Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids bakalaura akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Ekonomika
Nosaukums "Mikrofinanšu iestāžu pārvalde un efektivitāte"
Nosaukums angļu valodā "Governance and efficiency of microfinance institutions"
Struktūrvienība 22000 Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultāte
Darba vadītājs Dr.oec.S.Folster,
Recenzents I.Dovladbekova
Anotācija This research investigates efficiencies of microfinance institutions (MFI) by the legal status of NGO and non-NGO. Since there is evidence of increasing number of MFI, researchers are concerned whether these institutions are able to manage their financial funds and serve social mission. To define what may influence efficiency of MFI from social and financial aspect author based on literature review define sample of inputs and outputs which then are tested in ordinary least square (OLS) regression to confirm their necessity of inclusion. From obtained results author concluded that it is important to include previously in DEA unused interest premium as social efficiency output. Further in the research author uses technical efficiency with production approach and in order to calculate efficiencies author applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) based on Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR) input-oriented (IO) efficiency model. Before analysing data obtained from MIX Market author prepares it by removing outliers, using mean normalization and narrowing to the sample without MFIs with any missing values. Created sample is used at first stage to calculate necessary value which in second stage improves DEA results. Results show that non-NGO MFIs are financially driven and obtain high efficiency results in overall. In contrary, research indicates significant difficulties for efficiency results of NGO MFIs since they are financially driven and most of them are inefficient. Research contains 7 tables, 12 formulas, 1 figure and 5 appendices with 9 tables and 1 figure.
Atslēgas vārdi mikrofinanses, datu aptveršanas analīze, efektivitāte
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā microfinance, data envelopment analysis, efficiency, social, poverty
Valoda eng
Gads 2011
Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 06.06.2011 21:03:31