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Studiju veids maģistra akadēmiskās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Telekomunikācijas
Nosaukums Polarizācijas modu dispersijas mērījumu metožu novērtējums ŠOPS.
Nosaukums angļu valodā Evaluation of polarization mode dispersion measurements techniques in FOTS.
Struktūrvienība 13100 Telekomunikāciju institūts
Darba vadītājs Jurģis Poriņš
Recenzents Andis Supe
Anotācija The Master thesis is about to evaluate the Polarization mode dispersion measurement and techniques, in which we use the Polarization mode dispersion value to different parameters and different length of fibers in every case we do. We will identify Principal states of polarization change rapidly over time depending on the length of the fiber, if the fiber length is increased then there whether there is any change in the PMD coefficient. Under these circumstances, PMD compensation schemes that rely on the slow variation of the principal states of polarization will prove ineffective. By adding the Polarization controller, the pulse of the intensity changes with each length respectively. Parts of the collaboration of the Kerr non linearity and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) are considered. The fundamental condition that administers this cooperation on the length size of enthusiasm for optical fiber interchanges frameworks is the PMD condition. This condition is determined utilizing numerous length-scale systems. The concentration of the inference is the illustration of normal misconceptions and pitfalls as opposed to numerical meticulousness. The last section of this paper states the results and conclusion, for polarization mode dispersion measurements in fiber optic transmission system(FOTS).
Atslēgas vārdi Evaluating Polarization mode dispersion Measurements and techniques in fiber optics transmission system
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Evaluating Polarization mode dispersion Measurements and techniques in fiber optics transmission system
Valoda eng
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