Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Bachelor
Title of the study programm Information Technology
Title in original language Klasificēšanas risinājumu prototipēšana rēķinu apstrādes un verifikācijas procesa automatizēšanai
Title in English Development of the Invoice Verification Process Automation Classification Prototype
Department Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy
Scientific advisor Mg. sc. ing. Dmitrijs Pozdņakovs
Reviewer Mg. sc. ing. Armands Baranovskis
Abstract Modern business is looking forward to work as clock without problems and every time there is problem in any parts of business process the business loses money, that is why time management is the one of the most important things to business. One of the parts of business where problems occasionally appear is Invoice verification. The Invoice verification process is possible to improve using methods of artificial intellect and machine learning technologies. The main goal of this work is to try to create prototype which will help to decrease time needed for Invoice verification. Nowadays artificial intellect is used in all kinds of spheres, from computer gaming to medicine. During the work there were investigated following topics: pros and cons of manual invoice verification in SAP and invoice verification in SAP using help of artificial intellect, typical problems in invoice verification and verification procedure. As a result Predictive model was successfully created and was working as expected although if there was more time and more data Predictive model could have been more precize.
Keywords MI Mašīnmācīšanas rēķinu apstrādes
Keywords in English AI Machine Learning Invoice Verification
Language lv
Year 2021
Date and time of uploading 31.05.2021 23:21:00