Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Professional Bachelor
Title of the study programm Materials Technology and Design
Title in original language Velosipēda turētājs
Title in English Bicycle Holder
Department Institute of Arhitecture and Design
Scientific advisor, prakt.doc. Gunta Zommere
Reviewer, lektors Jānis Kalniņš
Abstract Ducena K. Velosipēda turētājs: bakalaura darbs ar projekta daļu. RTU Dizaina tehnoloģiju institūts. Materiālu tehnoloģiju un dizaina studiju programma. Rīga, 2016.
Keywords Velosipēda turētājs
Keywords in English Bicycle holder
Language lv
Year 2016
Date and time of uploading 20.06.2016 23:00:57