Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Title in original language Prasības ražošanas plānošanas programmatūrai maziem uzņēmumiem un to realizācijas principi
Title in English Production Planning Software Requirements and Principles of Implementation in Small Enterprise
Department Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy
Scientific advisor Jeļena Pečerska
Reviewer Vadošais pētnieks Liāna Napalkova
Abstract This master thesis study was motivated by the inefficient production planning in a Latvian furniture manufacturing company. The thesis includes the principles and requirements of the production planning software to implement for the small enterprise. The information provided in this study has been simplified to be a hand guide for the people who do not have a sufficient understanding of the production planning methods, techniques, and implementations such as small business owners and entrepreneurs. An aggregate production planning model is formulated and solved as a linear programming problem. The model is integrated with the production planning tool which is developed using VBA programming language. The purpose of the aggregate model is to optimize the production plan, production cost, inventory level, and provide the efficient utilization of resources to meet the forecasted demand for a planning horizon of 12 months. Hence, it gives supremacy to small enterprises to gain the maximum possible profit and invest in the development of the business. The master thesis contains 80 pages, 22 images, 12 tables, 48 reference sources, and 4 appendices.
Keywords Keywords: Production planning and control, forecasting, aggregate production plan, linear programming, production plan optimization, small enterprise.
Keywords in English Keywords: Production planning and control, forecasting, aggregate production plan, linear programming, production plan optimization, small enterprise.
Language eng
Year 2020
Date and time of uploading 26.05.2020 17:43:14