Noslēguma darbu reģistrs
Studiju darba apraksts
Studiju veids bakalaura profesionālās studijas
Studiju programmas nosaukums Tehniskā tulkošana
Nosaukums Semantisko modeļu analīze tehniskajā tulkošanā
Nosaukums angļu valodā Analysis of Meaning Formation Patterns in Technical Translation
Struktūrvienība 23200 ETHF Lietišķās valodniecības institūts
Darba vadītājs Tatjana Smirnova
Recenzents Mag.philol., lekt. Marija Šulca
Anotācija The present Bachelor Paper “The Analysis of Meaning Formation Patterns in Technical Translation” has been developed by Anna Dokina, 4th year student of Professional Bachelor Study Programme “Technical Translation”. The Bachelor Paper comprises two main parts. In the theoretical part the author of the Bachelor Paper examines different opinions of well-known theoreticians on the meaning formation patterns. The main focus is on equivalence and types of equivalence. The author of the Paper has conducted research on the concept of equivalence, context and on selection of the appropriate equivalent terminology. The focus of the present Bachelor Paper is the types of equivalence disclosed by various linguists, context and terminology. The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the translation of the source text. The practical part comprises the translation of the source text from the book Practical Tunnel Construction by Gary B. Hemphill PhD, PE into the Russian language. The Bachelor Paper consists of the introduction, the theoretical part, the practical part – translation of the source text into Russian, conclusions, bibliography and appendices. There are 3 appendices: Glossary of Terms, Glossary of Context Dependent Items and Glossary of Non-Equivalent Terms; and the source text. The bibliography consists of 20 books, 2 printed dictionaries, 2 books and 2 online parallel texts and 7 online dictionaries, 33 items in total. Total volume of the Paper is 100 pages, not including the appendices.
Atslēgas vārdi Semantisko modeļu analīze tehniskajā tulkošanā
Atslēgas vārdi angļu valodā Analysis of Meaning Formation Patterns in Technical Translation
Valoda eng
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Darba augšupielādes datums un laiks 11.06.2014 16:18:48