Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids maģistra akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Elektronika
Nosaukums Frekvenču selektīva U_formas mikroslokšņu izveidota virsma ar metatmateriāla īpašībām
Nosaukums angļu valodā Frequency Selective Surface using the Metamaterial of the U-Shaped Strips
Struktūrvienība 13300 Mikroviļņu inženierijas un elektronikas institūts
Darba vadītājs Jānis Semeņako
Recenzents Profesors Guntars Balodis
Anotācija The Frequency Selective Surface FSS are increasingly interested in their various applications. The FSS is provided with the basic and compact form that is a conducting strip folded into letter U and mounted on a dielectric surface. The strip folding reduces the length of the element to ¼ of the wavelength, a substantial reduction in size compared to other shapes. FSS has been configured to reject the 3.5 GHz frequency and investigated with ANSYS HFSS or (and) Comsol RF packages. For vertical and horizontal polarization of the electric field the transmission characteristics were shown. Also we had also made comparison of U-shaped metamaterials with other shaped metamaterials about the losses, efficiency and also size reduction.
Atslēgas vārdi Frequency Selective Surface, Metamaterial, Resonating Element, Bandstop, Ansys HFSS
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Frequency Selective Surface, Metamaterial, Resonating Element, Bandstop, Ansys HFSS
Valoda eng
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