Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Computer Systems
Title in original language Lietošanas gadījumu diagrammu izvietošana
Title in English Layout of use case diagram
Department Faculty Of Computer Science Information Tehnology And Energy
Scientific advisor Oksana Ņikiforova
Reviewer Vadims Žuravļovs
Abstract Use case diagram become very popular nowadays for planning software project , and designing the use case diagram its has been always main topic of developing the plan , the layouts of the use case diagram plays a main on the designing and for make a effective use case diagram which satisfied all people involved on the project , its necessary to get deep idea about their different layouts for use case diagram
Keywords Izmantojiet diagrammu katrai diagrammai.
Keywords in English usecase layouts diagram algorithm
Language eng
Year 2017
Date and time of uploading 01.01.2017 16:58:35