Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Bachelor
Title of the study programm Engineering Technology , Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Title in original language Šķidruma griezes momenta pārveidotāja konstrukcijas analīze.
Title in English Analysis of the design of a fluid coupling torque converter.
Department Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering
Scientific advisor Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs
Reviewer Oļegs Jakovļevs
Abstract This thesis is designed as finishing work for bachelor academic studies at the Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics of RTU. This work is devoted to numerical analysis of fluid coupling torque converter. Design and modal analysis of the parts were performed in Solid Works software. The obtained results can be useful for new converter designing. The work consists of 53 pages and 44 figures. The bibliography comprises 8 sources.
Keywords “Analysis of the design of a fluid coupling torque converter”
Keywords in English “Analysis of the design of a fluid coupling torque converter”
Language eng
Year 2021
Date and time of uploading 18.01.2021 12:52:15