Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids bakalaura akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Uzņēmējdarbība un vadīšana
Nosaukums Emocionālās inteliģences un koučinga metožu ietekme uz darbinieku darba rezultātiem
Nosaukums angļu valodā Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Coaching Techniques on Employee Performance
Struktūrvienība 22000 Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Leonards Budņiks
Recenzents Mg.math., A. Dresmanis, vieslektors, koučs
Anotācija Bachelor thesis author: Ritvars Sebris Bachelor thesis scientific supervisor: Lecturer, Mg.oec. Leonards Budņiks Title of bachelor thesis: Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Coaching Techniques on Employee Performance Bachelor thesis written: is written in Latvian language, it consists of introduction, 2 parts, conclusions and recommendations. Amount of work is 53 p., it includes 26 pictures, 4 tables, 0 formulas, Bibliography and source list contains 5 sources in Latvian, 21 in English. Work has 0 annexes The most important results: Upon concluding the study we determined, that employees of “AVER Brokerage” frequently exhibit actions related to high emotional intelligence. There is a correlation between employee performance and emotional intelligence. Employees performed their tasks better and faster, when assisted by coaching. Both tested methods have strong influence on work performance. Bibliographic description of the thesis: Sebris R. (2020). Influence of emotional intelligence and coaching on employee performance. Bachelor thesis. Riga: RTU, UIVI IUUVK, bachelor academic study program “Business and Management” 53 p
Atslēgas vārdi Emocionālā inteliģence, Koučings, Darbinieku rezultāti, Korelācija starp koučingu un emocionālo inteliģenci, Korelācija starp emocionālo inteliģenci un peļņas rādītājiem, Nekustamie īpašumi
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Emotional intelligence, Coaching, Employee performance, Correlation between coaching and emotional intelligence, Correlation between emotional intelligence and profit rates, Real estate
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