Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Title in original language Sadarbības platformas piegādes ķēžu tīklos
Title in English Collaborative Platforms in Supply Chain Networks
Department Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy
Scientific advisor Gaļina Merkurjeva
Reviewer Liāna Napalkova
Abstract ABSTRACT The opportunities and challenges of collaborative supply chain network along with the association of supply chain members reap the benefits includes enhancing firm performance in particular on logistics activities, reduction in supply chain costs in the form of inter firm transactions which are examined in the thesis. The overall framework of building supply chain collaborative involves coordinating; assembling supply chain network members includes producers, wholesalers, providers and buyers. Supply chain collaboration network creates effective environment but there are certain issues like power, trust, location, policies and the like is described. In chapter 3 we discussed on modern supporting technology like ERP, Transportation administration framework, GSM, RFID, cloud computing, Iot and SAAS assists collaborative supply chain network finally in case study we discuss with regard to modernizing collaborative supply chain planning aids in conquering issues faced in traditional supply chain and provide suggestions is given in the thesis. The thesis consist 81 pages, figures 31and in total 30references given
Keywords Collaboration, Aravind Mills, Supply chain network and Collaborative supply chain
Keywords in English Collaboration, Aravind Mills, Supply chain network and Collaborative supply chain
Language eng
Year 2017
Date and time of uploading 06.06.2017 14:36:26