Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids maģistra akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Telekomunikācijas
Nosaukums Zudumu veidošanās mehānismu novērtējums optisko šķiedru metinājumos.
Nosaukums angļu valodā Investigation of attenuation mechanisms in optical fiber splices.
Struktūrvienība 13100 Telekomunikāciju institūts
Darba vadītājs Jurģis Poriņš
Recenzents Oļģerts Belmanis
Anotācija Master’s thesis on the topic: “Investigation of Attenuation Mechanisms in Optical Fiber Splices” This study analyses the properties of signal loss at optical splice joints. They include the investigation of splicing loss dispersion to the links overall loss. Splicing losses from four different points spread along an optical link were measured. The lateral and angular misalignment loss equations for single mode fiber, were employed to determine the lateral separation distances and angular deviations of each splice joint from the measured losses at the spliced joints. In the master thesis work presents an analysis of Attenuation effect happens at the time of splicing and the test conducted to reduce the attenuation loss are ‘Optical time domain reflector meter(OTDR)’ and ‘Optical spectrum analyzer(OSA)’. The causes and conditions of investigation is for the technical loss that is produced at time of usage of SMF. An analysis of statistics shows that the accessibility, reliability, and snag diagnostic-ability determines the maintainability splicing for SMF. The peculiarities involved in the splicing and tests for the attenuation effect in optical fiber are presented with the different levels of investigation in this paper. Understanding the instruments bringing about constriction in optical strands is imperative since the lessening in optical filaments restricts the execution of optical correspondence frameworks.These types of investigation and testing’s are used for the maintenance process, when the optical fiber is tend to attribute attenuation effect and is spliced out.
Atslēgas vārdi Optical time domain reflector meter(OTDR) and Optical spectrum analyzer(OSA),Splicing losses, Optical fiber, single mode fiber, Fujikura 50S.
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Optical time domain reflector meter(OTDR) and Optical spectrum analyzer(OSA),Splicing losses, Optical fiber, single mode fiber, Fujikura 50S.
Valoda eng
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