Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Bachelor
Title of the study programm Engineering Technology , Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Title in original language Bojājumu diagnostika mehāniskos objektos izmantojot vibrācijas signālus.
Title in English Failure diagnostic in mechanical objects using vibration signals.
Department Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering
Scientific advisor Vitālijs Beresņevičs
Reviewer Juris Kalinka
Abstract This written work is designed as finishing work for bachelor academic studies at the Institute of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics of RTU. The thesis is devoted to the research and development of failure diagnostic of Mechanical objects using vibration signals. Condition based maintenance used for mechanical objects to study the failure diagnostic in misalignment of shaft, ball bearing and gear box. Finding of internal defect with ultrasonic waves is analyzed. Case study consists of vibration diagnostic in shaft with finite element analysis using software “ANSYS”. By the computer simulation, frequency analysis for damaged and undamaged beam is made. Theoretical results are confirmed by practical experiment for detecting damage in turbine blades. And research on finding internal defect using ultrasonic waves and its impact on plant maintenance and mechanical objects. The volume of the thesis is 68 pages. It contains 73 figures, 1 table. The bibliography comprises 24 sources.
Keywords Bojājumu diagnostika mehāniskos objektos izmantojot vibrācijas signālus. Ar galīgo elementu metodi tika analizēta stieņa ar plaisu dinamika, izmantojot programmu "ANSYS". Ar datora modelēšanu tika izpildīta frekvenču analīze bojātam un nebojātam stienim. Modelēšanas rezultāti apstiprināti ar praktisko eksperimentu defektu diagnostikai turbīnu lāpstiņās.
Keywords in English Failure diagnostic in mechanical objects using vibration signals. Case study consists of vibration diagnostic in shaft with finite element analysis using software “ANSYS”. By the computer simulation, frequency analysis for damaged and undamaged beam is made. Theoretical results are confirmed by practical experiment for detecting damage in turbine blades.
Language eng
Year 2018
Date and time of uploading 16.01.2018 11:52:12