-link input and output power. This thesis also gives an insight into the evaluation of the existing converter topologies of multi-input converters and inverters by considering the different parameters. Through which a suitable characterization of promising converter topology can opt for either stand-alone or hybrid renewable energy resources. After designing topologies of inverters and converters it is important to see the result of the simulation. It will be an analysis of different reference past simulations for the good performance of the hybrid systems. After the simulation results, it can be easily concluded that which things technically need to improve in design of multi-input inverter and multi-input converter.
Atslēgas vārdi Hybrid renewable energy - learning opportunity -future generation - environmental -effect -wind energy resources-connected -real potential -complete-the power demand.- wind energy system - technically efficient-low wind speeds -unpredictable-compare -solar energy.-multiinputconverters-inverters-simulation-efficiency-voltage -current-improvement-performance-capacitor-resistance-load-power-three state converter-output power-circuit-assumption-diagram-parellel-conclusion-demand of electronics
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Hybrid renewable energy - learning opportunity -future generation - environmental -effect -wind energy resources-connected -real potential -complete-the power demand.- wind energy system - technically efficient-low wind speeds -unpredictable-compare -solar energy.-multiinputconverters-inverters-simulation-efficiency-voltage -current-improvement-performnce-capacitor-resistance-load-power-three state converter-output power-circuit-assumption-diagram-parallel-conclusion-demand of electronics
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