Graduate papers
Description of the graduate paper
Form of studies Master
Title of the study programm Business Finance
Title in original language Mikrofinansēšanas ietekme uz ilgtspējīgu MVU attīstību Šri Lankā
Title in English Impact of Microfinance on Sustainable Development of SMEs in Sri Lanka
Department 22000 Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
Scientific advisor Nataļja Lāce
Reviewer Natālija Fiļipoviča
Abstract Sri Lanka is a small Island located in the Indian Ocean with the populations of 20 million and the total area of 65,625km2. Gross Domestic Production (GDP) worth USD 80 billion in the year of 2014 and GDP sector composition consisted by main economic sectors of Services 57.4%, Industry 28% and Agriculture 7.7%. Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SME’s) play a major role in Sri Lankan economy contributing to eighty percent of overall businesses. Government of Sri Lanka has taken numerous initiatives to promote Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in order to accelerate the economic growth and development in the country. Moreover all the obstacles faced by the SMEs in Sri Lanka limited access to finance remains as the most influencing factor to slow down the growth and development. The study of ‘Impact of Microfinance on Sustainable Development of SMEs in Sri Lanka’ mainly discuss the impact of microfinance facilities to the development of SMEs in Sri Lanka. Research subject is to study the impact of Microfinance Facilities for sustainable development of the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Sri Lanka’ while the Research objects is that present SME’s sector performances with the support of microfinance facilities in Sri Lanka. The research aim to study the challenges, problems that are faced by SMEs and analyzing the impact of microfinance for aforesaid development. The topicality of the study is the paramount of microfinance to a small economy like Sri Lanka to achieve sustainable development in SMEs sector to accelerate the overall economic development. The master thesis hypothesis is, there is a positive impact of microfinance facilities on sustainable development of SMEs in Sri Lanka. The objectives of the study listed as follows; • To identify the importance of Microfinance for sustainable development of SME’s in Sri Lanka; • To study the contribution of Microfinance to the SME sector in Sri Lanka; • To discover the main participants in the Microfinance field and their objectives; • To explore the problems related to microfinance in Sri Lanka and deliver scientific solutions to develop SME’s sector through microfinance; Analytical Part consisted with all the necessary information to statistically prove the impact of microfinance facilities to the development SMEs in Sri Lanka. Various statistics presented in related to the SMEs and Microfinance activities to prove the contribution and the importance of both sectors in terms of economic development in Sri Lanka. Theoretical Part of the research covers understanding the theories of Concept of Microfinance, Importance of Microfinance for SMEs, Microfinance Stakeholders, Background of Microfinance in Sri Lanka and Microfinance Models applied for SMEs. Further this section covers the microfinance models introduced by various academic experts both internationally and locally. Scientific Part contains discussion of the research which includes the perception SMEs stake holders on the impact of microfinance, Women’s participation in SMEs, Role of Formal Finance Institutions in terms addressing financial needs of SMEs, Types of Microfinance Institutions that provide access for SMEs finance needs, unique features of microfinance facilities that extended to support SMEs, problems and challenges faced by SMEs and contribution of microfinance service to the sustainable development of SMEs in Sri Lanka. Further, survey results interpreted by using SPSS software to statistically prove the correlation between the availability of microfinance facilities and performance of SMEs.
Keywords Microfinance Institutions, Microfinance Stake Hoders, Formal Finance Institutions, Government,Small and Medium Enterprises
Keywords in English Microfinance Institutions, Microfinance Stake Hoders, Formal Finance Institutions, Government,Small and Medium Enterprises
Language eng
Year 2016
Date and time of uploading 23.05.2016 12:33:19