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Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids maģistra profesionālās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Uzņēmumu un organizāciju vadīšana
Nosaukums „Trust” koncepcijas digitalizācija IT automatizācijas projektā
Nosaukums angļu valodā Digitization of the “Trust” Concept in the Context of IT Automation Projects
Struktūrvienība 01B00 Rīgas Biznesa skola
Darba vadītājs Randevs Nisanka Diass
Recenzents A.Greitāns
Anotācija Thesis title "Digitization of the Trust concept in an IT automation project". Thesis generally aimed to review the trust issues and common doubts which a raised within different stakeholders during the projects of information technology automation of business projects in commercial firms. Since authors’ previous experience was in a field of information technologies, there was an opportunity to gain much experience of interaction with different departments on different levels, from operating specialists to business owners. Also there is some differences observed of the doubts and mistrust nature when it raise from either developers side (who invent execute the projects) and whose who will use the final results of the project (end-users). The final goal is to formulate recommendations for building and managing trust within the organizations, which could help project owners to avoid unpleasant mistakes, time lags and conflict situations with mistrusting the systems. There is no exclusive firm where that approach could be applied, however there is a possibility to implement such approach within a different firms and projects, so the work can be considered as more general in its’ nature. Main sources of information - EBSCOhost online library, IEEE library, Web resources, authors' previous experience and authors' colleagues survey performed. Thesis contains 14 tables, 20 pictures and 8 appendices. Thesis presented in English.
Atslēgas vārdi automation, trust
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā automation, trust
Valoda eng
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Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 13.01.2020 09:25:39