Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Digital Humanities
Title in original language TikTok atspoguļojums ASV un Ķīnas plašsaziņas līdzekļos: Salīdzinošā analīze
Title in English Media Framing of TikTok in US and Chinese Mainstream Media: A Comparative Analysis
Department Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy
Scientific advisor Tatjana Menise
Reviewer Atis Kapenieks
Abstract The Master Thesis Media Framing of TikTok in US and Chinese Mainstream Media: A Comparative Analysis by Xinyi Yan explores how mainstream media in China and the United States depict TikTok-related events. By combining Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) with Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, the study examines the framing strategies of four media outlets: China Daily and Xinhua News Agency in China, and The New York Times and Fox News in the United States. Media significantly shape public opinion and influence perceptions of cultural, political, and ideological issues. Despite TikTok's global reach, its portrayal varies greatly across different media landscapes, reflecting national interests and biases. The research finds that Chinese media often highlight TikTok's role in cultural exchange and economic development, presenting it positively. In contrast, American media tend to focus on national security and data privacy concerns, frequently framing TikTok as a potential threat tied to Chinese government influence. This study reveals distinct ideological leanings in media coverage and shows how these narratives affect public perception and international relations. Additionally, it emphasizes the value of using both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze complex issues in information warfare, offering a comprehensive framework applicable to various contexts where media narratives and ideological positions intersect.
Keywords media framing, TikTok, US-China relations, Critical Discourse Analysis, Natural Language Processing, mainstream media, ideological bias
Keywords in English mediju ierāmēšana, TikTok, ASV un Ķīnas attiecības, kritisko diskursu analīze, dabiskās valodas apstrāde, plašsaziņas līdzekļi, ideoloģiskās novirzes
Language eng
Year 2024
Date and time of uploading 26.05.2024 20:25:38