Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Bachelor
Title of the study programm Entrepreneurship and Management
Title in original language Pētījums par digitālā mārketinga ietekmi uz mazā un vidējā biznesa attīstību Latvijā
Title in English Research on the impact of digital marketing on the development of small and medium sized businesses in Latvia
Department 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
Scientific advisor Rita Greitāne
Reviewer Kristīne Fedotova
Abstract Digital technologies have added a new dimension to the way of doing business, whether at the local or global levels. SMEs in Latvia, just similar as the others, do not lose the advantage of the digital transformation that is their guide for their growth and resourcefulness. This project is designed to acutely clarify the effect of digital marketing upon SMEs in Latvia. One of the key objectives of the research is to explain how small and medium businesses are changing their marketing strategies to include social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, and other forms of online advertising that enhance their visibility nationally and support the country’s economy. This mixed-method research (which includes interviews, surveys, and data analysis) is designed to give a comprehensive and detailed insight into the application and the efficiency of digital marketing methods among Latvian SMEs. The prospective outcomes include the identification of certain digital practices that relate to successful business, the realization of obstacles to advertisement which are effective through the digital, and the presentation of recommendations based on evidence that will advance the agency’s digital marketing strategies. This research is intended to yield novel outcomes in order to assist small business owners, policymakers and analysts to understand the fast growth of their small business in the Latvian market.
Keywords Latvia, Small Business, Development
Keywords in English Latvia, Small Business, Development
Language eng
Year 2024
Date and time of uploading 03.06.2024 21:31:14