Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Professional Bachelor
Title of the study programm Heat, Gas and Water Tehnology
Title in original language "Biroju ēku gaisa piesārņojuma specifika"
Title in English "Specifics of air pollution in office buildings"
Department Faculty Of Civil And Mehanical Engineering
Scientific advisor Jurģis Zemītis
Reviewer Uldis Pelīte
Abstract The bachelor thesis “Specifics of air pollution in office building” of Mārtiņš Taube consists of theoretical part and engineering project. Good air quality is one of the most essential necessities regarding human surroundings. It is very important to maintain a good indoor air quality in an office building because people spend most of their day there. Therefore, good indoor air quality is so essential to provide healthy conditions and ability to work productively throughout the day while being in the office. Emission of hazardous pollution from the buildings’ envelope, office equipment or other sources may cause health problems on the long-term basis. Moreover, the consequences can be even lethal. The theoretical part of the thesis that is based on the literature research consists of three chapters. First chapter describes types of air pollutants in an indoor air environment and their impact on human health. This chapter emphasises the characteristics of micro particulates. In the second chapter the sources of pollution have been researched by highlighting the office equipment as the pollution reason. In the third chapter methods of maintaining a good indoor air quality have been suggested. In the engineering project a ventilation system for an office six-floor building has been designed. Calculus has been done for the air flow, and dimensioning for the ducts. Moreover, the necessary power for air heater has been calculated, and a model has been made which shows air distribution in a room. Bachelor thesis consists of: 49 pages, 13 equations, 7 tables, 11 figures, 4 drawings and 2 appendixes. 30 references have been used.
Keywords mikrodaļiņas; ventilācija; mikroklimats
Keywords in English Particulate matter; ventilation; indoor air quality
Language lv
Year 2016
Date and time of uploading 09.06.2016 11:00:30