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Nosaukums Mitruma avotu un mitruma radīto bojājumu ietekmes uz higrotermālajiem procesiem ārsienās ar iekšējo siltumizolāciju novērtējums
Nosaukums angļu valodā Evaluation of impact of moisture sources and moisture caused damage on hygrothermal processes in external walls with internal insulation
Struktūrvienība 27300 Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu institūts
Darba vadītājs Andra Blumberga
Anotācija The author of this Master Thesis is student of Riga Technical University, Ritvars Freimanis, in the study program of Environmental Science. The title of this Thesis is “Impact of moisture sources and moisture caused damage on hygrothermal processes in external walls with internal insulation”. The aim of this thesis is to assess whether it is economically and technically justified to insulate the masonry building from the inside when it’s exterior walls are exposed to different humidity sources. Author also researches different moisture elimination methods and environmental impact of internal insulation. Hypothesis of the thesis is that “It is not economically and technically justified to insulate the building from the inside if moisture problems are present in exterior walls of building.”. Main results show that payback time of internal insulation application, when additional measures must be taken to decrease moisture transport into masonry through the outdoor façade, specifically in this case-study is 13.8 years. The thesis consists of literature review and practical work. The literature review has five chapters. Chapter one consists of information about moisture sources. Second chapter is about moisture caused damages. Chapter three explains evaluation methods of moisture sources. Fourth chapter gives an overview about insulation materials and chapter five reviews limitations of the internal insulation application. Practical work consists of 6 parts: In-situ measurements, visual inspection, laboratory testing, numerical simulations, cost-benefit analysis, environmental assessment. The Thesis consists of 85 pages (without appendices), 72 figure, 21 tables and 20 formulas. 82 literature sources were used and this Thesis has 2 appendices.
Atslēgas vārdi In-situ measurements, internal insulation, moisture, relative humidity, capillary active insulation, masonry, histocic building, cases study building,
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā In-situ measurements, internal insulation, moisture, relative humidity, capillary active insulation, masonry, histocic building, cases study building,
Valoda eng
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