Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids maģistra akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Inženiertehnika, mehānika un mašīnbūve
Nosaukums Automašīnas balstiekārtas analīze un sintēze, lai novērstu vibrācijas.
Nosaukums angļu valodā Vehicle suspension analysis and synthesis to prevent vibration.
Struktūrvienība 31000 Būvniecības un mašīnzinību fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Jānis Vība
Recenzents Edgars Kovals
Anotācija Vehicles are widely used in various industries and have benefited every household, and ride comfort and safety are widely concerned by its customers simultaneously. Suspension system as one of the modern automobile assembly, has a great impact on the vehicle's riding comfort, handling stability, trafficability and other properties, so the performance of the suspension system has always been one of the great concerns to vehicle designers, researchers. In this Thesis: 1/4 vehicle suspension system was taken as the research object. The dynamic model of the suspension system and the simulation model of the suspension system are established. Based on the main control objective of vehicle riding comfort, bodywork vertical acceleration, suspension limit stroke and wheel dynamic loads are used as specific evaluation indicators. Comparative time domain analysis between active suspension and passive suspension, between linear suspension and nonlinear suspension under different road surface excitation were carried out using the theories of vehicle dynamics, modern control theory & approaches and applications of Scilab simulation. Controllers that meet design requirements was designed to effectively reduce vibration of suspension under different road surface excitation signals. The time sequence of this thesis to realize vehicle suspension system is to raise, analyze, and solve issues. simultaneously 75 diagrams, 11 tables, 85 equations ,4 appendixes and 34 references was provided
Atslēgas vārdi Vehicle Suspension, Linear & Nonlinear Dynamics, Active Control, PID Control, Time Domain Analysis, Ride Comfort,Vibration Preventing
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Vehicle Suspension, Linear & Nonlinear Dynamics, Active Control, PID Control, Time Domain Analysis, Ride Comfort,Vibration Preventing
Valoda eng
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