Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Industrial Engineering and Management
Title in original language Centralizēta materiālu iepirkuma izvērtējums energobūvniecības uzņēmumā
Title in English Evaluation of Centralized Material Procurement Possibilities in an Electrical Grid Construction Company
Department 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
Scientific advisor Mārīte Kirikova
Abstract The master thesis is dedicated to examining centralization as an influential factor in material procurement in medium size electrical grid construction companies in Latvian market. The research intends to answer the question: “How to reduce the cost for material procurement in an electrical grid construction company?” The hypothesis says that centralized procurement could be the answer to the question. The hypothesis fulfilment is examined through the literature review and a case study. The knowledge obtained from exploring the previous researches on the topic is used for examining the case study. The case study contains evaluation of the material procurement system in an existing company. Then, based on knowledge from the literature review and on identified places for improvement in the existing procurement system, an improved material procurement model is developed. The suggested model includes structural changes in the material procurement organization and introduces a decision model for the supplier selection. Since the real life rarely complies with the theory, the suggested procurement model is tested against real life challenges and limitation. Finally, the thesis provides a sequence of recommended actions that companies, with business model similar to the one reviewed in the case study, can use as a guideline in their procurement centralization projects. The conclusion on the related work on procurement modelling serves as a summary for the literature review. The future work identifies areas that have been left out of the scope of the master thesis, but are advised to be studied for the development of a fully integrated procurement system and achieving better results. The master thesis is written in English and it consists of 77 pages including 30 images and 9 tables. The bibliography includes 56 information sources. The thesis has 2 appendixes.
Keywords Centralization, Procurement, Purchasing
Keywords in English Centralizācija, Iepirkumi
Language eng
Year 2018
Date and time of uploading 29.05.2018 09:08:39