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Studiju programmas nosaukums Elektronika
Nosaukums Skaņas signāla mikseris ar 8 kanāliem
Nosaukums angļu valodā 8-Channel Music Mixer
Struktūrvienība 13300 Mikroviļņu inženierijas un elektronikas institūts
Darba vadītājs Deniss Stepins
Recenzents Vitālijs Aišpurs
Anotācija I am implementing 8 channel music mixers. It will take eight different signals and combines them to form one single output and can also generate single user desired output by giving control to user for changing the required settings. As we know that mixing is the most important and fundamental part of musical productions in which all the sounds and all frequencies are formed together to be blended as one. It is an 8 channel dual purpose mixer which consists of total 16 terminals, 8 for the auxiliary input which will be used for giving instrumental music such as guitar, drum etc and 8 different terminals for microphone for person’s vocal. I will give user the control of different settings such as gain for microphone which will amplify the sensitive signals of the person’s voice, treble control which will produce effects in the high pitch sound of both the inputs, bass which will add the user defined boom and will generate various effects with the low frequency sound, mid control which will be user operated and will help user to generate the pleasant sound and level balancing that will allow users to balance the volume in the mean time. The main focus of our project is to control bass, balance and pitch which will be in the form of treble as high pitched sound and midrange. It will also equalize the output mix and hence generate various effects by cutting and boosting of various signal frequencies. To make my project look more attractive and user friendly I have installed echo-reverb function to create various effects like repeating and delaying of sound to will create an healthy and natural environment and also give users an advance function to play mp3 songs via USB port and SD card which will allow them to enjoy in their free time. Further on, for recording the track or mix on recording device i have left the ports and this mixer also have the ability to monitor the left and right levels of the signal.
Atslēgas vārdi MUSIC MIXER
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā MUSIC MIXER
Valoda eng
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