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Nosaukums Zaļā būvniecība - būvniecības nozares nākotne
Nosaukums angļu valodā Green construction - the future of construction industry
Struktūrvienība 22000 Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Edgars Pudzis
Recenzents Jurijs Grizāns
Anotācija Green construction is used to describe a structure that is designed, constructed and operated, to have a minimum impact on the environment, both indoor and outdoor. The concept of green construction has created an immense importance in a developing country like India. The theory implies of minimizing the wastage and the cost of construction. With an increase in urbanization, the natural resources were used in improper ways which lead us towards the implementation of green construction and the concept helps in making optimum use of natural resources. This concept is based on one basic rule – “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”. Nowadays due to excessive population growth, people generally built the conventional structure in which energy consumption is more which is inefficient. But by implementing green construction, it helps to reduce the conventional energy consumption and so by reducing pollutions. This paper attempts to study the side of the green in India. Green certification and rating programs define the greenness quotient for a project with their predefined parameters. These parameters and their standards can be linked directly to their cost impact. This paper aims to determine and analyze the cost incremental factors for the certified green structure in India against the conventional structure. The first part of this thesis is the analytical part which consists the present situation of green construction in India. How India is doing in green construction case as well as which construction is better in comparison with each other. In this part, why India should go with green construction is described. The second part is the theoretical part which contains the theoretical study about the information related to green constructions. Green construction approaches, green materials, and certification of green structures are described with references to different books and articles. This part also includes information about associated cost with green certification and green design process for developing structures. The third or the practical part is based on the research analysis. A brief case study on India’s one of the well-known structure is done and, I presented about their features effectively. At last conclusions are made and recommendation is provided in accordance with the present market.
Atslēgas vārdi Zaļā celtniecība, pieeja, sertifikācija, materiāli, Indijas zaļā puse
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Green construction, Approaches, Certification, Materials, Green side of India
Valoda eng
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