Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Innovative road and bridge engineering
Title in original language Trokšņu samazināšanas līdzekļu analīze un novērtējums dzelzceļa pārbrauktuvju pieejās
Title in English Noise-reducing measures of railway crossing access analysis and assessment
Department Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering
Scientific advisor A. Laurinavičius
Abstract The final master thesis title: "Noise reducing measures analysis and assessment in railways". In final master work examines the impact of noise and damage for living organism. Analyzed documents which normalizing the noise level of Lithuania. Overview of the most used railway noise abatement measures in Lithuania and in the world. Presented formulas of calculations for silencing screen height selection and noise level reaching the living area. Taking advantage of the data received, was selected five problem areas, where one of these is selected for further examination. Using the software, to create two diffusion noise reduction options which present in map of noise. Concluded the economic evaluation. After analyzing received data, contains the final master work conclusions and recommendations. The work consists of 6 parts: Introduction, Noise reducing measures and measurement methodology, Theorical justification, Train noise data analysis, calculation and evaluation, General conclusions and suggestions, References. Working volume - 60 pages of text, 17 figures, 9 tables and 53 bibliographical sources.
Keywords Noise, noise reduction, noise in railways, acoustic walls, rail dampers, noise barriers, sound absorption, sound reflection.
Keywords in English Noise, noise reduction, noise in railways, acoustic walls, rail dampers, noise barriers, sound absorption, sound reflection.
Language eng
Year 2017
Date and time of uploading 19.01.2017 12:38:07