Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Engineering Technology, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Title in original language Transportlīdzekļa motora pārsega deflektora projektēšana un analīze.
Title in English Design and analysis of a vehicle bug shield.
Department Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering
Scientific advisor Ivo Vaicis
Reviewer Vladislavs Jevstigņejevs
Abstract The objective of the study is to understand the basic concept of air flow which are integrate with insects. The effects of air flow , its changes and projection of the flow when they are hit on a protective shield. The shield is commonly known as the vehicle bug shield. The work of the shield is to protect the bugs from hitting the bonnet of the car. The structure of the bug shield , its design, and the way it reflects the air flow have been studied. Nowadays most of the highway travellers are opting for this protective shield. They are easily fit to the car and is very cost efficient. A model which will be like the live model has been generated and used for analysis works. It is followed by generating another model from the first one to see the difference in the trajectory flow. Basically, it is improving the model for further observations. At last, both the models are compared based on their way in changing the flow. From the figures obtained it can be differentiated that which deviates most of the air flow which comes to hit it. The analysis work is performed using the ANSYS software. First the change in flow is monitored when the shields are subjected to three different velocities like a gradual increase from low to high speeds. The cross-sectional view is also involved here for better knowledge. The cut section will help in observing the streamlined view. A graph is plotted between two parameters which entails on the bug shield. Next the magnitude of action of pressure on both the shields have been worked on. The way of distribution of the pressure enormity throughout the protector is examined. The regions of high action as well as low action in the magnitude is researched. They are also proofed in the thesis with figures. The comparison between the two shield is done mainly under the basis of which one repels and diverts more air flow. This is taken under the understanding that the insects will also be diverted in the same way as of the flow of air at high speeds. Though it is a simple topic the generation of model along with the bug shield ad then improving it was complex operation. It had its own difficulty level. For two analysis there is respective graphs for them. At the end there is conclusion which incorporates the briefing on comparing and arriving on the good design among the two.
Keywords kukaiņi, gaisa plūsma, aerodinamika, kļūdu aizsargs, simulācija, pretestības spēks, ātrums, spiediens, analīze.
Keywords in English insects,air flow, aerodynamics, bug shield, simulation , drag force, velocity, pressure, analysis.
Language eng
Year 2021
Date and time of uploading 17.01.2021 17:33:35