Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Title in original language Industrijas 4.0 pieejas lietošana viedā dzelzceļa infrastruktūras koncepta izstrādē
Title in English Development of the Smart Railways Infrastructure Concept within Industry 4.0 Approach
Department Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy
Scientific advisor Andrejs Romānovs
Reviewer Docents Sergejs Paršutins
Abstract DEVELOPMENT OF THE SMART RAILWAYS INFRASTRUCTURE CONCEPT WITHIN INDUSTRY 4.0 APPROACH The master thesis investigates Industry 4.0. Approach implementation in the operations of the railway systems. In the 19th-century, railway infrastructure was a substantial and constituent member of technical innovation, specifically in the fields of control, command, and signaling. Today though other transportation developing alternatives which in some points get ahead of railways, create real menace by generating more cost and time-efficient solutions which catalyze loop wholes existing in railway infrastructure system in the current time. These threats can play commendatory roles for railways to become more appealing for users and more cost effectual. This master thesis was developed by the author to analyze the ongoing process of digitalization of the railway infrastructure on the way to develop “Smart Railways Infrastructure Concept.” By investigation, all current projects in the EU aimed to develop Smart Railway with 4.0. Industry Approach, the author collected information about all technical innovations needed to develop Smart Railways. The master thesis contains 77 pages, 34 images, 2 table, 45 reference sources.
Keywords Keywords: Railway infrastructure, Smart Railway, digitalization, RailBaltica, CIM/SMGS consignment note, railway development.
Keywords in English Keywords: Railway infrastructure, Smart Railway, digitalization, RailBaltica, CIM/SMGS consignment note, railway development.
Language eng
Year 2020
Date and time of uploading 26.05.2020 16:47:44